/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC * * Copyright (c) 2020 Robert Manner * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ /* * This is an open source non-commercial project. Dear PVS-Studio, please check it. * PVS-Studio Static Code Analyzer for C, C++ and C#: http://www.viva64.com */ #include "testhelpers.h" struct TestData data; /* * Starting with Python 3.11, backtraces may contain a line with * '^' characters to bring attention to the important part of the * line. */ static void remove_underline(char *output) { char *cp, *ep; // Remove lines that only consist of '^' and white space. cp = output; ep = output + strlen(output); for (;;) { size_t len = strspn(cp, "^ \t"); if (len > 0 && cp[len] == '\n') { /* Prune out lines that are "underlining". */ memmove(cp, cp + len + 1, (size_t)(ep - cp)); if (*cp == '\0') break; } else { /* No match, move to the next line. */ cp = strchr(cp, '\n'); if (cp == NULL) break; cp++; } } } static void clean_output(char *output) { // we replace some output which otherwise would be test run dependent str_replace_in_place(output, MAX_OUTPUT, data.tmp_dir, TEMP_PATH_TEMPLATE); if (data.tmp_dir2) str_replace_in_place(output, MAX_OUTPUT, data.tmp_dir2, TEMP_PATH_TEMPLATE "2"); str_replace_in_place(output, MAX_OUTPUT, SRC_DIR, "SRC_DIR"); remove_underline(output); } const char * expected_path(const char *format, ...) { static char expected_output_file[PATH_MAX]; size_t dirlen = strlcpy(expected_output_file, TESTDATA_DIR, sizeof(expected_output_file)); va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(expected_output_file + dirlen, PATH_MAX - dirlen, format, args); va_end(args); return expected_output_file; } char ** create_str_array(size_t count, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, count); char **result = calloc(count, sizeof(char *)); if (result != NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { const char *str = va_arg(args, char *); if (str != NULL) { result[i] = strdup(str); if (result[i] == NULL) { while (i > 0) { free(result[--i]); } free(result); result = NULL; break; } } } } va_end(args); return result; } int is_update(void) { static int result = -1; if (result < 0) { const char *update = getenv("UPDATE_TESTDATA"); result = (update && strcmp(update, "1") == 0) ? 1 : 0; } return result; } int verify_content(char *actual_content, const char *reference_path) { clean_output(actual_content); if (is_update()) { VERIFY_TRUE(fwriteall(reference_path, actual_content)); } else { char expected_output[MAX_OUTPUT] = ""; if (!freadall(reference_path, expected_output, sizeof(expected_output))) { printf("Error: Missing test data at '%s'\n", reference_path); return false; } VERIFY_STR(actual_content, expected_output); } return true; } int verify_file(const char *actual_dir, const char *actual_file_name, const char *reference_path) { char actual_path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(actual_path, sizeof(actual_path), "%s/%s", actual_dir, actual_file_name); char actual_str[MAX_OUTPUT]; if (!freadall(actual_path, actual_str, sizeof(actual_str))) { printf("Expected that file '%s' gets created, but it was not\n", actual_path); return false; } int rc = verify_content(actual_str, reference_path); return rc; } int fake_conversation(int num_msgs, const struct sudo_conv_message msgs[], struct sudo_conv_reply replies[], struct sudo_conv_callback *callback) { (void) callback; snprintf_append(data.conv_str, MAX_OUTPUT, "Question count: %d\n", num_msgs); for (int i = 0; i < num_msgs; ++i) { const struct sudo_conv_message *msg = &msgs[i]; snprintf_append(data.conv_str, MAX_OUTPUT, "Question %d: <<%s>> (timeout: %d, msg_type=%d)\n", i, msg->msg, msg->timeout, msg->msg_type); if (data.conv_replies[i] == NULL) return 1; // simulates user interruption (conversation error) replies[i].reply = strdup(data.conv_replies[i]); if (replies[i].reply == NULL) return 1; // memory allocation error } return 0; // simulate user answered just fine } int fake_conversation_with_suspend(int num_msgs, const struct sudo_conv_message msgs[], struct sudo_conv_reply replies[], struct sudo_conv_callback *callback) { if (callback != NULL) { callback->on_suspend(SIGTSTP, callback->closure); callback->on_resume(SIGCONT, callback->closure); } return fake_conversation(num_msgs, msgs, replies, callback); } int fake_printf(int msg_type, const char * restrict fmt, ...) { int rc = -1; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char *output = NULL; switch(msg_type) { case SUDO_CONV_INFO_MSG: output = data.stdout_str; break; case SUDO_CONV_ERROR_MSG: output = data.stderr_str; break; default: break; } if (output) rc = vsnprintf_append(output, MAX_OUTPUT, fmt, args); va_end(args); return rc; } int verify_log_lines(const char *reference_path) { char stored_path[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(stored_path, sizeof(stored_path), "%s/%s", data.tmp_dir, "debug.log"); FILE *file = fopen(stored_path, "rb"); if (file == NULL) { printf("Failed to open file '%s'\n", stored_path); return false; } char line[1024] = ""; char stored_str[MAX_OUTPUT] = ""; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file) != NULL) { char *line_data = strstr(line, "] "); // this skips the timestamp and pid at the beginning VERIFY_NOT_NULL(line_data); // malformed log line line_data += 2; char *line_end = strstr(line_data, " object at "); // this skips checking the pointer hex if (line_end) { snprintf(line_end, sizeof(line) - (size_t)(line_end - line), " object>\n"); } if (strncmp(line_data, "handle @ /", sizeof("handle @ /") - 1) == 0) { char *start = line_data + sizeof("handle @ ") - 1; // normalize path to logging/__init__.py char *logging = strstr(start, "logging/"); if (logging != NULL) { memmove(start, logging, strlen(logging) + 1); } // remove line number char *colon = strchr(start, ':'); if (colon != NULL) { size_t len = strspn(colon + 1, "0123456789"); if (len != 0) memmove(colon, colon + len + 1, strlen(colon + len + 1) + 1); } } else if (strncmp(line_data, "LogHandler.emit was called ", 27) == 0) { // LogHandler.emit argument details vary based on python version line_data[26] = '\n'; line_data[27] = '\0'; } else { // Python 3.11 uses 0 instead of the symbolic REJECT in backtraces char *cp = strstr(line_data, ": REJECT"); if (cp != NULL) { // Convert ": REJECT" to ": 0" + rest of line memcpy(cp, ": 0", 3); memmove(cp + 3, cp + 8, strlen(cp + 8) + 1); } else { // Python 3.12 may use instead of 0 cp = strstr(line_data, ""); if (cp != NULL) { *cp = '0'; memmove(cp + 1, cp + 14, strlen(cp + 14) + 1); } } } VERIFY_TRUE(strlcat(stored_str, line_data, sizeof(stored_str)) < sizeof(stored_str)); // we have enough space in buffer } clean_output(stored_str); VERIFY_TRUE(verify_content(stored_str, reference_path)); return true; } int verify_str_set(char **actual_set, char **expected_set, const char *actual_variable_name) { VERIFY_NOT_NULL(actual_set); VERIFY_NOT_NULL(expected_set); int actual_len = str_array_count(actual_set); int expected_len = str_array_count(expected_set); int matches = false; if (actual_len == expected_len) { int actual_pos = 0; for (; actual_pos < actual_len; ++actual_pos) { char *actual_item = actual_set[actual_pos]; int expected_pos = 0; for (; expected_pos < expected_len; ++expected_pos) { if (strcmp(actual_item, expected_set[expected_pos]) == 0) break; } if (expected_pos == expected_len) { // matching item was not found break; } } matches = (actual_pos == actual_len); } if (!matches) { char actual_set_str[MAX_OUTPUT] = ""; char expected_set_str[MAX_OUTPUT] = ""; str_array_snprint(actual_set_str, MAX_OUTPUT, actual_set, actual_len); str_array_snprint(expected_set_str, MAX_OUTPUT, expected_set, expected_len); VERIFY_PRINT_MSG("%s", actual_variable_name, actual_set_str, "expected", expected_set_str, "expected to contain the same elements as"); return false; } return true; } int mock_python_datetime_now(const char *plugin_name, const char *date_str) { char *cmd = NULL; int len; len = asprintf(&cmd, "import %s\n" // the plugin has its own submodule "from datetime import datetime\n" // store the real datetime "import time\n" "from unittest.mock import Mock\n" "%s.datetime = Mock()\n" // replace plugin's datetime "%s.datetime.now = lambda: datetime.strptime('%s', '%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S')\n", plugin_name, plugin_name, plugin_name, date_str); if (len == -1) return false; VERIFY_PTR_NE(cmd, NULL); VERIFY_INT(PyRun_SimpleString(cmd), 0); free(cmd); return true; }