/* ** 2011-02-02 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ** May you do good and not evil. ** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. ** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. ** ************************************************************************* ** This file is part of the test program "threadtest3". Despite being a C ** file it is not compiled separately, but included by threadtest3.c using ** the #include directive normally used with header files. ** ** This file contains the implementation of test cases: ** ** checkpoint_starvation_1 ** checkpoint_starvation_2 */ /* ** Both test cases involve 1 writer/checkpointer thread and N reader threads. ** ** Each reader thread performs a series of read transactions, one after ** another. Each read transaction lasts for 100 ms. ** ** The writer writes transactions as fast as possible. It uses a callback ** registered with sqlite3_wal_hook() to try to keep the WAL-size limited to ** around 50 pages. ** ** In test case checkpoint_starvation_1, the auto-checkpoint uses ** SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE. In checkpoint_starvation_2, it uses RESTART. ** The expectation is that in the first case the WAL file will grow very ** large, and in the second will be limited to the 50 pages or thereabouts. ** However, the overall transaction throughput will be lower for ** checkpoint_starvation_2, as every checkpoint will block for up to 200 ms ** waiting for readers to clear. */ /* Frame limit used by the WAL hook for these tests. */ #define CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_FRAMELIMIT 50 /* Duration in ms of each read transaction */ #define CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_READMS 100 struct CheckpointStarvationCtx { int eMode; int nMaxFrame; }; typedef struct CheckpointStarvationCtx CheckpointStarvationCtx; static int checkpoint_starvation_walhook( void *pCtx, sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, int nFrame ){ CheckpointStarvationCtx *p = (CheckpointStarvationCtx *)pCtx; if( nFrame>p->nMaxFrame ){ p->nMaxFrame = nFrame; } if( nFrame>=CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_FRAMELIMIT ){ sqlite3_wal_checkpoint_v2(db, zDb, p->eMode, 0, 0); } return SQLITE_OK; } static char *checkpoint_starvation_reader(int iTid, void *pArg){ Error err = {0}; Sqlite db = {0}; opendb(&err, &db, "test.db", 0); while( !timetostop(&err) ){ i64 iCount1, iCount2; sql_script(&err, &db, "BEGIN"); iCount1 = execsql_i64(&err, &db, "SELECT count(x) FROM t1"); sqlite3_sleep(CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_READMS); iCount2 = execsql_i64(&err, &db, "SELECT count(x) FROM t1"); sql_script(&err, &db, "COMMIT"); if( iCount1!=iCount2 ){ test_error(&err, "Isolation failure - %lld %lld", iCount1, iCount2); } } closedb(&err, &db); print_and_free_err(&err); return 0; } static void checkpoint_starvation_main(int nMs, CheckpointStarvationCtx *p){ Error err = {0}; Sqlite db = {0}; Threadset threads = {0}; int nInsert = 0; int i; opendb(&err, &db, "test.db", 1); sql_script(&err, &db, "PRAGMA page_size = 1024;" "PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;" "CREATE TABLE t1(x);" ); setstoptime(&err, nMs); for(i=0; i<4; i++){ launch_thread(&err, &threads, checkpoint_starvation_reader, 0); sqlite3_sleep(CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_READMS/4); } sqlite3_wal_hook(db.db, checkpoint_starvation_walhook, (void *)p); while( !timetostop(&err) ){ sql_script(&err, &db, "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(1200))"); nInsert++; } printf(" Checkpoint mode : %s\n", p->eMode==SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE ? "PASSIVE" : "RESTART" ); printf(" Peak WAL : %d frames\n", p->nMaxFrame); printf(" Transaction count: %d transactions\n", nInsert); join_all_threads(&err, &threads); closedb(&err, &db); print_and_free_err(&err); } static void checkpoint_starvation_1(int nMs){ Error err = {0}; CheckpointStarvationCtx ctx = { SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_PASSIVE, 0 }; checkpoint_starvation_main(nMs, &ctx); if( ctx.nMaxFrame<(CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_FRAMELIMIT*10) ){ test_error(&err, "WAL failed to grow - %d frames", ctx.nMaxFrame); } print_and_free_err(&err); } static void checkpoint_starvation_2(int nMs){ Error err = {0}; CheckpointStarvationCtx ctx = { SQLITE_CHECKPOINT_RESTART, 0 }; checkpoint_starvation_main(nMs, &ctx); if( ctx.nMaxFrame>CHECKPOINT_STARVATION_FRAMELIMIT+10 ){ test_error(&err, "WAL grew too large - %d frames", ctx.nMaxFrame); } print_and_free_err(&err); }