/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC * * Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Todd C. Miller * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it. * PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_STDBOOL_H # include #else # include #endif /* HAVE_STDBOOL_H */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static void sudo_ev_init(struct sudo_event *ev, int fd, int events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure); /* Default event base when none is specified. */ static struct sudo_event_base *default_base; /* We need the event base to be available from the signal handler. */ static struct sudo_event_base *signal_base; /* * Add an event to the base's active queue and mark it active. * This is extern so sudo_ev_scan_impl() can call it. */ void sudo_ev_activate(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev) { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->active, ev, active_entries); SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE); } /* * Remove an event from the base's active queue and mark it inactive. */ static inline void sudo_ev_deactivate(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev) { CLR(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE); TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->active, ev, active_entries); } /* * Clear out the base's active queue and mark all events as inactive. */ static void sudo_ev_deactivate_all(struct sudo_event_base *base) { struct sudo_event *ev; debug_decl(sudo_ev_deactivate_all, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); while ((ev = TAILQ_FIRST(&base->active)) != NULL) sudo_ev_deactivate(base, ev); debug_return; } /* * Activate all signal events for which the corresponding signal_pending[] * flag is set. */ static void sudo_ev_activate_sigevents(struct sudo_event_base *base) { struct sudo_event *ev; sigset_t set, oset; unsigned int i; debug_decl(sudo_ev_activate_sigevents, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* * We treat this as a critical section since the signal handler * could modify the siginfo[] entry. */ sigfillset(&set); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, &oset); base->signal_caught = 0; for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) { if (!base->signal_pending[i]) continue; base->signal_pending[i] = 0; TAILQ_FOREACH(ev, &base->signals[i], entries) { if (ISSET(ev->events, SUDO_EV_SIGINFO)) { struct sudo_ev_siginfo_container *sc = ev->closure; if (base->siginfo[i]->si_signo == 0) { /* No siginfo available. */ sc->siginfo = NULL; } else { sc->siginfo = (siginfo_t *)sc->si_buf; memcpy(sc->siginfo, base->siginfo[i], sizeof(siginfo_t)); } } /* Make event active. */ ev->revents = ev->events & (SUDO_EV_SIGNAL|SUDO_EV_SIGINFO); TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->active, ev, active_entries); SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE); } } sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL); debug_return; } /* * Internal callback for SUDO_EV_SIGNAL and SUDO_EV_SIGINFO. */ static void signal_pipe_cb(int fd, int what, void *v) { struct sudo_event_base *base = v; unsigned char ch; ssize_t nread; debug_decl(signal_pipe_cb, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* * Drain signal_pipe, the signal handler updated base->signals_pending. * Actual processing of signal events is done when poll/select is * interrupted by a signal. */ while ((nread = read(fd, &ch, 1)) > 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: received signal %d", __func__, (int)ch); } if (nread == -1 && errno != EAGAIN) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO|SUDO_DEBUG_ERRNO, "%s: error reading from signal pipe fd %d", __func__, fd); } /* Activate signal events. */ sudo_ev_activate_sigevents(base); debug_return; } static int sudo_ev_base_init(struct sudo_event_base *base) { unsigned int i; debug_decl(sudo_ev_base_init, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); TAILQ_INIT(&base->events); TAILQ_INIT(&base->timeouts); for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) TAILQ_INIT(&base->signals[i]); if (sudo_ev_base_alloc_impl(base) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: unable to allocate impl base", __func__); goto bad; } if (pipe2(base->signal_pipe, O_NONBLOCK|O_CLOEXEC) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: unable to create signal pipe", __func__); goto bad; } sudo_ev_init(&base->signal_event, base->signal_pipe[0], SUDO_EV_READ|SUDO_EV_PERSIST, signal_pipe_cb, base); debug_return_int(0); bad: /* Note: signal_pipe[] not filled in. */ sudo_ev_base_free_impl(base); debug_return_int(-1); } struct sudo_event_base * sudo_ev_base_alloc_v1(void) { struct sudo_event_base *base; debug_decl(sudo_ev_base_alloc, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); base = calloc(1, sizeof(*base)); if (base == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to allocate base", __func__); debug_return_ptr(NULL); } if (sudo_ev_base_init(base) != 0) { free(base); debug_return_ptr(NULL); } debug_return_ptr(base); } void sudo_ev_base_free_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { struct sudo_event *ev, *next; unsigned int i; debug_decl(sudo_ev_base_free, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) debug_return; /* Reset the default base if necessary. */ if (default_base == base) default_base = NULL; /* Remove any existing events before freeing the base. */ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ev, &base->events, entries, next) { sudo_ev_del(base, ev); ev->base = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) { TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ev, &base->signals[i], entries, next) { sudo_ev_del(base, ev); ev->base = NULL; } free(base->siginfo[i]); free(base->orig_handlers[i]); } sudo_ev_base_free_impl(base); close(base->signal_pipe[0]); close(base->signal_pipe[1]); free(base); debug_return; } void sudo_ev_base_setdef_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_base_setdef, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); default_base = base; debug_return; } /* * Clear and fill in a struct sudo_event. */ static void sudo_ev_init(struct sudo_event *ev, int fd, int events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_init, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); memset(ev, 0, sizeof(*ev)); ev->fd = fd; ev->events = events & SUDO_EV_MASK; ev->pfd_idx = -1; ev->callback = callback; ev->closure = closure; debug_return; } /* * Set a pre-allocated struct sudo_event. * Allocates space for siginfo_t for SUDO_EV_SIGINFO as needed. */ int sudo_ev_set_v2(struct sudo_event *ev, int fd, int events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_set, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* For SUDO_EV_SIGINFO we use a container to store closure + siginfo_t */ if (ISSET(events, SUDO_EV_SIGINFO)) { struct sudo_ev_siginfo_container *container = malloc(sizeof(*container) + sizeof(siginfo_t)); if (container == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to allocate siginfo container", __func__); debug_return_int(-1); } container->closure = closure; closure = container; } sudo_ev_init(ev, fd, events, callback, closure); debug_return_int(0); } int sudo_ev_set_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, int fd, short events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure) { return sudo_ev_set_v2(ev, fd, events, callback, closure); } struct sudo_event * sudo_ev_alloc_v2(int fd, int events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure) { struct sudo_event *ev; debug_decl(sudo_ev_alloc, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); ev = malloc(sizeof(*ev)); if (ev == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to allocate event", __func__); debug_return_ptr(NULL); } if (sudo_ev_set(ev, fd, events, callback, closure) == -1) { free(ev); debug_return_ptr(NULL); } debug_return_ptr(ev); } struct sudo_event * sudo_ev_alloc_v1(int fd, short events, sudo_ev_callback_t callback, void *closure) { return sudo_ev_alloc_v2(fd, events, callback, closure); } void sudo_ev_free_v1(struct sudo_event *ev) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_free, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (ev == NULL) debug_return; /* Make sure ev is not in use before freeing it. */ if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED)) (void)sudo_ev_del(NULL, ev); if (ISSET(ev->events, SUDO_EV_SIGINFO)) free(ev->closure); free(ev); debug_return; } static void sudo_ev_handler(int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *context) { unsigned char ch = (unsigned char)signo; if (signal_base != NULL) { /* * Update signals_pending[] and siginfo[]. * All signals must be blocked any time siginfo[] is accessed. * If no siginfo available, zero out the struct in base. */ if (info == NULL) memset(signal_base->siginfo[signo], 0, sizeof(*info)); else memcpy(signal_base->siginfo[signo], info, sizeof(*info)); signal_base->signal_pending[signo] = 1; signal_base->signal_caught = 1; /* Wake up the other end of the pipe. */ ignore_result(write(signal_base->signal_pipe[1], &ch, 1)); } } static int sudo_ev_add_signal(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev, bool tohead) { const int signo = ev->fd; debug_decl(sudo_ev_add_signal, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: adding event %p to base %p, signal %d, events %d", __func__, ev, base, signo, ev->events); if (signo >= NSIG) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: signo %d larger than max %d", __func__, signo, NSIG - 1); debug_return_int(-1); } if ((ev->events & ~(SUDO_EV_SIGNAL|SUDO_EV_SIGINFO|SUDO_EV_PERSIST)) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: invalid event set 0x%x", __func__, ev->events); debug_return_int(-1); } /* * Allocate base->siginfo[signo] and base->orig_handlers[signo] as needed. */ if (base->siginfo[signo] == NULL) { base->siginfo[signo] = malloc(sizeof(*base->siginfo[signo])); if (base->siginfo[signo] == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to allocate siginfo for signo %d", __func__, signo); debug_return_int(-1); } } if (base->orig_handlers[signo] == NULL) { base->orig_handlers[signo] = malloc(sizeof(*base->orig_handlers[signo])); if (base->orig_handlers[signo] == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to allocate orig_handlers for signo %d", __func__, signo); debug_return_int(-1); } } /* Install signal handler as needed, saving the original value. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&base->signals[signo])) { struct sigaction sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO; sa.sa_sigaction = sudo_ev_handler; if (sigaction(signo, &sa, base->orig_handlers[signo]) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to install handler for signo %d", __func__, signo); debug_return_int(-1); } base->num_handlers++; } /* * Insert signal event into the proper tail queue. * Signal events are always persistent. */ ev->base = base; if (tohead) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&base->signals[signo], ev, entries); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->signals[signo], ev, entries); } SET(ev->events, SUDO_EV_PERSIST); SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED); /* Add the internal signal_pipe event on demand. */ if (!ISSET(base->signal_event.flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED)) sudo_ev_add(base, &base->signal_event, NULL, true); /* Update global signal base so handler to update signals_pending[] */ signal_base = base; debug_return_int(0); } int sudo_ev_add_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev, const struct timeval *timo, bool tohead) { struct timespec tsbuf, *ts = NULL; if (timo != NULL) { TIMEVAL_TO_TIMESPEC(timo, &tsbuf); ts = &tsbuf; } return sudo_ev_add_v2(base, ev, ts, tohead); } int sudo_ev_add_v2(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev, const struct timespec *timo, bool tohead) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_add, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* If no base specified, use existing or default base. */ if (base == NULL) { if (ev->base != NULL) { base = ev->base; } else if (default_base != NULL) { base = default_base; } else { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: no base specified", __func__); debug_return_int(-1); } } /* Only add new events to the events list. */ if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED)) { /* If event no longer has a timeout, remove from timeouts queue. */ if (timo == NULL && ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: removing event %p from timeouts queue", __func__, ev); CLR(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS); TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->timeouts, ev, timeouts_entries); } } else { /* Special handling for signal events. */ if (ev->events & (SUDO_EV_SIGNAL|SUDO_EV_SIGINFO)) debug_return_int(sudo_ev_add_signal(base, ev, tohead)); /* Add event to the base. */ sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: adding event %p to base %p, fd %d, events %d", __func__, ev, base, ev->fd, ev->events); if (ev->events & (SUDO_EV_READ|SUDO_EV_WRITE)) { if (sudo_ev_add_impl(base, ev) != 0) debug_return_int(-1); } ev->base = base; if (tohead) { TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&base->events, ev, entries); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->events, ev, entries); } SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED); } /* Timeouts can be changed for existing events. */ if (timo != NULL) { struct sudo_event *evtmp; if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS)) { /* Remove from timeouts list, then add back. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->timeouts, ev, timeouts_entries); } /* Convert to absolute time and insert in sorted order; O(n). */ sudo_gettime_mono(&ev->timeout); sudo_timespecadd(&ev->timeout, timo, &ev->timeout); TAILQ_FOREACH(evtmp, &base->timeouts, timeouts_entries) { if (sudo_timespeccmp(&ev->timeout, &evtmp->timeout, <)) break; } if (evtmp != NULL) { TAILQ_INSERT_BEFORE(evtmp, ev, timeouts_entries); } else { TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->timeouts, ev, timeouts_entries); } SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS); } debug_return_int(0); } /* * Remove an event from the base, if specified, or the base embedded * in the event if not. Note that there are multiple tail queues. */ int sudo_ev_del_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base, struct sudo_event *ev) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_del, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* Make sure event is really in the queue. */ if (!ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED)) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: event %p not in queue", __func__, ev); debug_return_int(0); } /* Check for event base mismatch, if one is specified. */ if (base == NULL) { if (ev->base == NULL) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: no base specified", __func__); debug_return_int(-1); } base = ev->base; } else if (base != ev->base) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR, "%s: mismatch base %p, ev->base %p", __func__, base, ev->base); debug_return_int(-1); } if (ev->events & (SUDO_EV_SIGNAL|SUDO_EV_SIGINFO)) { const int signo = ev->fd; sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: removing event %p from base %p, signo %d, events %d", __func__, ev, base, signo, ev->events); /* Unlink from signal event list. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->signals[signo], ev, entries); if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&base->signals[signo])) { if (sigaction(signo, base->orig_handlers[signo], NULL) != 0) { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_ERROR|SUDO_DEBUG_LINENO, "%s: unable to restore handler for signo %d", __func__, signo); debug_return_int(-1); } base->num_handlers--; } if (base->num_handlers == 0) { /* No registered signal events, remove internal event. */ sudo_ev_del(base, &base->signal_event); } } else { sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: removing event %p from base %p, fd %d, events %d", __func__, ev, base, ev->fd, ev->events); /* Call backend. */ if (ev->events & (SUDO_EV_READ|SUDO_EV_WRITE)) { if (sudo_ev_del_impl(base, ev) != 0) debug_return_int(-1); } /* Unlink from event list. */ TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->events, ev, entries); /* Unlink from timeouts list. */ if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS)) TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->timeouts, ev, timeouts_entries); } /* Unlink from active list. */ if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE)) TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->active, ev, active_entries); /* Mark event unused. */ ev->flags = 0; ev->pfd_idx = -1; debug_return_int(0); } int sudo_ev_dispatch_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { return sudo_ev_loop_v1(base, 0); } /* * Run main event loop. * Returns 0 on success, 1 if no events registered and -1 on error */ int sudo_ev_loop_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base, unsigned int flags) { struct timespec now; struct sudo_event *ev; int nready, rc = 0; debug_decl(sudo_ev_loop, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); /* * If sudo_ev_loopexit() was called when events were not running * the next invocation of sudo_ev_loop() only runs once. * All other base flags are ignored unless we are running events. * Note that SUDO_EVLOOP_ONCE and SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE are equivalent. */ base->flags |= (flags & SUDO_EVLOOP_ONCE); base->flags &= (SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT|SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE); for (;;) { rescan: /* Make sure we have some events. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&base->events)) { rc = 1; break; } /* Call backend to scan for I/O events. */ TAILQ_INIT(&base->active); nready = sudo_ev_scan_impl(base, flags); switch (nready) { case -1: if (errno == ENOMEM || errno == EAGAIN) continue; if (errno == EINTR) { /* Interrupted by signal, check for sigevents. */ if (base->signal_caught) { signal_pipe_cb(base->signal_pipe[0], SUDO_EV_READ, base); break; } continue; } rc = -1; goto done; case 0: /* Timed out, activate timeout events. */ sudo_gettime_mono(&now); while ((ev = TAILQ_FIRST(&base->timeouts)) != NULL) { if (sudo_timespeccmp(&ev->timeout, &now, >)) break; /* Remove from timeouts list. */ CLR(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS); TAILQ_REMOVE(&base->timeouts, ev, timeouts_entries); /* Make event active. */ ev->revents = SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&base->active, ev, active_entries); SET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_ACTIVE); } if (ISSET(flags, SUDO_EVLOOP_NONBLOCK)) { /* If nonblocking, return immediately if no active events. */ if (TAILQ_EMPTY(&base->active)) goto done; } break; default: /* I/O events active, sudo_ev_scan_impl() already added them. */ break; } /* * Service each event in the active queue. * We store the current event pointer in the base so that * it can be cleared by sudo_ev_del(). This prevents a use * after free if the callback frees its own event. */ while ((ev = TAILQ_FIRST(&base->active)) != NULL) { /* Pop first event off the active queue. */ sudo_ev_deactivate(base, ev); /* Remove from base unless persistent. */ if (!ISSET(ev->events, SUDO_EV_PERSIST)) sudo_ev_del(base, ev); ev->callback(ev->fd, ev->revents, ev->closure == sudo_ev_self_cbarg() ? ev : ev->closure); if (ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK)) { /* Stop processing events immediately. */ SET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_BREAK); sudo_ev_deactivate_all(base); goto done; } if (ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT)) { /* Rescan events and start polling again. */ CLR(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT); sudo_ev_deactivate_all(base); goto rescan; } } if (ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE)) { /* SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT is always set w/ SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE */ if (ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT)) SET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_EXIT); sudo_ev_deactivate_all(base); break; } } done: base->flags &= SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_MASK; debug_return_int(rc); } void sudo_ev_loopexit_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_loopexit, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) { if ((base = default_base) == NULL) debug_return; } /* SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK trumps SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT */ if (!ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK)) { /* SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT trumps SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT */ CLR(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT); SET(base->flags, (SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT|SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE)); } debug_return; } void sudo_ev_loopbreak_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_loopbreak, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) { if ((base = default_base) == NULL) debug_return; } /* SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK trumps SUDO_EVBASE_LOOP{CONT,EXIT,ONCE}. */ CLR(base->flags, (SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT|SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPEXIT|SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE)); SET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK); debug_return; } void sudo_ev_loopcontinue_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_loopcontinue, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) { if ((base = default_base) == NULL) debug_return; } /* SUDO_EVBASE_LOOP{BREAK,EXIT} trumps SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT */ if (!ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPONCE|SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPBREAK)) { SET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_LOOPCONT); } debug_return; } bool sudo_ev_got_exit_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_got_exit, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) { if ((base = default_base) == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); } debug_return_bool(ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_EXIT)); } bool sudo_ev_got_break_v1(struct sudo_event_base *base) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_got_break, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); if (base == NULL) { if ((base = default_base) == NULL) debug_return_bool(false); } debug_return_bool(ISSET(base->flags, SUDO_EVBASE_GOT_BREAK)); } int sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, struct timeval *tv) { struct timespec ts; int ret; ret = sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v2(ev, &ts); TIMESPEC_TO_TIMEVAL(tv, &ts); return ret; } int sudo_ev_get_timeleft_v2(struct sudo_event *ev, struct timespec *ts) { debug_decl(sudo_ev_get_timeleft, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); sudo_timespecclear(ts); if (sudo_ev_pending_v1(ev, SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT, ts) != SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT) debug_return_int(-1); debug_return_int(0); } int sudo_ev_pending_v2(struct sudo_event *ev, int events, struct timespec *ts) { int ret; debug_decl(sudo_ev_pending, SUDO_DEBUG_EVENT); sudo_debug_printf(SUDO_DEBUG_INFO, "%s: event %p, flags 0x%x, events 0x%x", __func__, ev, ev->flags, ev->events); if (!ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_INSERTED)) debug_return_int(0); ret = ev->events & events; CLR(ret, SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT); if (ISSET(ev->flags, SUDO_EVQ_TIMEOUTS) && ISSET(events, SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT)) { ret |= SUDO_EV_TIMEOUT; if (ts != NULL) { struct timespec now; sudo_gettime_mono(&now); sudo_timespecsub(&ev->timeout, &now, ts); if (ts->tv_sec < 0) sudo_timespecclear(ts); } } debug_return_int(ret); } int sudo_ev_pending_v1(struct sudo_event *ev, short events, struct timespec *ts) { return sudo_ev_pending_v2(ev, events, ts); }