# NOTE: Please do not add new sources to this file and submit a pull
#       request. New sources should be added with a pull-request to
#       the index repo: https://github.com/OISF/suricata-intel-index
# This is a version 1 formatted index.
version: 1


    summary: Emerging Threats Open Ruleset
    description: |
      Proofpoint ET Open is a timely and accurate rule set for detecting and blocking advanced threats
    vendor: Proofpoint
    license: MIT
    url: https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/suricata-%(__version__)s/emerging.rules.tar.gz

    summary: Emerging Threats Pro Ruleset
    description: |
      Proofpoint ET Pro is a timely and accurate rule set for detecting and blocking advanced threats
    vendor: Proofpoint
    license: Commercial
    url: https://rules.emergingthreatspro.com/%(secret-code)s/suricata-%(__version__)s/etpro.rules.tar.gz
    subscribe-url: https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/et-pro-ruleset
        prompt: Emerging Threats Pro access code
      - et/open

    summary: Suricata Traffic ID ruleset
    vendor: OISF
    license: MIT
    url: https://openinfosecfoundation.org/rules/trafficid/trafficid.rules
    support-url: https://redmine.openinfosecfoundation.org/
    min-version: 4.0.0

    summary: Positive Technologies Attack Detection Team ruleset
    description: |
      The Attack Detection Team searches for new vulnerabilities and 0-days, reproduces it and creates PoC exploits to understand how these security flaws work and how related attacks can be detected on the network layer. Additionally, we are interested in malware and hackers’ TTPs, so we develop Suricata rules for detecting all sorts of such activities.
    vendor: Positive Technologies
    license: Custom
    license-url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ptresearch/AttackDetection/master/LICENSE
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ptresearch/AttackDetection/master/pt.rules.tar.gz

    summary: Secureworks suricata-malware ruleset
    description: |
      High-fidelity, high-priority ruleset composed mainly of malware-related countermeasures and curated by the Secureworks Counter Threat Unit research team.
    vendor: Secureworks
    license: Commercial
    url: https://ws.secureworks.com/ti/ruleset/%(secret-code)s/Suricata_suricata-malware_latest.tgz
        prompt: Secureworks Threat Intelligence Authentication Token
    subscribe-url: https://www.secureworks.com/contact/ (Please reference CTU Countermeasures)
    min-version: 2.0.9

    summary: Secureworks suricata-security ruleset
    description: |
      Broad ruleset composed of malware rules and other security-related countermeasures, and curated by the Secureworks Counter Threat Unit research team.
    vendor: Secureworks
    license: Commercial
    url: https://ws.secureworks.com/ti/ruleset/%(secret-code)s/Suricata_suricata-security_latest.tgz
        prompt: Secureworks Threat Intelligence Authentication Token
    subscribe-url: https://www.secureworks.com/contact/ (Please reference CTU Countermeasures)
    min-version: 2.0.9

    summary: Abuse.ch SSL Blacklist
    description: |
      The SSL Blacklist (SSLBL) is a project of abuse.ch with the goal of detecting malicious SSL connections, by identifying and blacklisting SSL certificates used by botnet C&C servers. In addition, SSLBL identifies JA3 fingerprints that helps you to detect & block malware botnet C&C communication on the TCP layer.
    vendor: Abuse.ch
    license: Non-Commercial
    url: https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/sslblacklist.rules

    summary: Abuse.ch Suricata JA3 Fingerprint Ruleset
    description: |
      If you are running Suricata, you can use the SSLBL's Suricata JA3 FingerprintRuleset to detect and/or block malicious SSL connections in your network based on the JA3 fingerprint. Please note that your need Suricata 4.1.0 or newer in order to use the JA3 fingerprint ruleset.
    vendor: Abuse.ch
    license: Non-Commercial
    url: https://sslbl.abuse.ch/blacklist/ja3_fingerprints.rules
    min-version: 4.1.0

    summary: Etnetera aggressive IP blacklist
    vendor: Etnetera a.s.
    license: MIT
    url: https://security.etnetera.cz/feeds/etn_aggressive.rules
    min-version: 4.0.0

    summary: Threat hunting rules
    description: |
      Heuristic ruleset for hunting. Focus on anomaly detection and showcasing latest engine features, not performance.
    vendor: tgreen
    license: GPLv3
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/travisbgreen/hunting-rules/master/hunting.rules
    min-version: 4.1.0