/* Copyright (C) 2007-2022 Open Information Security Foundation * * You can copy, redistribute or modify this Program under the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free * Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ /** * \file * * \author Victor Julien * * AppLayer TX Logger Output registration functions */ #include "suricata-common.h" #include "output.h" #include "output-tx.h" #include "stream.h" #include "app-layer.h" #include "app-layer-parser.h" #include "util-profiling.h" #include "util-validate.h" /** per thread data for this module, contains a list of per thread * data for the packet loggers. */ typedef struct OutputTxLoggerThreadData_ { OutputLoggerThreadStore *store[ALPROTO_MAX]; /* thread local data from file api */ OutputFileLoggerThreadData *file; /* thread local data from filedata api */ OutputFiledataLoggerThreadData *filedata; } OutputTxLoggerThreadData; /* logger instance, a module + a output ctx, * it's perfectly valid that have multiple instances of the same * log module (e.g. http.log) with different output ctx'. */ typedef struct OutputTxLogger_ { AppProto alproto; TxLogger LogFunc; TxLoggerCondition LogCondition; OutputCtx *output_ctx; struct OutputTxLogger_ *next; const char *name; LoggerId logger_id; uint32_t id; int tc_log_progress; int ts_log_progress; TmEcode (*ThreadInit)(ThreadVars *, const void *, void **); TmEcode (*ThreadDeinit)(ThreadVars *, void *); void (*ThreadExitPrintStats)(ThreadVars *, void *); } OutputTxLogger; static OutputTxLogger *list[ALPROTO_MAX] = { NULL }; int OutputRegisterTxLogger(LoggerId id, const char *name, AppProto alproto, TxLogger LogFunc, OutputCtx *output_ctx, int tc_log_progress, int ts_log_progress, TxLoggerCondition LogCondition, ThreadInitFunc ThreadInit, ThreadDeinitFunc ThreadDeinit, void (*ThreadExitPrintStats)(ThreadVars *, void *)) { if (alproto != ALPROTO_UNKNOWN && !(AppLayerParserIsEnabled(alproto))) { SCLogDebug( "%s logger not enabled: protocol %s is disabled", name, AppProtoToString(alproto)); return -1; } OutputTxLogger *op = SCMalloc(sizeof(*op)); if (op == NULL) return -1; memset(op, 0x00, sizeof(*op)); op->alproto = alproto; op->LogFunc = LogFunc; op->LogCondition = LogCondition; op->output_ctx = output_ctx; op->name = name; op->logger_id = id; op->ThreadInit = ThreadInit; op->ThreadDeinit = ThreadDeinit; op->ThreadExitPrintStats = ThreadExitPrintStats; if (alproto == ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) { op->tc_log_progress = 0; } else if (tc_log_progress < 0) { op->tc_log_progress = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, STREAM_TOCLIENT); } else { op->tc_log_progress = tc_log_progress; } if (alproto == ALPROTO_UNKNOWN) { op->ts_log_progress = 0; } else if (ts_log_progress < 0) { op->ts_log_progress = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, STREAM_TOSERVER); } else { op->ts_log_progress = ts_log_progress; } if (list[alproto] == NULL) { op->id = 1; list[alproto] = op; } else { OutputTxLogger *t = list[alproto]; while (t->next) t = t->next; if (t->id * 2ULL > UINT32_MAX) { FatalError("Too many loggers registered."); } op->id = t->id * 2; t->next = op; } SCLogDebug("OutputRegisterTxLogger happy"); return 0; } extern bool g_file_logger_enabled; extern bool g_filedata_logger_enabled; /** \brief run the per tx file logging * \todo clean up various end of tx/stream etc indicators */ static inline void OutputTxLogFiles(ThreadVars *tv, OutputFileLoggerThreadData *file_td, OutputFiledataLoggerThreadData *filedata_td, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *tx, const uint64_t tx_id, AppLayerTxData *txd, const bool tx_complete, const bool ts_ready, const bool tc_ready, const bool ts_eof, const bool tc_eof, const bool eof) { uint8_t packet_dir; uint8_t opposing_dir; bool packet_dir_ready; const bool opposing_dir_ready = eof; bool opposing_tx_ready; if (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOSERVER) { packet_dir = STREAM_TOSERVER; opposing_dir = STREAM_TOCLIENT; packet_dir_ready = eof | ts_ready | ts_eof; opposing_tx_ready = tc_ready; } else if (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_TOCLIENT) { packet_dir = STREAM_TOCLIENT; opposing_dir = STREAM_TOSERVER; packet_dir_ready = eof | tc_ready | tc_eof; opposing_tx_ready = ts_ready; } else { abort(); } SCLogDebug("eof %d ts_ready %d ts_eof %d", eof, ts_ready, ts_eof); SCLogDebug("eof %d tc_ready %d tc_eof %d", eof, tc_ready, tc_eof); SCLogDebug("packet dir %s opposing %s packet_dir_ready %d opposing_dir_ready %d", packet_dir == STREAM_TOSERVER ? "TOSERVER" : "TOCLIENT", opposing_dir == STREAM_TOSERVER ? "TOSERVER" : "TOCLIENT", packet_dir_ready, opposing_dir_ready); AppLayerGetFileState app_files = AppLayerParserGetTxFiles(f, FlowGetAppState(f), tx, packet_dir); FileContainer *ffc = app_files.fc; AppLayerGetFileState app_files_opposing = AppLayerParserGetTxFiles(f, FlowGetAppState(f), tx, opposing_dir); FileContainer *ffc_opposing = app_files_opposing.fc; /* see if opposing side is finished: if no file support in this direction, of is not * files and tx is done for opposing dir. */ bool opposing_finished = ffc_opposing == NULL || (ffc_opposing->head == NULL && opposing_tx_ready); SCLogDebug("opposing_finished %d ffc_opposing %p ffc_opposing->head %p opposing_tx_ready %d", opposing_finished, ffc_opposing, ffc_opposing ? ffc_opposing->head : NULL, opposing_tx_ready); if (ffc || ffc_opposing) SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %" PRIu64 " flow %p tx %p tx_id %" PRIu64 " ffc %p ffc_opposing %p tx_complete %d", p->pcap_cnt, f, tx, tx_id, ffc, ffc_opposing, tx_complete); if (ffc) { const bool file_close = ((p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END)) | eof; const bool file_trunc = StreamTcpReassembleDepthReached(p) | eof; SCLogDebug("tx: calling files: ffc %p head %p file_close %d file_trunc %d", ffc, ffc->head, file_close, file_trunc); if (filedata_td && txd->files_opened > txd->files_stored) OutputFiledataLogFfc(tv, filedata_td, p, app_files, tx, tx_id, txd, packet_dir, file_close, file_trunc, packet_dir); if (file_td && txd->files_opened > txd->files_logged) OutputFileLogFfc( tv, file_td, p, ffc, tx, tx_id, txd, file_close, file_trunc, packet_dir); } /* if EOF and we support files, do a final write out */ if (opposing_dir_ready && ffc_opposing != NULL) { const bool file_close = ((p->flags & PKT_PSEUDO_STREAM_END)) | tx_complete | eof; const bool file_trunc = StreamTcpReassembleDepthReached(p) | eof; opposing_finished = true; SCLogDebug("tx: calling for opposing direction files: file_close:%s file_trunc:%s", file_close ? "true" : "false", file_trunc ? "true" : "false"); if (filedata_td && txd->files_opened > txd->files_stored) OutputFiledataLogFfc(tv, filedata_td, p, app_files_opposing, tx, tx_id, txd, opposing_dir, file_close, file_trunc, opposing_dir); if (file_td && txd->files_opened > txd->files_logged) OutputFileLogFfc(tv, file_td, p, ffc_opposing, tx, tx_id, txd, file_close, file_trunc, opposing_dir); } const bool tx_done = packet_dir_ready && opposing_finished; SCLogDebug("tx_done %d packet_dir_ready %d opposing_finished %d", tx_done, packet_dir_ready, opposing_finished); /* if not a file tx or if tx is done, set logger flags so tx can move on */ const bool is_file_tx = (ffc != NULL || ffc_opposing != NULL); if (!is_file_tx || tx_done) { SCLogDebug("is_file_tx %d tx_done %d", is_file_tx, tx_done); if (file_td) { txd->logged.flags |= BIT_U32(LOGGER_FILE); SCLogDebug("setting LOGGER_FILE => %08x", txd->logged.flags); } if (filedata_td) { txd->logged.flags |= BIT_U32(LOGGER_FILEDATA); SCLogDebug("setting LOGGER_FILEDATA => %08x", txd->logged.flags); } } else { SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %" PRIu64 " flow %p tx %p tx_id %" PRIu64 " NOT SETTING FILE FLAGS ffc %p ffc_opposing %p tx_complete %d", p->pcap_cnt, f, tx, tx_id, ffc, ffc_opposing, tx_complete); } } static void OutputTxLogList0(ThreadVars *tv, OutputTxLoggerThreadData *op_thread_data, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *tx, const uint64_t tx_id) { const OutputTxLogger *logger = list[ALPROTO_UNKNOWN]; const OutputLoggerThreadStore *store = op_thread_data->store[ALPROTO_UNKNOWN]; DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store != NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger != NULL && store == NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store == NULL); while (logger && store) { DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger->LogFunc == NULL); SCLogDebug("logger %p", logger); /* always invoke "wild card" tx loggers */ SCLogDebug("Logging tx_id %"PRIu64" to logger %d", tx_id, logger->logger_id); PACKET_PROFILING_LOGGER_START(p, logger->logger_id); logger->LogFunc(tv, store->thread_data, p, f, f->alstate, tx, tx_id); PACKET_PROFILING_LOGGER_END(p, logger->logger_id); logger = logger->next; store = store->next; DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store != NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger != NULL && store == NULL); } } struct Ctx { uint32_t tx_logged_old; uint32_t tx_logged; }; static void OutputTxLogCallLoggers(ThreadVars *tv, OutputTxLoggerThreadData *op_thread_data, const OutputTxLogger *logger, const OutputLoggerThreadStore *store, Packet *p, Flow *f, void *alstate, void *tx, const uint64_t tx_id, const AppProto alproto, const bool eof, const int tx_progress_ts, const int tx_progress_tc, struct Ctx *ctx) { DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store != NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger != NULL && store == NULL); // DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store == NULL); while (logger && store) { DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger->LogFunc == NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger->alproto != alproto); SCLogDebug("logger %p, Alproto %d LogCondition %p, ts_log_progress %d " "tc_log_progress %d", logger, logger->alproto, logger->LogCondition, logger->ts_log_progress, logger->tc_log_progress); if ((ctx->tx_logged_old & BIT_U32(logger->logger_id)) == 0) { SCLogDebug("alproto match %d, logging tx_id %" PRIu64, logger->alproto, tx_id); SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %" PRIu64 ", tx_id %" PRIu64 " logger %d. EOF %s", p->pcap_cnt, tx_id, logger->logger_id, eof ? "true" : "false"); if (eof) { SCLogDebug("EOF, so log now"); } else { if (logger->LogCondition) { int r = logger->LogCondition(tv, p, alstate, tx, tx_id); if (r == FALSE) { SCLogDebug("conditions not met, not logging"); goto next_logger; } } else { if (tx_progress_tc < logger->tc_log_progress) { SCLogDebug("progress not far enough, not logging"); goto next_logger; } if (tx_progress_ts < logger->ts_log_progress) { SCLogDebug("progress not far enough, not logging"); goto next_logger; } } } SCLogDebug("Logging tx_id %" PRIu64 " to logger %d", tx_id, logger->logger_id); PACKET_PROFILING_LOGGER_START(p, logger->logger_id); logger->LogFunc(tv, store->thread_data, p, f, alstate, tx, tx_id); PACKET_PROFILING_LOGGER_END(p, logger->logger_id); ctx->tx_logged |= BIT_U32(logger->logger_id); } next_logger: logger = logger->next; store = store->next; DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger == NULL && store != NULL); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(logger != NULL && store == NULL); } } static TmEcode OutputTxLog(ThreadVars *tv, Packet *p, void *thread_data) { DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(thread_data == NULL); if (p->flow == NULL) return TM_ECODE_OK; if (!((PKT_IS_PSEUDOPKT(p)) || p->flow->flags & (FLOW_TS_APP_UPDATED | FLOW_TC_APP_UPDATED))) { SCLogDebug("not pseudo, no app update: skip"); return TM_ECODE_OK; } SCLogDebug("pseudo, or app update: run output"); OutputTxLoggerThreadData *op_thread_data = (OutputTxLoggerThreadData *)thread_data; Flow * const f = p->flow; const uint8_t ipproto = f->proto; const AppProto alproto = f->alproto; SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %u tx logging %u/%s", (uint32_t)p->pcap_cnt, alproto, AppProtoToString(alproto)); const bool file_logging_active = (op_thread_data->file || op_thread_data->filedata); if (!file_logging_active) { if (list[alproto] == NULL && list[ALPROTO_UNKNOWN] == NULL) { SCLogDebug("bail"); /* No child loggers registered. */ return TM_ECODE_OK; } if (AppLayerParserProtocolHasLogger(ipproto, alproto) == 0) goto end; } void *alstate = f->alstate; if (alstate == NULL) { SCLogDebug("no alstate"); goto end; } const LoggerId logger_expectation = AppLayerParserProtocolGetLoggerBits(ipproto, alproto); if (logger_expectation == 0) { SCLogDebug("bail: logger_expectation %u. LOGGER_FILE %u LOGGER_FILEDATA %u", logger_expectation, LOGGER_FILE, LOGGER_FILEDATA); goto end; } SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %" PRIu64, p->pcap_cnt); const bool last_pseudo = (p->flowflags & FLOW_PKT_LAST_PSEUDO) != 0; const bool ts_eof = AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(f->alparser, (APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF_TS | APP_LAYER_PARSER_TRUNC_TS)) != 0; const bool tc_eof = AppLayerParserStateIssetFlag(f->alparser, (APP_LAYER_PARSER_EOF_TC | APP_LAYER_PARSER_TRUNC_TC)) != 0; const bool eof = last_pseudo || (ts_eof && tc_eof); SCLogDebug("eof %d last_pseudo %d ts_eof %d tc_eof %d", eof, last_pseudo, ts_eof, tc_eof); const uint8_t ts_disrupt_flags = FlowGetDisruptionFlags(f, STREAM_TOSERVER); const uint8_t tc_disrupt_flags = FlowGetDisruptionFlags(f, STREAM_TOCLIENT); SCLogDebug("ts_disrupt_flags %02x tc_disrupt_flags %02x", ts_disrupt_flags, tc_disrupt_flags); const uint64_t total_txs = AppLayerParserGetTxCnt(f, alstate); uint64_t tx_id = AppLayerParserGetTransactionLogId(f->alparser); uint64_t max_id = tx_id; int logged = 0; int gap = 0; const bool support_files = AppLayerParserSupportsFiles(ipproto, alproto); const uint8_t pkt_dir = STREAM_FLAGS_FOR_PACKET(p); SCLogDebug("pcap_cnt %" PRIu64 ": tx_id %" PRIu64 " total_txs %" PRIu64, p->pcap_cnt, tx_id, total_txs); AppLayerGetTxIteratorFunc IterFunc = AppLayerGetTxIterator(ipproto, alproto); AppLayerGetTxIterState state; memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state)); const int complete_ts = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, STREAM_TOSERVER); const int complete_tc = AppLayerParserGetStateProgressCompletionStatus(alproto, STREAM_TOCLIENT); while (1) { AppLayerGetTxIterTuple ires = IterFunc(ipproto, alproto, alstate, tx_id, total_txs, &state); if (ires.tx_ptr == NULL) break; void * const tx = ires.tx_ptr; tx_id = ires.tx_id; SCLogDebug("STARTING tx_id %" PRIu64 ", tx %p", tx_id, tx); const int tx_progress_ts = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(ipproto, alproto, tx, ts_disrupt_flags); const int tx_progress_tc = AppLayerParserGetStateProgress(ipproto, alproto, tx, tc_disrupt_flags); const bool tx_complete = (tx_progress_ts == complete_ts && tx_progress_tc == complete_tc); SCLogDebug("file_thread_data %p filedata_thread_data %p", op_thread_data->file, op_thread_data->filedata); AppLayerTxData *txd = AppLayerParserGetTxData(ipproto, alproto, tx); if (unlikely(txd == NULL)) { SCLogDebug("NO TXD"); /* make sure this tx, which can't be properly logged is skipped */ logged = 1; max_id = tx_id; goto next_tx; } if (file_logging_active) { if (AppLayerParserIsFileTx(txd)) { // need to process each tx that might be a file tx, // even if there are not files (yet) const bool ts_ready = (tx_progress_ts == complete_ts); const bool tc_ready = (tx_progress_tc == complete_tc); SCLogDebug("ts_ready %d tc_ready %d", ts_ready, tc_ready); const bool eval_files = ts_ready | tc_ready | tx_complete | ts_eof | tc_eof | eof; SCLogDebug("eval_files: %u, ts_ready %u, tc_ready %u, tx_complete %u, ts_eof %u, " "tc_eof %u, eof %u", eval_files, ts_ready, tc_ready, tx_complete, ts_eof, tc_eof, eof); SCLogDebug("txd->file_tx & pkt_dir: %02x & %02x -> %02x", txd->file_tx, pkt_dir, (txd->file_tx & pkt_dir)); /* call only for the correct direction, except when it looks anything like a end of * transaction or end of stream. Since OutputTxLogFiles has complicated logic around * that, we just leave it to that function to sort things out for now. */ if (eval_files || AppLayerParserIsFileTxInDir(txd, pkt_dir)) { OutputTxLogFiles(tv, op_thread_data->file, op_thread_data->filedata, p, f, tx, tx_id, txd, tx_complete, ts_ready, tc_ready, ts_eof, tc_eof, eof); } } else if (support_files) { if (op_thread_data->file) { txd->logged.flags |= BIT_U32(LOGGER_FILE); SCLogDebug("not a file_tx: setting LOGGER_FILE => %08x", txd->logged.flags); } if (op_thread_data->filedata) { txd->logged.flags |= BIT_U32(LOGGER_FILEDATA); SCLogDebug("not a file_tx: setting LOGGER_FILEDATA => %08x", txd->logged.flags); } } } SCLogDebug("logger: expect %08x, have %08x", logger_expectation, txd->logged.flags); if (list[ALPROTO_UNKNOWN] != 0) { OutputTxLogList0(tv, op_thread_data, p, f, tx, tx_id); if (list[alproto] == NULL) goto next_tx; } SCLogDebug("tx %p/%" PRIu64 " txd %p: log_flags %x logger_expectation %x", tx, tx_id, txd, txd->config.log_flags, logger_expectation); if (txd->config.log_flags & BIT_U8(CONFIG_TYPE_TX)) { SCLogDebug("SKIP tx %p/%"PRIu64, tx, tx_id); // so that AppLayerParserTransactionsCleanup can clean this tx txd->logged.flags |= logger_expectation; goto next_tx; } if (txd->logged.flags == logger_expectation) { SCLogDebug("fully logged"); /* tx already fully logged */ goto next_tx; } SCLogDebug("logger: expect %08x, have %08x", logger_expectation, txd->logged.flags); const OutputTxLogger *logger = list[alproto]; const OutputLoggerThreadStore *store = op_thread_data->store[alproto]; struct Ctx ctx = { .tx_logged = txd->logged.flags, .tx_logged_old = txd->logged.flags }; SCLogDebug("logger: expect %08x, have %08x", logger_expectation, ctx.tx_logged); OutputTxLogCallLoggers(tv, op_thread_data, logger, store, p, f, alstate, tx, tx_id, alproto, eof, tx_progress_ts, tx_progress_tc, &ctx); SCLogDebug("logger: expect %08x, have %08x", logger_expectation, ctx.tx_logged); if (ctx.tx_logged != ctx.tx_logged_old) { SCLogDebug("logger: storing %08x (was %08x)", ctx.tx_logged, ctx.tx_logged_old); DEBUG_VALIDATE_BUG_ON(txd == NULL); txd->logged.flags |= ctx.tx_logged; } /* If all loggers logged set a flag and update the last tx_id * that was logged. * * If not all loggers were logged we flag that there was a gap * so any subsequent transactions in this loop don't increase * the maximum ID that was logged. */ if (!gap && ctx.tx_logged == logger_expectation) { SCLogDebug("no gap %d, %08x == %08x", gap, ctx.tx_logged, logger_expectation); logged = 1; max_id = tx_id; SCLogDebug("max_id %" PRIu64, max_id); } else { gap = 1; } next_tx: if (!ires.has_next) break; tx_id++; } /* Update the last ID that has been logged with all * transactions before it. */ if (logged) { SCLogDebug("updating log tx_id %"PRIu64, max_id); AppLayerParserSetTransactionLogId(f->alparser, max_id + 1); } end: return TM_ECODE_OK; } /** \brief thread init for the tx logger * This will run the thread init functions for the individual registered * loggers */ static TmEcode OutputTxLogThreadInit(ThreadVars *tv, const void *_initdata, void **data) { OutputTxLoggerThreadData *td = SCMalloc(sizeof(*td)); if (td == NULL) return TM_ECODE_FAILED; memset(td, 0x00, sizeof(*td)); *data = (void *)td; SCLogDebug("OutputTxLogThreadInit happy (*data %p)", *data); for (AppProto alproto = 0; alproto < ALPROTO_MAX; alproto++) { OutputTxLogger *logger = list[alproto]; while (logger) { if (logger->ThreadInit) { void *retptr = NULL; if (logger->ThreadInit(tv, (void *)logger->output_ctx, &retptr) == TM_ECODE_OK) { OutputLoggerThreadStore *ts = SCMalloc(sizeof(*ts)); /* todo */ BUG_ON(ts == NULL); memset(ts, 0x00, sizeof(*ts)); /* store thread handle */ ts->thread_data = retptr; if (td->store[alproto] == NULL) { td->store[alproto] = ts; } else { OutputLoggerThreadStore *tmp = td->store[alproto]; while (tmp->next != NULL) tmp = tmp->next; tmp->next = ts; } SCLogDebug("%s is now set up", logger->name); } } logger = logger->next; } } if (g_file_logger_enabled) { if (OutputFileLogThreadInit(tv, &td->file) != TM_ECODE_OK) { FatalError("failed to set up file thread data"); } } if (g_filedata_logger_enabled) { if (OutputFiledataLogThreadInit(tv, &td->filedata) != TM_ECODE_OK) { FatalError("failed to set up filedata thread data"); } } SCLogDebug("file_thread_data %p filedata_thread_data %p", td->file, td->filedata); return TM_ECODE_OK; } static TmEcode OutputTxLogThreadDeinit(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data) { OutputTxLoggerThreadData *op_thread_data = (OutputTxLoggerThreadData *)thread_data; for (AppProto alproto = 0; alproto < ALPROTO_MAX; alproto++) { OutputLoggerThreadStore *store = op_thread_data->store[alproto]; OutputTxLogger *logger = list[alproto]; while (logger && store) { if (logger->ThreadDeinit) { logger->ThreadDeinit(tv, store->thread_data); } OutputLoggerThreadStore *next_store = store->next; SCFree(store); store = next_store; logger = logger->next; } } if (op_thread_data->file) { OutputFileLogThreadDeinit(tv, op_thread_data->file); } if (op_thread_data->filedata) { OutputFiledataLogThreadDeinit(tv, op_thread_data->filedata); } SCFree(op_thread_data); return TM_ECODE_OK; } static void OutputTxLogExitPrintStats(ThreadVars *tv, void *thread_data) { OutputTxLoggerThreadData *op_thread_data = (OutputTxLoggerThreadData *)thread_data; for (AppProto alproto = 0; alproto < ALPROTO_MAX; alproto++) { OutputLoggerThreadStore *store = op_thread_data->store[alproto]; OutputTxLogger *logger = list[alproto]; while (logger && store) { if (logger->ThreadExitPrintStats) { logger->ThreadExitPrintStats(tv, store->thread_data); } logger = logger->next; store = store->next; } } } static uint32_t OutputTxLoggerGetActiveCount(void) { uint32_t cnt = 0; for (AppProto alproto = 0; alproto < ALPROTO_MAX; alproto++) { for (OutputTxLogger *p = list[alproto]; p != NULL; p = p->next) { cnt++; } } if (g_file_logger_enabled) { cnt++; SCLogDebug("g_file_logger_enabled"); } if (g_filedata_logger_enabled) { cnt++; SCLogDebug("g_filedata_logger_enabled"); } return cnt; } void OutputTxLoggerRegister (void) { OutputRegisterRootLogger(OutputTxLogThreadInit, OutputTxLogThreadDeinit, OutputTxLogExitPrintStats, OutputTxLog, OutputTxLoggerGetActiveCount); } void OutputTxShutdown(void) { for (AppProto alproto = 0; alproto < ALPROTO_MAX; alproto++) { OutputTxLogger *logger = list[alproto]; while (logger) { OutputTxLogger *next_logger = logger->next; SCFree(logger); logger = next_logger; } list[alproto] = NULL; } }