path: root/ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js b/ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e5505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/wasm/api/extern-post-js.c-pp.js
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+/* ^^^^ ACHTUNG: blank line at the start is necessary because
+ Emscripten will not add a newline in some cases and we need
+ a blank line for a sed-based kludge for the ES6 build. */
+/* extern-post-js.js must be appended to the resulting sqlite3.js
+ file. It gets its name from being used as the value for the
+ --extern-post-js=... Emscripten flag. Note that this code, unlike
+ most of the associated JS code, runs outside of the
+ Emscripten-generated module init scope, in the current
+ global scope. */
+//#if target=es6-module
+const toExportForESM =
+ /**
+ In order to hide the sqlite3InitModule()'s resulting
+ Emscripten module from downstream clients (and simplify our
+ documentation by being able to elide those details), we hide that
+ function and expose a hand-written sqlite3InitModule() to return
+ the sqlite3 object (most of the time).
+ Unfortunately, we cannot modify the module-loader/exporter-based
+ impls which Emscripten installs at some point in the file above
+ this.
+ */
+ const originalInit = sqlite3InitModule;
+ if(!originalInit){
+ throw new Error("Expecting globalThis.sqlite3InitModule to be defined by the Emscripten build.");
+ }
+ /**
+ We need to add some state which our custom Module.locateFile()
+ can see, but an Emscripten limitation currently prevents us from
+ attaching it to the sqlite3InitModule function object:
+ The only(?) current workaround is to temporarily stash this state
+ into the global scope and delete it when sqlite3InitModule()
+ is called.
+ */
+ const initModuleState = globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState = Object.assign(Object.create(null),{
+ moduleScript: globalThis?.document?.currentScript,
+ isWorker: ('undefined' !== typeof WorkerGlobalScope),
+ location: globalThis.location,
+ urlParams: globalThis?.location?.href
+ ? new URL(globalThis.location.href).searchParams
+ : new URLSearchParams()
+ });
+ initModuleState.debugModule =
+ initModuleState.urlParams.has('sqlite3.debugModule')
+ ? (...args)=>console.warn('sqlite3.debugModule:',...args)
+ : ()=>{};
+ if(initModuleState.urlParams.has('sqlite3.dir')){
+ initModuleState.sqlite3Dir = initModuleState.urlParams.get('sqlite3.dir') +'/';
+ }else if(initModuleState.moduleScript){
+ const li = initModuleState.moduleScript.src.split('/');
+ li.pop();
+ initModuleState.sqlite3Dir = li.join('/') + '/';
+ }
+ globalThis.sqlite3InitModule = function ff(...args){
+ //console.warn("Using replaced sqlite3InitModule()",globalThis.location);
+ return originalInit(...args).then((EmscriptenModule)=>{
+//#if wasmfs
+ if('undefined'!==typeof WorkerGlobalScope &&
+ EmscriptenModule['ENVIRONMENT_IS_PTHREAD']){
+ /** Workaround for wasmfs-generated worker, which calls this
+ routine from each individual thread and requires that its
+ argument be returned. The conditional criteria above are
+ fragile, based solely on inspection of the offending code,
+ not public Emscripten details. */
+ //console.warn("sqlite3InitModule() returning E-module.",EmscriptenModule);
+ return EmscriptenModule;
+ }
+ //console.warn("sqlite3InitModule() returning sqlite3 object.");
+ const s = EmscriptenModule.sqlite3;
+ s.scriptInfo = initModuleState;
+ //console.warn("sqlite3.scriptInfo =",s.scriptInfo);
+ if(ff.__isUnderTest) s.__isUnderTest = true;
+ const f = s.asyncPostInit;
+ delete s.asyncPostInit;
+ return f();
+ }).catch((e)=>{
+ console.error("Exception loading sqlite3 module:",e);
+ throw e;
+ });
+ };
+ globalThis.sqlite3InitModule.ready = originalInit.ready;
+ if(globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState.moduleScript){
+ const sim = globalThis.sqlite3InitModuleState;
+ let src = sim.moduleScript.src.split('/');
+ src.pop();
+ sim.scriptDir = src.join('/') + '/';
+ }
+ initModuleState.debugModule('sqlite3InitModuleState =',initModuleState);
+ if(0){
+ console.warn("Replaced sqlite3InitModule()");
+ console.warn("globalThis.location.href =",globalThis.location.href);
+ if('undefined' !== typeof document){
+ console.warn("document.currentScript.src =",
+ document?.currentScript?.src);
+ }
+ }
+//#ifnot target=es6-module
+// Emscripten does not inject these module-loader bits in ES6 module
+// builds and including them here breaks JS bundlers, so elide them
+// from ESM builds.
+ /* Replace the various module exports performed by the Emscripten
+ glue... */
+ if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object'){
+ module.exports = sqlite3InitModule;
+ }else if (typeof exports === 'object'){
+ exports["sqlite3InitModule"] = sqlite3InitModule;
+ }
+ /* AMD modules get injected in a way we cannot override,
+ so we can't handle those here. */
+//#endif // !target=es6-module
+ return globalThis.sqlite3InitModule /* required for ESM */;
+//#if target=es6-module
+sqlite3InitModule = toExportForESM;
+export default sqlite3InitModule;