/* Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \ingroup httplayer * * @{ */ /** * \file * * \author Pablo Rincon * * Implements support for http_header keyword. */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "threads.h" #include "decode.h" #include "detect.h" #include "detect-parse.h" #include "detect-engine.h" #include "detect-engine-mpm.h" #include "detect-engine-state.h" #include "detect-engine-prefilter.h" #include "detect-engine-content-inspection.h" #include "detect-content.h" #include "detect-pcre.h" #include "util-debug.h" #include "util-print.h" #include "util-memcmp.h" #include "util-profiling.h" #include "util-validate.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "app-layer-htp.h" #include "detect-http-header.h" #include "detect-http-header-common.h" static int DetectHttpHeaderSetup(DetectEngineCtx *, Signature *, const char *); #ifdef UNITTESTS static void DetectHttpHeaderRegisterTests(void); #endif static int g_http_header_buffer_id = 0; static int g_keyword_thread_id = 0; #define BUFFER_SIZE_STEP 1024 static HttpHeaderThreadDataConfig g_td_config = { BUFFER_SIZE_STEP }; static uint8_t *GetBufferForTX( htp_tx_t *tx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Flow *f, uint8_t flags, uint32_t *buffer_len) { *buffer_len = 0; HttpHeaderThreadData *hdr_td = NULL; HttpHeaderBuffer *buf = HttpHeaderGetBufferSpace(det_ctx, f, flags, g_keyword_thread_id, &hdr_td); if (unlikely(buf == NULL)) { return NULL; } htp_table_t *headers; if (flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) { if (AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP1, tx, flags) <= HTP_REQUEST_HEADERS) return NULL; headers = tx->request_headers; } else { if (AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP1, tx, flags) <= HTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS) return NULL; headers = tx->response_headers; } if (headers == NULL) return NULL; size_t i = 0; size_t no_of_headers = htp_table_size(headers); for (; i < no_of_headers; i++) { htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(headers, i, NULL); size_t size1 = bstr_size(h->name); size_t size2 = bstr_size(h->value); if (flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) { if (size1 == 6 && SCMemcmpLowercase("cookie", bstr_ptr(h->name), 6) == 0) { continue; } } else { if (size1 == 10 && SCMemcmpLowercase("set-cookie", bstr_ptr(h->name), 10) == 0) { continue; } } size_t size = size1 + size2 + 4; #if 0 if (i + 1 == no_of_headers) size += 2; #endif if (size + buf->len > buf->size) { if (HttpHeaderExpandBuffer(hdr_td, buf, size) != 0) { return NULL; } } memcpy(buf->buffer + buf->len, bstr_ptr(h->name), bstr_size(h->name)); buf->len += bstr_size(h->name); buf->buffer[buf->len++] = ':'; buf->buffer[buf->len++] = ' '; memcpy(buf->buffer + buf->len, bstr_ptr(h->value), bstr_size(h->value)); buf->len += bstr_size(h->value); buf->buffer[buf->len++] = '\r'; buf->buffer[buf->len++] = '\n'; #if 0 // looks like this breaks existing rules if (i + 1 == no_of_headers) { buf->buffer[buf->len++] = '\r'; buf->buffer[buf->len++] = '\n'; } #endif } *buffer_len = buf->len; return buf->buffer; } static InspectionBuffer *GetBuffer2ForTX(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Flow *_f, const uint8_t flow_flags, void *txv, const int list_id) { InspectionBuffer *buffer = InspectionBufferGet(det_ctx, list_id); if (buffer->inspect == NULL) { uint32_t b_len = 0; const uint8_t *b = NULL; if (rs_http2_tx_get_headers(txv, flow_flags, &b, &b_len) != 1) return NULL; if (b == NULL || b_len == 0) return NULL; InspectionBufferSetup(det_ctx, list_id, buffer, b, b_len); InspectionBufferApplyTransforms(buffer, transforms); } return buffer; } /** \internal * \brief custom inspect function to utilize the cached headers */ static uint8_t DetectEngineInspectBufferHttpHeader(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const DetectEngineAppInspectionEngine *engine, const Signature *s, Flow *f, uint8_t flags, void *alstate, void *txv, uint64_t tx_id) { SCEnter(); const int list_id = engine->sm_list; InspectionBuffer *buffer = InspectionBufferGet(det_ctx, list_id); if (buffer->inspect == NULL) { SCLogDebug("setting up inspect buffer %d", list_id); /* if prefilter didn't already run, we need to consider transformations */ const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms = NULL; if (!engine->mpm) { transforms = engine->v2.transforms; } uint32_t rawdata_len = 0; uint8_t *rawdata = GetBufferForTX(txv, det_ctx, f, flags, &rawdata_len); if (rawdata_len == 0) { SCLogDebug("no data"); goto end; } /* setup buffer and apply transforms */ InspectionBufferSetup(det_ctx, list_id, buffer, rawdata, rawdata_len); InspectionBufferApplyTransforms(buffer, transforms); } const uint32_t data_len = buffer->inspect_len; const uint8_t *data = buffer->inspect; const uint64_t offset = buffer->inspect_offset; det_ctx->discontinue_matching = 0; det_ctx->buffer_offset = 0; det_ctx->inspection_recursion_counter = 0; /* Inspect all the uricontents fetched on each * transaction at the app layer */ int r = DetectEngineContentInspection(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, engine->smd, NULL, f, (uint8_t *)data, data_len, offset, DETECT_CI_FLAGS_SINGLE, DETECT_ENGINE_CONTENT_INSPECTION_MODE_STATE); SCLogDebug("r = %d", r); if (r == 1) { return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_MATCH; } end: if (flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) { if (AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP1, txv, flags) > HTP_REQUEST_HEADERS) return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_CANT_MATCH; } else { if (AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(IPPROTO_TCP, ALPROTO_HTTP1, txv, flags) > HTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS) return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_CANT_MATCH; } return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_NO_MATCH; } typedef struct PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderCtx { int list_id; const MpmCtx *mpm_ctx; const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms; } PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderCtx; /** \brief Generic Mpm prefilter callback * * \param det_ctx detection engine thread ctx * \param p packet to inspect * \param f flow to inspect * \param txv tx to inspect * \param pectx inspection context */ static void PrefilterMpmHttpHeader(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const void *pectx, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *txv, const uint64_t idx, const AppLayerTxData *_txd, const uint8_t flags) { SCEnter(); const PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderCtx *ctx = pectx; const MpmCtx *mpm_ctx = ctx->mpm_ctx; SCLogDebug("running on list %d", ctx->list_id); const int list_id = ctx->list_id; InspectionBuffer *buffer = InspectionBufferGet(det_ctx, list_id); if (buffer->inspect == NULL) { uint32_t rawdata_len = 0; uint8_t *rawdata = GetBufferForTX(txv, det_ctx, f, flags, &rawdata_len); if (rawdata_len == 0) return; /* setup buffer and apply transforms */ InspectionBufferSetup(det_ctx, list_id, buffer, rawdata, rawdata_len); InspectionBufferApplyTransforms(buffer, ctx->transforms); } const uint32_t data_len = buffer->inspect_len; const uint8_t *data = buffer->inspect; SCLogDebug("mpm'ing buffer:"); //PrintRawDataFp(stdout, data, data_len); if (data != NULL && data_len >= mpm_ctx->minlen) { (void)mpm_table[mpm_ctx->mpm_type].Search(mpm_ctx, &det_ctx->mtcu, &det_ctx->pmq, data, data_len); PREFILTER_PROFILING_ADD_BYTES(det_ctx, data_len); } } static void PrefilterMpmHttpTrailer(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const void *pectx, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *txv, const uint64_t idx, const AppLayerTxData *_txd, const uint8_t flags) { SCEnter(); htp_tx_t *tx = txv; const HtpTxUserData *htud = (const HtpTxUserData *)htp_tx_get_user_data(tx); /* if the request wasn't flagged as having a trailer, we skip */ if (htud && ( ((flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) && !htud->request_has_trailers) || ((flags & STREAM_TOCLIENT) && !htud->response_has_trailers))) { SCReturn; } PrefilterMpmHttpHeader(det_ctx, pectx, p, f, txv, idx, _txd, flags); SCReturn; } static void PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree(void *ptr) { SCFree(ptr); } static int PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderRequestRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id) { SCEnter(); /* header */ PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderCtx *pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; int r = PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterMpmHttpHeader, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, HTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->pname); if (r != 0) { SCFree(pectx); return r; } /* trailer */ pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; r = PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterMpmHttpTrailer, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, HTP_REQUEST_TRAILER, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->pname); if (r != 0) { SCFree(pectx); } return r; } static int PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderResponseRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id) { SCEnter(); /* header */ PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderCtx *pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; int r = PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterMpmHttpHeader, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, HTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->pname); if (r != 0) { SCFree(pectx); return r; } /* trailer */ pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; r = PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterMpmHttpTrailer, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, HTP_RESPONSE_TRAILER, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->pname); if (r != 0) { SCFree(pectx); } return r; } /** * \brief The setup function for the http_header keyword for a signature. * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the detection engine context. * \param s Pointer to signature for the current Signature being parsed * from the rules. * \param m Pointer to the head of the SigMatchs for the current rule * being parsed. * \param arg Pointer to the string holding the keyword value. * * \retval 0 On success. * \retval -1 On failure. */ static int DetectHttpHeaderSetup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *arg) { return DetectEngineContentModifierBufferSetup( de_ctx, s, arg, DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER, g_http_header_buffer_id, ALPROTO_HTTP1); } /** * \brief this function setup the http.header keyword used in the rule * * \param de_ctx Pointer to the Detection Engine Context * \param s Pointer to the Signature to which the current keyword belongs * \param str Should hold an empty string always * * \retval 0 On success */ static int DetectHttpHeaderSetupSticky(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *str) { if (DetectBufferSetActiveList(de_ctx, s, g_http_header_buffer_id) < 0) return -1; if (DetectSignatureSetAppProto(s, ALPROTO_HTTP) < 0) return -1; return 0; } /** * \brief Registers the keyword handlers for the "http_header" keyword. */ void DetectHttpHeaderRegister(void) { /* http_header content modifier */ sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].name = "http_header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].desc = "content modifier to match only on the HTTP header-buffer"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].url = "/rules/http-keywords.html#http-header-and-http-raw-header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].Setup = DetectHttpHeaderSetup; #ifdef UNITTESTS sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].RegisterTests = DetectHttpHeaderRegisterTests; #endif sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_NOOPT ; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_INFO_CONTENT_MODIFIER; sigmatch_table[DETECT_AL_HTTP_HEADER].alternative = DETECT_HTTP_HEADER; /* http.header sticky buffer */ sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].name = "http.header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].desc = "sticky buffer to match on the normalized HTTP header-buffer"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].url = "/rules/http-keywords.html#http-header-and-http-raw-header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].Setup = DetectHttpHeaderSetupSticky; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_NOOPT; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_INFO_STICKY_BUFFER; DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_header", ALPROTO_HTTP1, SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, HTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, DetectEngineInspectBufferHttpHeader, NULL); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_header", SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, 2, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderRequestRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP1, 0); /* not used, registered twice: HEADERS/TRAILER */ DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_header", ALPROTO_HTTP1, SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, HTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS, DetectEngineInspectBufferHttpHeader, NULL); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_header", SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, 2, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderResponseRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP1, 0); /* not used, registered twice: HEADERS/TRAILER */ DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_header", ALPROTO_HTTP2, SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, HTTP2StateDataClient, DetectEngineInspectBufferGeneric, GetBuffer2ForTX); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_header", SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, 2, PrefilterGenericMpmRegister, GetBuffer2ForTX, ALPROTO_HTTP2, HTTP2StateDataClient); DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_header", ALPROTO_HTTP2, SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, HTTP2StateDataServer, DetectEngineInspectBufferGeneric, GetBuffer2ForTX); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_header", SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, 2, PrefilterGenericMpmRegister, GetBuffer2ForTX, ALPROTO_HTTP2, HTTP2StateDataServer); DetectBufferTypeSetDescriptionByName("http_header", "http headers"); g_http_header_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName("http_header"); g_keyword_thread_id = DetectRegisterThreadCtxGlobalFuncs("http_header", HttpHeaderThreadDataInit, &g_td_config, HttpHeaderThreadDataFree); } static int g_http_request_header_buffer_id = 0; static int g_http_response_header_buffer_id = 0; static int g_request_header_thread_id = 0; static int g_response_header_thread_id = 0; static InspectionBuffer *GetHttp2HeaderData(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const uint8_t flags, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Flow *_f, const struct MpmListIdDataArgs *cbdata, int list_id) { SCEnter(); InspectionBuffer *buffer = InspectionBufferMultipleForListGet(det_ctx, list_id, cbdata->local_id); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; if (buffer->initialized) return buffer; uint32_t b_len = 0; const uint8_t *b = NULL; if (rs_http2_tx_get_header(cbdata->txv, flags, cbdata->local_id, &b, &b_len) != 1) { InspectionBufferSetupMultiEmpty(buffer); return NULL; } if (b == NULL || b_len == 0) { InspectionBufferSetupMultiEmpty(buffer); return NULL; } InspectionBufferSetupMulti(buffer, transforms, b, b_len); SCReturnPtr(buffer, "InspectionBuffer"); } static void PrefilterTxHttp2Header(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const void *pectx, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *txv, const uint64_t idx, const AppLayerTxData *_txd, const uint8_t flags) { SCEnter(); const PrefilterMpmListId *ctx = (const PrefilterMpmListId *)pectx; const MpmCtx *mpm_ctx = ctx->mpm_ctx; const int list_id = ctx->list_id; uint32_t local_id = 0; while (1) { // loop until we get a NULL struct MpmListIdDataArgs cbdata = { local_id, txv }; InspectionBuffer *buffer = GetHttp2HeaderData(det_ctx, flags, ctx->transforms, f, &cbdata, list_id); if (buffer == NULL) break; if (buffer->inspect_len >= mpm_ctx->minlen) { (void)mpm_table[mpm_ctx->mpm_type].Search( mpm_ctx, &det_ctx->mtcu, &det_ctx->pmq, buffer->inspect, buffer->inspect_len); PREFILTER_PROFILING_ADD_BYTES(det_ctx, buffer->inspect_len); } local_id++; } } static uint8_t DetectEngineInspectHttp2Header(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const DetectEngineAppInspectionEngine *engine, const Signature *s, Flow *f, uint8_t flags, void *alstate, void *txv, uint64_t tx_id) { uint32_t local_id = 0; const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms = NULL; if (!engine->mpm) { transforms = engine->v2.transforms; } while (1) { struct MpmListIdDataArgs cbdata = { local_id, txv, }; InspectionBuffer *buffer = GetHttp2HeaderData(det_ctx, flags, transforms, f, &cbdata, engine->sm_list); if (buffer == NULL || buffer->inspect == NULL) break; det_ctx->buffer_offset = 0; det_ctx->discontinue_matching = 0; det_ctx->inspection_recursion_counter = 0; const int match = DetectEngineContentInspection(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, engine->smd, NULL, f, (uint8_t *)buffer->inspect, buffer->inspect_len, buffer->inspect_offset, DETECT_CI_FLAGS_SINGLE, DETECT_ENGINE_CONTENT_INSPECTION_MODE_STATE); if (match == 1) { return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_MATCH; } local_id++; } return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_NO_MATCH; } static int PrefilterMpmHttp2HeaderRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id) { PrefilterMpmListId *pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; return PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterTxHttp2Header, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, mpm_reg->app_v2.tx_min_progress, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->name); } typedef struct HttpMultiBufItem { uint8_t *buffer; size_t len; } HttpMultiBufItem; typedef struct HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadData { // array of items, being defined as a buffer with its length just above HttpMultiBufItem *items; // capacity of items (size of allocation) size_t cap; // length of items (number in use) size_t len; } HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadData; static void *HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataInit(void *data) { HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadData *td = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*td)); return td; } static void HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataFree(void *data) { HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadData *td = data; for (size_t i = 0; i < td->cap; i++) { SCFree(td->items[i].buffer); } SCFree(td->items); SCFree(td); } static InspectionBuffer *GetHttp1HeaderData(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const uint8_t flags, const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms, Flow *f, const struct MpmListIdDataArgs *cbdata, int list_id) { SCEnter(); InspectionBuffer *buffer = InspectionBufferMultipleForListGet(det_ctx, list_id, cbdata->local_id); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; if (buffer->initialized) return buffer; int kw_thread_id; if (flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) { kw_thread_id = g_request_header_thread_id; } else { kw_thread_id = g_response_header_thread_id; } HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadData *hdr_td = DetectThreadCtxGetGlobalKeywordThreadCtx(det_ctx, kw_thread_id); if (unlikely(hdr_td == NULL)) { return NULL; } htp_tx_t *tx = (htp_tx_t *)cbdata->txv; htp_table_t *headers; if (flags & STREAM_TOSERVER) { headers = tx->request_headers; } else { headers = tx->response_headers; } size_t no_of_headers = htp_table_size(headers); if (cbdata->local_id == 0) { // We initialize a big buffer on first item // Then, we will just use parts of it hdr_td->len = 0; if (hdr_td->cap < no_of_headers) { void *new_buffer = SCRealloc(hdr_td->items, no_of_headers * sizeof(HttpMultiBufItem)); if (unlikely(new_buffer == NULL)) { return NULL; } hdr_td->items = new_buffer; // zeroes the new part of the items memset(hdr_td->items + hdr_td->cap, 0, (no_of_headers - hdr_td->cap) * sizeof(HttpMultiBufItem)); hdr_td->cap = no_of_headers; } for (size_t i = 0; i < no_of_headers; i++) { htp_header_t *h = htp_table_get_index(headers, i, NULL); size_t size1 = bstr_size(h->name); size_t size2 = bstr_size(h->value); size_t size = size1 + size2 + 2; if (hdr_td->items[i].len < size) { // Use realloc, as this pointer is not freed until HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataFree hdr_td->items[i].buffer = SCRealloc(hdr_td->items[i].buffer, size); if (unlikely(hdr_td->items[i].buffer == NULL)) { return NULL; } } memcpy(hdr_td->items[i].buffer, bstr_ptr(h->name), size1); hdr_td->items[i].buffer[size1] = ':'; hdr_td->items[i].buffer[size1 + 1] = ' '; memcpy(hdr_td->items[i].buffer + size1 + 2, bstr_ptr(h->value), size2); hdr_td->items[i].len = size; } hdr_td->len = no_of_headers; } // cbdata->local_id is the index of the requested header buffer // hdr_td->len is the number of header buffers if (cbdata->local_id < hdr_td->len) { // we have one valid header buffer InspectionBufferSetupMulti(buffer, transforms, hdr_td->items[cbdata->local_id].buffer, hdr_td->items[cbdata->local_id].len); SCReturnPtr(buffer, "InspectionBuffer"); } // else there are no more header buffer to get InspectionBufferSetupMultiEmpty(buffer); return NULL; } static void PrefilterTxHttp1Header(DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const void *pectx, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *txv, const uint64_t idx, const AppLayerTxData *_txd, const uint8_t flags) { SCEnter(); const PrefilterMpmListId *ctx = (const PrefilterMpmListId *)pectx; const MpmCtx *mpm_ctx = ctx->mpm_ctx; const int list_id = ctx->list_id; uint32_t local_id = 0; while (1) { // loop until we get a NULL struct MpmListIdDataArgs cbdata = { local_id, txv }; InspectionBuffer *buffer = GetHttp1HeaderData(det_ctx, flags, ctx->transforms, f, &cbdata, list_id); if (buffer == NULL) break; if (buffer->inspect_len >= mpm_ctx->minlen) { (void)mpm_table[mpm_ctx->mpm_type].Search( mpm_ctx, &det_ctx->mtcu, &det_ctx->pmq, buffer->inspect, buffer->inspect_len); PREFILTER_PROFILING_ADD_BYTES(det_ctx, buffer->inspect_len); } local_id++; } } static int PrefilterMpmHttp1HeaderRegister(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, SigGroupHead *sgh, MpmCtx *mpm_ctx, const DetectBufferMpmRegistry *mpm_reg, int list_id) { PrefilterMpmListId *pectx = SCCalloc(1, sizeof(*pectx)); if (pectx == NULL) return -1; pectx->list_id = list_id; pectx->mpm_ctx = mpm_ctx; pectx->transforms = &mpm_reg->transforms; return PrefilterAppendTxEngine(de_ctx, sgh, PrefilterTxHttp1Header, mpm_reg->app_v2.alproto, mpm_reg->app_v2.tx_min_progress, pectx, PrefilterMpmHttpHeaderFree, mpm_reg->name); } static uint8_t DetectEngineInspectHttp1Header(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const DetectEngineAppInspectionEngine *engine, const Signature *s, Flow *f, uint8_t flags, void *alstate, void *txv, uint64_t tx_id) { uint32_t local_id = 0; const DetectEngineTransforms *transforms = NULL; if (!engine->mpm) { transforms = engine->v2.transforms; } while (1) { struct MpmListIdDataArgs cbdata = { local_id, txv, }; InspectionBuffer *buffer = GetHttp1HeaderData(det_ctx, flags, transforms, f, &cbdata, engine->sm_list); if (buffer == NULL || buffer->inspect == NULL) break; det_ctx->buffer_offset = 0; det_ctx->discontinue_matching = 0; det_ctx->inspection_recursion_counter = 0; const int match = DetectEngineContentInspection(de_ctx, det_ctx, s, engine->smd, NULL, f, (uint8_t *)buffer->inspect, buffer->inspect_len, buffer->inspect_offset, DETECT_CI_FLAGS_SINGLE, DETECT_ENGINE_CONTENT_INSPECTION_MODE_STATE); if (match == 1) { return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_MATCH; } local_id++; } return DETECT_ENGINE_INSPECT_SIG_NO_MATCH; } static int DetectHTTPRequestHeaderSetup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *arg) { if (DetectBufferSetActiveList(de_ctx, s, g_http_request_header_buffer_id) < 0) return -1; if (DetectSignatureSetAppProto(s, ALPROTO_HTTP) != 0) return -1; return 0; } void DetectHttpRequestHeaderRegister(void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER].name = "http.request_header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER].desc = "sticky buffer to match on only one HTTP header name and value"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER].url = "/rules/http-keywords.html#request_header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER].Setup = DetectHTTPRequestHeaderSetup; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_NOOPT | SIGMATCH_INFO_STICKY_BUFFER; DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_request_header", SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, 2, PrefilterMpmHttp2HeaderRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP2, HTTP2StateOpen); DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_request_header", ALPROTO_HTTP2, SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, HTTP2StateOpen, DetectEngineInspectHttp2Header, NULL); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_request_header", SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, 2, PrefilterMpmHttp1HeaderRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP1, 0); DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_request_header", ALPROTO_HTTP1, SIG_FLAG_TOSERVER, HTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, DetectEngineInspectHttp1Header, NULL); DetectBufferTypeSetDescriptionByName("http_request_header", "HTTP header name and value"); g_http_request_header_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName("http_request_header"); DetectBufferTypeSupportsMultiInstance("http_request_header"); g_request_header_thread_id = DetectRegisterThreadCtxGlobalFuncs("http_request_header", HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataInit, NULL, HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataFree); } static int DetectHTTPResponseHeaderSetup(DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *arg) { if (DetectBufferSetActiveList(de_ctx, s, g_http_response_header_buffer_id) < 0) return -1; if (DetectSignatureSetAppProto(s, ALPROTO_HTTP) != 0) return -1; return 0; } void DetectHttpResponseHeaderRegister(void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER].name = "http.response_header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER].desc = "sticky buffer to match on only one HTTP header name and value"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER].url = "/rules/http2-keywords.html#response_header"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER].Setup = DetectHTTPResponseHeaderSetup; sigmatch_table[DETECT_HTTP_RESPONSE_HEADER].flags |= SIGMATCH_NOOPT | SIGMATCH_INFO_STICKY_BUFFER; DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_response_header", SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, 2, PrefilterMpmHttp2HeaderRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP2, HTTP2StateOpen); DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_response_header", ALPROTO_HTTP2, SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, HTTP2StateOpen, DetectEngineInspectHttp2Header, NULL); DetectAppLayerMpmRegister2("http_response_header", SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, 2, PrefilterMpmHttp1HeaderRegister, NULL, ALPROTO_HTTP1, 0); DetectAppLayerInspectEngineRegister2("http_response_header", ALPROTO_HTTP1, SIG_FLAG_TOCLIENT, HTP_RESPONSE_HEADERS, DetectEngineInspectHttp1Header, NULL); DetectBufferTypeSetDescriptionByName("http_response_header", "HTTP header name and value"); g_http_response_header_buffer_id = DetectBufferTypeGetByName("http_response_header"); DetectBufferTypeSupportsMultiInstance("http_response_header"); g_response_header_thread_id = DetectRegisterThreadCtxGlobalFuncs("http_response_header", HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataInit, NULL, HttpMultiBufHeaderThreadDataFree); } /************************************Unittests*********************************/ #ifdef UNITTESTS #include "tests/detect-http-header.c" #endif /** * @} */