path: root/src/runmode-af-packet.c
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1 files changed, 873 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/runmode-af-packet.c b/src/runmode-af-packet.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8ad0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/runmode-af-packet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,873 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Open Information Security Foundation
+ *
+ * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of
+ * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+ * \ingroup afppacket
+ *
+ * @{
+ */
+ * \file
+ *
+ * \author Eric Leblond <>
+ *
+ * AF_PACKET socket runmode
+ *
+ */
+#include "suricata-common.h"
+#include "suricata.h"
+#include "tm-threads.h"
+#include "conf.h"
+#include "runmodes.h"
+#include "runmode-af-packet.h"
+#include "output.h"
+#include "log-httplog.h"
+#include "detect-engine-mpm.h"
+#include "alert-fastlog.h"
+#include "alert-debuglog.h"
+#include "flow-bypass.h"
+#include "util-conf.h"
+#include "util-debug.h"
+#include "util-time.h"
+#include "util-cpu.h"
+#include "util-affinity.h"
+#include "util-device.h"
+#include "util-runmodes.h"
+#include "util-ioctl.h"
+#include "util-ebpf.h"
+#include "util-byte.h"
+#include "source-af-packet.h"
+#include "util-bpf.h"
+extern uint16_t max_pending_packets;
+const char *RunModeAFPGetDefaultMode(void)
+ return "workers";
+static int AFPRunModeIsIPS(void)
+ int nlive = LiveGetDeviceCount();
+ int ldev;
+ ConfNode *if_root;
+ ConfNode *if_default = NULL;
+ ConfNode *af_packet_node;
+ int has_ips = 0;
+ int has_ids = 0;
+ /* Find initial node */
+ af_packet_node = ConfGetNode("af-packet");
+ if (af_packet_node == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if_default = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", "default");
+ for (ldev = 0; ldev < nlive; ldev++) {
+ const char *live_dev = LiveGetDeviceName(ldev);
+ if (live_dev == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("Problem with config file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ const char *copymodestr = NULL;
+ if_root = ConfFindDeviceConfig(af_packet_node, live_dev);
+ if (if_root == NULL) {
+ if (if_default == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("Problem with config file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if_root = if_default;
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", &copymodestr) == 1) {
+ if (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0) {
+ has_ips = 1;
+ } else {
+ has_ids = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ has_ids = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_ids && has_ips) {
+ SCLogWarning("AF_PACKET using both IPS and TAP/IDS mode, this will not "
+ "be allowed in Suricata 8 due to undefined behavior. See ticket #5588.");
+ for (ldev = 0; ldev < nlive; ldev++) {
+ const char *live_dev = LiveGetDeviceName(ldev);
+ if (live_dev == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("Problem with config file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if_root = ConfNodeLookupKeyValue(af_packet_node, "interface", live_dev);
+ const char *copymodestr = NULL;
+ if (if_root == NULL) {
+ if (if_default == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("Problem with config file");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if_root = if_default;
+ }
+ if (!((ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", &copymodestr) ==
+ 1) &&
+ (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0))) {
+ SCLogError("AF_PACKET IPS mode used and interface '%s' is in IDS or TAP mode. "
+ "Sniffing '%s' but expect bad result as stream-inline is activated.",
+ live_dev, live_dev);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return has_ips;
+static void AFPRunModeEnableIPS(void)
+ if (AFPRunModeIsIPS()) {
+ SCLogInfo("Setting IPS mode");
+ EngineModeSetIPS();
+ }
+void RunModeIdsAFPRegister(void)
+ RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "single", "Single threaded af-packet mode",
+ RunModeIdsAFPSingle, AFPRunModeEnableIPS);
+ RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "workers",
+ "Workers af-packet mode, each thread does all"
+ " tasks from acquisition to logging",
+ RunModeIdsAFPWorkers, AFPRunModeEnableIPS);
+ RunModeRegisterNewRunMode(RUNMODE_AFP_DEV, "autofp",
+ "Multi socket AF_PACKET mode. Packets from "
+ "each flow are assigned to a single detect "
+ "thread.",
+ RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp, AFPRunModeEnableIPS);
+ return;
+static void AFPDerefConfig(void *conf)
+ AFPIfaceConfig *pfp = (AFPIfaceConfig *)conf;
+ /* Pcap config is used only once but cost of this low. */
+ if (SC_ATOMIC_SUB(pfp->ref, 1) == 1) {
+ SCFree(pfp);
+ }
+/* if cluster id is not set, assign it automagically, uniq value per
+ * interface. */
+static int cluster_id_auto = 1;
+ * \brief extract information from config file
+ *
+ * The returned structure will be freed by the thread init function.
+ * This is thus necessary to or copy the structure before giving it
+ * to thread or to reparse the file for each thread (and thus have
+ * new structure.
+ *
+ * \return a AFPIfaceConfig corresponding to the interface name
+ */
+static void *ParseAFPConfig(const char *iface)
+ const char *threadsstr = NULL;
+ ConfNode *if_root;
+ ConfNode *if_default = NULL;
+ ConfNode *af_packet_node;
+ const char *tmpclusterid;
+ const char *tmpctype;
+ const char *copymodestr;
+ intmax_t value;
+ int boolval;
+ const char *out_iface = NULL;
+ int cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH;
+ const char *ebpf_file = NULL;
+ const char *active_runmode = RunmodeGetActive();
+ if (iface == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ AFPIfaceConfig *aconf = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*aconf));
+ if (unlikely(aconf == NULL)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ strlcpy(aconf->iface, iface, sizeof(aconf->iface));
+ aconf->threads = 0;
+ SC_ATOMIC_INIT(aconf->ref);
+ (void) SC_ATOMIC_ADD(aconf->ref, 1);
+ aconf->buffer_size = 0;
+ aconf->cluster_id = 1;
+ aconf->cluster_type = cluster_type | PACKET_FANOUT_FLAG_DEFRAG;
+ aconf->promisc = 1;
+ aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_KERNEL;
+ aconf->DerefFunc = AFPDerefConfig;
+ aconf->flags = 0;
+ aconf->bpf_filter = NULL;
+ aconf->ebpf_lb_file = NULL;
+ aconf->ebpf_lb_fd = -1;
+ aconf->ebpf_filter_file = NULL;
+ aconf->ebpf_filter_fd = -1;
+ aconf->out_iface = NULL;
+ aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_NONE;
+ aconf->block_timeout = 10;
+ aconf->block_size = getpagesize() << AFP_BLOCK_SIZE_DEFAULT_ORDER;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.cpus_count = UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsConfigured();
+ /* Find initial node */
+ af_packet_node = ConfGetNode("af-packet");
+ if (af_packet_node == NULL) {
+ SCLogInfo("%s: unable to find af-packet config using default values", iface);
+ goto finalize;
+ }
+ if_root = ConfFindDeviceConfig(af_packet_node, iface);
+ if_default = ConfFindDeviceConfig(af_packet_node, "default");
+ if (if_root == NULL && if_default == NULL) {
+ SCLogInfo("%s: unable to find af-packet config for "
+ "interface \"%s\" or \"default\", using default values",
+ iface, iface);
+ goto finalize;
+ }
+ /* If there is no setting for current interface use default one as main iface */
+ if (if_root == NULL) {
+ if_root = if_default;
+ if_default = NULL;
+ }
+ if (active_runmode && !strcmp("single", active_runmode)) {
+ aconf->threads = 1;
+ } else if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "threads", &threadsstr) != 1) {
+ aconf->threads = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (threadsstr != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(threadsstr, "auto") == 0) {
+ aconf->threads = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (StringParseInt32(&aconf->threads, 10, 0, (const char *)threadsstr) < 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: invalid number of "
+ "threads, resetting to default",
+ iface);
+ aconf->threads = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-iface", &out_iface) == 1) {
+ if (out_iface != NULL) {
+ if (strlen(out_iface) > 0) {
+ aconf->out_iface = out_iface;
+ if (strcmp(iface, out_iface) == 0) {
+ FatalError(
+ "Invalid config: interface (%s) and copy-iface (%s) can't be the same",
+ iface, out_iface);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("copy-iface corresponding to %s interface cannot be NULL", iface);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "use-mmap", (int *)&boolval) == 1) {
+ if (!boolval) {
+ SCLogWarning(
+ "%s: \"use-mmap\" option is obsolete: mmap is always enabled", aconf->iface);
+ }
+ }
+ (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "mmap-locked", (int *)&boolval);
+ if (boolval) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: enabling locked memory for mmap", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_MMAP_LOCKED;
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "tpacket-v3", (int *)&boolval) == 1) {
+ if (boolval) {
+ if (strcasecmp(RunmodeGetActive(), "workers") == 0) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: enabling tpacket v3", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_TPACKET_V3;
+ SCLogWarning("%s: system too old for tpacket v3 switching to v2", iface);
+ aconf->flags &= ~AFP_TPACKET_V3;
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: tpacket v3 is only implemented for 'workers' runmode."
+ " Switching to tpacket v2.",
+ iface);
+ aconf->flags &= ~AFP_TPACKET_V3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ aconf->flags &= ~AFP_TPACKET_V3;
+ }
+ }
+ (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(
+ if_root, if_default, "use-emergency-flush", (int *)&boolval);
+ if (boolval) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using emergency ring flush", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_EMERGENCY_MODE;
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "copy-mode", &copymodestr) == 1) {
+ if (aconf->out_iface == NULL) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: copy mode activated but no destination"
+ " iface. Disabling feature",
+ iface);
+ } else if (strlen(copymodestr) <= 0) {
+ aconf->out_iface = NULL;
+ } else if (strcmp(copymodestr, "ips") == 0) {
+ SCLogInfo("%s: AF_PACKET IPS mode activated %s->%s", iface, iface, aconf->out_iface);
+ aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_IPS;
+ if (aconf->flags & AFP_TPACKET_V3) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: using tpacket_v3 in IPS mode will result in high latency", iface);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(copymodestr, "tap") == 0) {
+ SCLogInfo("%s: AF_PACKET TAP mode activated %s->%s", iface, iface, aconf->out_iface);
+ aconf->copy_mode = AFP_COPY_MODE_TAP;
+ if (aconf->flags & AFP_TPACKET_V3) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: using tpacket_v3 in TAP mode will result in high latency", iface);
+ }
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("Invalid 'copy-mode' (not in tap, ips)");
+ }
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "cluster-id", &tmpclusterid) != 1) {
+ aconf->cluster_id = (uint16_t)(cluster_id_auto++);
+ } else {
+ if (StringParseUint16(&aconf->cluster_id, 10, 0, (const char *)tmpclusterid) < 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: invalid cluster_id, resetting to 0", iface);
+ aconf->cluster_id = 0;
+ }
+ SCLogDebug("Going to use cluster-id %" PRIu16, aconf->cluster_id);
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "cluster-type", &tmpctype) != 1) {
+ /* default to our safest choice: flow hashing + defrag enabled */
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_round_robin") == 0) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using round-robin cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_LB;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_LB;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_flow") == 0 || strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_rollover") == 0) {
+ if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_rollover") == 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: cluster_rollover deprecated; using \"cluster_flow\" instead. See "
+ "ticket #6128",
+ aconf->iface);
+ }
+ /* In hash mode, we also ask for defragmentation needed to
+ * compute the hash */
+ uint16_t defrag = 0;
+ int conf_val = 0;
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using flow cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "defrag", &conf_val);
+ if (conf_val) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using defrag kernel functionality for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ }
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH | defrag;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_HASH;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_cpu") == 0) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using cpu cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_CPU;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_CPU;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_qm") == 0) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using queue based cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_QM;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_QM;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_random") == 0) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using random based cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_RND;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_RND;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "cluster_ebpf") == 0) {
+ SCLogInfo("%s: using ebpf based cluster mode for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF;
+ cluster_type = PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF;
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("invalid cluster-type %s", tmpctype);
+ }
+ int conf_val = 0;
+ ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "rollover", &conf_val);
+ if (conf_val) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: Rollover requested for AF_PACKET but ignored -- see ticket #6128.",
+ aconf->iface);
+ SCLogWarning("%s: rollover option has been deprecated and will be ignored as it can cause "
+ "severe flow "
+ "tracking issues; see ticket #6128.",
+ iface);
+ }
+ ConfSetBPFFilter(if_root, if_default, iface, &aconf->bpf_filter);
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "ebpf-lb-file", &ebpf_file) != 1) {
+ aconf->ebpf_lb_file = NULL;
+ } else {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: af-packet will use '%s' as eBPF load balancing file", iface, ebpf_file);
+ aconf->ebpf_lb_file = ebpf_file;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags |= EBPF_SOCKET_FILTER;
+ }
+ boolval = false;
+ if (ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "pinned-maps", (int *)&boolval) == 1) {
+ if (boolval) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using pinned maps", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags |= EBPF_PINNED_MAPS;
+ }
+ const char *pinned_maps_name = NULL;
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default,
+ "pinned-maps-name",
+ &pinned_maps_name) != 1) {
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.pinned_maps_name = pinned_maps_name;
+ } else {
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.pinned_maps_name = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.pinned_maps_name = NULL;
+ }
+ /* One shot loading of the eBPF file */
+ if (aconf->ebpf_lb_file && cluster_type == PACKET_FANOUT_EBPF) {
+ int ret = EBPFLoadFile(aconf->iface, aconf->ebpf_lb_file, "loadbalancer",
+ &aconf->ebpf_lb_fd,
+ &aconf->ebpf_t_config);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: failed to load eBPF lb file", iface);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aconf->ebpf_lb_file) {
+ SCLogError("%s: eBPF support is not built-in", iface);
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "ebpf-filter-file", &ebpf_file) != 1) {
+ aconf->ebpf_filter_file = NULL;
+ } else {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: af-packet will use '%s' as eBPF filter file", iface, ebpf_file);
+ aconf->ebpf_filter_file = ebpf_file;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.mode = AFP_MODE_EBPF_BYPASS;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags |= EBPF_SOCKET_FILTER;
+ ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "bypass", &conf_val);
+ if (conf_val) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using bypass kernel functionality for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_BYPASS;
+ BypassedFlowManagerRegisterUpdateFunc(EBPFUpdateFlow, NULL);
+ SCLogError("%s: bypass set but eBPF support is not built-in", iface);
+ }
+ }
+ /* One shot loading of the eBPF file */
+ if (aconf->ebpf_filter_file) {
+ int ret = EBPFLoadFile(aconf->iface, aconf->ebpf_filter_file, "filter",
+ &aconf->ebpf_filter_fd,
+ &aconf->ebpf_t_config);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: failed to load eBPF filter file", iface);
+ }
+ SCLogError("%s: eBPF support is not built-in", iface);
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "xdp-filter-file", &ebpf_file) != 1) {
+ aconf->xdp_filter_file = NULL;
+ } else {
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.mode = AFP_MODE_XDP_BYPASS;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags |= EBPF_XDP_CODE;
+ aconf->xdp_filter_file = ebpf_file;
+ ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "bypass", &conf_val);
+ if (conf_val) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: using bypass kernel functionality for AF_PACKET", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_XDPBYPASS;
+ /* if maps are pinned we need to read them at start */
+ if (aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags & EBPF_PINNED_MAPS) {
+ RunModeEnablesBypassManager();
+ struct ebpf_timeout_config *ebt = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(struct ebpf_timeout_config));
+ if (ebt == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("%s: flow bypass alloc error", iface);
+ } else {
+ memcpy(ebt, &(aconf->ebpf_t_config), sizeof(struct ebpf_timeout_config));
+ BypassedFlowManagerRegisterCheckFunc(NULL,
+ EBPFCheckBypassedFlowCreate,
+ (void *)ebt);
+ }
+ }
+ BypassedFlowManagerRegisterUpdateFunc(EBPFUpdateFlow, NULL);
+ }
+ SCLogWarning("%s: XDP filter set but XDP support is not built-in", iface);
+ const char *xdp_mode;
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "xdp-mode", &xdp_mode) != 1) {
+ aconf->xdp_mode = XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE;
+ } else {
+ if (!strcmp(xdp_mode, "soft")) {
+ aconf->xdp_mode = XDP_FLAGS_SKB_MODE;
+ } else if (!strcmp(xdp_mode, "driver")) {
+ aconf->xdp_mode = XDP_FLAGS_DRV_MODE;
+ } else if (!strcmp(xdp_mode, "hw")) {
+ aconf->xdp_mode = XDP_FLAGS_HW_MODE;
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.flags |= EBPF_XDP_HW_MODE;
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("Invalid xdp-mode value: '%s'", xdp_mode);
+ }
+ }
+ boolval = true;
+ if (ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "use-percpu-hash", (int *)&boolval) == 1) {
+ if (boolval == false) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: not using percpu hash", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->ebpf_t_config.cpus_count = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* One shot loading of the eBPF file */
+ if (aconf->xdp_filter_file) {
+ int ret = EBPFLoadFile(aconf->iface, aconf->xdp_filter_file, "xdp",
+ &aconf->xdp_filter_fd,
+ &aconf->ebpf_t_config);
+ switch (ret) {
+ case 1:
+ SCLogInfo("%s: loaded pinned maps from sysfs", iface);
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ SCLogWarning("%s: failed to load XDP filter file", iface);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ ret = EBPFSetupXDP(aconf->iface, aconf->xdp_filter_fd, aconf->xdp_mode);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: failed to set up XDP", iface);
+ } else {
+ /* Try to get the xdp-cpu-redirect key */
+ const char *cpuset;
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default,
+ "xdp-cpu-redirect", &cpuset) == 1) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: Setting up CPU map XDP", iface);
+ ConfNode *node = ConfGetChildWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "xdp-cpu-redirect");
+ if (node == NULL) {
+ SCLogError("Previously found node has disappeared");
+ } else {
+ EBPFBuildCPUSet(node, aconf->iface);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* It will just set CPU count to 0 */
+ EBPFBuildCPUSet(NULL, aconf->iface);
+ }
+ }
+ /* we have a peer and we use bypass so we can set up XDP iface redirect */
+ if (aconf->out_iface) {
+ EBPFSetPeerIface(aconf->iface, aconf->out_iface);
+ }
+ }
+ SCLogError("%s: XDP support is not built-in", iface);
+ }
+ if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "buffer-size", &value)) == 1) {
+ aconf->buffer_size = value;
+ } else {
+ aconf->buffer_size = 0;
+ }
+ if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "ring-size", &value)) == 1) {
+ aconf->ring_size = value;
+ }
+ if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "block-size", &value)) == 1) {
+ if (value % getpagesize()) {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: block-size %" PRIuMAX " must be a multiple of pagesize (%u).", iface,
+ value, getpagesize());
+ } else {
+ aconf->block_size = value;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ConfGetChildValueIntWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "block-timeout", &value)) == 1) {
+ aconf->block_timeout = value;
+ } else {
+ aconf->block_timeout = 10;
+ }
+ (void)ConfGetChildValueBoolWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "disable-promisc", (int *)&boolval);
+ if (boolval) {
+ SCLogConfig("%s: disabling promiscuous mode", aconf->iface);
+ aconf->promisc = 0;
+ }
+ if (ConfGetChildValueWithDefault(if_root, if_default, "checksum-checks", &tmpctype) == 1) {
+ if (strcmp(tmpctype, "auto") == 0) {
+ aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_AUTO;
+ } else if (ConfValIsTrue(tmpctype)) {
+ aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_ENABLE;
+ } else if (ConfValIsFalse(tmpctype)) {
+ aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_DISABLE;
+ } else if (strcmp(tmpctype, "kernel") == 0) {
+ aconf->checksum_mode = CHECKSUM_VALIDATION_KERNEL;
+ } else {
+ SCLogWarning("%s: invalid value for checksum-checks", aconf->iface);
+ }
+ }
+ /* if the number of threads is not 1, we need to first check if fanout
+ * functions on this system. */
+ if (aconf->threads != 1) {
+ if (AFPIsFanoutSupported(aconf->cluster_id) == 0) {
+ if (aconf->threads != 0) {
+ SCLogNotice("%s: fanout not supported on this system, falling "
+ "back to 1 capture thread",
+ iface);
+ }
+ aconf->threads = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* try to automagically set the proper number of threads */
+ if (aconf->threads == 0) {
+ /* for cluster_flow use core count */
+ if (cluster_type == PACKET_FANOUT_HASH) {
+ aconf->threads = (int)UtilCpuGetNumProcessorsOnline();
+ SCLogPerf("%s: cluster_flow: %u cores, using %u threads", iface, aconf->threads,
+ aconf->threads);
+ /* for cluster_qm use RSS queue count */
+ } else if (cluster_type == PACKET_FANOUT_QM) {
+ int rss_queues = GetIfaceRSSQueuesNum(iface);
+ if (rss_queues > 0) {
+ aconf->threads = rss_queues;
+ SCLogPerf("%s: cluster_qm: %d RSS queues, using %u threads", iface, rss_queues,
+ aconf->threads);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aconf->threads) {
+ SCLogDebug("using %d threads for interface %s", aconf->threads, iface);
+ }
+ }
+ if (aconf->threads <= 0) {
+ aconf->threads = 1;
+ }
+ SC_ATOMIC_RESET(aconf->ref);
+ (void) SC_ATOMIC_ADD(aconf->ref, aconf->threads);
+ if (aconf->ring_size != 0) {
+ if (aconf->ring_size * aconf->threads < max_pending_packets) {
+ aconf->ring_size = max_pending_packets / aconf->threads + 1;
+ SCLogWarning("%s: inefficient setup: ring-size < max_pending_packets. "
+ "Resetting to decent value %d.",
+ iface, aconf->ring_size);
+ /* We want at least that max_pending_packets packets can be handled by the
+ * interface. This is generous if we have multiple interfaces listening. */
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* We want that max_pending_packets packets can be handled by suricata
+ * for this interface. To take burst into account we multiply the obtained
+ * size by 2. */
+ aconf->ring_size = max_pending_packets * 2 / aconf->threads;
+ }
+ int ltype = AFPGetLinkType(iface);
+ switch (ltype) {
+ /* af-packet can handle csum offloading */
+ if (LiveGetOffload() == 0) {
+ if (GetIfaceOffloading(iface, 0, 1) == 1) {
+ SCLogWarning(
+ "%s: using AF_PACKET with offloads enabled leads to capture problems",
+ iface);
+ }
+ } else {
+ DisableIfaceOffloading(LiveGetDevice(iface), 0, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case -1:
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (active_runmode == NULL || strcmp("workers", active_runmode) != 0) {
+ /* If we are using copy mode we need a lock */
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_SOCK_PROTECT;
+ aconf->flags |= AFP_NEED_PEER;
+ }
+ return aconf;
+static int AFPConfigGeThreadsCount(void *conf)
+ AFPIfaceConfig *afp = (AFPIfaceConfig *)conf;
+ return afp->threads;
+#endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */
+int RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp(void)
+ SCEnter();
+/* We include only if AF_PACKET is enabled */
+ int ret;
+ const char *live_dev = NULL;
+ TimeModeSetLive();
+ (void)ConfGet("", &live_dev);
+ SCLogDebug("live_dev %s", live_dev);
+ if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Unable to init peers list.");
+ }
+ ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureAutoFp(ParseAFPConfig, AFPConfigGeThreadsCount, "ReceiveAFP",
+ "DecodeAFP", thread_name_autofp, live_dev);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ FatalError("Unable to start runmode");
+ }
+ /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */
+ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Some IPS capture threads did not peer.");
+ }
+ SCLogDebug("RunModeIdsAFPAutoFp initialised");
+#endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */
+ SCReturnInt(0);
+ * \brief Single thread version of the AF_PACKET processing.
+ */
+int RunModeIdsAFPSingle(void)
+ SCEnter();
+ int ret;
+ const char *live_dev = NULL;
+ TimeModeSetLive();
+ (void)ConfGet("", &live_dev);
+ if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Unable to init peers list.");
+ }
+ ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureSingle(ParseAFPConfig,
+ AFPConfigGeThreadsCount,
+ "ReceiveAFP",
+ "DecodeAFP", thread_name_single,
+ live_dev);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ FatalError("Unable to start runmode");
+ }
+ /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */
+ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Some IPS capture threads did not peer.");
+ }
+ SCLogDebug("RunModeIdsAFPSingle initialised");
+#endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */
+ SCReturnInt(0);
+ * \brief Workers version of the AF_PACKET processing.
+ *
+ * Start N threads with each thread doing all the work.
+ *
+ */
+int RunModeIdsAFPWorkers(void)
+ SCEnter();
+ int ret;
+ const char *live_dev = NULL;
+ TimeModeSetLive();
+ (void)ConfGet("", &live_dev);
+ if (AFPPeersListInit() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Unable to init peers list.");
+ }
+ ret = RunModeSetLiveCaptureWorkers(ParseAFPConfig, AFPConfigGeThreadsCount, "ReceiveAFP",
+ "DecodeAFP", thread_name_workers, live_dev);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ FatalError("Unable to start runmode");
+ }
+ /* In IPS mode each threads must have a peer */
+ if (AFPPeersListCheck() != TM_ECODE_OK) {
+ FatalError("Some IPS capture threads did not peer.");
+ }
+ SCLogDebug("RunModeIdsAFPWorkers initialised");
+#endif /* HAVE_AF_PACKET */
+ SCReturnInt(0);
+ * @}
+ */