path: root/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt
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Diffstat (limited to 'ext/wasm/jaccwabyt')
2 files changed, 1761 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.js b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1846441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/jaccwabyt.js
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
+ 2022-06-30
+ The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a
+ legal notice, here is a blessing:
+ * May you do good and not evil.
+ * May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+ * May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+ ***********************************************************************
+ The Jaccwabyt API is documented in detail in an external file,
+ _possibly_ called in the same directory as this file.
+ Project homes:
+ -
+ -
+'use strict';
+globalThis.Jaccwabyt = function StructBinderFactory(config){
+/* ^^^^ it is recommended that clients move that object into wherever
+ they'd like to have it and delete the self-held copy ("self" being
+ the global window or worker object). This API does not require the
+ global reference - it is simply installed as a convenience for
+ connecting these bits to other co-developed code before it gets
+ removed from the global namespace.
+ /** Throws a new Error, the message of which is the concatenation
+ all args with a space between each. */
+ const toss = (...args)=>{throw new Error(args.join(' '))};
+ /**
+ Implementing function bindings revealed significant
+ shortcomings in Emscripten's addFunction()/removeFunction()
+ interfaces:
+ Until those are resolved, or a suitable replacement can be
+ implemented, our function-binding API will be more limited
+ and/or clumsier to use than initially hoped.
+ */
+ if(!(config.heap instanceof WebAssembly.Memory)
+ && !(config.heap instanceof Function)){
+ toss("config.heap must be WebAssembly.Memory instance or a function.");
+ }
+ ['alloc','dealloc'].forEach(function(k){
+ (config[k] instanceof Function) ||
+ toss("Config option '"+k+"' must be a function.");
+ });
+ const SBF = StructBinderFactory;
+ const heap = (config.heap instanceof Function)
+ ? config.heap : (()=>new Uint8Array(config.heap.buffer)),
+ alloc = config.alloc,
+ dealloc = config.dealloc,
+ log = config.log || console.log.bind(console),
+ memberPrefix = (config.memberPrefix || ""),
+ memberSuffix = (config.memberSuffix || ""),
+ bigIntEnabled = (undefined===config.bigIntEnabled
+ ? !!globalThis['BigInt64Array'] : !!config.bigIntEnabled),
+ BigInt = globalThis['BigInt'],
+ BigInt64Array = globalThis['BigInt64Array'],
+ /* Undocumented (on purpose) config options: */
+ ptrSizeof = config.ptrSizeof || 4,
+ ptrIR = config.ptrIR || 'i32'
+ ;
+ if(!SBF.debugFlags){
+ SBF.__makeDebugFlags = function(deriveFrom=null){
+ /* This is disgustingly overengineered. :/ */
+ if(deriveFrom && deriveFrom.__flags) deriveFrom = deriveFrom.__flags;
+ const f = function f(flags){
+ if(0===arguments.length){
+ return f.__flags;
+ }
+ if(flags<0){
+ delete f.__flags.getter; delete f.__flags.setter;
+ delete f.__flags.alloc; delete f.__flags.dealloc;
+ }else{
+ f.__flags.getter = 0!==(0x01 & flags);
+ f.__flags.setter = 0!==(0x02 & flags);
+ f.__flags.alloc = 0!==(0x04 & flags);
+ f.__flags.dealloc = 0!==(0x08 & flags);
+ }
+ return f._flags;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(f,'__flags', {
+ iterable: false, writable: false,
+ value: Object.create(deriveFrom)
+ });
+ if(!deriveFrom) f(0);
+ return f;
+ };
+ SBF.debugFlags = SBF.__makeDebugFlags();
+ }/*static init*/
+ const isLittleEndian = (function() {
+ const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(2);
+ new DataView(buffer).setInt16(0, 256, true /* littleEndian */);
+ // Int16Array uses the platform's endianness.
+ return new Int16Array(buffer)[0] === 256;
+ })();
+ /**
+ Some terms used in the internal docs:
+ StructType: a struct-wrapping class generated by this
+ framework.
+ DEF: struct description object.
+ SIG: struct member signature string.
+ */
+ /** True if SIG s looks like a function signature, else
+ false. */
+ const isFuncSig = (s)=>'('===s[1];
+ /** True if SIG s is-a pointer signature. */
+ const isPtrSig = (s)=>'p'===s || 'P'===s;
+ const isAutoPtrSig = (s)=>'P'===s /*EXPERIMENTAL*/;
+ const sigLetter = (s)=>isFuncSig(s) ? 'p' : s[0];
+ /** Returns the WASM IR form of the Emscripten-conventional letter
+ at SIG s[0]. Throws for an unknown SIG. */
+ const sigIR = function(s){
+ switch(sigLetter(s)){
+ case 'c': case 'C': return 'i8';
+ case 'i': return 'i32';
+ case 'p': case 'P': case 's': return ptrIR;
+ case 'j': return 'i64';
+ case 'f': return 'float';
+ case 'd': return 'double';
+ }
+ toss("Unhandled signature IR:",s);
+ };
+ const affirmBigIntArray = BigInt64Array
+ ? ()=>true : ()=>toss('BigInt64Array is not available.');
+ /** Returns the name of a DataView getter method corresponding
+ to the given SIG. */
+ const sigDVGetter = function(s){
+ switch(sigLetter(s)) {
+ case 'p': case 'P': case 's': {
+ switch(ptrSizeof){
+ case 4: return 'getInt32';
+ case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && 'getBigInt64';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'i': return 'getInt32';
+ case 'c': return 'getInt8';
+ case 'C': return 'getUint8';
+ case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && 'getBigInt64';
+ case 'f': return 'getFloat32';
+ case 'd': return 'getFloat64';
+ }
+ toss("Unhandled DataView getter for signature:",s);
+ };
+ /** Returns the name of a DataView setter method corresponding
+ to the given SIG. */
+ const sigDVSetter = function(s){
+ switch(sigLetter(s)){
+ case 'p': case 'P': case 's': {
+ switch(ptrSizeof){
+ case 4: return 'setInt32';
+ case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && 'setBigInt64';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'i': return 'setInt32';
+ case 'c': return 'setInt8';
+ case 'C': return 'setUint8';
+ case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && 'setBigInt64';
+ case 'f': return 'setFloat32';
+ case 'd': return 'setFloat64';
+ }
+ toss("Unhandled DataView setter for signature:",s);
+ };
+ /**
+ Returns either Number of BigInt, depending on the given
+ SIG. This constructor is used in property setters to coerce
+ the being-set value to the correct size.
+ */
+ const sigDVSetWrapper = function(s){
+ switch(sigLetter(s)) {
+ case 'i': case 'f': case 'c': case 'C': case 'd': return Number;
+ case 'j': return affirmBigIntArray() && BigInt;
+ case 'p': case 'P': case 's':
+ switch(ptrSizeof){
+ case 4: return Number;
+ case 8: return affirmBigIntArray() && BigInt;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ toss("Unhandled DataView set wrapper for signature:",s);
+ };
+ /** Returns the given struct and member name in a form suitable for
+ debugging and error output. */
+ const sPropName = (s,k)=>s+'::'+k;
+ const __propThrowOnSet = function(structName,propName){
+ return ()=>toss(sPropName(structName,propName),"is read-only.");
+ };
+ /**
+ In order to completely hide StructBinder-bound struct
+ pointers from JS code, we store them in a scope-local
+ WeakMap which maps the struct-bound objects to their WASM
+ pointers. The pointers are accessible via
+ boundObject.pointer, which is gated behind an accessor
+ function, but are not exposed anywhere else in the
+ object. The main intention of that is to make it impossible
+ for stale copies to be made.
+ */
+ const __instancePointerMap = new WeakMap();
+ /** Property name for the pointer-is-external marker. */
+ const xPtrPropName = '(pointer-is-external)';
+ /** Frees the obj.pointer memory and clears the pointer
+ property. */
+ const __freeStruct = function(ctor, obj, m){
+ if(!m) m = __instancePointerMap.get(obj);
+ if(m) {
+ __instancePointerMap.delete(obj);
+ if(Array.isArray(obj.ondispose)){
+ let x;
+ while((x = obj.ondispose.shift())){
+ try{
+ if(x instanceof Function);
+ else if(x instanceof StructType) x.dispose();
+ else if('number' === typeof x) dealloc(x);
+ // else ignore. Strings are permitted to annotate entries
+ // to assist in debugging.
+ }catch(e){
+ console.warn("ondispose() for",ctor.structName,'@',
+ m,'threw. NOT propagating it.',e);
+ }
+ }
+ }else if(obj.ondispose instanceof Function){
+ try{obj.ondispose()}
+ catch(e){
+ /*do not rethrow: destructors must not throw*/
+ console.warn("ondispose() for",ctor.structName,'@',
+ m,'threw. NOT propagating it.',e);
+ }
+ }
+ delete obj.ondispose;
+ if(ctor.debugFlags.__flags.dealloc){
+ log("debug.dealloc:",(obj[xPtrPropName]?"EXTERNAL":""),
+ ctor.structName,"instance:",
+ ctor.structInfo.sizeof,"bytes @"+m);
+ }
+ if(!obj[xPtrPropName]) dealloc(m);
+ }
+ };
+ /** Returns a skeleton for a read-only property accessor wrapping
+ value v. */
+ const rop = (v)=>{return {configurable: false, writable: false,
+ iterable: false, value: v}};
+ /** Allocates obj's memory buffer based on the size defined in
+ ctor.structInfo.sizeof. */
+ const __allocStruct = function(ctor, obj, m){
+ let fill = !m;
+ if(m) Object.defineProperty(obj, xPtrPropName, rop(m));
+ else{
+ m = alloc(ctor.structInfo.sizeof);
+ if(!m) toss("Allocation of",ctor.structName,"structure failed.");
+ }
+ try {
+ if(ctor.debugFlags.__flags.alloc){
+ log("debug.alloc:",(fill?"":"EXTERNAL"),
+ ctor.structName,"instance:",
+ ctor.structInfo.sizeof,"bytes @"+m);
+ }
+ if(fill) heap().fill(0, m, m + ctor.structInfo.sizeof);
+ __instancePointerMap.set(obj, m);
+ }catch(e){
+ __freeStruct(ctor, obj, m);
+ throw e;
+ }
+ };
+ /** Gets installed as the memoryDump() method of all structs. */
+ const __memoryDump = function(){
+ const p = this.pointer;
+ return p
+ ? new Uint8Array(heap().slice(p, p+this.structInfo.sizeof))
+ : null;
+ };
+ const __memberKey = (k)=>memberPrefix + k + memberSuffix;
+ const __memberKeyProp = rop(__memberKey);
+ /**
+ Looks up a struct member in structInfo.members. Throws if found
+ if tossIfNotFound is true, else returns undefined if not
+ found. The given name may be either the name of the
+ structInfo.members key (faster) or the key as modified by the
+ memberPrefix and memberSuffix settings.
+ */
+ const __lookupMember = function(structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
+ let m = structInfo.members[memberName];
+ if(!m && (memberPrefix || memberSuffix)){
+ // Check for a match on members[X].key
+ for(const v of Object.values(structInfo.members)){
+ if(v.key===memberName){ m = v; break; }
+ }
+ if(!m && tossIfNotFound){
+ toss(sPropName(,memberName),'is not a mapped struct member.');
+ }
+ }
+ return m;
+ };
+ /**
+ Uses __lookupMember(obj.structInfo,memberName) to find a member,
+ throwing if not found. Returns its signature, either in this
+ framework's native format or in Emscripten format.
+ */
+ const __memberSignature = function f(obj,memberName,emscriptenFormat=false){
+ if(!f._) f._ = (x)=>x.replace(/[^vipPsjrdcC]/g,"").replace(/[pPscC]/g,'i');
+ const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
+ return emscriptenFormat ? f._(m.signature) : m.signature;
+ };
+ const __ptrPropDescriptor = {
+ configurable: false, enumerable: false,
+ get: function(){return __instancePointerMap.get(this)},
+ set: ()=>toss("Cannot assign the 'pointer' property of a struct.")
+ // Reminder: leaving `set` undefined makes assignments
+ // to the property _silently_ do nothing. Current unit tests
+ // rely on it throwing, though.
+ };
+ /** Impl of X.memberKeys() for StructType and struct ctors. */
+ const __structMemberKeys = rop(function(){
+ const a = [];
+ for(const k of Object.keys(this.structInfo.members)){
+ a.push(this.memberKey(k));
+ }
+ return a;
+ });
+ const __utf8Decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8');
+ const __utf8Encoder = new TextEncoder();
+ /** Internal helper to use in operations which need to distinguish
+ between SharedArrayBuffer heap memory and non-shared heap. */
+ const __SAB = ('undefined'===typeof SharedArrayBuffer)
+ ? function(){} : SharedArrayBuffer;
+ const __utf8Decode = function(arrayBuffer, begin, end){
+ return __utf8Decoder.decode(
+ (arrayBuffer.buffer instanceof __SAB)
+ ? arrayBuffer.slice(begin, end)
+ : arrayBuffer.subarray(begin, end)
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ Uses __lookupMember() to find the given obj.structInfo key.
+ Returns that member if it is a string, else returns false. If the
+ member is not found, throws if tossIfNotFound is true, else
+ returns false.
+ */
+ const __memberIsString = function(obj,memberName, tossIfNotFound=false){
+ const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
+ return (m && 1===m.signature.length && 's'===m.signature[0]) ? m : false;
+ };
+ /**
+ Given a member description object, throws if member.signature is
+ not valid for assigning to or interpretation as a C-style string.
+ It optimistically assumes that any signature of (i,p,s) is
+ C-string compatible.
+ */
+ const __affirmCStringSignature = function(member){
+ if('s'===member.signature) return;
+ toss("Invalid member type signature for C-string value:",
+ JSON.stringify(member));
+ };
+ /**
+ Looks up the given member in obj.structInfo. If it has a
+ signature of 's' then it is assumed to be a C-style UTF-8 string
+ and a decoded copy of the string at its address is returned. If
+ the signature is of any other type, it throws. If an s-type
+ member's address is 0, `null` is returned.
+ */
+ const __memberToJsString = function f(obj,memberName){
+ const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
+ __affirmCStringSignature(m);
+ const addr = obj[m.key];
+ //log("addr =",addr,memberName,"m =",m);
+ if(!addr) return null;
+ let pos = addr;
+ const mem = heap();
+ for( ; mem[pos]!==0; ++pos ) {
+ //log("mem[",pos,"]",mem[pos]);
+ };
+ //log("addr =",addr,"pos =",pos);
+ return (addr===pos) ? "" : __utf8Decode(mem, addr, pos);
+ };
+ /**
+ Adds value v to obj.ondispose, creating ondispose,
+ or converting it to an array, if needed.
+ */
+ const __addOnDispose = function(obj, ...v){
+ if(obj.ondispose){
+ if(!Array.isArray(obj.ondispose)){
+ obj.ondispose = [obj.ondispose];
+ }
+ }else{
+ obj.ondispose = [];
+ }
+ obj.ondispose.push(...v);
+ };
+ /**
+ Allocates a new UTF-8-encoded, NUL-terminated copy of the given
+ JS string and returns its address relative to heap(). If
+ allocation returns 0 this function throws. Ownership of the
+ memory is transfered to the caller, who must eventually pass it
+ to the configured dealloc() function.
+ */
+ const __allocCString = function(str){
+ const u = __utf8Encoder.encode(str);
+ const mem = alloc(u.length+1);
+ if(!mem) toss("Allocation error while duplicating string:",str);
+ const h = heap();
+ //let i = 0;
+ //for( ; i < u.length; ++i ) h[mem + i] = u[i];
+ h.set(u, mem);
+ h[mem + u.length] = 0;
+ //log("allocCString @",mem," =",u);
+ return mem;
+ };
+ /**
+ Sets the given struct member of obj to a dynamically-allocated,
+ UTF-8-encoded, NUL-terminated copy of str. It is up to the caller
+ to free any prior memory, if appropriate. The newly-allocated
+ string is added to obj.ondispose so will be freed when the object
+ is disposed.
+ The given name may be either the name of the structInfo.members
+ key (faster) or the key as modified by the memberPrefix and
+ memberSuffix settings.
+ */
+ const __setMemberCString = function(obj, memberName, str){
+ const m = __lookupMember(obj.structInfo, memberName, true);
+ __affirmCStringSignature(m);
+ /* Potential TODO: if obj.ondispose contains obj[m.key] then
+ dealloc that value and clear that ondispose entry */
+ const mem = __allocCString(str);
+ obj[m.key] = mem;
+ __addOnDispose(obj, mem);
+ return obj;
+ };
+ /**
+ Prototype for all StructFactory instances (the constructors
+ returned from StructBinder).
+ */
+ const StructType = function ctor(structName, structInfo){
+ if(arguments[2]!==rop){
+ toss("Do not call the StructType constructor",
+ "from client-level code.");
+ }
+ Object.defineProperties(this,{
+ //isA: rop((v)=>v instanceof ctor),
+ structName: rop(structName),
+ structInfo: rop(structInfo)
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Properties inherited by struct-type-specific StructType instances
+ and (indirectly) concrete struct-type instances.
+ */
+ StructType.prototype = Object.create(null, {
+ dispose: rop(function(){__freeStruct(this.constructor, this)}),
+ lookupMember: rop(function(memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
+ return __lookupMember(this.structInfo, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
+ }),
+ memberToJsString: rop(function(memberName){
+ return __memberToJsString(this, memberName);
+ }),
+ memberIsString: rop(function(memberName, tossIfNotFound=true){
+ return __memberIsString(this, memberName, tossIfNotFound);
+ }),
+ memberKey: __memberKeyProp,
+ memberKeys: __structMemberKeys,
+ memberSignature: rop(function(memberName, emscriptenFormat=false){
+ return __memberSignature(this, memberName, emscriptenFormat);
+ }),
+ memoryDump: rop(__memoryDump),
+ pointer: __ptrPropDescriptor,
+ setMemberCString: rop(function(memberName, str){
+ return __setMemberCString(this, memberName, str);
+ })
+ });
+ // Function-type non-Property inherited members
+ Object.assign(StructType.prototype,{
+ addOnDispose: function(...v){
+ __addOnDispose(this,...v);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ "Static" properties for StructType.
+ */
+ Object.defineProperties(StructType, {
+ allocCString: rop(__allocCString),
+ isA: rop((v)=>v instanceof StructType),
+ hasExternalPointer: rop((v)=>(v instanceof StructType) && !!v[xPtrPropName]),
+ memberKey: __memberKeyProp
+ });
+ const isNumericValue = (v)=>Number.isFinite(v) || (v instanceof (BigInt || Number));
+ /**
+ Pass this a StructBinder-generated prototype, and the struct
+ member description object. It will define property accessors for
+ proto[memberKey] which read from/write to memory in
+ this.pointer. It modifies descr to make certain downstream
+ operations much simpler.
+ */
+ const makeMemberWrapper = function f(ctor,name, descr){
+ if(!f._){
+ /*cache all available getters/setters/set-wrappers for
+ direct reuse in each accessor function. */
+ f._ = {getters: {}, setters: {}, sw:{}};
+ const a = ['i','c','C','p','P','s','f','d','v()'];
+ if(bigIntEnabled) a.push('j');
+ a.forEach(function(v){
+ //const ir = sigIR(v);
+ f._.getters[v] = sigDVGetter(v) /* DataView[MethodName] values for GETTERS */;
+ f._.setters[v] = sigDVSetter(v) /* DataView[MethodName] values for SETTERS */;
+ f._.sw[v] = sigDVSetWrapper(v) /* BigInt or Number ctor to wrap around values
+ for conversion */;
+ });
+ const rxSig1 = /^[ipPsjfdcC]$/,
+ rxSig2 = /^[vipPsjfdcC]\([ipPsjfdcC]*\)$/;
+ f.sigCheck = function(obj, name, key,sig){
+ if(, key)){
+ toss(obj.structName,'already has a property named',key+'.');
+ }
+ rxSig1.test(sig) || rxSig2.test(sig)
+ || toss("Malformed signature for",
+ sPropName(obj.structName,name)+":",sig);
+ };
+ }
+ const key = ctor.memberKey(name);
+ f.sigCheck(ctor.prototype, name, key, descr.signature);
+ descr.key = key;
+ = name;
+ const sigGlyph = sigLetter(descr.signature);
+ const xPropName = sPropName(ctor.prototype.structName,key);
+ const dbg = ctor.prototype.debugFlags.__flags;
+ /*
+ TODO?: set prototype of descr to an object which can set/fetch
+ its prefered representation, e.g. conversion to string or mapped
+ function. Advantage: we can avoid doing that via if/else if/else
+ in the get/set methods.
+ */
+ const prop = Object.create(null);
+ prop.configurable = false;
+ prop.enumerable = false;
+ prop.get = function(){
+ if(dbg.getter){
+ log("debug.getter:",f._.getters[sigGlyph],"for", sigIR(sigGlyph),
+ xPropName,'@', this.pointer,'+',descr.offset,'sz',descr.sizeof);
+ }
+ let rc = (
+ new DataView(heap().buffer, this.pointer + descr.offset, descr.sizeof)
+ )[f._.getters[sigGlyph]](0, isLittleEndian);
+ if(dbg.getter) log("debug.getter:",xPropName,"result =",rc);
+ return rc;
+ };
+ if(descr.readOnly){
+ prop.set = __propThrowOnSet(ctor.prototype.structName,key);
+ }else{
+ prop.set = function(v){
+ if(dbg.setter){
+ log("debug.setter:",f._.setters[sigGlyph],"for", sigIR(sigGlyph),
+ xPropName,'@', this.pointer,'+',descr.offset,'sz',descr.sizeof, v);
+ }
+ if(!this.pointer){
+ toss("Cannot set struct property on disposed instance.");
+ }
+ if(null===v) v = 0;
+ else while(!isNumericValue(v)){
+ if(isAutoPtrSig(descr.signature) && (v instanceof StructType)){
+ // It's a struct instance: let's store its pointer value!
+ v = v.pointer || 0;
+ if(dbg.setter) log("debug.setter:",xPropName,"resolved to",v);
+ break;
+ }
+ toss("Invalid value for pointer-type",xPropName+'.');
+ }
+ (
+ new DataView(heap().buffer, this.pointer + descr.offset, descr.sizeof)
+ )[f._.setters[sigGlyph]](0, f._.sw[sigGlyph](v), isLittleEndian);
+ };
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(ctor.prototype, key, prop);
+ }/*makeMemberWrapper*/;
+ /**
+ The main factory function which will be returned to the
+ caller.
+ */
+ const StructBinder = function StructBinder(structName, structInfo){
+ if(1===arguments.length){
+ structInfo = structName;
+ structName =;
+ }else if(!{
+ = structName;
+ }
+ if(!structName) toss("Struct name is required.");
+ let lastMember = false;
+ Object.keys(structInfo.members).forEach((k)=>{
+ // Sanity checks of sizeof/offset info...
+ const m = structInfo.members[k];
+ if(!m.sizeof) toss(structName,"member",k,"is missing sizeof.");
+ else if(m.sizeof===1){
+ (m.signature === 'c' || m.signature === 'C') ||
+ toss("Unexpected sizeof==1 member",
+ sPropName(,k),
+ "with signature",m.signature);
+ }else{
+ // sizes and offsets of size-1 members may be odd values, but
+ // others may not.
+ if(0!==(m.sizeof%4)){
+ console.warn("Invalid struct member description =",m,"from",structInfo);
+ toss(structName,"member",k,"sizeof is not aligned. sizeof="+m.sizeof);
+ }
+ if(0!==(m.offset%4)){
+ console.warn("Invalid struct member description =",m,"from",structInfo);
+ toss(structName,"member",k,"offset is not aligned. offset="+m.offset);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!lastMember || lastMember.offset < m.offset) lastMember = m;
+ });
+ if(!lastMember) toss("No member property descriptions found.");
+ else if(structInfo.sizeof < lastMember.offset+lastMember.sizeof){
+ toss("Invalid struct config:",structName,
+ "max member offset ("+lastMember.offset+") ",
+ "extends past end of struct (sizeof="+structInfo.sizeof+").");
+ }
+ const debugFlags = rop(SBF.__makeDebugFlags(StructBinder.debugFlags));
+ /** Constructor for the StructCtor. */
+ const StructCtor = function StructCtor(externalMemory){
+ if(!(this instanceof StructCtor)){
+ toss("The",structName,"constructor may only be called via 'new'.");
+ }else if(arguments.length){
+ if(externalMemory!==(externalMemory|0) || externalMemory<=0){
+ toss("Invalid pointer value for",structName,"constructor.");
+ }
+ __allocStruct(StructCtor, this, externalMemory);
+ }else{
+ __allocStruct(StructCtor, this);
+ }
+ };
+ Object.defineProperties(StructCtor,{
+ debugFlags: debugFlags,
+ isA: rop((v)=>v instanceof StructCtor),
+ memberKey: __memberKeyProp,
+ memberKeys: __structMemberKeys,
+ methodInfoForKey: rop(function(mKey){
+ }),
+ structInfo: rop(structInfo),
+ structName: rop(structName)
+ });
+ StructCtor.prototype = new StructType(structName, structInfo, rop);
+ Object.defineProperties(StructCtor.prototype,{
+ debugFlags: debugFlags,
+ constructor: rop(StructCtor)
+ /*if we assign StructCtor.prototype and don't do
+ this then StructCtor!==instance.constructor!*/
+ });
+ Object.keys(structInfo.members).forEach(
+ (name)=>makeMemberWrapper(StructCtor, name, structInfo.members[name])
+ );
+ return StructCtor;
+ };
+ StructBinder.StructType = StructType;
+ StructBinder.config = config;
+ StructBinder.allocCString = __allocCString;
+ if(!StructBinder.debugFlags){
+ StructBinder.debugFlags = SBF.__makeDebugFlags(SBF.debugFlags);
+ }
+ return StructBinder;
diff --git a/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/ b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431741e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/wasm/jaccwabyt/
@@ -0,0 +1,1065 @@
+Jaccwabyt 🐇
+**Jaccwabyt**: _JavaScript ⇄ C Struct Communication via WASM Byte
+Welcome to Jaccwabyt, a JavaScript API which creates bindings for
+WASM-compiled C structs, defining them in such a way that changes to
+their state in JS are visible in C/WASM, and vice versa, permitting
+two-way interchange of struct state with very little user-side
+(If that means nothing to you, neither will the rest of this page!)
+**Browser compatibility**: this library requires a _recent_ browser
+and makes no attempt whatsoever to accommodate "older" or
+lesser-capable ones, where "recent," _very roughly_, means released in
+mid-2018 or later, with late 2021 releases required for some optional
+features in some browsers (e.g. [BigInt64Array][] in Safari). It also
+relies on a couple non-standard, but widespread, features, namely
+[TextEncoder][] and [TextDecoder][]. It is developed primarily on
+Firefox and Chrome on Linux and all claims of Safari compatibility
+are based solely on feature compatibility tables provided at
+- Author: [Stephan Beal][sgb]
+- Project Homes:
+ - <>\
+ Is the primary home but...
+ - <>\
+ ... most development happens here.
+The license for both this documentation and the software it documents
+is the same as [sqlite3][], the project from which this spinoff
+project was spawned:
+> 2022-06-30:
+> The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of a
+> legal notice, here is a blessing:
+> May you do good and not evil.
+> May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+> May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+<a name='overview'></a>
+Table of Contents
+- [Overview](#overview)
+ - [Architecture](#architecture)
+- [Creating and Binding Structs](#creating-binding)
+ - [Step 1: Configure Jaccwabyt](#step-1)
+ - [Step 2: Struct Description](#step-2)
+ - [`P` vs `p`](#step-2-pvsp)
+ - [Step 3: Binding a Struct](#step-3)
+ - [Step 4: Creating, Using, and Destroying Instances](#step-4)
+- APIs
+ - [Struct Binder Factory](#api-binderfactory)
+ - [Struct Binder](#api-structbinder)
+ - [Struct Type](#api-structtype)
+ - [Struct Constructors](#api-structctor)
+ - [Struct Protypes](#api-structprototype)
+ - [Struct Instances](#api-structinstance)
+- Appendices
+ - [Appendix A: Limitations, TODOs, etc.](#appendix-a)
+ - [Appendix D: Debug Info](#appendix-d)
+ - [Appendix G: Generating Struct Descriptions](#appendix-g)
+<a name='overview'></a>
+Management summary: this JavaScript-only framework provides limited
+two-way bindings between C structs and JavaScript objects, such that
+changes to the struct in one environment are visible in the other.
+It works by creating JavaScript proxies for C structs. Reads and
+writes of the JS-side members are marshaled through a flat byte array
+allocated from the WASM heap. As that heap is shared with the C-side
+code, and the memory block is written using the same approach C does,
+that byte array can be used to access and manipulate a given struct
+instance from both JS and C.
+Motivating use case: this API was initially developed as an
+experiment to determine whether it would be feasible to implement,
+completely in JS, custom "VFS" and "virtual table" objects for the
+WASM build of [sqlite3][]. Doing so was going to require some form of
+two-way binding of several structs. Once the proof of concept was
+demonstrated, a rabbit hole appeared and _down we went_... It has
+since grown beyond its humble proof-of-concept origins and is believed
+to be a useful (or at least interesting) tool for mixed JS/C
+Portability notes:
+- These docs sometimes use [Emscripten][] as a point of reference
+ because it is the most widespread WASM toolchain, but this code is
+ specifically designed to be usable in arbitrary WASM environments.
+ It abstracts away a few Emscripten-specific features into
+ configurable options. Similarly, the build tree requires Emscripten
+ but Jaccwabyt does not have any hard Emscripten dependencies.
+- This code is encapsulated into a single JavaScript function. It
+ should be trivial to copy/paste into arbitrary WASM/JS-using
+ projects.
+- The source tree includes C code, but only for testing and
+ demonstration purposes. It is not part of the core distributable.
+<a name='architecture'></a>
+bug(?) (fossil): using "center" shrinks pikchr too much.
+BSBF: box rad 0.3*boxht "StructBinderFactory" fit fill lightblue
+BSB: box same "StructBinder" fit at 0.75 e of 0.7 s of BSBF.c
+BST: box same "StructType<T>" fit at 1.5 e of BSBF
+BSC: box same "Struct<T>" "Ctor" fit at 1.5 s of BST
+BSI: box same "Struct<T>" "Instances" fit at 1 right of BSB.e
+BC: box same at 0.25 right of 1.6 e of BST "C Structs" fit fill lightgrey
+arrow -> from BSBF.s to BSB.w "Generates" aligned above
+arrow -> from BSB.n to BST.sw "Contains" aligned above
+arrow -> from BSB.s to BSC.nw "Generates" aligned below
+arrow -> from to BSI.s "Constructs" aligned below
+arrow <- from to BSI.n "Inherits" aligned above
+arrow <-> from BSI.e to BC.s dotted "Shared" aligned above "Memory" aligned below
+arrow -> from BST.e to BC.w dotted "Mirrors Struct" aligned above "Model From" aligned below
+arrow -> from BST.s to BSC.n "Prototype of" aligned above
+Its major classes and functions are:
+- **[StructBinderFactory][StructBinderFactory]** is a factory function which
+ accepts a configuration object to customize it for a given WASM
+ environment. A client will typically call this only one time, with
+ an appropriate configuration, to generate a single...
+- **[StructBinder][]** is a factory function which converts an
+ arbitrary number struct descriptions into...
+- **[StructTypes][StructCtors]** are constructors, one per struct
+ description, which inherit from
+ **[`StructBinder.StructType`][StructType]** and are used to instantiate...
+- **[Struct instances][StructInstance]** are objects representing
+ individual instances of generated struct types.
+An app may have any number of StructBinders, but will typically
+need only one. Each StructBinder is effectively a separate
+namespace for struct creation.
+<a name='creating-binding'></a>
+Creating and Binding Structs
+From the amount of documentation provided, it may seem that
+creating and using struct bindings is a daunting task, but it
+essentially boils down to:
+1. [Confire Jaccwabyt for your WASM environment](#step-1). This is a
+ one-time task per project and results is a factory function which
+ can create new struct bindings.
+2. [Create a JSON-format description of your C structs](#step-2). This is
+ required once for each struct and required updating if the C
+ structs change.
+3. [Feed (2) to the function generated by (1)](#step-3) to create JS
+ constuctor functions for each struct. This is done at runtime, as
+ opposed to during a build-process step, and can be set up in such a
+ way that it does not require any maintenace after its initial
+ setup.
+4. [Create and use instances of those structs](#step-4).
+Detailed instructions for each of those steps follows...
+<a name='step-1'></a>
+Step 1: Configure Jaccwabyt for the Environment
+Jaccwabyt's highest-level API is a single function. It creates a
+factory for processing struct descriptions, but does not process any
+descriptions itself. This level of abstraction exist primarily so that
+the struct-specific factories can be configured for a given WASM
+environment. Its usage looks like:
+const MyBinder = StructBinderFactory({
+ // These config options are all required:
+ heap: WebAssembly.Memory instance or a function which returns
+ a Uint8Array or Int8Array view of the WASM memory,
+ alloc: function(howMuchMemory){...},
+ dealloc: function(pointerToFree){...}
+It also offers a number of other settings, but all are optional except
+for the ones shown above. Those three config options abstract away
+details which are specific to a given WASM environment. They provide
+the WASM "heap" memory, the memory allocator, and the deallocator. In
+a conventional Emscripten setup, that config might simply look like:
+ heap: Module['asm']['memory'],
+ //Or:
+ // heap: ()=>Module['HEAP8'],
+ alloc: (n)=>Module['_malloc'](n),
+ dealloc: (m)=>Module['_free'](m)
+The StructBinder factory function returns a function which can then be
+used to create bindings for our structs.
+<a name='step-2'></a>
+Step 2: Create a Struct Description
+The primary input for this framework is a JSON-compatible construct
+which describes a struct we want to bind. For example, given this C
+// C-side:
+struct Foo {
+ int member1;
+ void * member2;
+ int64_t member3;
+Its JSON description looks like:
+ "name": "Foo",
+ "sizeof": 16,
+ "members": {
+ "member1": {"offset": 0,"sizeof": 4,"signature": "i"},
+ "member2": {"offset": 4,"sizeof": 4,"signature": "p"},
+ "member3": {"offset": 8,"sizeof": 8,"signature": "j"}
+ }
+These data _must_ match up with the C-side definition of the struct
+(if any). See [Appendix G][appendix-g] for one way to easily generate
+these from C code.
+Each entry in the `members` object maps the member's name to
+its low-level layout:
+- `offset`: the byte offset from the start of the struct, as reported
+ by C's `offsetof()` feature.
+- `sizeof`: as reported by C's `sizeof()`.
+- `signature`: described below.
+- `readOnly`: optional. If set to true, the binding layer will
+ throw if JS code tries to set that property.
+The order of the `members` entries is not important: their memory
+layout is determined by their `offset` and `sizeof` members. The
+`name` property is technically optional, but one of the steps in the
+binding process requires that either it be passed an explicit name or
+there be one in the struct description. The names of the `members`
+entries need not match their C counterparts. Project conventions may
+call for giving them different names in the JS side and the
+[StructBinderFactory][] can be configured to automatically add a
+prefix and/or suffix to their names.
+Nested structs are as-yet unsupported by this tool.
+Struct member "signatures" describe the data types of the members and
+are an extended variant of the format used by Emscripten's
+`addFunction()`. A signature for a non-function-pointer member, or
+function pointer member which is to be modelled as an opaque pointer,
+is a single letter. A signature for a function pointer may also be
+modelled as a series of letters describing the call signature. The
+supported letters are:
+- **`v`** = `void` (only used as return type for function pointer members)
+- **`i`** = `int32` (4 bytes)
+- **`j`** = `int64` (8 bytes) is only really usable if this code is built
+ with BigInt support (e.g. using the Emscripten `-sWASM_BIGINT` build
+ flag). Without that, this API may throw when encountering the `j`
+ signature entry.
+- **`f`** = `float` (4 bytes)
+- **`d`** = `double` (8 bytes)
+- **`c`** = `int8` (1 byte) char - see notes below!
+- **`C`** = `uint8` (1 byte) unsigned char - see notes below!
+- **`p`** = `int32` (see notes below!)
+- **`P`** = Like `p` but with extra handling. Described below.
+- **`s`** = like `int32` but is a _hint_ that it's a pointer to a
+ string so that _some_ (very limited) contexts may treat it as such,
+ noting that such algorithms must, for lack of information to the
+ contrary, assume both that the encoding is UTF-8 and that the
+ pointer's member is NUL-terminated. If that is _not_ the case for a
+ given string member, do not use `s`: use `i` or `p` instead and do
+ any string handling yourself.
+Noting that:
+- **All of these types are numeric**. Attempting to set any
+ struct-bound property to a non-numeric value will trigger an
+ exception except in cases explicitly noted otherwise.
+- **"Char" types**: WASM does not define an `int8` type, nor does it
+ distinguish between signed and unsigned. This API treats `c` as
+ `int8` and `C` as `uint8` for purposes of getting and setting values
+ when using the `DataView` class. It is _not_ recommended that client
+ code use these types in new WASM-capable code, but they were added
+ for the sake of binding some immutable legacy code to WASM.
+> Sidebar: Emscripten's public docs do not mention `p`, but their
+generated code includes `p` as an alias for `i`, presumably to mean
+"pointer". Though `i` is legal for pointer types in the signature, `p`
+is more descriptive, so this framework encourages the use of `p` for
+pointer-type members. Using `p` for pointers also helps future-proof
+the signatures against the eventuality that WASM eventually supports
+64-bit pointers. Note that sometimes `p` really means
+pointer-to-pointer, but the Emscripten JS/WASM glue does not offer
+that level of expressiveness in these signatures. We simply have to be
+aware of when we need to deal with pointers and pointers-to-pointers
+in JS code.
+> Trivia: this API treates `p` as distinctly different from `i` in
+some contexts, so its use is encouraged for pointer types.
+Signatures in the form `x(...)` denote function-pointer members and
+`x` denotes non-function members. Functions with no arguments use the
+form `x()`. For function-type signatures, the strings are formulated
+such that they can be passed to Emscripten's `addFunction()` after
+stripping out the `(` and `)` characters. For good measure, to match
+the public Emscripten docs, `p`, `c`, and `C`, should also be replaced
+with `i`. In JavaScript that might look like:
+<a name='step-2-pvsp'></a>
+### `P` vs `p` in Method Signatures
+*This support is experimental and subject to change.*
+The method signature letter `p` means "pointer," which, in WASM, means
+"integer." `p` is treated as an integer for most contexts, while still
+also being a separate type (analog to how pointers in C are just a
+special use of unsigned numbers). A capital `P` changes the semantics
+of plain member pointers (but not, as of this writing, function
+pointer members) as follows:
+- When a `P`-type member is **set** via `myStruct.x=y`, if
+ [`(y instanceof StructType)`][StructType] then the value of `y.pointer` is
+ stored in `myStruct.x`. If `y` is neither a number nor
+ a [StructType][], an exception is triggered (regardless of whether
+ `p` or `P` is used).
+<a name='step-3'></a>
+Step 3: Binding the Struct
+We can now use the results of steps 1 and 2:
+const MyStruct = MyBinder(myStructDescription);
+That creates a new constructor function, `MyStruct`, which can be used
+to instantiate new instances. The binder will throw if it encounters
+any problems.
+That's all there is to it.
+> Sidebar: that function may modify the struct description object
+and/or its sub-objects, or may even replace sub-objects, in order to
+simplify certain later operations. If that is not desired, then feed
+it a copy of the original, e.g. by passing it
+<a name='step-4'></a>
+Step 4: Creating, Using, and Destroying Struct Instances
+Now that we have our constructor...
+const my = new MyStruct();
+It is important to understand that creating a new instance allocates
+memory on the WASM heap. We must not simply rely on garbage collection
+to clean up the instances because doing so will not free up the WASM
+heap memory. The correct way to free up that memory is to use the
+object's `dispose()` method.
+The following usage pattern offers one way to easily ensure proper
+cleanup of struct instances:
+const my = new MyStruct();
+try {
+ console.log(my.member1, my.member2, my.member3);
+ my.member1 = 12;
+ assert(12 === my.member1);
+ /* ^^^ it may seem silly to test that, but recall that assigning that
+ property encodes the value into a byte array in heap memory, not
+ a normal JS property. Similarly, fetching the property decodes it
+ from the byte array. */
+ // Pass the struct to C code which takes a MyStruct pointer:
+ aCFunction( my.pointer );
+} finally {
+ my.dispose();
+> Sidebar: the `finally` block will be run no matter how the `try`
+exits, whether it runs to completion, propagates an exception, or uses
+flow-control keywords like `return` or `break`. It is perfectly legal
+to use `try`/`finally` without a `catch`, and doing so is an ideal
+match for the memory management requirements of Jaccwaby-bound struct
+It is often useful to wrap an existing instance of a C-side struct
+without taking over ownership of its memory. That can be achieved by
+simply passing a pointer to the constructor. For example:
+const m = new MyStruct( functionReturningASharedPtr() );
+// calling m.dispose() will _not_ free the wrapped C-side instance
+// but will trigger any ondispose handler.
+Now that we have struct instances, there are a number of things we
+can do with them, as covered in the rest of this document.
+<a name='api'></a>
+API Reference
+<a name='api-binderfactory'></a>
+API: Binder Factory
+This is the top-most function of the API, from which all other
+functions and types are generated. The binder factory's signature is:
+Function StructBinderFactory(object configOptions);
+It returns a function which these docs refer to as a [StructBinder][]
+(covered in the next section). It throws on error.
+The binder factory supports the following options in its
+configuration object argument:
+- `heap`
+ Must be either a `WebAssembly.Memory` instance representing the WASM
+ heap memory OR a function which returns an Int8Array or Uint8Array
+ view of the WASM heap. In the latter case the function should, if
+ appropriate for the environment, account for the heap being able to
+ grow. Jaccwabyt uses this property in such a way that it "should" be
+ okay for the WASM heap to grow at runtime (that case is, however,
+ untested).
+- `alloc`
+ Must be a function semantically compatible with Emscripten's
+ `Module._malloc()`. That is, it is passed the number of bytes to
+ allocate and it returns a pointer. On allocation failure it may
+ either return 0 or throw an exception. This API will throw an
+ exception if allocation fails or will propagate whatever exception
+ the allocator throws. The allocator _must_ use the same heap as the
+ `heap` config option.
+- `dealloc`
+ Must be a function semantically compatible with Emscripten's
+ `Module._free()`. That is, it takes a pointer returned from
+ `alloc()` and releases that memory. It must never throw and must
+ accept a value of 0/null to mean "do nothing" (noting that 0 is
+ _technically_ a legal memory address in WASM, but that seems like a
+ design flaw).
+- `bigIntEnabled` (bool=true if BigInt64Array is available, else false)
+ If true, the WASM bits this code is used with must have been
+ compiled with int64 support (e.g. using Emscripten's `-sWASM_BIGINT`
+ flag). If that's not the case, this flag should be set to false. If
+ it's enabled, BigInt support is assumed to work and certain extra
+ features are enabled. Trying to use features which requires BigInt
+ when it is disabled (e.g. using 64-bit integer types) will trigger
+ an exception.
+- `memberPrefix` and `memberSuffix` (string="")
+ If set, struct-defined properties get bound to JS with this string
+ as a prefix resp. suffix. This can be used to avoid symbol name
+ collisions between the struct-side members and the JS-side ones
+ and/or to make more explicit which object-level properties belong to
+ the struct mapping and which to the JS side. This does not modify
+ the values in the struct description objects, just the property
+ names through which they are accessed via property access operations
+ and the various a [StructInstance][] APIs (noting that the latter
+ tend to permit both the original names and the names as modified by
+ these settings).
+- `log`
+ Optional function used for debugging output. By default
+ `console.log` is used but by default no debug output is generated.
+ This API assumes that the function will space-separate each argument
+ (like `console.log` does). See [Appendix D](#appendix-d) for info
+ about enabling debugging output.
+<a name='api-structbinder'></a>
+API: Struct Binder
+Struct Binders are factories which are created by the
+[StructBinderFactory][]. A given Struct Binder can process any number
+of distinct structs. In a typical setup, an app will have ony one
+shared Binder Factory and one Struct Binder. Struct Binders which are
+created via different [StructBinderFactory][] calls are unrelated to each
+other, sharing no state except, perhaps, indirectly via
+[StructBinderFactory][] configuration (e.g. the memory heap).
+These factories have two call signatures:
+Function StructBinder([string structName,] object structDescription)
+If the struct description argument has a `name` property then the name
+argument is optional, otherwise it is required.
+The returned object is a constructor for instances of the struct
+described by its argument(s), each of which derives from
+a separate [StructType][] instance.
+The Struct Binder has the following members:
+- `allocCString(str)`
+ Allocates a new UTF-8-encoded, NUL-terminated copy of the given JS
+ string and returns its address relative to `config.heap()`. If
+ allocation returns 0 this function throws. Ownership of the memory
+ is transfered to the caller, who must eventually pass it to the
+ configured `config.dealloc()` function.
+- `config`
+ The configuration object passed to the [StructBinderFactory][],
+ primarily for accessing the memory (de)allocator and memory. Modifying
+ any of its "significant" configuration values may have undefined
+ results.
+<a name='api-structtype'></a>
+API: Struct Type
+The StructType class is a property of the [StructBinder][] function.
+Each constructor created by a [StructBinder][] inherits from _its own
+instance_ of the StructType class, which contains state specific to
+that struct type (e.g. the struct name and description metadata).
+StructTypes which are created via different [StructBinder][] instances
+are unrelated to each other, sharing no state except [StructBinderFactory][]
+config options.
+The StructType constructor cannot be called from client code. It is
+only called by the [StructBinder][]-generated
+[constructors][StructCtors]. The `StructBinder.StructType` object
+has the following "static" properties (^Which are accessible from
+individual instances via `theInstance.constructor`.):
+- `addOnDispose(...value)`\
+ If this object has no `ondispose` property, this function creates it
+ as an array and pushes the given value(s) onto it. If the object has
+ a function-typed `ondispose` property, this call replaces it with an
+ array and moves that function into the array. In all other cases,
+ `ondispose` is assumed to be an array and the argument(s) is/are
+ appended to it. Returns `this`.
+- `allocCString(str)`
+ Identical to the [StructBinder][] method of the same name.
+- `hasExternalPointer(object)`
+ Returns true if the given object's `pointer` member refers to an
+ "external" object. That is the case when a pointer is passed to a
+ [struct's constructor][StructCtors]. If true, the memory is owned by
+ someone other than the object and must outlive the object.
+- `isA(value)`
+ Returns true if its argument is a StructType instance _from the same
+ [StructBinder][]_ as this StructType.
+- `memberKey(string)`
+ Returns the given string wrapped in the configured `memberPrefix`
+ and `memberSuffix` values. e.g. if passed `"x"` and `memberPrefix`
+ is `"$"` then it returns `"$x"`. This does not verify that the
+ property is actually a struct a member, it simply transforms the
+ given string. TODO(?): add a 2nd parameter indicating whether it
+ should validate that it's a known member name.
+The base StructType prototype has the following members, all of which
+are inherited by [struct instances](#api-structinstance) and may only
+legally be called on concrete struct instances unless noted otherwise:
+- `dispose()`
+ Frees, if appropriate, the WASM-allocated memory which is allocated
+ by the constructor. If this is not called before the JS engine
+ cleans up the object, a leak in the WASM heap memory pool will result.
+ When `dispose()` is called, if the object has a property named `ondispose`
+ then it is treated as follows:
+ - If it is a function, it is called with the struct object as its `this`.
+ That method must not throw - if it does, the exception will be
+ ignored.
+ - If it is an array, it may contain functions, pointers, other
+ [StructType] instances, and/or JS strings. If an entry is a
+ function, it is called as described above. If it's a number, it's
+ assumed to be a pointer and is passed to the `dealloc()` function
+ configured for the parent [StructBinder][]. If it's a
+ [StructType][] instance then its `dispose()` method is called. If
+ it's a JS string, it's assumed to be a helpful description of the
+ next entry in the list and is simply ignored. Strings are
+ supported primarily for use as debugging information.
+ - Some struct APIs will manipulate the `ondispose` member, creating
+ it as an array or converting it from a function to array as
+ needed.
+- `lookupMember(memberName,throwIfNotFound=true)`
+ Given the name of a mapped struct member, it returns the member
+ description object. If not found, it either throws (if the 2nd
+ argument is true) or returns `undefined` (if the second argument is
+ false). The first argument may be either the member name as it is
+ mapped in the struct description or that same name with the
+ configured `memberPrefix` and `memberSuffix` applied, noting that
+ the lookup in the former case is faster.\
+ This method may be called directly on the prototype, without a
+ struct instance.
+- `memberToJsString(memberName)`
+ Uses `this.lookupMember(memberName,true)` to look up the given
+ member. If its signature is `s` then it is assumed to refer to a
+ NUL-terminated, UTF-8-encoded string and its memory is decoded as
+ such. If its signature is not one of those then an exception is
+ thrown. If its address is 0, `null` is returned. See also:
+ `setMemberCString()`.
+- `memberIsString(memberName [,throwIfNotFound=true])`
+ Uses `this.lookupMember(memberName,throwIfNotFound)` to look up the
+ given member. Returns the member description object if the member
+ has a signature of `s`, else returns false. If the given member is
+ not found, it throws if the 2nd argument is true, else it returns
+ false.
+- `memberKey(string)`
+ Works identically to `StructBinder.StructType.memberKey()`.
+- `memberKeys()`
+ Returns an array of the names of the properties of this object
+ which refer to C-side struct counterparts.
+- `memberSignature(memberName [,emscriptenFormat=false])`
+ Returns the signature for a given a member property, either in this
+ framework's format or, if passed a truthy 2nd argument, in a format
+ suitable for the 2nd argument to Emscripten's `addFunction()`.
+ Throws if the first argument does not resolve to a struct-bound
+ member name. The member name is resolved using `this.lookupMember()`
+ and throws if the member is found mapped.
+- `memoryDump()`
+ Returns a Uint8Array which contains the current state of this
+ object's raw memory buffer. Potentially useful for debugging, but
+ not much else. Note that the memory is necessarily, for
+ compatibility with C, written in the host platform's endianness and
+ is thus not useful as a persistent/portable serialization format.
+- `setMemberCString(memberName,str)`
+ Uses `StructType.allocCString()` to allocate a new C-style string,
+ assign it to the given member, and add the new string to this
+ object's `ondispose` list for cleanup when `this.dispose()` is
+ called. This function throws if `lookupMember()` fails for the given
+ member name, if allocation of the string fails, or if the member has
+ a signature value of anything other than `s`. Returns `this`.
+ *Achtung*: calling this repeatedly will not immediately free the
+ previous values because this code cannot know whether they are in
+ use in other places, namely C. Instead, each time this is called,
+ the prior value is retained in the `ondispose` list for cleanup when
+ the struct is disposed of. Because of the complexities and general
+ uncertainties of memory ownership and lifetime in such
+ constellations, it is recommended that the use of C-string members
+ from JS be kept to a minimum or that the relationship be one-way:
+ let C manage the strings and only fetch them from JS using, e.g.,
+ `memberToJsString()`.
+<a name='api-structctor'></a>
+API: Struct Constructors
+Struct constructors (the functions returned from [StructBinder][])
+are used for, intuitively enough, creating new instances of a given
+struct type:
+const x = new MyStruct;
+Normally they should be passed no arguments, but they optionally
+accept a single argument: a WASM heap pointer address of memory
+which the object will use for storage. It does _not_ take over
+ownership of that memory and that memory must be valid at
+for least as long as this struct instance. This is used, for example,
+to proxy static/shared C-side instances:
+const x = new MyStruct( someCFuncWhichReturnsAMyStructPointer() );
+x.dispose(); // does NOT free the memory
+The JS-side construct does not own the memory in that case and has no
+way of knowing when the C-side struct is destroyed. Results are
+specifically undefined if the JS-side struct is used after the C-side
+struct's member is freed.
+> Potential TODO: add a way of passing ownership of the C-side struct
+to the JS-side object. e.g. maybe simply pass `true` as the second
+argument to tell the constructor to take over ownership. Currently the
+pointer can be taken over using something like
+`myStruct.ondispose=[myStruct.pointer]` immediately after creation.
+These constructors have the following "static" members:
+- `isA(value)`
+ Returns true if its argument was created by this constructor.
+- `memberKey(string)`
+ Works exactly as documented for [StructType][].
+- `memberKeys(string)`
+ Works exactly as documented for [StructType][].
+- `structInfo`
+ The structure description passed to [StructBinder][] when this
+ constructor was generated.
+- `structName`
+ The structure name passed to [StructBinder][] when this constructor
+ was generated.
+<a name='api-structprototype'></a>
+API: Struct Prototypes
+The prototypes of structs created via [the constructors described in
+the previous section][StructCtors] are each a struct-type-specific
+instance of [StructType][] and add the following struct-type-specific
+properties to the mix:
+- `structInfo`
+ The struct description metadata, as it was given to the
+ [StructBinder][] which created this class.
+- `structName`
+ The name of the struct, as it was given to the [StructBinder][] which
+ created this class.
+<a name='api-structinstance'></a>
+API: Struct Instances
+Instances of structs created via [the constructors described
+above][StructCtors] each have the following instance-specific state in
+- `pointer`
+ A read-only numeric property which is the "pointer" returned by the
+ configured allocator when this object is constructed. After
+ `dispose()` (inherited from [StructType][]) is called, this property
+ has the `undefined` value. When calling C-side code which takes a
+ pointer to a struct of this type, simply pass it `myStruct.pointer`.
+<a name='appendices'></a>
+<a name='appendix-a'></a>
+Appendix A: Limitations, TODOs, and Non-TODOs
+- This library only supports the basic set of member types supported
+ by WASM: numbers (which includes pointers). Nested structs are not
+ handled except that a member may be a _pointer_ to such a
+ struct. Whether or not it ever will depends entirely on whether its
+ developer ever needs that support. Conversion of strings between
+ JS and C requires infrastructure specific to each WASM environment
+ and is not directly supported by this library.
+- Binding functions to struct instances, such that C can see and call
+ JS-defined functions, is not as transparent as it really could be,
+ due to [shortcomings in the Emscripten
+ `addFunction()`/`removeFunction()`
+ interfaces]( Until
+ a replacement for that API can be written, this support will be
+ quite limited. It _is_ possible to bind a JS-defined function to a
+ C-side function pointer and call that function from C. What's
+ missing is easier-to-use/more transparent support for doing so.
+ - In the meantime, a [standalone
+ subproject](/file/common/whwasmutil.js) of Jaccwabyt provides such a
+ binding mechanism, but integrating it directly with Jaccwabyt would
+ not only more than double its size but somehow feels inappropriate, so
+ experimentation is in order for how to offer that capability via
+ completely optional [StructBinderFactory][] config options.
+- It "might be interesting" to move access of the C-bound members into
+ a sub-object. e.g., from JS they might be accessed via
+ `myStructInstance.s.structMember`. The main advantage is that it would
+ eliminate any potential confusion about which members are part of
+ the C struct and which exist purely in JS. "The problem" with that
+ is that it requires internally mapping the `s` member back to the
+ object which contains it, which makes the whole thing more costly
+ and adds one more moving part which can break. Even so, it's
+ something to try out one rainy day. Maybe even make it optional and
+ make the `s` name configurable via the [StructBinderFactory][]
+ options. (Over-engineering is an arguably bad habit of mine.)
+- It "might be interesting" to offer (de)serialization support. It
+ would be very limited, e.g. we can't serialize arbitrary pointers in
+ any meaningful way, but "might" be useful for structs which contain
+ only numeric or C-string state. As it is, it's easy enough for
+ client code to write wrappers for that and handle the members in
+ ways appropriate to their apps. Any impl provided in this library
+ would have the shortcoming that it may inadvertently serialize
+ pointers (since they're just integers), resulting in potential chaos
+ after deserialization. Perhaps the struct description can be
+ extended to tag specific members as serializable and how to
+ serialize them.
+<a name='appendix-d'></a>
+Appendix D: Debug Info
+The [StructBinderFactory][], [StructBinder][], and [StructType][] classes
+all have the following "unsupported" method intended primarily
+to assist in their own development, as opposed to being for use in
+client code:
+- `debugFlags(flags)` (integer)
+ An "unsupported" debugging option which may change or be removed at
+ any time. Its argument is a set of flags to enable/disable certain
+ debug/tracing output for property accessors: 0x01 for getters, 0x02
+ for setters, 0x04 for allocations, 0x08 for deallocations. Pass 0 to
+ disable all flags and pass a negative value to _completely_ clear
+ all flags. The latter has the side effect of telling the flags to be
+ inherited from the next-higher-up class in the hierarchy, with
+ [StructBinderFactory][] being top-most, followed by [StructBinder][], then
+ [StructType][].
+<a name='appendix-g'></a>
+Appendix G: Generating Struct Descriptions From C
+Struct definitions are _ideally_ generated from WASM-compiled C, as
+opposed to simply guessing the sizeofs and offsets, so that the sizeof
+and offset information can be collected using C's `sizeof()` and
+`offsetof()` features (noting that struct padding may impact offsets
+in ways which might not be immediately obvious, so writing them by
+hand is _most certainly not recommended_).
+How exactly the desciption is generated is necessarily
+project-dependent. It's tempting say, "oh, that's easy! We'll just
+write it by hand!" but that would be folly. The struct sizes and byte
+offsets into the struct _must_ be precisely how C-side code sees the
+struct or the runtime results are completely undefined.
+The approach used in developing and testing _this_ software is...
+Below is a complete copy/pastable example of how we can use a small
+set of macros to generate struct descriptions from C99 or later into
+static string memory. Simply add such a file to your WASM build,
+arrange for its function to be exported[^export-func], and call it
+from JS (noting that it requires environment-specific JS glue to
+convert the returned pointer to a JS-side string). Use `JSON.parse()`
+to process it, then feed the included struct descriptions into the
+binder factory at your leisure.
+#include <string.h> /* memset() */
+#include <stddef.h> /* offsetof() */
+#include <stdio.h> /* snprintf() */
+#include <stdint.h> /* int64_t */
+#include <assert.h>
+struct ExampleStruct {
+ int v4;
+ void * ppV;
+ int64_t v8;
+ void (*xFunc)(void*);
+typedef struct ExampleStruct ExampleStruct;
+const char * wasm__ctype_json(void){
+ static char strBuf[512 * 8] = {0}
+ /* Static buffer which must be sized large enough for
+ our JSON. The string-generation macros try very
+ hard to assert() if this buffer is too small. */;
+ int n = 0, structCount = 0 /* counters for the macros */;
+ char * pos = &strBuf[1]
+ /* Write-position cursor. Skip the first byte for now to help
+ protect against a small race condition */;
+ char const * const zEnd = pos + sizeof(strBuf)
+ /* one-past-the-end cursor (virtual EOF) */;
+ if(strBuf[0]) return strBuf; // Was set up in a previous call.
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // First we need to build up our macro framework...
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Core output-generating macros...
+#define lenCheck assert(pos < zEnd - 100)
+#define outf(format,...) \
+ pos += snprintf(pos, ((size_t)(zEnd - pos)), format, __VA_ARGS__); \
+ lenCheck
+#define out(TXT) outf("%s",TXT)
+#define CloseBrace(LEVEL) \
+ assert(LEVEL<5); memset(pos, '}', LEVEL); pos+=LEVEL; lenCheck
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Macros for emiting StructBinders...
+#define StructBinder__(TYPE) \
+ n = 0; \
+ outf("%s{", (structCount++ ? ", " : "")); \
+ out("\"name\": \"" # TYPE "\","); \
+ outf("\"sizeof\": %d", (int)sizeof(TYPE)); \
+ out(",\"members\": {");
+#define StructBinder_(T) StructBinder__(T)
+// ^^^ extra indirection needed to expand CurrentStruct
+#define StructBinder StructBinder_(CurrentStruct)
+#define _StructBinder CloseBrace(2)
+#define M(MEMBER,SIG) \
+ outf("%s\"%s\": " \
+ "{\"offset\":%d,\"sizeof\": %d,\"signature\":\"%s\"}", \
+ (n++ ? ", " : ""), #MEMBER, \
+ (int)offsetof(CurrentStruct,MEMBER), \
+ (int)sizeof(((CurrentStruct*)0)->MEMBER), \
+ SIG)
+ // End of macros.
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // With that out of the way, we can do what we came here to do.
+ out("\"structs\": ["); {
+// For each struct description, do...
+#define CurrentStruct ExampleStruct
+ StructBinder {
+ M(v4,"i");
+ M(ppV,"p");
+ M(v8,"j");
+ M(xFunc,"v(p)");
+ } _StructBinder;
+#undef CurrentStruct
+ } out( "]"/*structs*/);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Done! Finalize the output...
+ out("}"/*top-level wrapper*/);
+ *pos = 0;
+ strBuf[0] = '{'/*end of the race-condition workaround*/;
+ return strBuf;
+// If this file will ever be concatenated or #included with others,
+// it's good practice to clean up our macros:
+#undef StructBinder
+#undef StructBinder_
+#undef StructBinder__
+#undef M
+#undef _StructBinder
+#undef CloseBrace
+#undef out
+#undef outf
+#undef lenCheck
+div.content {
+ counter-reset: h1 -1;
+div.content h1, div.content h2, div.content h3 {
+ border-radius: 0.25em;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #70707070;
+div.content h1 {
+ counter-reset: h2;
+div.content h1::before, div.content h2::before, div.content h3::before {
+ background-color: #a5a5a570;
+ margin-right: 0.5em;
+ border-radius: 0.25em;
+div.content h1::before {
+ counter-increment: h1;
+ content: counter(h1) ;
+ padding: 0 0.5em;
+ border-radius: 0.25em;
+div.content h2::before {
+ counter-increment: h2;
+ content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2);
+ padding: 0 0.5em 0 1.75em;
+ border-radius: 0.25em;
+div.content h2 {
+ counter-reset: h3;
+div.content h3::before {
+ counter-increment: h3;
+ content: counter(h1) "." counter(h2) "." counter(h3);
+ padding: 0 0.5em 0 2.5em;
+div.content h3 {border-left-width: 2.5em}
+[appendix-g]: #appendix-g
+[StructBinderFactory]: #api-binderfactory
+[StructCtors]: #api-structctor
+[StructType]: #api-structtype
+[StructBinder]: #api-structbinder
+[StructInstance]: #api-structinstance
+[^export-func]: In Emscripten, add its name, prefixed with `_`, to the
+ project's `EXPORT_FUNCTIONS` list.