bin_PROGRAMS = suricata if BUILD_FUZZTARGETS bin_PROGRAMS += fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto \ fuzz_applayerparserparse fuzz_siginit \ fuzz_confyamlloadstring fuzz_decodepcapfile \ fuzz_sigpcap fuzz_mimedecparseline if HAS_FUZZPCAP bin_PROGRAMS += fuzz_sigpcap_aware fuzz_predefpcap_aware endif endif noinst_HEADERS = \ action-globals.h \ alert-debuglog.h \ alert-fastlog.h \ alert-syslog.h \ app-layer-detect-proto.h \ app-layer-dnp3.h \ app-layer-dnp3-objects.h \ app-layer-enip-common.h \ app-layer-enip.h \ app-layer-events.h \ app-layer-expectation.h \ app-layer-frames.h \ app-layer-ftp.h \ app-layer.h \ app-layer-htp-body.h \ app-layer-htp-file.h \ app-layer-htp.h \ app-layer-htp-libhtp.h \ app-layer-htp-mem.h \ app-layer-htp-range.h \ app-layer-htp-xff.h \ app-layer-http2.h \ app-layer-ike.h \ app-layer-krb5.h \ app-layer-modbus.h \ app-layer-quic.h \ app-layer-mqtt.h \ app-layer-nfs-tcp.h \ app-layer-nfs-udp.h \ app-layer-ntp.h \ app-layer-parser.h \ app-layer-protos.h \ app-layer-rdp.h \ app-layer-register.h \ app-layer-rfb.h \ app-layer-sip.h \ app-layer-smb.h \ app-layer-smtp.h \ app-layer-snmp.h \ app-layer-ssh.h \ app-layer-ssl.h \ app-layer-tftp.h \ autoconf.h \ build-info.h \ conf.h \ conf-yaml-loader.h \ counters.h \ datasets.h \ datasets-ipv4.h \ datasets-ipv6.h \ datasets-md5.h \ datasets-reputation.h \ datasets-sha256.h \ datasets-string.h \ decode-chdlc.h \ decode-erspan.h \ decode-esp.h \ decode-ethernet.h \ decode-events.h \ decode-geneve.h \ decode-gre.h \ decode.h \ decode-icmpv4.h \ decode-icmpv6.h \ decode-ipv4.h \ decode-ipv6.h \ decode-mpls.h \ decode-nsh.h \ decode-ppp.h \ decode-pppoe.h \ decode-raw.h \ decode-sctp.h \ decode-sll.h \ decode-tcp.h \ decode-template.h \ decode-teredo.h \ decode-udp.h \ decode-vlan.h \ decode-vntag.h \ decode-vxlan.h \ defrag-config.h \ defrag.h \ defrag-hash.h \ defrag-queue.h \ defrag-timeout.h \ detect-app-layer-event.h \ detect-app-layer-protocol.h \ detect-asn1.h \ detect-base64-data.h \ detect-base64-decode.h \ detect-bsize.h \ detect-bypass.h \ detect-byte-extract.h \ detect-byte.h \ detect-bytejump.h \ detect-bytemath.h \ detect-bytetest.h \ detect-cipservice.h \ detect-classtype.h \ detect-config.h \ detect-content.h \ detect-csum.h \ detect-datarep.h \ detect-dataset.h \ detect-dce-iface.h \ detect-dce-opnum.h \ detect-dce-stub-data.h \ detect-depth.h \ detect-detection-filter.h \ detect-distance.h \ detect-dnp3.h \ detect-dns-opcode.h \ detect-dns-query.h \ detect-dsize.h \ detect-engine-address.h \ detect-engine-address-ipv4.h \ detect-engine-address-ipv6.h \ detect-engine-alert.h \ detect-engine-analyzer.h \ detect-engine-build.h \ detect-engine-content-inspection.h \ detect-engine-dcepayload.h \ detect-engine-enip.h \ detect-engine-event.h \ detect-engine-file.h \ detect-engine-frame.h \ detect-engine.h \ detect-engine-iponly.h \ detect-engine-loader.h \ detect-engine-mpm.h \ detect-engine-payload.h \ detect-engine-port.h \ detect-engine-prefilter-common.h \ detect-engine-prefilter.h \ detect-engine-profile.h \ detect-engine-proto.h \ detect-engine-register.h \ detect-engine-siggroup.h \ detect-engine-sigorder.h \ detect-engine-state.h \ detect-engine-tag.h \ detect-engine-threshold.h \ detect-engine-uint.h \ detect-fast-pattern.h \ detect-file-data.h \ detect-file-hash-common.h \ detect-filemagic.h \ detect-filemd5.h \ detect-filename.h \ detect-filesha1.h \ detect-filesha256.h \ detect-filesize.h \ detect-filestore.h \ detect-flowbits.h \ detect-flow.h \ detect-flow-age.h \ detect-flowint.h \ detect-flowvar.h \ detect-fragbits.h \ detect-fragoffset.h \ detect-frame.h \ detect-ftpbounce.h \ detect-ftpdata.h \ detect-geoip.h \ detect-gid.h \ detect.h \ detect-hostbits.h \ detect-http2.h \ detect-http-accept-enc.h \ detect-http-accept.h \ detect-http-accept-lang.h \ detect-http-client-body.h \ detect-http-connection.h \ detect-http-content-len.h \ detect-http-content-type.h \ detect-http-cookie.h \ detect-http-header-common.h \ detect-http-header.h \ detect-http-header-names.h \ detect-http-headers.h \ detect-http-headers-stub.h \ detect-http-host.h \ detect-http-location.h \ detect-http-method.h \ detect-http-protocol.h \ detect-http-raw-header.h \ detect-http-referer.h \ detect-http-request-line.h \ detect-http-response-line.h \ detect-http-server-body.h \ detect-http-server.h \ detect-http-start.h \ detect-http-stat-code.h \ detect-http-stat-msg.h \ detect-http-ua.h \ detect-http-uri.h \ detect-icmp-id.h \ detect-icmp-seq.h \ detect-icmpv4hdr.h \ detect-icmpv6hdr.h \ detect-icmpv6-mtu.h \ detect-icode.h \ detect-id.h \ detect-ike-exch-type.h \ detect-ike-spi.h \ detect-ike-vendor.h \ detect-ike-chosen-sa.h \ detect-ike-key-exchange-payload-length.h \ detect-ike-nonce-payload-length.h \ detect-ike-nonce-payload.h \ detect-ike-key-exchange-payload.h \ detect-ipaddr.h \ detect-ipopts.h \ detect-ipproto.h \ detect-iprep.h \ detect-ipv4hdr.h \ detect-ipv6hdr.h \ detect-isdataat.h \ detect-itype.h \ detect-krb5-cname.h \ detect-krb5-errcode.h \ detect-krb5-msgtype.h \ detect-krb5-sname.h \ detect-krb5-ticket-encryption.h \ detect-l3proto.h \ detect-lua-extensions.h \ detect-lua.h \ detect-mark.h \ detect-metadata.h \ detect-modbus.h \ detect-quic-sni.h \ detect-quic-ua.h \ detect-quic-version.h \ detect-quic-cyu-hash.h \ detect-quic-cyu-string.h \ detect-mqtt-connack-sessionpresent.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-clientid.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-flags.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-password.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-username.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-willmessage.h \ detect-mqtt-connect-willtopic.h \ detect-mqtt-flags.h \ detect-mqtt-protocol-version.h \ detect-mqtt-publish-message.h \ detect-mqtt-publish-topic.h \ detect-mqtt-qos.h \ detect-mqtt-reason-code.h \ detect-mqtt-subscribe-topic.h \ detect-mqtt-type.h \ detect-mqtt-unsubscribe-topic.h \ detect-msg.h \ detect-nfs-procedure.h \ detect-nfs-version.h \ detect-noalert.h \ detect-nocase.h \ detect-offset.h \ detect-parse.h \ detect-pcre.h \ detect-pkt-data.h \ detect-pktvar.h \ detect-prefilter.h \ detect-priority.h \ detect-rawbytes.h \ detect-reference.h \ detect-replace.h \ detect-requires.h \ detect-rev.h \ detect-rfb-name.h \ detect-rfb-secresult.h \ detect-rfb-sectype.h \ detect-rpc.h \ detect-sameip.h \ detect-sid.h \ detect-sip-method.h \ detect-sip-protocol.h \ detect-sip-request-line.h \ detect-sip-response-line.h \ detect-sip-stat-code.h \ detect-sip-stat-msg.h \ detect-sip-uri.h \ detect-smb-ntlmssp.h \ detect-smb-share.h \ detect-snmp-community.h \ detect-snmp-pdu_type.h \ detect-snmp-usm.h \ detect-snmp-version.h \ detect-dhcp-leasetime.h \ detect-dhcp-rebinding-time.h \ detect-dhcp-renewal-time.h \ detect-ssh-hassh.h \ detect-ssh-hassh-server.h \ detect-ssh-hassh-server-string.h \ detect-ssh-hassh-string.h \ detect-ssh-proto.h \ detect-ssh-proto-version.h \ detect-ssh-software.h \ detect-ssh-software-version.h \ detect-ssl-state.h \ detect-ssl-version.h \ detect-stream_size.h \ detect-tag.h \ detect-target.h \ detect-tcp-ack.h \ detect-tcp-flags.h \ detect-tcphdr.h \ detect-tcpmss.h \ detect-tcp-seq.h \ detect-tcp-window.h \ detect-template2.h \ detect-template.h \ detect-template-rust-buffer.h \ detect-threshold.h \ detect-tls-cert-fingerprint.h \ detect-tls-cert-issuer.h \ detect-tls-cert-serial.h \ detect-tls-certs.h \ detect-tls-cert-subject.h \ detect-tls-cert-validity.h \ detect-tls.h \ detect-tls-ja3-hash.h \ detect-tls-ja3s-hash.h \ detect-tls-ja3s-string.h \ detect-tls-ja3-string.h \ detect-tls-sni.h \ detect-tls-version.h \ detect-tls-random.h \ detect-tos.h \ detect-transform-casechange.h \ detect-transform-compress-whitespace.h \ detect-transform-dotprefix.h \ detect-transform-header-lowercase.h \ detect-transform-md5.h \ detect-transform-pcrexform.h \ detect-transform-sha1.h \ detect-transform-sha256.h \ detect-transform-strip-pseudo-headers.h \ detect-transform-strip-whitespace.h \ detect-transform-urldecode.h \ detect-transform-xor.h \ detect-ttl.h \ detect-udphdr.h \ detect-uricontent.h \ detect-urilen.h \ detect-within.h \ detect-xbits.h \ device-storage.h \ feature.h \ flow-bit.h \ flow-bypass.h \ flow.h \ flow-hash.h \ flow-manager.h \ flow-private.h \ flow-queue.h \ flow-spare-pool.h \ flow-storage.h \ flow-timeout.h \ flow-util.h \ flow-var.h \ flow-worker.h \ host-bit.h \ host.h \ host-queue.h \ host-storage.h \ host-timeout.h \ ippair-bit.h \ ippair.h \ ippair-queue.h \ ippair-storage.h \ ippair-timeout.h \ log-cf-common.h \ log-httplog.h \ log-pcap.h \ log-stats.h \ log-tcp-data.h \ log-tlslog.h \ log-tlsstore.h \ output-eve-stream.h \ output-filedata.h \ output-file.h \ output-filestore.h \ output-flow.h \ output.h \ output-json-alert.h \ output-json-anomaly.h \ output-json-bittorrent-dht.h \ output-json-dcerpc.h \ output-json-dhcp.h \ output-json-dnp3.h \ output-json-dnp3-objects.h \ output-json-dns.h \ output-json-drop.h \ output-json-email-common.h \ output-json-file.h \ output-json-flow.h \ output-json-frame.h \ output-json-ftp.h \ output-json.h \ output-json-http2.h \ output-json-http.h \ output-json-ike.h \ output-json-krb5.h \ output-json-metadata.h \ output-json-modbus.h \ output-json-quic.h \ output-json-mqtt.h \ output-json-netflow.h \ output-json-nfs.h \ output-json-pgsql.h \ output-json-rdp.h \ output-json-rfb.h \ output-json-sip.h \ output-json-smb.h \ output-json-smtp.h \ output-json-snmp.h \ output-json-ssh.h \ output-json-stats.h \ output-json-template.h \ output-json-tftp.h \ output-json-tls.h \ output-eve-syslog.h \ output-lua.h \ output-packet.h \ output-stats.h \ output-streaming.h \ output-tx.h \ packet.h \ packet-queue.h \ pkt-var.h \ queue.h \ reputation.h \ respond-reject.h \ respond-reject-libnet11.h \ runmode-af-packet.h \ runmode-af-xdp.h \ runmode-dpdk.h \ runmode-erf-dag.h \ runmode-erf-file.h \ runmode-ipfw.h \ runmode-napatech.h \ runmode-netmap.h \ runmode-nflog.h \ runmode-nfq.h \ runmode-pcap-file.h \ runmode-pcap.h \ runmode-pfring.h \ runmodes.h \ runmode-unittests.h \ runmode-unix-socket.h \ runmode-windivert.h \ rust-context.h \ rust.h \ source-af-packet.h \ source-af-xdp.h \ source-dpdk.h \ source-erf-dag.h \ source-erf-file.h \ source-ipfw.h \ source-napatech.h \ source-netmap.h \ source-nflog.h \ source-nfq.h \ source-nfq-prototypes.h \ source-pcap-file-directory-helper.h \ source-pcap-file.h \ source-pcap-file-helper.h \ source-pcap.h \ source-pfring.h \ source-windivert.h \ source-windivert-prototypes.h \ stream.h \ stream-tcp.h \ stream-tcp-cache.h \ stream-tcp-inline.h \ stream-tcp-list.h \ stream-tcp-private.h \ stream-tcp-reassemble.h \ stream-tcp-sack.h \ stream-tcp-util.h \ suricata-common.h \ suricata.h \ suricata-plugin.h \ threads-debug.h \ threads.h \ threads-profile.h \ threadvars.h \ tm-modules.h \ tmqh-flow.h \ tmqh-packetpool.h \ tmqh-simple.h \ tm-queuehandlers.h \ tm-queues.h \ tm-threads-common.h \ tm-threads.h \ tree.h \ unix-manager.h \ util-action.h \ util-affinity.h \ util-atomic.h \ util-base64.h \ util-bloomfilter-counting.h \ util-bloomfilter.h \ util-bpf.h \ util-buffer.h \ util-byte.h \ util-checksum.h \ util-cidr.h \ util-classification-config.h \ util-clock.h \ util-conf.h \ util-config.h \ util-coredump-config.h \ util-cpu.h \ util-daemon.h \ util-datalink.h \ util-debug-filters.h \ util-debug.h \ util-decode-mime.h \ util-detect.h \ util-device.h \ util-dpdk.h \ util-dpdk-i40e.h \ util-dpdk-ice.h \ util-dpdk-ixgbe.h \ util-dpdk-bonding.h \ util-ebpf.h \ util-enum.h \ util-error.h \ util-exception-policy.h \ util-file-decompression.h \ util-file.h \ util-file-swf-decompression.h \ util-fix_checksum.h \ util-fmemopen.h \ util-hash.h \ util-hashlist.h \ util-hash-lookup3.h \ util-hash-string.h \ util-host-info.h \ util-host-os-info.h \ util-hugepages.h \ util-hyperscan.h \ util-ioctl.h \ util-ip.h \ util-ja3.h \ util-landlock.h \ util-logopenfile.h \ util-log-redis.h \ util-lua-common.h \ util-lua-dnp3.h \ util-lua-dnp3-objects.h \ util-lua-dns.h \ util-lua.h \ util-lua-hassh.h \ util-lua-http.h \ util-lua-ja3.h \ util-luajit.h \ util-lua-smtp.h \ util-lua-ssh.h \ util-lua-tls.h \ util-macset.h \ util-magic.h \ util-memcmp.h \ util-memcpy.h \ util-mem.h \ util-memrchr.h \ util-misc.h \ util-mpm-ac-bs.h \ util-mpm-ac.h \ util-mpm-ac-ks.h \ util-mpm.h \ util-mpm-hs.h \ util-napatech.h \ util-optimize.h \ util-pages.h \ util-path.h \ util-pidfile.h \ util-plugin.h \ util-pool.h \ util-pool-thread.h \ util-prefilter.h \ util-print.h \ util-privs.h \ util-profiling.h \ util-profiling-locks.h \ util-proto-name.h \ util-radix-tree.h \ util-random.h \ util-reference-config.h \ util-rohash.h \ util-rule-vars.h \ util-runmodes.h \ util-running-modes.h \ util-signal.h \ util-spm-bm.h \ util-spm-bs2bm.h \ util-spm-bs.h \ util-spm.h \ util-spm-hs.h \ util-storage.h \ util-streaming-buffer.h \ util-syslog.h \ util-sysfs.h \ util-thash.h \ util-threshold-config.h \ util-time.h \ util-unittest.h \ util-unittest-helper.h \ util-validate.h \ util-var.h \ util-var-name.h \ win32-misc.h \ win32-service.h \ win32-syscall.h \ win32-syslog.h libsuricata_c_a_SOURCES = \ alert-debuglog.c \ alert-fastlog.c \ alert-syslog.c \ app-layer.c \ app-layer-detect-proto.c \ app-layer-dnp3.c \ app-layer-dnp3-objects.c \ app-layer-enip.c \ app-layer-enip-common.c \ app-layer-events.c \ app-layer-expectation.c \ app-layer-ftp.c \ app-layer-frames.c \ app-layer-htp-body.c \ app-layer-htp.c \ app-layer-htp-file.c \ app-layer-htp-libhtp.c \ app-layer-htp-mem.c \ app-layer-htp-range.c \ app-layer-htp-xff.c \ app-layer-http2.c \ app-layer-ike.c \ app-layer-krb5.c \ app-layer-modbus.c \ app-layer-quic.c \ app-layer-mqtt.c \ app-layer-nfs-tcp.c \ app-layer-nfs-udp.c \ app-layer-ntp.c \ app-layer-parser.c \ app-layer-protos.c \ app-layer-rdp.c \ app-layer-register.c \ app-layer-rfb.c \ app-layer-sip.c \ app-layer-smb.c \ app-layer-smtp.c \ app-layer-snmp.c \ app-layer-ssh.c \ app-layer-ssl.c \ app-layer-tftp.c \ conf.c \ conf-yaml-loader.c \ counters.c \ datasets.c \ datasets-ipv4.c \ datasets-ipv6.c \ datasets-md5.c \ datasets-sha256.c \ datasets-string.c \ decode.c \ decode-chdlc.c \ decode-erspan.c \ decode-esp.c \ decode-ethernet.c \ decode-events.c \ decode-geneve.c \ decode-gre.c \ decode-icmpv4.c \ decode-icmpv6.c \ decode-ipv4.c \ decode-ipv6.c \ decode-mpls.c \ decode-nsh.c \ decode-null.c \ decode-ppp.c \ decode-pppoe.c \ decode-raw.c \ decode-sctp.c \ decode-sll.c \ decode-tcp.c \ decode-template.c \ decode-teredo.c \ decode-udp.c \ decode-vlan.c \ decode-vntag.c \ decode-vxlan.c \ defrag.c \ defrag-config.c \ defrag-hash.c \ defrag-queue.c \ defrag-timeout.c \ detect-app-layer-event.c \ detect-app-layer-protocol.c \ detect-asn1.c \ detect-base64-data.c \ detect-base64-decode.c \ detect-bsize.c \ detect-bypass.c \ detect-byte.c \ detect-byte-extract.c \ detect-bytejump.c \ detect-bytemath.c \ detect-bytetest.c \ detect.c \ detect-cipservice.c \ detect-classtype.c \ detect-config.c \ detect-content.c \ detect-csum.c \ detect-datarep.c \ detect-dataset.c \ detect-dce-iface.c \ detect-dce-opnum.c \ detect-dce-stub-data.c \ detect-depth.c \ detect-detection-filter.c \ detect-distance.c \ detect-dnp3.c \ detect-dns-opcode.c \ detect-dns-query.c \ detect-dsize.c \ detect-engine-address.c \ detect-engine-address-ipv4.c \ detect-engine-address-ipv6.c \ detect-engine-alert.c \ detect-engine-analyzer.c \ detect-engine-build.c \ detect-engine.c \ detect-engine-content-inspection.c \ detect-engine-dcepayload.c \ detect-engine-enip.c \ detect-engine-event.c \ detect-engine-file.c \ detect-engine-frame.c \ detect-engine-iponly.c \ detect-engine-loader.c \ detect-engine-mpm.c \ detect-engine-payload.c \ detect-engine-port.c \ detect-engine-prefilter.c \ detect-engine-prefilter-common.c \ detect-engine-profile.c \ detect-engine-proto.c \ detect-engine-register.c \ detect-engine-siggroup.c \ detect-engine-sigorder.c \ detect-engine-state.c \ detect-engine-tag.c \ detect-engine-threshold.c \ detect-engine-uint.c \ detect-fast-pattern.c \ detect-file-data.c \ detect-file-hash-common.c \ detect-filemagic.c \ detect-filemd5.c \ detect-filename.c \ detect-filesha1.c \ detect-filesha256.c \ detect-filesize.c \ detect-filestore.c \ detect-flowbits.c \ detect-flow.c \ detect-flow-age.c \ detect-flowint.c \ detect-flowvar.c \ detect-fragbits.c \ detect-fragoffset.c \ detect-frame.c \ detect-ftpbounce.c \ detect-ftpdata.c \ detect-geoip.c \ detect-gid.c \ detect-hostbits.c \ detect-http2.c \ detect-http-accept.c \ detect-http-accept-enc.c \ detect-http-accept-lang.c \ detect-http-client-body.c \ detect-http-connection.c \ detect-http-content-len.c \ detect-http-content-type.c \ detect-http-cookie.c \ detect-http-header.c \ detect-http-header-common.c \ detect-http-header-names.c \ detect-http-headers.c \ detect-http-host.c \ detect-http-location.c \ detect-http-method.c \ detect-http-protocol.c \ detect-http-raw-header.c \ detect-http-referer.c \ detect-http-request-line.c \ detect-http-response-line.c \ detect-http-server-body.c \ detect-http-server.c \ detect-http-start.c \ detect-http-stat-code.c \ detect-http-stat-msg.c \ detect-http-ua.c \ detect-http-uri.c \ detect-icmp-id.c \ detect-icmp-seq.c \ detect-icmpv4hdr.c \ detect-icmpv6hdr.c \ detect-icmpv6-mtu.c \ detect-icode.c \ detect-id.c \ detect-ike-exch-type.c \ detect-ike-spi.c \ detect-ike-vendor.c \ detect-ike-chosen-sa.c \ detect-ike-key-exchange-payload-length.c \ detect-ike-nonce-payload-length.c \ detect-ike-nonce-payload.c \ detect-ike-key-exchange-payload.c \ detect-ipaddr.c \ detect-ipopts.c \ detect-ipproto.c \ detect-iprep.c \ detect-ipv4hdr.c \ detect-ipv6hdr.c \ detect-isdataat.c \ detect-itype.c \ detect-krb5-cname.c \ detect-krb5-errcode.c \ detect-krb5-msgtype.c \ detect-krb5-sname.c \ detect-krb5-ticket-encryption.c \ detect-l3proto.c \ detect-lua.c \ detect-lua-extensions.c \ detect-mark.c \ detect-metadata.c \ detect-modbus.c \ detect-quic-sni.c \ detect-quic-ua.c \ detect-quic-version.c \ detect-quic-cyu-hash.c \ detect-quic-cyu-string.c \ detect-mqtt-connack-sessionpresent.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-clientid.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-flags.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-password.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-username.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-willmessage.c \ detect-mqtt-connect-willtopic.c \ detect-mqtt-flags.c \ detect-mqtt-protocol-version.c \ detect-mqtt-publish-message.c \ detect-mqtt-publish-topic.c \ detect-mqtt-qos.c \ detect-mqtt-reason-code.c \ detect-mqtt-subscribe-topic.c \ detect-mqtt-type.c \ detect-mqtt-unsubscribe-topic.c \ detect-msg.c \ detect-nfs-procedure.c \ detect-nfs-version.c \ detect-noalert.c \ detect-nocase.c \ detect-offset.c \ detect-parse.c \ detect-pcre.c \ detect-pkt-data.c \ detect-pktvar.c \ detect-prefilter.c \ detect-priority.c \ detect-rawbytes.c \ detect-reference.c \ detect-replace.c \ detect-requires.c \ detect-rev.c \ detect-rfb-name.c \ detect-rfb-secresult.c \ detect-rfb-sectype.c \ detect-rpc.c \ detect-sameip.c \ detect-sid.c \ detect-sip-method.c \ detect-sip-protocol.c \ detect-sip-request-line.c \ detect-sip-response-line.c \ detect-sip-stat-code.c \ detect-sip-stat-msg.c \ detect-sip-uri.c \ detect-smb-ntlmssp.c \ detect-smb-share.c \ detect-snmp-community.c \ detect-snmp-pdu_type.c \ detect-snmp-usm.c \ detect-snmp-version.c \ detect-dhcp-leasetime.c \ detect-dhcp-rebinding-time.c \ detect-dhcp-renewal-time.c \ detect-ssh-hassh.c \ detect-ssh-hassh-server.c \ detect-ssh-hassh-server-string.c \ detect-ssh-hassh-string.c \ detect-ssh-proto.c \ detect-ssh-proto-version.c \ detect-ssh-software.c \ detect-ssh-software-version.c \ detect-ssl-state.c \ detect-ssl-version.c \ detect-stream_size.c \ detect-tag.c \ detect-target.c \ detect-tcp-ack.c \ detect-tcp-flags.c \ detect-tcphdr.c \ detect-tcpmss.c \ detect-tcp-seq.c \ detect-tcp-window.c \ detect-template2.c \ detect-template.c \ detect-template-rust-buffer.c \ detect-threshold.c \ detect-tls.c \ detect-tls-cert-fingerprint.c \ detect-tls-cert-issuer.c \ detect-tls-certs.c \ detect-tls-cert-serial.c \ detect-tls-cert-subject.c \ detect-tls-cert-validity.c \ detect-tls-ja3-hash.c \ detect-tls-ja3s-hash.c \ detect-tls-ja3s-string.c \ detect-tls-ja3-string.c \ detect-tls-sni.c \ detect-tls-version.c \ detect-tls-random.c \ detect-tos.c \ detect-transform-casechange.c \ detect-transform-compress-whitespace.c \ detect-transform-dotprefix.c \ detect-transform-header-lowercase.c \ detect-transform-md5.c \ detect-transform-pcrexform.c \ detect-transform-sha1.c \ detect-transform-sha256.c \ detect-transform-strip-pseudo-headers.c \ detect-transform-strip-whitespace.c \ detect-transform-urldecode.c \ detect-transform-xor.c \ detect-ttl.c \ detect-udphdr.c \ detect-uricontent.c \ detect-urilen.c \ detect-within.c \ detect-xbits.c \ device-storage.c \ feature.c \ flow-bit.c \ flow-bypass.c \ flow.c \ flow-hash.c \ flow-manager.c \ flow-queue.c \ flow-spare-pool.c \ flow-storage.c \ flow-timeout.c \ flow-util.c \ flow-var.c \ flow-worker.c \ host-bit.c \ host.c \ host-queue.c \ host-storage.c \ host-timeout.c \ ippair-bit.c \ ippair.c \ ippair-queue.c \ ippair-storage.c \ ippair-timeout.c \ log-cf-common.c \ log-httplog.c \ log-pcap.c \ log-stats.c \ log-tcp-data.c \ log-tlslog.c \ log-tlsstore.c \ output.c \ output-eve-stream.c \ output-file.c \ output-filedata.c \ output-filestore.c \ output-flow.c \ output-json-alert.c \ output-json-anomaly.c \ output-json-bittorrent-dht.c \ output-json.c \ output-json-common.c \ output-json-dcerpc.c \ output-json-dhcp.c \ output-json-dnp3.c \ output-json-dnp3-objects.c \ output-json-dns.c \ output-json-drop.c \ output-json-email-common.c \ output-json-file.c \ output-json-flow.c \ output-json-frame.c \ output-json-ftp.c \ output-json-http2.c \ output-json-http.c \ output-json-ike.c \ output-json-krb5.c \ output-json-metadata.c \ output-json-modbus.c \ output-json-quic.c \ output-json-mqtt.c \ output-json-netflow.c \ output-json-nfs.c \ output-json-pgsql.c \ output-json-rdp.c \ output-json-rfb.c \ output-json-sip.c \ output-json-smb.c \ output-json-smtp.c \ output-json-snmp.c \ output-json-ssh.c \ output-json-stats.c \ output-json-template.c \ output-json-tftp.c \ output-json-tls.c \ output-eve-syslog.c \ output-lua.c \ output-packet.c \ output-stats.c \ output-streaming.c \ output-tx.c \ packet.c \ packet-queue.c \ pkt-var.c \ reputation.c \ respond-reject.c \ respond-reject-libnet11.c \ runmode-af-packet.c \ runmode-af-xdp.c \ runmode-dpdk.c \ runmode-erf-dag.c \ runmode-erf-file.c \ runmode-ipfw.c \ runmode-napatech.c \ runmode-netmap.c \ runmode-nflog.c \ runmode-nfq.c \ runmode-pcap.c \ runmode-pcap-file.c \ runmode-pfring.c \ runmodes.c \ runmode-unittests.c \ runmode-unix-socket.c \ runmode-windivert.c \ rust-context.c \ source-af-packet.c \ source-af-xdp.c \ source-dpdk.c \ source-erf-dag.c \ source-erf-file.c \ source-ipfw.c \ source-napatech.c \ source-netmap.c \ source-nflog.c \ source-nfq.c \ source-pcap.c \ source-pcap-file.c \ source-pcap-file-directory-helper.c \ source-pcap-file-helper.c \ source-pfring.c \ source-windivert.c \ stream.c \ stream-tcp.c \ stream-tcp-cache.c \ stream-tcp-inline.c \ stream-tcp-list.c \ stream-tcp-reassemble.c \ stream-tcp-sack.c \ stream-tcp-util.c \ suricata.c \ threads.c \ tm-modules.c \ tmqh-flow.c \ tmqh-packetpool.c \ tmqh-simple.c \ tm-queuehandlers.c \ tm-queues.c \ tm-threads.c \ unix-manager.c \ util-action.c \ util-affinity.c \ util-atomic.c \ util-base64.c \ util-bloomfilter.c \ util-bloomfilter-counting.c \ util-bpf.c \ util-buffer.c \ util-byte.c \ util-checksum.c \ util-cidr.c \ util-classification-config.c \ util-conf.c \ util-coredump-config.c \ util-cpu.c \ util-daemon.c \ util-datalink.c \ util-debug.c \ util-debug-filters.c \ util-decode-mime.c \ util-detect.c \ util-device.c \ util-dpdk.c \ util-dpdk-i40e.c \ util-dpdk-ice.c \ util-dpdk-ixgbe.c \ util-dpdk-bonding.c \ util-ebpf.c \ util-enum.c \ util-error.c \ util-exception-policy.c \ util-file.c \ util-file-decompression.c \ util-file-swf-decompression.c \ util-fix_checksum.c \ util-fmemopen.c \ util-hash.c \ util-hashlist.c \ util-hash-lookup3.c \ util-hash-string.c \ util-host-info.c \ util-host-os-info.c \ util-hugepages.c \ util-hyperscan.c \ util-ioctl.c \ util-ip.c \ util-ja3.c \ util-landlock.c \ util-logopenfile.c \ util-log-redis.c \ util-lua.c \ util-lua-common.c \ util-lua-dnp3.c \ util-lua-dnp3-objects.c \ util-lua-dns.c \ util-lua-hassh.c \ util-lua-http.c \ util-lua-ja3.c \ util-luajit.c \ util-lua-smtp.c \ util-lua-ssh.c \ util-lua-tls.c \ util-macset.c \ util-magic.c \ util-mem.c \ util-memcmp.c \ util-memrchr.c \ util-misc.c \ util-mpm-ac-bs.c \ util-mpm-ac.c \ util-mpm-ac-ks.c \ util-mpm-ac-ks-small.c \ util-mpm.c \ util-mpm-hs.c \ util-napatech.c \ util-pages.c \ util-path.c \ util-pidfile.c \ util-plugin.c \ util-pool.c \ util-pool-thread.c \ util-prefilter.c \ util-print.c \ util-privs.c \ util-profiling.c \ util-profiling-keywords.c \ util-profiling-locks.c \ util-profiling-prefilter.c \ util-profiling-rulegroups.c \ util-profiling-rules.c \ util-proto-name.c \ util-radix-tree.c \ util-random.c \ util-reference-config.c \ util-rohash.c \ util-rule-vars.c \ util-runmodes.c \ util-running-modes.c \ util-signal.c \ util-spm-bm.c \ util-spm-bs2bm.c \ util-spm-bs.c \ util-spm.c \ util-spm-hs.c \ util-storage.c \ util-streaming-buffer.c \ util-strlcatu.c \ util-strlcpyu.c \ util-strptime.c \ util-syslog.c \ util-sysfs.c \ util-thash.c \ util-threshold-config.c \ util-time.c \ util-unittest.c \ util-unittest-helper.c \ util-var.c \ util-var-name.c \ win32-misc.c \ win32-service.c \ win32-syscall.c EXTRA_DIST = \ tests/stream-tcp-inline.c \ tests/stream-tcp-list.c \ tests/detect-ipv4hdr.c \ tests/detect-ipv6hdr.c \ tests/detect-tcphdr.c \ tests/detect-udphdr.c \ tests/reputation.c \ tests/detect-bsize.c \ tests/detect-http2.c \ tests/detect-icmpv6-mtu.c \ tests/detect-icmpv6hdr.c \ tests/detect-snmp-pdu_type.c \ tests/detect-snmp-version.c \ tests/detect-template.c \ tests/detect-transform-pcrexform.c \ tests/detect-transform-xor.c \ tests/detect-ttl.c \ tests/source-pcap.c \ tests/app-layer-htp-file.c \ tests/detect-engine-alert.c \ tests/detect-engine-content-inspection.c \ tests/detect-icmpv4hdr.c \ tests/detect-parse.c \ tests/stream-tcp-reassemble.c \ tests/detect-file-data.c \ tests/detect-http-client-body.c \ tests/detect-http-cookie.c \ tests/detect-http-header.c \ tests/detect-http-host.c \ tests/detect-http-method.c \ tests/detect-http-raw-header.c \ tests/detect-http-server-body.c \ tests/detect-http-stat-code.c \ tests/detect-http-stat-msg.c \ tests/detect-http-uri.c \ tests/detect-http-user-agent.c \ tests/detect-snmp-community.c \ tests/detect-ssl-state.c \ tests/detect-ssl-version.c \ tests/detect-template-buffer.c \ tests/detect-tls-cert-fingerprint.c \ tests/detect-tls-cert-issuer.c \ tests/detect-tls-cert-serial.c \ tests/detect-tls-cert-subject.c \ tests/detect-tls-cert-validity.c \ tests/detect-tls-certs.c \ tests/detect-tls-version.c \ tests/detect-ipaddr.c \ tests/detect.c \ tests/stream-tcp.c install-headers: mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)${includedir}/suricata for header in $(noinst_HEADERS); do \ $(INSTALL_DATA) $$header "$(DESTDIR)${includedir}/suricata"; \ done # set the include path found by configure AM_CPPFLAGS = $(all_includes) noinst_LIBRARIES = libsuricata_c.a suricata_SOURCES = main.c # the library search path. suricata_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) ${SECLDFLAGS} suricata_LDADD = libsuricata_c.a $(RUST_SURICATA_LIB) $(HTP_LDADD) $(RUST_LDADD) suricata_DEPENDENCIES = libsuricata_c.a $(RUST_SURICATA_LIB) if BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY$(VERSION): libsuricata_c.a $(CC) -shared -o $@ -Wl,-soname,$@ -Wl,--whole-archive \ libsuricata_c.a \ $(RUST_SURICATA_LIB) \ -Wl,--no-whole-archive$(VERSION) else @echo "shared library support not enabled" @exit 1 endif if BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY install-library:$(VERSION) else install-library: endif $(MKDIR_P) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" $(INSTALL_DATA) libsuricata_c.a "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" if BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY $(INSTALL)$(VERSION) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)" ln -sf$(VERSION) "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/" endif uninstall-local: rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libsuricata_c.a" rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/" rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/libsuricata.$(VERSION)" if BUILD_FUZZTARGETS LDFLAGS_FUZZ = $(all_libraries) $(SECLDFLAGS) LDADD_FUZZ = libsuricata_c.a $(RUST_SURICATA_LIB) $(HTP_LDADD) $(RUST_LDADD) fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto.c fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_applayerprotodetectgetproto_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_applayerparserparse_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_applayerparserparse.c fuzz_applayerparserparse_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_applayerparserparse_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_applayerparserparse_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_applayerparserparse_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_applayerparserparse_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_siginit_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_siginit.c fuzz_siginit_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_siginit_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_siginit_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_siginit_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_siginit_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_confyamlloadstring_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_confyamlloadstring.c fuzz_confyamlloadstring_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_confyamlloadstring_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_confyamlloadstring_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_confyamlloadstring_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_confyamlloadstring_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_decodepcapfile_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_decodepcapfile.c fuzz_decodepcapfile_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_decodepcapfile_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_decodepcapfile_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_decodepcapfile_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_decodepcapfile_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_sigpcap_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_sigpcap.c fuzz_sigpcap_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_sigpcap_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_sigpcap_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_sigpcap_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_sigpcap_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx if HAS_FUZZPCAP fuzz_sigpcap_aware_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_sigpcap_aware.c fuzz_sigpcap_aware_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_sigpcap_aware_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) -lfuzzpcap if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_sigpcap_aware_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_sigpcap_aware_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_sigpcap_aware_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx fuzz_predefpcap_aware_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_predefpcap_aware.c fuzz_predefpcap_aware_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_predefpcap_aware_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) -lfuzzpcap if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_predefpcap_aware_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_predefpcap_aware_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_predefpcap_aware_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx endif fuzz_mimedecparseline_SOURCES = tests/fuzz/fuzz_mimedecparseline.c fuzz_mimedecparseline_LDFLAGS = $(LDFLAGS_FUZZ) fuzz_mimedecparseline_LDADD = $(LDADD_FUZZ) if HAS_FUZZLDFLAGS fuzz_mimedecparseline_LDFLAGS += $(LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE) else fuzz_mimedecparseline_SOURCES += tests/fuzz/onefile.c endif # force usage of CXX for linker nodist_EXTRA_fuzz_mimedecparseline_SOURCES = force-cxx-linking.cxx endif # default CFLAGS AM_CFLAGS = ${OPTIMIZATION_CFLAGS} ${GCC_CFLAGS} ${CLANG_CFLAGS} \ ${SECCFLAGS} ${PCAP_CFLAGS} -DLOCAL_STATE_DIR=\"$(localstatedir)\" \ -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations \ -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -Wbad-function-cast \ -Wformat-security -Wno-format-nonliteral -Wmissing-format-attribute \ -funsigned-char # different flags for different cases if DEBUG AM_CFLAGS += -ggdb -O0 endif AM_LDFLAGS = ${SECLDFLAGS} if BUILD_UNITTESTS check-am: -mkdir $(top_builddir)/qa/log/ $(top_builddir)/src/suricata -u -l $(top_builddir)/qa/log/ -rm -rf $(top_builddir)/qa/log endif distclean-local: -rm -rf $(top_builddir)/src/build-info.h