# 2015-03-30 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # Corruption consisting of a database page that thinks it is a child # of itself. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix corruptJ if {[permutation]=="mmap"} { finish_test return } # This module uses hard-coded offsets which do not work if the reserved_bytes # value is nonzero. if {[nonzero_reserved_bytes]} {finish_test; return;} database_may_be_corrupt # Initialize the database. # do_execsql_test 1.1 { PRAGMA page_size=1024; PRAGMA auto_vacuum=0; CREATE TABLE t1(a,b); WITH RECURSIVE c(i) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM c WHERE i<10) INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT i, zeroblob(700) FROM c; } {} db close # Corrupt the root page of the t1 table such that the left-child pointer # for the very first cell points back to the root. Then try to DROP the # table. The clearDatabasePage() routine should not loop. # do_test 1.2 { hexio_write test.db [expr {2*1024-2}] 02 sqlite3 db test.db catchsql { DROP TABLE t1 } } {1 {database disk image is malformed}} # Similar test using a WITHOUT ROWID table # do_test 2.1 { db close forcedelete test.db sqlite3 db test.db db eval { PRAGMA page_size=1024; PRAGMA auto_vacuum=0; CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,PRIMARY KEY(a,b)) WITHOUT ROWID; WITH RECURSIVE c(i) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM c WHERE i<100) INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT i, zeroblob(200) FROM c; } } {} # The table is three levels deep. Corrupt the left child of an intermediate # page so that it points back to the root page. # do_test 2.2 { db close hexio_read test.db [expr {9*1024+391}] 8 } {00000008814D0401} do_test 2.2b { hexio_write test.db [expr {9*1024+391}] 00000002 sqlite3 db test.db catchsql { PRAGMA secure_delete=ON; DROP TABLE t1; } } {1 {database disk image is malformed}} finish_test