# 2011 April 22 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl # Test organization: # # 1.*: That file names are correctly extracted from URIs. # 2.*: That URI options (query parameters) are correctly extracted from URIs. # 3.*: That specifying an unknown VFS causes an error. # 4.*: Tests for specifying other options (other than "vfs"). # 5.*: Test using a different VFS with an attached database. # 6.*: Test that authorities other than "" and localhost cause errors. # 7.*: Test that a read-write db can be attached to a read-only connection. # set testprefix uri db close sqlite3_shutdown sqlite3_config_uri 1 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that file names are correctly extracted from URIs. # foreach {tn uri file} { 1 test.db test.db 2 file:test.db test.db 3 file://PWD/test.db test.db 4 file:PWD/test.db test.db 5 file:test.db?mork=1 test.db 6 file:test.db?mork=1&tonglor=2 test.db 7 file:test.db?mork=1#boris test.db 8 file:test.db#boris test.db 9 test.db#boris test.db#boris 10 file:test%2Edb test.db 11 file file 12 http:test.db http:test.db 13 file:test.db%00extra test.db 14 file:testdb%00.db%00extra testdb 15 test.db?mork=1#boris test.db?mork=1#boris 16 file://localhostPWD/test.db%3Fhello test.db?hello } { ifcapable !curdir { if {$tn==3} break } ifcapable uri_00_error { if {[string first %00 $uri]>=0} continue } if {$tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} { # # NOTE: Due to limits on legal characters for file names imposed by # Windows, we must skip the final two tests here (i.e. the # question mark is illegal in a file name on Windows). # if {$tn>14} break # # NOTE: When running on Tcl 8.6 (or higher?) on Windows, a colon within # the file name no longer tries to access an alternate data stream # (ADS) named "test.db" for the "http" file, causing some spurious # failures of this test. # if {$tn==12 && $::tcl_version>=8.6} continue # # NOTE: On Windows, we need to account for the fact that the current # directory does not start with a forward slash. # set uri [string map [list PWD/ /[test_pwd /]] $uri] } else { set uri [string map [list PWD/ [test_pwd /]] $uri] } if {[file isdir $file]} {error "$file is a directory"} forcedelete $file do_test 1.$tn.1 { file exists $file } 0 set DB [sqlite3_open $uri] do_test 1.$tn.2 { file exists $file } 1 sqlite3_close $DB forcedelete $file do_test 1.$tn.3 { file exists $file } 0 sqlite3 db xxx.db catchsql { ATTACH $uri AS aux } do_test 1.$tn.4 { file exists $file } 1 db close } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that URI query parameters are passed through to the VFS layer # correctly. # testvfs tvfs2 testvfs tvfs -default 1 tvfs filter xOpen tvfs script open_method proc open_method {method file arglist} { set ::arglist $arglist } foreach {tn uri kvlist} { 1 file:test.db?hello=world {hello world} 2 file:test.db?hello&world {hello {} world {}} 3 file:test.db?hello=1&world=2&vfs=tvfs {hello 1 world 2 vfs tvfs} 4 file:test.db?hello=1&world=2&vfs=tvfs2 {} 5 file:test.db?%68%65%6C%6C%6F=%77%6F%72%6C%64 {hello world} 6 file:testdb%00.db?hello%00extra=world%00ex {hello world} 7 file:testdb%00.db?hello%00=world%00 {hello world} 8 file:testdb%00.db?=world&xyz=abc {xyz abc} 9 file:test.db?%00hello=world&xyz=abc {xyz abc} 10 file:test.db?hello=%00world&xyz= {hello {} xyz {}} 11 file:test.db?=#ravada {} 12 file:test.db?&&&&&&&&hello=world&&&&&&& {hello world} 13 test.db?&&&&&&&&hello=world&&&&&&& {} 14 http:test.db?hello&world {} } { ifcapable uri_00_error { if {[string first %00 $uri]>=0} continue } if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" && $tn>12} { continue } set ::arglist "" set DB [sqlite3_open $uri] do_test 2.$tn.1 { set ::arglist } $kvlist sqlite3_close $DB sqlite3 db xxx.db set ::arglist "" execsql { ATTACH $uri AS aux } do_test 2.$tn.2 { set ::arglist } $kvlist db close } tvfs delete tvfs2 delete #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that specifying a non-existent VFS raises an error. # do_test 3.1 { list [catch { sqlite3 db "file:test.db?vfs=nosuchvfs" } msg] $msg } {1 {no such vfs: nosuchvfs}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test some of the other options (other than "vfs"). # foreach {tn mode create_ok write_ok readonly_ok} { 1 ro 0 0 1 2 rw 0 1 0 3 rwc 1 1 0 } { catch { db close } forcedelete test.db set A(1) {0 {}} set A(0) {1 {unable to open database file}} do_test 4.1.$tn.1 { list [catch {sqlite3 db "file:test.db?mode=$mode"} msg] $msg } $A($create_ok) catch { db close } forcedelete test.db sqlite3 db test.db db eval { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b) } db close set A(1) {0 {}} set A(0) {1 {attempt to write a readonly database}} do_test 4.1.$tn.2 { sqlite3 db "file:test.db?mode=$mode" catchsql { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2) } } $A($write_ok) set A(1) {0 {}} set A(0) [list 1 "access mode not allowed: $mode"] do_test 4.1.$tn.3 { list [catch {sqlite3 db "file:test.db?mode=$mode" -readonly 1} msg] $msg } $A($readonly_ok) } ifcapable shared_cache { set orig [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache] foreach {tn options sc_default is_shared} { 1 "" 1 1 2 "cache=private" 1 0 3 "cache=shared" 1 1 4 "" 0 0 5 "cache=private" 0 0 6 "cache=shared" 0 1 } { catch { db close } forcedelete test.db sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 1 sqlite3 db2 test.db db2 eval {CREATE TABLE t1(a, b)} sqlite3_enable_shared_cache $sc_default sqlite3 db "file:test.db?$options" db eval {SELECT * FROM t1} set A(1) {1 {database table is locked: t1}} set A(0) {0 {}} do_test 4.2.$tn { db2 eval {BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2);} catchsql { SELECT * FROM t1 } } $A($is_shared) db2 close } } ;# end ifcapable shared_cache do_test 4.3.1 { list [catch {sqlite3 db "file:test.db?mode=rc"} msg] $msg } {1 {no such access mode: rc}} do_test 4.3.2 { list [catch {sqlite3 db "file:test.db?cache=public"} msg] $msg } {1 {no such cache mode: public}} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test that things work if an ATTACHed database uses a different VFS than # the main database. The important point is that for all operations # involving the ATTACHed database, the correct versions of the following # VFS are used for all operations involving the attached database. # # xOpen # xDelete # xAccess # xFullPathname # # This block of code creates two VFS - "tvfs1" and "tvfs2". Each time one # of the above methods is called using "tvfs1", global variable ::T1(X) is # set, where X is the file-name the method is called on. Calls to the above # methods using "tvfs2" set entries in the global T2 array. # ifcapable wal { testvfs tvfs1 tvfs1 filter {xOpen xDelete xAccess xFullPathname} tvfs1 script tvfs1_callback proc tvfs1_callback {method filename args} { set ::T1([file tail $filename]) 1 return SQLITE_OK } testvfs tvfs2 tvfs2 filter {xOpen xDelete xAccess xFullPathname} tvfs2 script tvfs2_callback proc tvfs2_callback {method filename args} { set ::T2([file tail $filename]) 1 return SQLITE_OK } catch {db close} eval forcedelete [glob test.db*] do_test 5.1.1 { sqlite3 db file:test.db1?vfs=tvfs1 execsql { ATTACH 'file:test.db2?vfs=tvfs2' AS aux; PRAGMA main.journal_mode = PERSIST; PRAGMA aux.journal_mode = PERSIST; CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); CREATE TABLE aux.t2(a, b); PRAGMA main.journal_mode = WAL; PRAGMA aux.journal_mode = WAL; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('x', 'y'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('x', 'y'); } lsort [array names ::T1] } {test.db1 test.db1-journal test.db1-wal} do_test 5.1.2 { lsort [array names ::T2] } {test.db2 test.db2-journal test.db2-wal} db close tvfs1 delete tvfs2 delete } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check that only "" and "localhost" are acceptable as authorities. # catch {db close} foreach {tn uri res} { 1 "file://localhost/PWD/test.db" {not an error} 2 "file:///PWD/test.db" {not an error} 3 "file:/PWD/test.db" {not an error} 4 "file://l%6Fcalhost/PWD/test.db" {invalid uri authority: l%6Fcalhost} 5 "file://lbcalhost/PWD/test.db" {invalid uri authority: lbcalhost} 6 "file://x/PWD/test.db" {invalid uri authority: x} } { if {$tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} { set uri [string map [list PWD [string range [get_pwd] 3 end]] $uri] } else { set uri [string map [list PWD [string range [get_pwd] 1 end]] $uri] } do_test 6.$tn { set DB [sqlite3_open $uri] sqlite3_errmsg $DB } $res catch { sqlite3_close $DB } } forcedelete test.db test.db2 do_test 7.1 { sqlite3 db test.db execsql { CREATE TABLE t1(a, b); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2); ATTACH 'test.db2' AS aux; CREATE TABLE aux.t2(a, b); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('a', 'b'); } db close } {} do_test 7.2 { sqlite3 db file:test.db?mode=ro execsql { ATTACH 'file:test.db2?mode=rw' AS aux } } {} do_execsql_test 7.3 { INSERT INTO t2 VALUES('c', 'd') } {} do_catchsql_test 7.4 { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 4) } {1 {attempt to write a readonly database}} finish_test