# 2021-08-18 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this file is testing STRICT tables. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl set testprefix strict1 # STRICT tables have on a limited number of allowed datatypes. # do_catchsql_test strict1-1.1 { CREATE TABLE t1(a) STRICT; } {1 {missing datatype for t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-1.2 { CREATE TABLE t1(a PRIMARY KEY) STRICT, WITHOUT ROWID; } {1 {missing datatype for t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-1.3 { CREATE TABLE t1(a PRIMARY KEY) WITHOUT ROWID, STRICT; } {1 {missing datatype for t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-1.4 { CREATE TABLE t1(a BANJO PRIMARY KEY) WITHOUT ROWID, STRICT; } {1 {unknown datatype for t1.a: "BANJO"}} do_catchsql_test strict1-1.5 { CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT PRIMARY KEY, b INT, c INTEGER, d REAL, e BLOB, f DATE) strict; } {1 {unknown datatype for t1.f: "DATE"}} do_catchsql_test strict1-1.6 { CREATE TABLE t1(a TEXT PRIMARY KEY, b INT, c INTEGER, d REAL, e BLOB, f TEXT(50)) WITHOUT ROWID, STRICT; } {1 {unknown datatype for t1.f: "TEXT(50)"}} do_execsql_test strict1-2.0 { CREATE TABLE t1( a INT, b INTEGER, c BLOB, d TEXT, e REAL ) STRICT; } {} ifcapable vtab { do_execsql_test strict1-2.0a { SELECT strict FROM pragma_table_list('t1'); } {1} } do_catchsql_test strict1-2.1 { INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES('xyz'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in INT column t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-2.2 { INSERT INTO t1(b) VALUES('xyz'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in INTEGER column t1.b}} do_catchsql_test strict1-2.3 { INSERT INTO t1(c) VALUES('xyz'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in BLOB column t1.c}} do_catchsql_test strict1-2.4 { INSERT INTO t1(d) VALUES(x'3142536475'); } {1 {cannot store BLOB value in TEXT column t1.d}} do_catchsql_test strict1-2.5 { INSERT INTO t1(e) VALUES('xyz'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in REAL column t1.e}} do_execsql_test strict1-3.1 { INSERT INTO t1(a, b) VALUES(1,2),('3','4'),(5.0, 6.0),(null,null); SELECT a, b, '|' FROM t1; } {1 2 | 3 4 | 5 6 | {} {} |} do_catchsql_test strict1-3.2 { INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES(1.2); } {1 {cannot store REAL value in INT column t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-3.3 { INSERT INTO t1(a) VALUES(x'313233'); } {1 {cannot store BLOB value in INT column t1.a}} do_catchsql_test strict1-3.4 { INSERT INTO t1(b) VALUES(1.2); } {1 {cannot store REAL value in INTEGER column t1.b}} do_catchsql_test strict1-3.5 { INSERT INTO t1(b) VALUES(x'313233'); } {1 {cannot store BLOB value in INTEGER column t1.b}} do_execsql_test strict1-4.1 { DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(c) VALUES(x'313233'), (NULL); SELECT typeof(c), c FROM t1; } {blob 123 null {}} do_catchsql_test strict1-4.2 { INSERT INTO t1(c) VALUES('456'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in BLOB column t1.c}} do_execsql_test strict1-5.1 { DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(d) VALUES('xyz'),(4),(5.5),(NULL); SELECT typeof(d), d FROM t1; } {text xyz text 4 text 5.5 null {}} do_catchsql_test strict1-5.2 { INSERT INTO t1(d) VALUES(x'4567'); } {1 {cannot store BLOB value in TEXT column t1.d}} do_execsql_test strict1-6.1 { DELETE FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1(e) VALUES(1),(2.5),('3'),('4.5'),(6.0),(NULL); SELECT typeof(e), e FROM t1; } {real 1.0 real 2.5 real 3.0 real 4.5 real 6.0 null {}} do_catchsql_test strict1-6.2 { INSERT INTO t1(e) VALUES('xyz'); } {1 {cannot store TEXT value in REAL column t1.e}} do_catchsql_test strict1-6.3 { INSERT INTO t1(e) VALUES(x'3456'); } {1 {cannot store BLOB value in REAL column t1.e}} ifcapable altertable { do_execsql_test strict1-7.1 { DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t4; CREATE TABLE t4( a INT AS (b*2) VIRTUAL, b INT AS (c*2) STORED, c INT PRIMARY KEY ) STRICT; INSERT INTO t4(c) VALUES(1); SELECT * FROM t4; } {4 2 1} do_catchsql_test strict1-7.2 { ALTER TABLE t4 ADD COLUMN d VARCHAR; } {1 {error in table t4 after add column: unknown datatype for t4.d: "VARCHAR"}} do_catchsql_test strict1-7.3 { ALTER TABLE t4 ADD COLUMN d; } {1 {error in table t4 after add column: missing datatype for t4.d}} } # 2022-01-17 https://sqlite.org/forum/forumpost/fa012c77796d9399 # reset_db do_execsql_test strict1-8.1 { CREATE TABLE csv_import_table ( "debit" TEXT, "credit" TEXT ); INSERT INTO csv_import_table VALUES ('', '250.00'); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transactions ( debit REAL, credit REAL, amount REAL GENERATED ALWAYS AS (ifnull(credit, 0.0) - ifnull(debit, 0.0)) ) STRICT; INSERT INTO transactions SELECT nullif(debit, '') AS debit, nullif(credit, '') AS credit FROM csv_import_table; SELECT * FROM transactions; } {{} 250.0 250.0} do_execsql_test strict1-8.2 { CREATE TABLE t1(x REAL, y REAL AS (x)) STRICT; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5),(4611686018427387904); SELECT *, '|' FROM t1; } {/5.0 5.0 4.6116\d*e\+18 4.6116\d+e\+18 |/} finish_test