# 2023-07-03 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # This file contains a test that attempts to verify the claim that the # floatpoint-to-text conversion routines built into SQLite maintain at # least 15 significant digits of accuracy. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl if {[catch {load_static_extension db decimal} error]} { puts "Skipping decimal tests, hit load error: $error" finish_test; return } sqlite3_create_function db do_execsql_test fpconv1-1.0 { WITH RECURSIVE /* Number of random floating-point values to try. ** On a circa 2016 x64 linux box, this test runs at ** about 80000 cases per second -------------------vvvvvv */ c(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM c WHERE x<100000), fp(y) AS MATERIALIZED ( SELECT CAST( format('%+d.%019d0e%+03d', random()%10,abs(random()),random()%200) AS real) FROM c ) SELECT y FROM fp WHERE -log10(abs(decimal_sub(dtostr(y,24),format('%!.24e',y))/y))<15.0; /* Number of digits of accuracy required -------^^^^ */ } {} # ^---- Expect a empty set as the result. The output is all tested numbers # that fail to preserve at least 15 significant digits of accuracy. finish_test