Release checklist ================= A stable release is a release where the minor or micro version parts are incremented. A major release is a release where the major version part is incremented. Checks ------ * open "" and all tests has passed * Run ``git fetch; git status`` and check that nothing has changed Bump version ------------ for stable and major releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``python utils/ X.Y.Z`` * Check diff by ``git diff`` * ``git commit -am 'Bump to X.Y.Z final'`` * ``git tag vX.Y.Z -m "Sphinx X.Y.Z"`` for beta releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``python utils/ X.Y.0bN`` * Check diff by ``git diff`` * ``git commit -am 'Bump to X.Y.0 betaN'`` * ``git tag vX.Y.0b1 -m "Sphinx X.Y.0bN"`` Build Sphinx ------------ * ``make clean`` * ``python -m build .`` * ``twine upload dist/Sphinx-*`` * open and check for any obvious errors for stable and major releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``sh utils/ X.Y.Z`` Bump to next development version -------------------------------- for stable and major releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``python utils/ --in-develop X.Y.Z+1b0`` (ex. 1.5.3b0) for beta releases ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``python utils/ --in-develop X.Y.0bN+1`` (ex. 1.6.0b2) Commit version bump ------------------- * Check diff by ``git diff`` * ``git commit -am 'Bump version'`` * ``git push origin master --tags`` Final steps ----------- * Add new version/milestone to tracker categories * Write announcement and send to sphinx-dev, sphinx-users and python-announce