# 2015 Mar 17 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl source $testdir/lock_common.tcl source $testdir/wal_common.tcl finish_test; return; # Feature currently not implemented. ifcapable !wal {finish_test ; return } if {$::tcl_platform(platform)!="unix"} { finish_test ; return } set testprefix walblock catch { db close } testvfs tvfs -fullshm 1 foreach f [glob test.db*] { forcedelete $f } sqlite3 db test.db -vfs tvfs do_execsql_test 1.1.0 { CREATE TABLE t1(x, y); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3, 4); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5, 6); PRAGMA journal_mode = wal; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(7, 8); } {wal} do_test 1.1.1 { lsort [glob test.db*] } {test.db test.db-shm test.db-wal} do_test 1.1.2 { set C [launch_testfixture] testfixture $C { sqlite3 db test.db db eval { SELECT * FROM t1 } } } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} do_test 1.1.3 { set ::out [list] testfixture $C { db eval { SELECT * FROM t1 } } [list set ::out] set ::out } {} do_test 1.1.4 { vwait ::out set ::out } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8} # # Test that if a read client cannot read the wal-index header because a # write client is in the middle of updating it, the reader blocks until # the writer finishes. # # 1. Open a write transaction using client [db] in this process. # # 2. Attempt to commit the write transaction. Intercept the xShmBarrier() # call made by the writer between updating the two copies of the # wal-index header. # # 3. Within the xShmBarrier() callback, make an asynchronous request to # the other process to read from the database. It should block, as it # cannot get read the wal-index header. # # 4. Still in xShmBarrier(), wait for 5 seconds. Check that the other # process has not answered the request. # # 5: Finish committing the transaction. Then wait for 0.5 seconds more. # Ensure that the second process has by this stage read the database # and that the snapshot it read included the transaction committed in # step (4). # do_execsql_test 1.2.1 { BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(9, 10); } {} tvfs script barrier_callback tvfs filter xShmBarrier proc barrier_callback {method args} { set ::out "" testfixture $::C { db eval { SELECT * FROM t1 } } {set ::out} do_test "1.2.2.(blocking 10 seconds)" { set ::continue 0 after 10000 {set ::continue 1} vwait ::continue set ::out } {} } execsql COMMIT do_test "1.2.3.(blocking 0.5 seconds)" { set ::continue 0 after 500 {set ::continue 1} vwait ::continue set ::out } {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} finish_test