path: root/src/app-layer-expectation.c
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1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/app-layer-expectation.c b/src/app-layer-expectation.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a456f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app-layer-expectation.c
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Open Information Security Foundation
+ *
+ * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * \defgroup applayerexpectation Application Layer Expectation
+ *
+ * Handling of dynamic parallel connection for application layer similar
+ * to FTP.
+ *
+ * @{
+ *
+ * Some protocols like FTP create dynamic parallel flow (called expectation). In
+ * order to assign a application layer protocol to these expectation, Suricata
+ * needs to parse message of the initial protocol and create and maintain a list
+ * of expected flow.
+ *
+ * Application layers must use the here described API to implement this mechanism.
+ *
+ * When parsing a application layer message describing a parallel flow, the
+ * application layer can call AppLayerExpectationCreate() to declare an
+ * expectation. By doing that the next flow coming with corresponding IP parameters
+ * will be assigned the specified application layer. The resulting Flow will
+ * also have a Flow storage set that can be retrieved at index
+ * AppLayerExpectationGetDataId():
+ *
+ * ```
+ * data = (char *)FlowGetStorageById(f, AppLayerExpectationGetFlowId());
+ * ```
+ * This storage can be used to store information that are only available in the
+ * parent connection and could be useful in the parent connection. For instance
+ * this is used by the FTP protocol to propagate information such as file name
+ * and ftp operation to the FTP data connection.
+ */
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \author Eric Leblond <>
+ */
+#include "queue.h"
+#include "suricata-common.h"
+#include "ippair-storage.h"
+#include "flow-storage.h"
+#include "app-layer-expectation.h"
+#include "util-print.h"
+static IPPairStorageId g_ippair_expectation_id = { .id = -1 };
+static FlowStorageId g_flow_expectation_id = { .id = -1 };
+SC_ATOMIC_DECLARE(uint32_t, expectation_count);
+typedef struct Expectation_ {
+ SCTime_t ts;
+ Port sp;
+ Port dp;
+ AppProto alproto;
+ int direction;
+ /* use pointer to Flow as identifier of the Flow the expectation is linked to */
+ void *orig_f;
+ void *data;
+ CIRCLEQ_ENTRY(Expectation_) entries;
+} Expectation;
+typedef struct ExpectationData_ {
+ /** Start of Expectation Data structure must be a pointer
+ * to free function. Set to NULL to use SCFree() */
+ void (*DFree)(void *);
+} ExpectationData;
+typedef struct ExpectationList_ {
+ CIRCLEQ_HEAD(EList, Expectation_) list;
+ uint8_t length;
+} ExpectationList;
+static void ExpectationDataFree(void *e)
+ SCLogDebug("Free expectation data");
+ ExpectationData *ed = (ExpectationData *) e;
+ if (ed->DFree) {
+ ed->DFree(e);
+ } else {
+ SCFree(e);
+ }
+ * Free expectation
+ */
+static void AppLayerFreeExpectation(Expectation *exp)
+ if (exp->data) {
+ ExpectationData *expdata = (ExpectationData *)exp->data;
+ if (expdata->DFree) {
+ expdata->DFree(exp->data);
+ } else {
+ SCFree(exp->data);
+ }
+ }
+ SCFree(exp);
+static void ExpectationListFree(void *el)
+ ExpectationList *exp_list = (ExpectationList *)el;
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ return;
+ if (exp_list->length > 0) {
+ Expectation *exp = NULL, *pexp = NULL;
+ CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(exp, &exp_list->list, entries, pexp) {
+ CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&exp_list->list, exp, entries);
+ exp_list->length--;
+ AppLayerFreeExpectation(exp);
+ }
+ }
+ SCFree(exp_list);
+uint64_t ExpectationGetCounter(void)
+ uint64_t x = SC_ATOMIC_GET(expectation_count);
+ return x;
+void AppLayerExpectationSetup(void)
+ g_ippair_expectation_id =
+ IPPairStorageRegister("expectation", sizeof(void *), NULL, ExpectationListFree);
+ g_flow_expectation_id =
+ FlowStorageRegister("expectation", sizeof(void *), NULL, ExpectationDataFree);
+ SC_ATOMIC_INIT(expectation_count);
+static inline int GetFlowAddresses(Flow *f, Address *ip_src, Address *ip_dst)
+ memset(ip_src, 0, sizeof(*ip_src));
+ memset(ip_dst, 0, sizeof(*ip_dst));
+ if (FLOW_IS_IPV4(f)) {
+ FLOW_COPY_IPV4_ADDR_TO_PACKET(&f->src, ip_src);
+ FLOW_COPY_IPV4_ADDR_TO_PACKET(&f->dst, ip_dst);
+ } else if (FLOW_IS_IPV6(f)) {
+ FLOW_COPY_IPV6_ADDR_TO_PACKET(&f->src, ip_src);
+ FLOW_COPY_IPV6_ADDR_TO_PACKET(&f->dst, ip_dst);
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static ExpectationList *AppLayerExpectationLookup(Flow *f, IPPair **ipp)
+ Address ip_src, ip_dst;
+ if (GetFlowAddresses(f, &ip_src, &ip_dst) == -1)
+ return NULL;
+ *ipp = IPPairLookupIPPairFromHash(&ip_src, &ip_dst);
+ if (*ipp == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return IPPairGetStorageById(*ipp, g_ippair_expectation_id);
+static ExpectationList *AppLayerExpectationRemove(IPPair *ipp,
+ ExpectationList *exp_list,
+ Expectation *exp)
+ CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&exp_list->list, exp, entries);
+ AppLayerFreeExpectation(exp);
+ SC_ATOMIC_SUB(expectation_count, 1);
+ exp_list->length--;
+ if (exp_list->length == 0) {
+ IPPairSetStorageById(ipp, g_ippair_expectation_id, NULL);
+ ExpectationListFree(exp_list);
+ exp_list = NULL;
+ }
+ return exp_list;
+ * Create an entry in expectation list
+ *
+ * Create a expectation from an existing Flow. Currently, only Flow between
+ * the two original IP addresses are supported. In case of success, the
+ * ownership of the data pointer is taken. In case of error, the pointer
+ * to data has to be freed by the caller.
+ *
+ * \param f a pointer to the original Flow
+ * \param direction the direction of the data in the expectation flow
+ * \param src source port of the expected flow, use 0 for any
+ * \param dst destination port of the expected flow, use 0 for any
+ * \param alproto the protocol that need to be set on the expected flow
+ * \param data pointer to data that will be attached to the expected flow
+ *
+ * \return -1 if error
+ * \return 0 if success
+ */
+int AppLayerExpectationCreate(Flow *f, int direction, Port src, Port dst,
+ AppProto alproto, void *data)
+ ExpectationList *exp_list = NULL;
+ IPPair *ipp;
+ Address ip_src, ip_dst;
+ Expectation *exp = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*exp));
+ if (exp == NULL)
+ return -1;
+ exp->sp = src;
+ exp->dp = dst;
+ exp->alproto = alproto;
+ exp->ts = f->lastts;
+ exp->orig_f = (void *)f;
+ exp->data = data;
+ exp->direction = direction;
+ if (GetFlowAddresses(f, &ip_src, &ip_dst) == -1)
+ goto error;
+ ipp = IPPairGetIPPairFromHash(&ip_src, &ip_dst);
+ if (ipp == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ exp_list = IPPairGetStorageById(ipp, g_ippair_expectation_id);
+ if (exp_list) {
+ CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&exp_list->list, exp, entries);
+ /* In case there is already EXPECTATION_MAX_LEVEL expectations waiting to be fulfilled,
+ * we remove the older expectation to limit the total number of expectations */
+ if (exp_list->length >= EXPECTATION_MAX_LEVEL) {
+ Expectation *last_exp = CIRCLEQ_LAST(&exp_list->list);
+ CIRCLEQ_REMOVE(&exp_list->list, last_exp, entries);
+ AppLayerFreeExpectation(last_exp);
+ /* We keep the same amount of expectation so we fully release
+ * the IP pair */
+ IPPairRelease(ipp);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ exp_list = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*exp_list));
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto error;
+ exp_list->length = 0;
+ CIRCLEQ_INIT(&exp_list->list);
+ CIRCLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(&exp_list->list, exp, entries);
+ IPPairSetStorageById(ipp, g_ippair_expectation_id, exp_list);
+ }
+ exp_list->length += 1;
+ SC_ATOMIC_ADD(expectation_count, 1);
+ /* As we are creating the expectation, we release lock on IPPair without
+ * setting the ref count to 0. This way the IPPair will be kept till
+ * cleanup */
+ IPPairUnlock(ipp);
+ return 0;
+ SCFree(exp);
+ return -1;
+ * Return Flow storage identifier corresponding to expectation data
+ *
+ * \return expectation data identifier
+ */
+FlowStorageId AppLayerExpectationGetFlowId(void)
+ return g_flow_expectation_id;
+ * Function doing a lookup in expectation list and updating Flow if needed.
+ *
+ * This function lookup for a existing expectation that could match the Flow.
+ * If found and if the expectation contains data it store the data in the
+ * expectation storage of the Flow.
+ *
+ * \return an AppProto value if found
+ * \return ALPROTO_UNKNOWN if not found
+ */
+AppProto AppLayerExpectationHandle(Flow *f, uint8_t flags)
+ AppProto alproto = ALPROTO_UNKNOWN;
+ IPPair *ipp = NULL;
+ Expectation *lexp = NULL;
+ Expectation *exp = NULL;
+ int x = SC_ATOMIC_GET(expectation_count);
+ if (x == 0) {
+ }
+ /* Call will take reference of the ip pair in 'ipp' */
+ ExpectationList *exp_list = AppLayerExpectationLookup(f, &ipp);
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(exp, &exp_list->list, entries, lexp) {
+ if ((exp->direction & flags) && ((exp->sp == 0) || (exp->sp == f->sp)) &&
+ ((exp->dp == 0) || (exp->dp == f->dp))) {
+ alproto = exp->alproto;
+ if (f->alproto_ts == ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) {
+ f->alproto_ts = alproto;
+ }
+ if (f->alproto_tc == ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) {
+ f->alproto_tc = alproto;
+ }
+ void *fdata = FlowGetStorageById(f, g_flow_expectation_id);
+ if (fdata) {
+ /* We already have an expectation so let's clean this one */
+ ExpectationDataFree(exp->data);
+ } else {
+ /* Transfer ownership of Expectation data to the Flow */
+ if (FlowSetStorageById(f, g_flow_expectation_id, exp->data) != 0) {
+ SCLogDebug("Unable to set flow storage");
+ }
+ }
+ exp->data = NULL;
+ exp_list = AppLayerExpectationRemove(ipp, exp_list, exp);
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Cleaning remove old entries */
+ if (SCTIME_SECS(f->lastts) > SCTIME_SECS(exp->ts) + EXPECTATION_TIMEOUT) {
+ exp_list = AppLayerExpectationRemove(ipp, exp_list, exp);
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ipp)
+ IPPairRelease(ipp);
+ return alproto;
+void AppLayerExpectationClean(Flow *f)
+ IPPair *ipp = NULL;
+ Expectation *exp = NULL;
+ Expectation *pexp = NULL;
+ int x = SC_ATOMIC_GET(expectation_count);
+ if (x == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Call will take reference of the ip pair in 'ipp' */
+ ExpectationList *exp_list = AppLayerExpectationLookup(f, &ipp);
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ CIRCLEQ_FOREACH_SAFE(exp, &exp_list->list, entries, pexp) {
+ /* Cleaning remove old entries */
+ if (exp->orig_f == (void *)f) {
+ exp_list = AppLayerExpectationRemove(ipp, exp_list, exp);
+ if (exp_list == NULL)
+ goto out;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ipp)
+ IPPairRelease(ipp);
+ return;
+ * @}
+ */