.. _includes: Includes ======== A Suricata configuration file (typically ``/etc/suricata/suricata.yaml``) may include other files allowing a configuration file to be broken into multiple files. The *special* field name ``include`` is used to include one or more files. The contents of the *include* file are inlined at the level of the ``include`` statement. *Include* fields may also be included at any level within a mapping. Including a Single File ----------------------- :: include: filename.yaml Including Multiple Files ------------------------ :: include: - filename1.yaml - filename2.yaml Include Inside a Mapping ------------------------ :: vars: address-groups: include: address-groups.yaml where ``address-groups.yaml`` contains:: %YAML 1.1 --- HOME_NET: "[,,]" is the equivalent of:: vars: address-groups: HOME_NET: "[,,]" .. note:: Suricata versions less than 7 required multiple ``include`` statements to be specified to include more than one file. While Suricata 7.0 still supports this it will issue a deprecation warning. Suricata 8.0 will not allow multiple ``include`` statements at the same level as this is not allowed by YAML.