SSSD Manual pagessss_cache8sss_cacheperform cache cleanupsss_cacheoptionsDESCRIPTIONsss_cache invalidates records in SSSD cache.
Invalidated records are forced to be reloaded from server as soon
as related SSSD backend is online. Options that invalidate a single
object only accept a single provided argument.
Invalidate all cached entries.
Invalidate specific user.
Invalidate all user records. This option overrides
invalidation of specific user if it was also set.
Invalidate specific group.
Invalidate all group records. This option overrides
invalidation of specific group if it was also set.
Invalidate specific netgroup.
Invalidate all netgroup records. This option overrides
invalidation of specific netgroup if it was also set.
Invalidate specific service.
Invalidate all service records. This option overrides
invalidation of specific service if it was also set.
Invalidate specific autofs maps.
Invalidate all autofs maps. This option overrides
invalidation of specific map if it was also set.
Invalidate SSH public keys of a specific host.
Invalidate SSH public keys of all hosts. This option
overrides invalidation of SSH public keys of specific
host if it was also set.
Invalidate particular sudo rule.
Invalidate all cached sudo rules. This option
overrides invalidation of specific sudo rule
if it was also set.
Restrict invalidation process only to a particular
EFFECTS ON THE FAST MEMORY CACHEsss_cache also invalidates the memory cache.
Since the memory cache is a file which is mapped into the memory of
each process which called SSSD to resolve users or groups the file
cannot be truncated. A special flag is set in the header of the file
to indicate that the content is invalid and then the file is
unlinked by SSSD's NSS responder and a new cache file is created.
Whenever a process is now doing a new lookup for a user or a group
it will see the flag, close the old memory cache file and map the
new one into its memory. When all processes which had opened the old
memory cache file have closed it while looking up a user or a group
the kernel can release the occupied disk space and the old memory
cache file is finally removed completely.
A special case is long running processes which are doing user or
group lookups only at startup, e.g. to determine the name of the
user the process is running as. For those lookups the memory cache
file is mapped into the memory of the process. But since there will
be no further lookups this process would never detect if the memory
cache file was invalidated and hence it will be kept in memory and
will occupy disk space until the process stops. As a result calling
sss_cache might increase the disk usage because
old memory cache files cannot be removed from the disk because they
are still mapped by long running processes.
A possible work-around for long running processes which are looking
up users and groups only at startup or very rarely is to run them
with the environment variable SSS_NSS_USE_MEMCACHE set to "NO" so
that they won't use the memory cache at all and not map the memory
cache file into the memory. In general a better solution is to tune
the cache timeout parameters so that they meet the local
expectations and calling sss_cache is not needed.