#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # Run this script, redirecting input from cachegrind output, to compute the # number of CPU cycles used by each VDBE opcode. # # The cachegrind output should be configured so that it reports a single # column of Ir at the left margin. Ex: # # cg_annotation --show=Ir --auto=yes cachegrind.out.* | tclsh opcodesum.tcl # set currentop x set ncycle(x) 0 while {![eof stdin]} { set line [string map {\173 x \175 x \042 x} [gets stdin]] if {[regexp { \. case OP_.*:} $line]} { regexp {OP_(.+):} $line all currentop set ncycle($currentop) 0 } elseif {[lindex $line 1]=="default:" && [regexp {really OP_Noop and OP_Explain} $line]} { break } elseif {[lindex $line 0]!="."} { regsub -all {[^0-9]} [lindex $line 0] {} n if {$n!=""} {incr ncycle($currentop) $n} } } unset ncycle(x) set results {} foreach op [lsort [array names ncycle]] { if {$ncycle($op)==0} continue lappend results [list $ncycle($op) $op] } foreach entry [lsort -index 0 -int -decr $results] { puts [format {%-16s %10d} [lindex $entry 1] [lindex $entry 0]] }