# 2014 October 30 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix e_blobopen ifcapable !incrblob { finish_test return } forcedelete test.db2 do_execsql_test 1.0 { ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux; CREATE TABLE main.t1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); CREATE TEMP TABLE t1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); CREATE TABLE aux.t1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); CREATE TABLE main.x1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); CREATE TEMP TABLE x2(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); CREATE TABLE aux.x3(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b TEXT, c BLOB); INSERT INTO main.t1 VALUES(1, 'main one', X'0101'); INSERT INTO main.t1 VALUES(2, 'main two', X'0102'); INSERT INTO main.t1 VALUES(3, 'main three', X'0103'); INSERT INTO main.t1 VALUES(4, 'main four', X'0104'); INSERT INTO main.t1 VALUES(5, 'main five', X'0105'); INSERT INTO main.x1 VALUES(1, 'x main one', X'000101'); INSERT INTO main.x1 VALUES(2, 'x main two', X'000102'); INSERT INTO main.x1 VALUES(3, 'x main three', X'000103'); INSERT INTO main.x1 VALUES(4, 'x main four', X'000104'); INSERT INTO main.x1 VALUES(5, 'x main five', X'000105'); INSERT INTO temp.t1 VALUES(1, 'temp one', X'0201'); INSERT INTO temp.t1 VALUES(2, 'temp two', X'0202'); INSERT INTO temp.t1 VALUES(3, 'temp three', X'0203'); INSERT INTO temp.t1 VALUES(4, 'temp four', X'0204'); INSERT INTO temp.t1 VALUES(5, 'temp five', X'0205'); INSERT INTO temp.x2 VALUES(1, 'x temp one', X'000201'); INSERT INTO temp.x2 VALUES(2, 'x temp two', X'000202'); INSERT INTO temp.x2 VALUES(3, 'x temp three', X'000203'); INSERT INTO temp.x2 VALUES(4, 'x temp four', X'000204'); INSERT INTO temp.x2 VALUES(5, 'x temp five', X'000205'); INSERT INTO aux.t1 VALUES(1, 'aux one', X'0301'); INSERT INTO aux.t1 VALUES(2, 'aux two', X'0302'); INSERT INTO aux.t1 VALUES(3, 'aux three', X'0303'); INSERT INTO aux.t1 VALUES(4, 'aux four', X'0304'); INSERT INTO aux.t1 VALUES(5, 'aux five', X'0305'); INSERT INTO aux.x3 VALUES(1, 'x aux one', X'000301'); INSERT INTO aux.x3 VALUES(2, 'x aux two', X'000302'); INSERT INTO aux.x3 VALUES(3, 'x aux three', X'000303'); INSERT INTO aux.x3 VALUES(4, 'x aux four', X'000304'); INSERT INTO aux.x3 VALUES(5, 'x aux five', X'000305'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-37639-55938 This interfaces opens a handle to the BLOB # located in row iRow, column zColumn, table zTable in database zDb; in # other words, the same BLOB that would be selected by: SELECT zColumn # FROM zDb.zTable WHERE rowid = iRow; # proc read_blob {zDb zTab zCol iRow} { sqlite3_blob_open db $zDb $zTab $zCol $iRow 0 B set nByte [sqlite3_blob_bytes $B] set data [sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 $nByte] sqlite3_blob_close $B return $data } do_test 1.1.1 { read_blob main t1 b 1 } "main one" do_test 1.1.2 { read_blob main t1 c 1 } "\01\01" do_test 1.1.3 { read_blob temp t1 b 1 } "temp one" do_test 1.1.4 { read_blob temp t1 c 1 } "\02\01" do_test 1.1.6 { read_blob aux t1 b 1 } "aux one" do_test 1.1.7 { read_blob aux t1 c 1 } "\03\01" do_test 1.2.1 { read_blob main t1 b 4 } "main four" do_test 1.2.2 { read_blob main t1 c 4 } "\01\04" do_test 1.2.3 { read_blob temp t1 b 4 } "temp four" do_test 1.2.4 { read_blob temp t1 c 4 } "\02\04" do_test 1.2.6 { read_blob aux t1 b 4 } "aux four" do_test 1.2.7 { read_blob aux t1 c 4 } "\03\04" do_test 1.3.1 { read_blob main x1 b 2 } "x main two" do_test 1.3.2 { read_blob main x1 c 2 } "\00\01\02" do_test 1.3.3 { read_blob temp x2 b 2 } "x temp two" do_test 1.3.4 { read_blob temp x2 c 2 } "\00\02\02" do_test 1.3.6 { read_blob aux x3 b 2 } "x aux two" do_test 1.3.7 { read_blob aux x3 c 2 } "\00\03\02" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-27234-05761 Parameter zDb is not the filename that # contains the database, but rather the symbolic name of the database. # For attached databases, this is the name that appears after the AS # keyword in the ATTACH statement. For the main database file, the # database name is "main". For TEMP tables, the database name is "temp". # # The test cases immediately above demonstrate that the database name # for the main db, for TEMP tables and for those in attached databases # is correct. The following tests check that filenames cannot be # used as well. # do_test 2.1 { list [catch { sqlite3_blob_open db "test.db" t1 b 1 0 B } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ERROR} do_test 2.2 { list [catch { sqlite3_blob_open db "test.db2" t1 b 1 0 B } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ERROR} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-50854-53979 If the flags parameter is non-zero, then # the BLOB is opened for read and write access. # # EVIDENCE-OF: R-03922-41160 If the flags parameter is zero, the BLOB is # opened for read-only access. # foreach {tn iRow flags} { 1 1 0 2 2 1 3 3 -1 4 4 2147483647 5 5 -2147483648 } { do_test 3.$tn.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main x1 c $iRow $flags B set n [sqlite3_blob_bytes $B] sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 $n } [binary format ccc 0 1 $iRow] if {$flags==0} { # Blob was opened for read-only access - writing returns an error. do_test 3.$tn.2 { list [catch { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 xxx 3 } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_READONLY} do_execsql_test 3.$tn.3 { SELECT c FROM x1 WHERE a=$iRow; } [binary format ccc 0 1 $iRow] } else { # Blob was opened for read/write access - writing succeeds do_test 3.$tn.4 { list [catch { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 xxx 3 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} do_execsql_test 3.$tn.5 { SELECT c FROM x1 WHERE a=$iRow; } {xxx} } sqlite3_blob_close $B } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reset_db do_execsql_test 4.0 { CREATE TABLE t1(x, y); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('abcd', 152); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(NULL, X'00010203'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('', 154.2); CREATE TABLE t2(x PRIMARY KEY, y) WITHOUT ROWID; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(1, 'blob'); CREATE TABLE t3(a PRIMARY KEY, b, c, d, e, f, UNIQUE(e, f)); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES('aaaa', 'bbbb', 'cccc', 'dddd', 'eeee', 'ffff'); CREATE INDEX t3b ON t3(b); CREATE TABLE p1(x PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO p1 VALUES('abc'); CREATE TABLE c1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b REFERENCES p1); INSERT INTO c1 VALUES(45, 'abc'); } proc test_blob_open {tn zDb zTab zCol iRow flags errcode errmsg} { global B set B "0x1234" if {$errcode=="SQLITE_OK"} { set expected "0 {}" } else { set expected "1 $errcode" } set ::res [list [ catch { sqlite3_blob_open db $zDb $zTab $zCol $iRow $flags B } msg ] $msg] do_test 4.$tn.1 { set ::res } $expected # EVIDENCE-OF: R-08940-21305 Unless it returns SQLITE_MISUSE, this # function sets the database connection error code and message # accessible via sqlite3_errcode() and sqlite3_errmsg() and related # functions. # # This proc (test_blob_open) is used below to test various error and # non-error conditions. But never SQLITE_MISUSE conditions. So these # test cases are considered as partly verifying the requirement above. # See below for a test of the SQLITE_MISUSE case. # do_test 4.$tn.2 { sqlite3_errcode db } $errcode do_test 4.$tn.3 { sqlite3_errmsg db } $errmsg # EVIDENCE-OF: R-31086-35521 On success, SQLITE_OK is returned and the # new BLOB handle is stored in *ppBlob. Otherwise an error code is # returned and, unless the error code is SQLITE_MISUSE, *ppBlob is set # to NULL. # do_test 4.$tn.4 { expr {$B == "0"} } [expr {$errcode != "SQLITE_OK"}] # EVIDENCE-OF: R-63421-15521 This means that, provided the API is not # misused, it is always safe to call sqlite3_blob_close() on *ppBlob # after this function it returns. do_test 4.$tn.5 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} } # EVIDENCE-OF: R-31204-44780 Database zDb does not exist test_blob_open 1 nosuchdb t1 x 1 0 SQLITE_ERROR "no such table: nosuchdb.t1" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-28676-08005 Table zTable does not exist within database zDb test_blob_open 2 main tt1 x 1 0 SQLITE_ERROR "no such table: main.tt1" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-40134-30296 Table zTable is a WITHOUT ROWID table test_blob_open 3 main t2 y 1 0 SQLITE_ERROR \ "cannot open table without rowid: t2" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-56376-21261 Column zColumn does not exist test_blob_open 4 main t1 z 2 0 SQLITE_ERROR "no such column: \"z\"" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-28258-23166 Row iRow is not present in the table test_blob_open 5 main t1 y 6 0 SQLITE_ERROR "no such rowid: 6" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-11683-62380 The specified column of row iRow contains a # value that is not a TEXT or BLOB value test_blob_open 6 main t1 x 2 0 SQLITE_ERROR "cannot open value of type null" test_blob_open 7 main t1 y 1 0 SQLITE_ERROR "cannot open value of type integer" test_blob_open 8 main t1 y 3 0 SQLITE_ERROR "cannot open value of type real" # EVIDENCE-OF: R-34146-30782 Column zColumn is part of an index, PRIMARY # KEY or UNIQUE constraint and the blob is being opened for read/write # access # # Test cases 8.1.* show that such columns can be opened for read-access. # Tests 8.2.* show that read-write access is different. Columns "c" and "c" # are not part of an index, PK or UNIQUE constraint, so they work in both # cases. # test_blob_open 8.1.1 main t3 a 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.1.2 main t3 b 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.1.3 main t3 c 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.1.4 main t3 d 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.1.5 main t3 e 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.1.6 main t3 f 1 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" set cannot "cannot open indexed column for writing" test_blob_open 8.2.1 main t3 a 1 8 SQLITE_ERROR $cannot test_blob_open 8.2.2 main t3 b 1 8 SQLITE_ERROR $cannot test_blob_open 8.2.3 main t3 c 1 8 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.2.4 main t3 d 1 8 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 8.2.5 main t3 e 1 8 SQLITE_ERROR $cannot test_blob_open 8.2.6 main t3 f 1 8 SQLITE_ERROR $cannot # EVIDENCE-OF: R-50117-55204 Foreign key constraints are enabled, column # zColumn is part of a child key definition and the blob is being opened # for read/write access # # 9.1: FK disabled, read-only access. # 9.2: FK disabled, read-only access. # 9.3: FK enabled, read/write access. # 9.4: FK enabled, read/write access. # test_blob_open 9.1 main c1 b 45 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 9.2 main c1 b 45 1 SQLITE_OK "not an error" execsql { PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON } test_blob_open 9.3 main c1 b 45 0 SQLITE_OK "not an error" test_blob_open 9.4 main c1 b 45 1 SQLITE_ERROR \ "cannot open foreign key column for writing" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-08940-21305 Unless it returns SQLITE_MISUSE, this # function sets the database connection error code and message # accessible via sqlite3_errcode() and sqlite3_errmsg() and related # functions. # # This requirement is partially verified by the many uses of test # command [test_blob_open] above. All that is left is to verify the # SQLITE_MISUSE case. # # SQLITE_MISUSE is only returned if SQLITE_ENABLE_API_ARMOR is defined # during compilation. # ifcapable api_armor { sqlite3_blob_open db main t1 x 1 0 B do_test 10.1.1 { list [catch {sqlite3_blob_open $B main t1 x 1 0 B2} msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_MISUSE} do_test 10.1.2 { list [sqlite3_errcode db] [sqlite3_errmsg db] } {SQLITE_OK {not an error}} sqlite3_blob_close $B do_test 10.2.1 { list [catch {sqlite3_blob_open db main {} x 1 0 B} msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_MISUSE} do_test 10.2.2 { list [sqlite3_errcode db] [sqlite3_errmsg db] } {SQLITE_OK {not an error}} } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-50542-62589 If the row that a BLOB handle points to is # modified by an UPDATE, DELETE, or by ON CONFLICT side-effects then the # BLOB handle is marked as "expired". This is true if any column of the # row is changed, even a column other than the one the BLOB handle is # open on. # # EVIDENCE-OF: R-48367-20048 Calls to sqlite3_blob_read() and # sqlite3_blob_write() for an expired BLOB handle fail with a return # code of SQLITE_ABORT. # # 11.2: read-only handle, DELETE. # 11.3: read-only handle, UPDATE. # 11.4: read-only handle, REPLACE. # 11.5: read/write handle, DELETE. # 11.6: read/write handle, UPDATE. # 11.7: read/write handle, REPLACE. # do_execsql_test 11.1 { CREATE TABLE b1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b, c UNIQUE); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(1, '1234567890', 1); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(2, '1234567890', 2); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(3, '1234567890', 3); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(4, '1234567890', 4); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(5, '1234567890', 5); INSERT INTO b1 VALUES(6, '1234567890', 6); CREATE TABLE b2(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b, c UNIQUE); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(1, '1234567890', 1); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(2, '1234567890', 2); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(3, '1234567890', 3); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(4, '1234567890', 4); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(5, '1234567890', 5); INSERT INTO b2 VALUES(6, '1234567890', 6); } do_test 11.2.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b1 b 2 0 B sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.2.2 { # Deleting a different row does not invalidate the blob handle. execsql { DELETE FROM b1 WHERE a = 1 } sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.2.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM b1 WHERE a = 2 } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.2.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_test 11.3.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b1 b 3 0 B sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.3.2 { # Updating a different row execsql { UPDATE b1 SET c = 42 WHERE a=4 } sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.3.3 { execsql { UPDATE b1 SET c = 43 WHERE a=3 } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.3.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_test 11.4.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b1 b 6 0 B sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.4.2 { # Replace a different row execsql { INSERT OR REPLACE INTO b1 VALUES(10, 'abcdefghij', 5) } sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } {1234567890} do_test 11.4.3 { execsql { INSERT OR REPLACE INTO b1 VALUES(11, 'abcdefghij', 6) } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 10 } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.4.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_test 11.4.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b2 b 2 1 B sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "abcdefghij" } {} do_test 11.4.2 { # Deleting a different row does not invalidate the blob handle. execsql { DELETE FROM b2 WHERE a = 1 } sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "ABCDEFGHIJ" } {} do_test 11.4.3 { execsql { DELETE FROM b2 WHERE a = 2 } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "0987654321" } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.4.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_test 11.5.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b2 b 3 1 B sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "abcdefghij" } {} do_test 11.5.2 { # Updating a different row execsql { UPDATE b2 SET c = 42 WHERE a=4 } sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "ABCDEFGHIJ" } {} do_test 11.5.3 { execsql { UPDATE b2 SET c = 43 WHERE a=3 } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "0987654321" } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.5.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_test 11.6.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b2 b 6 1 B sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "abcdefghij" } {} do_test 11.6.2 { # Replace a different row execsql { INSERT OR REPLACE INTO b2 VALUES(10, 'abcdefghij', 5) } sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "ABCDEFGHIJ" } {} do_test 11.6.3 { execsql { INSERT OR REPLACE INTO b2 VALUES(11, 'abcdefghij', 6) } list [catch { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "0987654321" } msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_test 11.6.4 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-45408-40694 Changes written into a BLOB prior to the # BLOB expiring are not rolled back by the expiration of the BLOB. Such # changes will eventually commit if the transaction continues to # completion. # do_execsql_test 12.1 { CREATE TABLE b3(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, y TEXT, z INTEGER); INSERT INTO b3 VALUES(22, '..........', NULL); } do_test 12.2 { sqlite3_blob_open db main b3 y 22 1 B sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 "xxxxx" 5 } {} do_execsql_test 12.3 { UPDATE b3 SET z = 'not null'; } do_test 12.4 { list [catch {sqlite3_blob_write $B 5 "xxxxx" 5} msg] $msg } {1 SQLITE_ABORT} do_execsql_test 12.5 { SELECT * FROM b3; } {22 xxxxx..... {not null}} do_test 12.5 { sqlite3_blob_close $B } {} do_execsql_test 12.6 { SELECT * FROM b3; } {22 xxxxx..... {not null}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EVIDENCE-OF: R-58813-55036 The sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() and # sqlite3_result_zeroblob() interfaces and the built-in zeroblob SQL # function may be used to create a zero-filled blob to read or write # using the incremental-blob interface. # do_execsql_test 13.1 { CREATE TABLE c2(i INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, j); INSERT INTO c2 VALUES(10, zeroblob(24)); } do_test 13.2 { set stmt [sqlite3_prepare_v2 db "INSERT INTO c2 VALUES(11, ?)" -1] sqlite3_bind_zeroblob $stmt 1 45 sqlite3_step $stmt sqlite3_finalize $stmt } {SQLITE_OK} # The blobs can be read: # do_test 13.3.1 { sqlite3_blob_open db main c2 j 10 1 B sqlite3_blob_open db main c2 j 11 1 B2 list [sqlite3_blob_bytes $B] [sqlite3_blob_bytes $B2] } {24 45} do_test 13.3.2 { sqlite3_blob_read $B 0 24 } [string repeat [binary format c 0] 24] do_test 13.3.3 { sqlite3_blob_read $B2 0 45 } [string repeat [binary format c 0] 45] # And also written: # do_test 13.4.1 { sqlite3_blob_write $B 0 [string repeat [binary format c 1] 24] } {} do_test 13.4.2 { sqlite3_blob_write $B2 0 [string repeat [binary format c 1] 45] } {} do_test 13.5 { sqlite3_blob_close $B sqlite3_blob_close $B2 execsql { SELECT j FROM c2 } } [list \ [string repeat [binary format c 1] 24] \ [string repeat [binary format c 1] 45] \ ] finish_test