# 2010 April 13 # # The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of # a legal notice, here is a blessing: # # May you do good and not evil. # May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. # May you share freely, never taking more than you give. # #*********************************************************************** # This file implements regression tests for SQLite library. The # focus of this file is testing the operation of the library in # "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL" mode with multiple threads. # set testdir [file dirname $argv0] source $testdir/tester.tcl source $testdir/lock_common.tcl if {[run_thread_tests]==0} { finish_test ; return } ifcapable !wal { finish_test ; return } set sqlite_walsummary_mmap_incr 64 # How long, in seconds, to run each test for. If a test is set to run for # 0 seconds, it is omitted entirely. # unset -nocomplain seconds set seconds(walthread-1) 20 set seconds(walthread-2) 20 set seconds(walthread-3) 20 set seconds(walthread-4) 20 set seconds(walthread-5) 1 # The parameter is the name of a variable in the callers context. The # variable may or may not exist when this command is invoked. # # If the variable does exist, its value is returned. Otherwise, this # command uses [vwait] to wait until it is set, then returns the value. # In other words, this is a version of the [set VARNAME] command that # blocks until a variable exists. # proc wait_for_var {varname} { if {0==[uplevel [list info exists $varname]]} { uplevel [list vwait $varname] } uplevel [list set $varname] } # The argument is the name of a list variable in the callers context. The # first element of the list is removed and returned. For example: # # set L {a b c} # set x [lshift L] # assert { $x == "a" && $L == "b c" } # proc lshift {lvar} { upvar $lvar L set ret [lindex $L 0] set L [lrange $L 1 end] return $ret } #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # do_thread_test TESTNAME OPTIONS... # # where OPTIONS are: # # -seconds SECONDS How many seconds to run the test for # -init SCRIPT Script to run before test. # -thread NAME COUNT SCRIPT Scripts to run in threads (or processes). # -processes BOOLEAN True to use processes instead of threads. # -check SCRIPT Script to run after test. # proc do_thread_test {args} { set A $args set P(testname) [lshift A] set P(seconds) 5 set P(init) "" set P(threads) [list] set P(processes) 0 set P(check) { set ic [db eval "PRAGMA integrity_check"] if {$ic != "ok"} { error $ic } } unset -nocomplain ::done while {[llength $A]>0} { set a [lshift A] switch -glob -- $a { -seconds { set P(seconds) [lshift A] } -init { set P(init) [lshift A] } -processes { set P(processes) [lshift A] } -check { set P(check) [lshift A] } -thread { set name [lshift A] set count [lshift A] set prg [lshift A] lappend P(threads) [list $name $count $prg] } default { error "Unknown option: $a" } } } if {$P(seconds) == 0} { puts "Skipping $P(testname)" return } puts "Running $P(testname) for $P(seconds) seconds..." catch { db close } forcedelete test.db test.db-journal test.db-wal sqlite3 db test.db eval $P(init) catch { db close } foreach T $P(threads) { set name [lindex $T 0] set count [lindex $T 1] set prg [lindex $T 2] for {set i 1} {$i <= $count} {incr i} { set vars " set E(pid) $i set E(nthread) $count set E(seconds) $P(seconds) " set program [string map [list %TEST% $prg %VARS% $vars] { %VARS% proc usleep {ms} { set ::usleep 0 after $ms {set ::usleep 1} vwait ::usleep } proc integrity_check {{db db}} { set ic [$db eval {PRAGMA integrity_check}] if {$ic != "ok"} {error $ic} } proc busyhandler {n} { usleep 10 ; return 0 } sqlite3 db test.db db busy busyhandler db eval { SELECT randomblob($E(pid)*5) } set ::finished 0 after [expr $E(seconds) * 1000] {set ::finished 1} proc tt_continue {} { update ; expr ($::finished==0) } set rc [catch { %TEST% } msg] catch { db close } list $rc $msg }] if {$P(processes)==0} { sqlthread spawn ::done($name,$i) $program } else { testfixture_nb ::done($name,$i) $program } } } set report " Results:" foreach T $P(threads) { set name [lindex $T 0] set count [lindex $T 1] set prg [lindex $T 2] set reslist [list] for {set i 1} {$i <= $count} {incr i} { set res [wait_for_var ::done($name,$i)] lappend reslist [lindex $res 1] do_test $P(testname).$name.$i [list lindex $res 0] 0 } append report " $name $reslist" } puts $report sqlite3 db test.db set res "" if {[catch $P(check) msg]} { set res $msg } do_test $P(testname).check [list set {} $res] "" } # A wrapper around [do_thread_test] which runs the specified test twice. # Once using processes, once using threads. This command takes the same # arguments as [do_thread_test], except specifying the -processes switch # is illegal. # proc do_thread_test2 {args} { set name [lindex $args 0] if {[lsearch $args -processes]>=0} { error "bad option: -processes"} uplevel [lreplace $args 0 0 do_thread_test "$name-threads" -processes 0] uplevel [lreplace $args 0 0 do_thread_test "$name-processes" -processes 1] } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start 10 threads. Each thread performs both read and write # transactions. Each read transaction consists of: # # 1) Reading the md5sum of all but the last table row, # 2) Running integrity check. # 3) Reading the value stored in the last table row, # 4) Check that the values read in steps 1 and 3 are the same, and that # the md5sum of all but the last table row has not changed. # # Each write transaction consists of: # # 1) Modifying the contents of t1 (inserting, updating, deleting rows). # 2) Appending a new row to the table containing the md5sum() of all # rows in the table. # # Each of the N threads runs N read transactions followed by a single write # transaction in a loop as fast as possible. # # There is also a single checkpointer thread. It runs the following loop: # # 1) Execute "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint" # 2) Sleep for 500 ms. # do_thread_test2 walthread-1 -seconds $seconds(walthread-1) -init { execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; CREATE TABLE t1(x PRIMARY KEY); PRAGMA lock_status; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(100)); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT md5sum(x) FROM t1; } } -thread main 10 { proc read_transaction {} { set results [db eval { BEGIN; PRAGMA integrity_check; SELECT md5sum(x) FROM t1 WHERE rowid != (SELECT max(rowid) FROM t1); SELECT x FROM t1 WHERE rowid = (SELECT max(rowid) FROM t1); SELECT md5sum(x) FROM t1 WHERE rowid != (SELECT max(rowid) FROM t1); COMMIT; }] if {[llength $results]!=4 || [lindex $results 0] != "ok" || [lindex $results 1] != [lindex $results 2] || [lindex $results 2] != [lindex $results 3] } { error "Failed read transaction: $results" } } proc write_transaction {} { db eval { BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(101 + $::E(pid))); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(101 + $::E(pid))); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT md5sum(x) FROM t1; COMMIT; } } # Turn off auto-checkpoint. Otherwise, an auto-checkpoint run by a # writer may cause the dedicated checkpoint thread to return an # SQLITE_BUSY error. # db eval { PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 0 } set nRun 0 while {[tt_continue]} { read_transaction write_transaction incr nRun } set nRun } -thread ckpt 1 { set nRun 0 while {[tt_continue]} { db eval "PRAGMA wal_checkpoint" usleep 500 incr nRun } set nRun } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This test has clients run the following procedure as fast as possible # in a loop: # # 1. Open a database handle. # 2. Execute a read-only transaction on the db. # 3. Do "PRAGMA journal_mode = XXX", where XXX is one of WAL or DELETE. # Ignore any SQLITE_BUSY error. # 4. Execute a write transaction to insert a row into the db. # 5. Run "PRAGMA integrity_check" # # At present, there are 4 clients in total. 2 do "journal_mode = WAL", and # two do "journal_mode = DELETE". # # Each client returns a string of the form "W w, R r", where W is the # number of write-transactions performed using a WAL journal, and D is # the number of write-transactions performed using a rollback journal. # For example, "192 w, 185 r". # if {[atomic_batch_write test.db]==0} { do_thread_test2 walthread-2 -seconds $seconds(walthread-2) -init { execsql { CREATE TABLE t1(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, y UNIQUE) } } -thread RB 2 { db close set nRun 0 set nDel 0 while {[tt_continue]} { sqlite3 db test.db db busy busyhandler db eval { SELECT * FROM sqlite_master } catch { db eval { PRAGMA journal_mode = DELETE } } db eval { BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(NULL, randomblob(100+$E(pid))); } incr nRun 1 incr nDel [file exists test.db-journal] if {[file exists test.db-journal] + [file exists test.db-wal] != 1} { error "File-system looks bad..." } db eval COMMIT integrity_check db close } list $nRun $nDel set {} "[expr $nRun-$nDel] w, $nDel r" } -thread WAL 2 { db close set nRun 0 set nDel 0 while {[tt_continue]} { sqlite3 db test.db db busy busyhandler db eval { SELECT * FROM sqlite_master } catch { db eval { PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL } } db eval { BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(NULL, randomblob(110+$E(pid))); } incr nRun 1 incr nDel [file exists test.db-journal] if {[file exists test.db-journal] + [file exists test.db-wal] != 1} { error "File-system looks bad..." } db eval COMMIT integrity_check db close } set {} "[expr $nRun-$nDel] w, $nDel r" } } do_thread_test walthread-3 -seconds $seconds(walthread-3) -init { execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; CREATE TABLE t1(cnt PRIMARY KEY, sum1, sum2); CREATE INDEX i1 ON t1(sum1); CREATE INDEX i2 ON t1(sum2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(0, 0, 0); } } -thread t 10 { set nextwrite $E(pid) proc wal_hook {zDb nEntry} { if {$nEntry>10} { set rc [catch { db eval {PRAGMA wal_checkpoint} } msg] if {$rc && $msg != "database is locked"} { error $msg } } return 0 } db wal_hook wal_hook while {[tt_continue]} { set max 0 while { $max != ($nextwrite-1) && [tt_continue] } { set max [db eval { SELECT max(cnt) FROM t1 }] } if {[tt_continue]} { set sum1 [db eval { SELECT sum(cnt) FROM t1 }] set sum2 [db eval { SELECT sum(sum1) FROM t1 }] db eval { INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($nextwrite, $sum1, $sum2) } incr nextwrite $E(nthread) integrity_check } } set {} ok } -check { puts " Final db contains [db eval {SELECT count(*) FROM t1}] rows" puts " Final integrity-check says: [db eval {PRAGMA integrity_check}]" # Check that the contents of the database are Ok. set c 0 set s1 0 set s2 0 db eval { SELECT cnt, sum1, sum2 FROM t1 ORDER BY cnt } { if {$c != $cnt || $s1 != $sum1 || $s2 != $sum2} { error "database content is invalid" } incr s2 $s1 incr s1 $c incr c 1 } } do_thread_test2 walthread-4 -seconds $seconds(walthread-4) -init { execsql { PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; CREATE TABLE t1(a INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, b UNIQUE); } } -thread r 1 { # This connection only ever reads the database. Therefore the # busy-handler is not required. Disable it to check that this is true. # # UPDATE: That is no longer entirely true - as we don't use a blocking # lock to enter RECOVER state. Which means there is a small chance a # reader can see an SQLITE_BUSY. # while {[tt_continue]} { integrity_check } set {} ok } -thread w 1 { proc wal_hook {zDb nEntry} { if {$nEntry>15} {db eval {PRAGMA wal_checkpoint}} return 0 } db wal_hook wal_hook set row 1 while {[tt_continue]} { db eval { REPLACE INTO t1 VALUES($row, randomblob(300)) } incr row if {$row == 10} { set row 1 } } set {} ok } # This test case attempts to provoke a deadlock condition that existed in # the unix VFS at one point. The problem occurred only while recovering a # very large wal file (one that requires a wal-index larger than the # initial default allocation of 64KB). # do_thread_test walthread-5 -seconds $seconds(walthread-5) -init { proc log_file_size {nFrame pgsz} { expr {12 + ($pgsz+16)*$nFrame} } execsql { PRAGMA page_size = 1024; PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL; CREATE TABLE t1(x); BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(randomblob(900)); INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 2 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 4 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 8 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 16 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 32 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 64 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 128 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 256 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 512 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 1024 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 2048 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 4096 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 8192 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 16384 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 32768 */ INSERT INTO t1 SELECT randomblob(900) FROM t1; /* 65536 */ COMMIT; } forcecopy test.db-wal bak.db-wal forcecopy test.db bak.db db close forcecopy bak.db-wal test.db-wal forcecopy bak.db test.db if {[file size test.db-wal] < [log_file_size [expr 64*1024] 1024]} { error "Somehow failed to create a large log file" } puts "Database with large log file recovered. Now running clients..." } -thread T 5 { db eval { SELECT count(*) FROM t1 } } unset -nocomplain seconds finish_test