# 2018-04-28 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # Test cases for SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix resetdb do_not_use_codec ifcapable !vtab||!compound { finish_test return } # In the "inmemory_journal" permutation, each new connection executes # "PRAGMA journal_mode = memory". This fails with SQLITE_BUSY if attempted # on a wal mode database with existing connections. For this and a few # other reasons, this test is not run as part of "inmemory_journal". # # Permutation "journaltest" does not support wal mode. # if {[permutation]=="inmemory_journal" || [permutation]=="journaltest" } { finish_test return } # Create a sample database do_execsql_test 100 { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0; PRAGMA page_size=4096; CREATE TABLE t1(a,b); WITH RECURSIVE c(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM c WHERE x<20) INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT x, randomblob(300) FROM c; CREATE INDEX t1a ON t1(a); CREATE INDEX t1b ON t1(b); SELECT sum(a), sum(length(b)) FROM t1; PRAGMA integrity_check; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA page_count; } {210 6000 ok delete 8} # Verify that the same content is seen from a separate database connection sqlite3 db2 test.db do_test 110 { execsql { SELECT sum(a), sum(length(b)) FROM t1; PRAGMA integrity_check; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA page_count; } db2 } {210 6000 ok delete 8} do_test 200 { # Thoroughly corrupt the database file by overwriting the first # page with randomness. sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0 catchsql { UPDATE sqlite_dbpage SET data=randomblob(4096) WHERE pgno=1; PRAGMA quick_check; } } {1 {file is not a database}} do_test 201 { catchsql { PRAGMA quick_check; } db2 } {1 {file is not a database}} do_test 210 { # Reset the database file using SQLITE_DBCONFIG_RESET_DATABASE sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 # If using sqlite3_prepare() instead of _v2() or _v3(), the block # below raises an SQLITE_SCHEMA error. The following fixes this. if {[permutation]=="prepare"} { catchsql "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master" db2 } # Verify that the reset took, even on the separate database connection catchsql { PRAGMA page_count; PRAGMA page_size; PRAGMA quick_check; PRAGMA journal_mode; } db2 } {0 {1 4096 ok delete}} # Delete the old connections and database and start over again # with a different page size and in WAL mode. # db close db2 close forcedelete test.db sqlite3 db test.db do_execsql_test 300 { PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0; PRAGMA page_size=8192; PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL; CREATE TABLE t1(a,b); WITH RECURSIVE c(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM c WHERE x<20) INSERT INTO t1(a,b) SELECT x, randomblob(1300) FROM c; CREATE INDEX t1a ON t1(a); CREATE INDEX t1b ON t1(b); SELECT sum(a), sum(length(b)) FROM t1; PRAGMA integrity_check; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA page_size; PRAGMA page_count; } {wal 210 26000 ok wal 8192 12} sqlite3 db2 test.db do_test 310 { execsql { SELECT sum(a), sum(length(b)) FROM t1; PRAGMA integrity_check; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA page_size; PRAGMA page_count; } db2 } {210 26000 ok wal 8192 12} # Corrupt the database again sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0 do_catchsql_test 320 { UPDATE sqlite_dbpage SET data=randomblob(8192) WHERE pgno=1; PRAGMA quick_check } {1 {file is not a database}} do_test 330 { catchsql { PRAGMA quick_check } db2 } {1 {file is not a database}} db2 cache flush ;# Required by permutation "prepare". # Reset the database yet again. Verify that the page size and # journal mode are preserved. # do_test 400 { sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 catchsql { PRAGMA page_count; PRAGMA page_size; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA quick_check; } db2 } {0 {1 8192 wal ok}} db2 close # Reset the database yet again. This time immediately after it is closed # and reopened. So that the VACUUM is the first statement run. # db close sqlite3 db test.db do_test 500 { sqlite3_finalize [ sqlite3_prepare db "SELECT 1 FROM sqlite_master LIMIT 1" -1 tail ] sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 sqlite3 db2 test.db catchsql { PRAGMA page_count; PRAGMA page_size; PRAGMA journal_mode; PRAGMA quick_check; } db2 } {0 {1 8192 wal ok}} db2 close #------------------------------------------------------------------------- reset_db sqlite3 db2 test.db do_execsql_test 600 { PRAGMA journal_mode = wal; CREATE TABLE t1(a); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1), (2), (3), (4); } {wal} do_execsql_test -db db2 610 { SELECT * FROM t1 } {1 2 3 4} do_test 620 { set res [list] db2 eval {SELECT a FROM t1} { lappend res $a if {$a==3} { sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 } } set res } {1 2 3 4} do_execsql_test -db db2 630 { SELECT * FROM sqlite_master } {} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- db2 close reset_db do_execsql_test 700 { PRAGMA page_size=512; PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0; CREATE TABLE t1(a,b,c); CREATE INDEX t1a ON t1(a); CREATE INDEX t1bc ON t1(b,c); WITH RECURSIVE c(x) AS (VALUES(1) UNION ALL SELECT x+1 FROM c WHERE x<10) INSERT INTO t1(a,b,c) SELECT x, randomblob(100),randomblob(100) FROM c; PRAGMA page_count; PRAGMA integrity_check; } {19 ok} if {[nonzero_reserved_bytes]} { finish_test return } sqlite3_db_config db DEFENSIVE 0 do_execsql_test 710 { UPDATE sqlite_dbpage SET data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pgno=1; } do_execsql_test 720 { PRAGMA integrity_check; } {ok} do_test 730 { sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 } {0} do_execsql_test 740 { PRAGMA page_count; PRAGMA integrity_check; } {1 ok} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- ifcapable utf16 { reset_db do_execsql_test 800 { PRAGMA encoding = 'utf8'; CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); PRAGMA encoding; } {UTF-8} db close sqlite3 db test.db sqlite3 db2 test.db do_execsql_test -db db2 810 { CREATE TEMP TABLE t2(x); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('hello world'); SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema; } {t1} do_test 820 { db eval "PRAGMA encoding = 'utf16'" sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 1 } {1} do_test 830 { db eval VACUUM sqlite3_db_config db RESET_DB 0 } {0} do_test 840 { string range [db eval { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('one', 'two'); PRAGMA encoding; }] 0 5 } {UTF-16} do_test 850 { catchsql { SELECT * FROM t1; } db2 } {1 {attached databases must use the same text encoding as main database}} do_test 860 { catchsql { SELECT * FROM t2; } db2 } {1 {attached databases must use the same text encoding as main database}} } finish_test