.. Consider converting `.. description` to `.. option` when the minimum version of Sphinx on the primary distributions are all updated to generate duplicate reference links. For example, we can't use `.. option` on CentOS 7 which has Sphinx 1.1.3, but Fedora 30 with Sphinx 1.8.4 is fine. .. describe:: pcap-file [tenant] [continuous] [delete-when-done] Add pcap files to Suricata for sequential processing. The generated log/alert files will be put into the directory specified as second argument. Make sure to provide absolute path to the files and directory. It is acceptable to add multiple files without waiting the result. .. describe:: pcap-file-continuous [tenant] [delete-when-done] Add pcap files to Suricata for sequential processing. Directory will be monitored for new files being added until there is a use of **pcap-interrupt** or directory is moved or deleted. .. describe:: pcap-file-number Number of pcap files waiting to get processed. .. describe:: pcap-file-list List of queued pcap files. .. describe:: pcap-last-processed Processed time of last file in milliseconds since epoch. .. describe:: pcap-interrupt Terminate the current state by interrupting directory processing. .. describe:: pcap-current Currently processed file.