diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ukify')
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.signing.crt.base64 | 23 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.signing.key.base64 | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64 | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-private2.pem.base64 | 30 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64 | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64 | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | src/ukify/test/meson.build | 21 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py | 876 | ||||
-rwxr-xr-x | src/ukify/ukify.py | 1668 |
9 files changed, 2694 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ukify/test/example.signing.crt.base64 b/src/ukify/test/example.signing.crt.base64 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..694d13b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/example.signing.crt.base64 @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSURsVENDQW4yZ0F3SUJBZ0lVTzlqUWhhblhj +b3ViOERzdXlMMWdZbksrR1lvd0RRWUpLb1pJaHZjTkFRRUwKQlFBd1dURUxNQWtHQTFVRUJoTUNX +Rmd4RlRBVEJnTlZCQWNNREVSbFptRjFiSFFnUTJsMGVURWNNQm9HQTFVRQpDZ3dUUkdWbVlYVnNk +Q0JEYjIxd1lXNTVJRXgwWkRFVk1CTUdBMVVFQXd3TWEyVjVJSE5wWjI1cGJtbG5NQ0FYCkRUSXlN +VEF5T1RFM01qY3dNVm9ZRHpNd01qSXdNekF4TVRjeU56QXhXakJaTVFzd0NRWURWUVFHRXdKWVdE +RVYKTUJNR0ExVUVCd3dNUkdWbVlYVnNkQ0JEYVhSNU1Sd3dHZ1lEVlFRS0RCTkVaV1poZFd4MElF +TnZiWEJoYm5rZwpUSFJrTVJVd0V3WURWUVFEREF4clpYa2djMmxuYm1sdWFXY3dnZ0VpTUEwR0NT +cUdTSWIzRFFFQkFRVUFBNElCCkR3QXdnZ0VLQW9JQkFRREtVeHR4Y0d1aGYvdUp1SXRjWEhvdW0v +RE9RL1RJM3BzUWlaR0ZWRkJzbHBicU5wZDUKa2JDaUFMNmgrY1FYaGRjUmlOT1dBR0wyMFZ1T2Rv +VTZrYzlkdklGQnFzKzc2NHhvWGY1UGd2SlhvQUxSUGxDZAp4YVdPQzFsOFFIRHpxZ09SdnREMWNI +WFoveTkvZ1YxVU1GK1FlYm12aUhRN0U4eGw1T2h5MG1TQVZYRDhBTitsCjdpMUR6N0NuTzhrMVph +alhqYXlpNWV1WEV0TnFSZXNuVktRRElTQ0t2STFueUxySWxHRU1GZmFuUmRLQWthZ3MKalJnTmVh +T3N3aklHNjV6UzFVdjJTZXcxVFpIaFhtUmd5TzRVT0JySHZlSml2T2hObzU3UlRKd0M2K2lGY0FG +aApSSnorVmM2QUlSSkI1ZWtJUmdCN3VDNEI5ZmwydXdZKytMODNBZ01CQUFHalV6QlJNQjBHQTFV +ZERnUVdCQlFqCllIMnpzVFlPQU51MkcweXk1QkxlOHBvbWZUQWZCZ05WSFNNRUdEQVdnQlFqWUgy +enNUWU9BTnUyRzB5eTVCTGUKOHBvbWZUQVBCZ05WSFJNQkFmOEVCVEFEQVFIL01BMEdDU3FHU0li +M0RRRUJDd1VBQTRJQkFRQ2dxcmFXaE51dQptUmZPUjVxcURVcC83RkpIL1N6Zk1vaDBHL2lWRkhv +OUpSS0tqMUZ2Q0VZc1NmeThYTmdaUDI5eS81Z0h4cmcrCjhwZWx6bWJLczdhUTRPK01TcmIzTm11 +V1IzT0M0alBoNENrM09ZbDlhQy9iYlJqSWFvMDJ6K29XQWNZZS9xYTEKK2ZsemZWVEUwMHJ5V1RM +K0FJdDFEZEVqaG01WXNtYlgvbWtacUV1TjBtSVhhRXhSVE9walczUWRNeVRQaURTdApvanQvQWMv +R2RUWDd0QkhPTk44Z3djaC91V293aVNORERMUm1wM2VScnlOZ3RPKzBISUd5Qm16ZWNsM0VlVEo2 +CnJzOGRWUFhqR1Z4dlZDb2tqQllrOWdxbkNGZEJCMGx4VXVNZldWdVkyRUgwSjI3aGh4SXNFc3ls +VTNIR1EyK2MKN1JicVY4VTNSRzA4Ci0tLS0tRU5EIENFUlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0K diff --git a/src/ukify/test/example.signing.key.base64 b/src/ukify/test/example.signing.key.base64 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88baedb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/example.signing.key.base64 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JSUV2Z0lCQURBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFRRUZB +QVNDQktnd2dnU2tBZ0VBQW9JQkFRREtVeHR4Y0d1aGYvdUoKdUl0Y1hIb3VtL0RPUS9USTNwc1Fp +WkdGVkZCc2xwYnFOcGQ1a2JDaUFMNmgrY1FYaGRjUmlOT1dBR0wyMFZ1Twpkb1U2a2M5ZHZJRkJx +cys3NjR4b1hmNVBndkpYb0FMUlBsQ2R4YVdPQzFsOFFIRHpxZ09SdnREMWNIWFoveTkvCmdWMVVN +RitRZWJtdmlIUTdFOHhsNU9oeTBtU0FWWEQ4QU4rbDdpMUR6N0NuTzhrMVphalhqYXlpNWV1WEV0 +TnEKUmVzblZLUURJU0NLdkkxbnlMcklsR0VNRmZhblJkS0FrYWdzalJnTmVhT3N3aklHNjV6UzFV +djJTZXcxVFpIaApYbVJneU80VU9Cckh2ZUppdk9oTm81N1JUSndDNitpRmNBRmhSSnorVmM2QUlS +SkI1ZWtJUmdCN3VDNEI5ZmwyCnV3WSsrTDgzQWdNQkFBRUNnZ0VBQkhZQ28rU3JxdHJzaStQU3hz 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b/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64 @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQUklWQVRFIEtFWS0tLS0tCk1JSUV2Z0lCQURBTkJna3Foa2lHOXcwQkFRRUZB +QVNDQktnd2dnU2tBZ0VBQW9JQkFRQzVuOHFhbzVNZ1BJUVcKc0F5Y2R3dnB1bjdNNHlRSW9FL3I3 +ekFGTG1hZlBXclo3d2JaaUIyTkY1MVdHOEo4bnlDQkI3M0RLcmZaeWs5cwphQXdXVW5RR2t0dGFv +RXpXRzZSRTM3dXdQOUpVM09YdklTNTBhcy9KSHVHNlJPYmE2V0NOOFp2TTdkZGpvTDFKCkZlYnBS +SXI1Vi82VStMTFhrUnRNYVczUnZ6T0xYeU1NT2QzOEcxZ0d0VlRHcm90ejVldFgrTUNVU2lOVGFE +OVUKN1dEZXVsZXVpMlRnK1I3TGRoSXg3ZTQ5cEhRM3d6a1NxeFQ4SGpoU3ZURWpITWVSNjIwaUhF +ZW9uYzdsMXVnagpzY1pwTktHdk13bXUvU2ptWFp6UkpOdjVOU0txcEVnQll2RnFkS3dUdlc4MWl6 +SUFvN3paMkx6NDJYb25zSWJ2CjNrbGZqTG1mQWdNQkFBRUNnZ0VBQXozYm8yeTAzb3kvLzhkdVNQ +TTVSWWtvdXJwQ3dGWFFYMzNyV0VQUnJmazgKR3ZjMkp1bGVIcjhwVTc0alhOcklqZ2hORTVIMDZQ +eEQrOUFyV2Q1eHdVV2lTQWhobnlHWGNrNTM4Q0dGTWs4egpRc1JSRTk1anA0Ny9BU28vMzlYUWhs +b1FUdmxlV0JLUUM2MHl2YU1oVEM1eHR6ZEtwRUlYK0hNazVGTlMrcDJVCmxtL3AzVE1YWDl1bmc5 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+dGhoMHZHQmFWCnZWOXhHTm1YbW5TeUg0b29HcmJvaG1JWkkwVlhZdms5dWViSUJjbDZRMUx4WnN3 +UFpRMVh5TUhpTjY1Z0E1emgKai9HZGcrdDlvcU5CZml0TUFrUTl1aWxvaXlKVWhYblk5REMvRitl +ZksycEpNbHdkci9qWEttRHpkQUZBVDgyWQpWRmJ3MlpLVi9GNEJNMUtCdDBZN0RPTmlad0tCZ1FD +OG9kZk0waytqL25VSzQ4TEV2MGtGbVNMdWdnTVlkM3hVCmZibmx0cUhFTVpJZU45OFVHK2hBWEdw +dU1Ya0JPM2Mwcm5ZRDVXZkNBRzFxT1V2ZTZzdHd6N0VuK3hWdlkvcWEKU3ZTaDRzMzhnZlBIeXhR +aGJvNWRwQTZUT3pwT0MyVi9rVXBVRUdJSmVVVllhQ05uWXNpUjRWUGVWL1lvR1htSwpQV29KbnAw +REtRS0JnQlk3cXBheDJXczVVWlp1TDJBZkNOWkhwd0hySzdqb0VPZUZkWTRrdGRpUkM5OUlsUlZP +CmUvekVZQXBnektldFVtK3kzRjVaTmVCRW81SWg0TWRyc3ZvdTRFWno5UFNqRGRpVGYzQ1ZKcThq +Z2VGWDBkTjgKR0g2WTh2K1cwY0ZjRFZ2djhYdkFaYzZOUUt0Mk8vVUM0b1JXek1nN1JtWVBKcjlR +SWJDYmVDclRBb0dBTjdZbApJbDFMSUVoYkVTaExzZ2c4N09aWnBzL0hVa2FYOWV4Y0p6aFZkcmlk +UzBkOUgxZE90Uk9XYTQwNUMrQWdTUEx0CjhDQ2xFR3RINVlPZW9Pdi93Z1hWY05WN2N6YTRJVEhh +SnFYeDZJNEpEZzB3bU44cU5RWHJPQmphRTRyU0kyY3AKNk1JZDhtWmEwTTJSQjB2cHFRdy8xUDl0 +dUZJdHoySnNHd001cEdFQ2dZQVVnQVV3WENBcEtZVkZFRmxHNlBhYwpvdTBhdzdGNm1aMi9NNUcv +ek9tMHFDYnNXdGFNU09TdUEvNmlVOXB0NDBaWUFONFUvd2ZxbncyVkVoRnA3dzFNCnpZWmJCRDBx +ZVlkcDRmc1NuWXFMZmJBVmxQLzB6dmEzdkwwMlJFa25WalBVSnAvaGpKVWhBK21WN252VDZ5VjQK +cTg4SWVvOEx3Q1c1c2Jtd2lyU3Btdz09Ci0tLS0tRU5EIFBSSVZBVEUgS0VZLS0tLS0K diff --git a/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64 b/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..728a0f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64 @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlJQklqQU5CZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJBUUVGQUFPQ0FR +OEFNSUlCQ2dLQ0FRRUF1Wi9LbXFPVElEeUVGckFNbkhjTAo2YnArek9Na0NLQlA2Kzh3QlM1bW56 +MXEyZThHMllnZGpSZWRWaHZDZko4Z2dRZTl3eXEzMmNwUGJHZ01GbEowCkJwTGJXcUJNMWh1a1JO +KzdzRC9TVk56bDd5RXVkR3JQeVI3aHVrVG0ydWxnamZHYnpPM1hZNkM5U1JYbTZVU0sKK1ZmK2xQ +aXkxNUViVEdsdDBiOHppMThqRERuZC9CdFlCclZVeHE2TGMrWHJWL2pBbEVvalUyZy9WTzFnM3Jw +WApyb3RrNFBrZXkzWVNNZTN1UGFSME44TTVFcXNVL0I0NFVyMHhJeHpIa2V0dEloeEhxSjNPNWRi +b0k3SEdhVFNoCnJ6TUpydjBvNWwyYzBTVGIrVFVpcXFSSUFXTHhhblNzRTcxdk5Zc3lBS084MmRp +OCtObDZKN0NHNzk1Slg0eTUKbndJREFRQUIKLS0tLS1FTkQgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCg== diff --git a/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64 b/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..44bb3ee --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64 @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBQVUJMSUMgS0VZLS0tLS0KTUlJQklqQU5CZ2txaGtpRzl3MEJBUUVGQUFPQ0FR +OEFNSUlCQ2dLQ0FRRUF0citqSVhjZTVMbkQ2NTVCT0VmbgpLb0ZuL1RxYnJJYjk0K3g1N2ZqdEwv +L01JcnpqeE9mU3RML3hHemZLTVMrZzJBbGtnUVJEZnd3Y3RpME90SjFrCmJhV08yNTVSdnFTbE11 +S0IrREhyd1JtNDNoNUl6aWtzREdsRmVKUEVYa1NmUEtsYmtrdFNialJKaklNaHd4T0cKanVKNExa +MHoxV01PZHJqeDZacE93UEUxbHU0aW5UU0dIMWZQcHhtUSthOXhJbnN3NVVBalE1OFVScjU1eDFj +MAoxMkJyYVhKV2NvaUsyVk15UU9FRG43WjhxY2orWkFQOGVVdWRUajhXcW1UKzhaRGlnbTZoUDMz +Nk5CRGY1RGMrCk94WVQzdFpqeGtSV0dWaG5zZUltanJjaXJjWUVrRjJ4bnVCSWNrOFNkbmpydkFC +SVZTRXIvTTBEb0VwcHBiejMKZndJREFRQUIKLS0tLS1FTkQgUFVCTElDIEtFWS0tLS0tCg== diff --git a/src/ukify/test/meson.build b/src/ukify/test/meson.build new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2df196b --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/meson.build @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later + +if want_ukify and want_tests != 'false' + have_pytest_flakes = pymod.find_installation( + 'python3', + required : false, + modules : ['pytest_flakes'], + ).found() + + args = ['-v'] + if have_pytest_flakes + args += ['--flakes'] + endif + + test('test-ukify', + files('test_ukify.py'), + args: args, + env : test_env, + timeout : 120, + suite : 'ukify') +endif diff --git a/src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py b/src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5866447 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py @@ -0,0 +1,876 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later + +# pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel,useless-else-on-loop +# pylint: disable=consider-using-with,wrong-import-position,unspecified-encoding +# pylint: disable=protected-access,redefined-outer-name + +import base64 +import json +import os +import pathlib +import re +import shutil +import subprocess +import sys +import tempfile +import textwrap + +try: + import pytest +except ImportError as e: + print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) + sys.exit(77) + +try: + # pyflakes: noqa + import pefile # noqa +except ImportError as e: + print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) + sys.exit(77) + +# We import ukify.py, which is a template file. But only __version__ is +# substituted, which we don't care about here. Having the .py suffix makes it +# easier to import the file. +sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/..') +import ukify + +build_root = os.getenv('PROJECT_BUILD_ROOT') +try: + slow_tests = bool(int(os.getenv('SYSTEMD_SLOW_TESTS', '1'))) +except ValueError: + slow_tests = True + +arg_tools = ['--tools', build_root] if build_root else [] + +def systemd_measure(): + opts = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(arg_tools) + return ukify.find_tool('systemd-measure', opts=opts) + +def test_guess_efi_arch(): + arch = ukify.guess_efi_arch() + assert arch in ukify.EFI_ARCHES + +def test_shell_join(): + assert ukify.shell_join(['a', 'b', ' ']) == "a b ' '" + +def test_round_up(): + assert ukify.round_up(0) == 0 + assert ukify.round_up(4095) == 4096 + assert ukify.round_up(4096) == 4096 + assert ukify.round_up(4097) == 8192 + +def test_namespace_creation(): + ns = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(()) + assert ns.linux is None + assert ns.initrd is None + +def test_config_example(): + ex = ukify.config_example() + assert '[UKI]' in ex + assert 'Splash = BMP' in ex + +def test_apply_config(tmp_path): + config = tmp_path / 'config1.conf' + config.write_text(textwrap.dedent( + f''' + [UKI] + Linux = LINUX + Initrd = initrd1 initrd2 + initrd3 + Cmdline = 1 2 3 4 5 + 6 7 8 + OSRelease = @some/path1 + DeviceTree = some/path2 + Splash = some/path3 + Uname = 1.2.3 + EFIArch=arm + Stub = some/path4 + PCRBanks = sha512,sha1 + SigningEngine = engine1 + SecureBootPrivateKey = some/path5 + SecureBootCertificate = some/path6 + SignKernel = no + + [PCRSignature:NAME] + PCRPrivateKey = some/path7 + PCRPublicKey = some/path8 + Phases = {':'.join(ukify.KNOWN_PHASES)} + ''')) + + ns = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(['build']) + ns.linux = None + ns.initrd = [] + ukify.apply_config(ns, config) + + assert ns.linux == pathlib.Path('LINUX') + assert ns.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), + pathlib.Path('initrd2'), + pathlib.Path('initrd3')] + assert ns.cmdline == '1 2 3 4 5\n6 7 8' + assert ns.os_release == '@some/path1' + assert ns.devicetree == pathlib.Path('some/path2') + assert ns.splash == pathlib.Path('some/path3') + assert ns.efi_arch == 'arm' + assert ns.stub == pathlib.Path('some/path4') + assert ns.pcr_banks == ['sha512', 'sha1'] + assert ns.signing_engine == 'engine1' + assert ns.sb_key == 'some/path5' + assert ns.sb_cert == 'some/path6' + assert ns.sign_kernel is False + + assert ns._groups == ['NAME'] + assert ns.pcr_private_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path7')] + assert ns.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path8')] + assert ns.phase_path_groups == [['enter-initrd:leave-initrd:sysinit:ready:shutdown:final']] + + ukify.finalize_options(ns) + + assert ns.linux == pathlib.Path('LINUX') + assert ns.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), + pathlib.Path('initrd2'), + pathlib.Path('initrd3')] + assert ns.cmdline == '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' + assert ns.os_release == pathlib.Path('some/path1') + assert ns.devicetree == pathlib.Path('some/path2') + assert ns.splash == pathlib.Path('some/path3') + assert ns.efi_arch == 'arm' + assert ns.stub == pathlib.Path('some/path4') + assert ns.pcr_banks == ['sha512', 'sha1'] + assert ns.signing_engine == 'engine1' + assert ns.sb_key == 'some/path5' + assert ns.sb_cert == 'some/path6' + assert ns.sign_kernel is False + + assert ns._groups == ['NAME'] + assert ns.pcr_private_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path7')] + assert ns.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path8')] + assert ns.phase_path_groups == [['enter-initrd:leave-initrd:sysinit:ready:shutdown:final']] + +def test_parse_args_minimal(): + with pytest.raises(ValueError): + ukify.parse_args([]) + + opts = ukify.parse_args('arg1 arg2'.split()) + assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('arg1') + assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('arg2')] + assert opts.os_release in (pathlib.Path('/etc/os-release'), + pathlib.Path('/usr/lib/os-release')) + +def test_parse_args_many_deprecated(): + opts = ukify.parse_args( + ['/ARG1', '///ARG2', '/ARG3 WITH SPACE', + '--cmdline=a b c', + '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', + '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', + '--splash=splash', + '--pcrpkey=PATH', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--stub=STUBPATH', + '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', + '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', + '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', + '--signing-engine=ENGINE', + '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', + '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', + '--sign-kernel', + '--no-sign-kernel', + '--tools=TOOLZ///', + '--output=OUTPUT', + '--measure', + '--no-measure', + ]) + assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') + assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] + assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' + assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' + assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') + assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') + assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') + assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' + assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') + assert opts.pcr_private_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY1')] + assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2')] + assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] + assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' + assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' + assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' + assert opts.sign_kernel is False + assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] + assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') + assert opts.measure is False + +def test_parse_args_many(): + opts = ukify.parse_args( + ['build', + '--linux=/ARG1', + '--initrd=///ARG2', + '--initrd=/ARG3 WITH SPACE', + '--cmdline=a b c', + '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', + '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', + '--splash=splash', + '--pcrpkey=PATH', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--stub=STUBPATH', + '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', + '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', + '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', + '--signing-engine=ENGINE', + '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', + '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', + '--sign-kernel', + '--no-sign-kernel', + '--tools=TOOLZ///', + '--output=OUTPUT', + '--measure', + '--no-measure', + ]) + assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') + assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] + assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' + assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' + assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') + assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') + assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') + assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' + assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') + assert opts.pcr_private_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY1')] + assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2')] + assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] + assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' + assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' + assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' + assert opts.sign_kernel is False + assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] + assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') + assert opts.measure is False + +def test_parse_sections(): + opts = ukify.parse_args( + ['build', + '--linux=/ARG1', + '--initrd=/ARG2', + '--section=test:TESTTESTTEST', + '--section=test2:@FILE', + ]) + + assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') + assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2')] + assert len(opts.sections) == 2 + + assert opts.sections[0].name == 'test' + assert isinstance(opts.sections[0].content, pathlib.Path) + assert opts.sections[0].tmpfile + assert opts.sections[0].measure is False + + assert opts.sections[1].name == 'test2' + assert opts.sections[1].content == pathlib.Path('FILE') + assert opts.sections[1].tmpfile is None + assert opts.sections[1].measure is False + +def test_config_priority(tmp_path): + config = tmp_path / 'config1.conf' + # config: use pesign and give certdir + certname + config.write_text(textwrap.dedent( + f''' + [UKI] + Linux = LINUX + Initrd = initrd1 initrd2 + initrd3 + Cmdline = 1 2 3 4 5 + 6 7 8 + OSRelease = @some/path1 + DeviceTree = some/path2 + Splash = some/path3 + Uname = 1.2.3 + EFIArch = arm + Stub = some/path4 + PCRBanks = sha512,sha1 + SigningEngine = engine1 + SecureBootSigningTool = pesign + SecureBootCertificateDir = some/path5 + SecureBootCertificateName = some/name1 + SignKernel = no + + [PCRSignature:NAME] + PCRPrivateKey = some/path7 + PCRPublicKey = some/path8 + Phases = {':'.join(ukify.KNOWN_PHASES)} + ''')) + + # args: use sbsign and give key + cert, should override pesign + opts = ukify.parse_args( + ['build', + '--linux=/ARG1', + '--initrd=///ARG2', + '--initrd=/ARG3 WITH SPACE', + '--cmdline= a b c ', + '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', + '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', + '--splash=splash', + '--pcrpkey=PATH', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--stub=STUBPATH', + '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', + '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', + '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', + '--signing-engine=ENGINE', + '--signtool=sbsign', + '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', + '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', + '--sign-kernel', + '--no-sign-kernel', + '--tools=TOOLZ///', + '--output=OUTPUT', + '--measure', + ]) + + ukify.apply_config(opts, config) + ukify.finalize_options(opts) + + assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') + assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), + pathlib.Path('initrd2'), + pathlib.Path('initrd3'), + pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), + pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] + assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' + assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' + assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') + assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') + assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') + assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' + assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') + assert opts.pcr_private_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY1'), + pathlib.Path('some/path7')] + assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2'), + pathlib.Path('some/path8')] + assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] + assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' + assert opts.signtool == 'sbsign' # from args + assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' # from args + assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' # from args + assert opts.sb_certdir == 'some/path5' # from config + assert opts.sb_cert_name == 'some/name1' # from config + assert opts.sign_kernel is False + assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] + assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') + assert opts.measure is True + +def test_help(capsys): + with pytest.raises(SystemExit): + ukify.parse_args(['--help']) + out = capsys.readouterr() + assert '--section' in out.out + assert not out.err + +def test_help_display(capsys): + with pytest.raises(SystemExit): + ukify.parse_args(['inspect', '--help']) + out = capsys.readouterr() + assert '--section' in out.out + assert not out.err + +def test_help_error_deprecated(capsys): + with pytest.raises(SystemExit): + ukify.parse_args(['a', 'b', '--no-such-option']) + out = capsys.readouterr() + assert not out.out + assert '--no-such-option' in out.err + assert len(out.err.splitlines()) == 1 + +def test_help_error(capsys): + with pytest.raises(SystemExit): + ukify.parse_args(['build', '--no-such-option']) + out = capsys.readouterr() + assert not out.out + assert '--no-such-option' in out.err + assert len(out.err.splitlines()) == 1 + +@pytest.fixture(scope='session') +def kernel_initrd(): + opts = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(arg_tools) + bootctl = ukify.find_tool('bootctl', opts=opts) + if bootctl is None: + return None + + try: + text = subprocess.check_output([bootctl, 'list', '--json=short'], + text=True) + except subprocess.CalledProcessError: + return None + + items = json.loads(text) + + for item in items: + try: + linux = f"{item['root']}{item['linux']}" + initrd = f"{item['root']}{item['initrd'][0].split(' ')[0]}" + except (KeyError, IndexError): + continue + return ['--linux', linux, '--initrd', initrd] + else: + return None + +def test_check_splash(): + try: + # pyflakes: noqa + import PIL # noqa + except ImportError: + pytest.skip('PIL not available') + + with pytest.raises(OSError): + ukify.check_splash(os.devnull) + +def test_basic_operation(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/basic.efi' + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--output={output}', + ]) + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file + subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output]) + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +def test_sections(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/basic.efi' + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--output={output}', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2\n', + '--section=.test:CONTENTZ', + ]) + + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) + + for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname test'.split(): + assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +def test_addon(tmp_path): + output = f'{tmp_path}/addon.efi' + args = [ + 'build', + f'--output={output}', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + """--sbat=sbat,1,foo +foo,1 +bar,2 +""", + '--section=.test:CONTENTZ', + """--sbat=sbat,1,foo +baz,3 +""" + ] + if stub := os.getenv('EFI_ADDON'): + args += [f'--stub={stub}'] + expected_exceptions = () + else: + expected_exceptions = (FileNotFoundError,) + + opts = ukify.parse_args(args) + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except expected_exceptions as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) + + for sect in 'text cmdline test sbat'.split(): + assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) + + pe = pefile.PE(output, fast_load=True) + found = False + + for section in pe.sections: + if section.Name.rstrip(b"\x00").decode() == ".sbat": + assert found is False + split = section.get_data().rstrip(b"\x00").decode().splitlines() + assert split == ["sbat,1,SBAT Version,sbat,1,https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md", "foo,1", "bar,2", "baz,3"] + found = True + + assert found is True + + +def unbase64(filename): + tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() + base64.decode(filename.open('rb'), tmp) + tmp.flush() + return tmp + + +def test_uname_scraping(kernel_initrd): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + + assert kernel_initrd[0] == '--linux' + uname = ukify.Uname.scrape(kernel_initrd[1]) + assert re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+', uname) + +@pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') +def test_efi_signing_sbsign(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + if not shutil.which('sbsign'): + pytest.skip('sbsign not found') + + ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent + cert = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.crt.base64') + key = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.key.base64') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--output={output}', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + f'--secureboot-certificate={cert.name}', + f'--secureboot-private-key={key.name}', + ]) + + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + if shutil.which('sbverify'): + # let's check that sbverify likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output([ + 'sbverify', + '--cert', cert.name, + output, + ], text=True) + + assert 'Signature verification OK' in dump + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +@pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') +def test_efi_signing_pesign(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + if not shutil.which('pesign'): + pytest.skip('pesign not found') + + nss_db = f'{tmp_path}/nss_db' + name = 'Test_Secureboot' + author = 'systemd' + + subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', nss_db]) + cmd = f'certutil -N --empty-password -d {nss_db}'.split(' ') + subprocess.check_call(cmd) + cmd = f'efikeygen -d {nss_db} -S -k -c CN={author} -n {name}'.split(' ') + subprocess.check_call(cmd) + + output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--output={output}', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--signtool=pesign', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + f'--secureboot-certificate-name={name}', + f'--secureboot-certificate-dir={nss_db}', + ]) + + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that sbverify likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output([ + 'pesign', '-S', + '-i', output, + ], text=True) + + assert f"The signer's common name is {author}" in dump + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +def test_inspect(kernel_initrd, tmp_path, capsys): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + if not shutil.which('sbsign'): + pytest.skip('sbsign not found') + + ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent + cert = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.crt.base64') + key = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.key.base64') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/signed2.efi' + uname_arg='1.2.3' + osrel_arg='Linux' + cmdline_arg='ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' + + args = [ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--cmdline={cmdline_arg}', + f'--os-release={osrel_arg}', + f'--uname={uname_arg}', + f'--output={output}', + ] + if slow_tests: + args += [ + f'--secureboot-certificate={cert.name}', + f'--secureboot-private-key={key.name}', + ] + + opts = ukify.parse_args(args) + + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + opts = ukify.parse_args(['inspect', output]) + ukify.inspect_sections(opts) + + text = capsys.readouterr().out + + expected_osrel = f'.osrel:\n size: {len(osrel_arg)}' + assert expected_osrel in text + expected_cmdline = f'.cmdline:\n size: {len(cmdline_arg)}' + assert expected_cmdline in text + expected_uname = f'.uname:\n size: {len(uname_arg)}' + assert expected_uname in text + + expected_initrd = '.initrd:\n size:' + assert expected_initrd in text + expected_linux = '.linux:\n size:' + assert expected_linux in text + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +@pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') +def test_pcr_signing(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + if systemd_measure() is None: + pytest.skip('systemd-measure not found') + + ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent + pub = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64') + priv = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' + args = [ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd, + f'--output={output}', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + '--os-release=ID=foobar\n', + '--pcr-banks=sha1', # use sha1 because it doesn't really matter + f'--pcr-private-key={priv.name}', + ] + arg_tools + + # If the public key is not explicitly specified, it is derived automatically. Let's make sure everything + # works as expected both when the public keys is specified explicitly and when it is derived from the + # private key. + for extra in ([f'--pcrpkey={pub.name}', f'--pcr-public-key={pub.name}'], []): + opts = ukify.parse_args(args + extra) + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) + + for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname pcrsig'.split(): + assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) + + # objcopy fails when called without an output argument (EPERM). + # It also fails when called with /dev/null (file truncated). + # It also fails when called with /dev/zero (because it reads the + # output file, infinitely in this case.) + # So let's just call it with a dummy output argument. + subprocess.check_call([ + 'objcopy', + *(f'--dump-section=.{n}={tmp_path}/out.{n}' for n in ( + 'pcrpkey', 'pcrsig', 'osrel', 'uname', 'cmdline')), + output, + tmp_path / 'dummy', + ], + text=True) + + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrpkey').read() == open(pub.name).read() + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.osrel').read() == 'ID=foobar\n' + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.uname').read() == '1.2.3' + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.cmdline').read() == 'ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' + sig = open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrsig').read() + sig = json.loads(sig) + assert list(sig.keys()) == ['sha1'] + assert len(sig['sha1']) == 4 # four items for four phases + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +@pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') +def test_pcr_signing2(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): + if kernel_initrd is None: + pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') + if systemd_measure() is None: + pytest.skip('systemd-measure not found') + + ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent + pub = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64') + priv = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64') + pub2 = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64') + priv2 = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private2.pem.base64') + + # simulate a microcode file + with open(f'{tmp_path}/microcode', 'wb') as microcode: + microcode.write(b'1234567890') + + output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' + assert kernel_initrd[0] == '--linux' + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'build', + *kernel_initrd[:2], + f'--initrd={microcode.name}', + *kernel_initrd[2:], + f'--output={output}', + '--uname=1.2.3', + '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', + '--os-release=ID=foobar\n', + '--pcr-banks=sha1', + f'--pcrpkey={pub2.name}', + f'--pcr-public-key={pub.name}', + f'--pcr-private-key={priv.name}', + '--phases=enter-initrd enter-initrd:leave-initrd', + f'--pcr-public-key={pub2.name}', + f'--pcr-private-key={priv2.name}', + '--phases=sysinit ready shutdown final', # yes, those phase paths are not reachable + ] + arg_tools) + + try: + ukify.check_inputs(opts) + except OSError as e: + pytest.skip(str(e)) + + ukify.make_uki(opts) + + # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file + dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) + + for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname pcrsig'.split(): + assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) + + subprocess.check_call([ + 'objcopy', + *(f'--dump-section=.{n}={tmp_path}/out.{n}' for n in ( + 'pcrpkey', 'pcrsig', 'osrel', 'uname', 'cmdline', 'initrd')), + output, + tmp_path / 'dummy', + ], + text=True) + + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrpkey').read() == open(pub2.name).read() + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.osrel').read() == 'ID=foobar\n' + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.uname').read() == '1.2.3' + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.cmdline').read() == 'ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' + assert open(tmp_path / 'out.initrd', 'rb').read(10) == b'1234567890' + + sig = open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrsig').read() + sig = json.loads(sig) + assert list(sig.keys()) == ['sha1'] + assert len(sig['sha1']) == 6 # six items for six phases paths + + shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) + +def test_key_cert_generation(tmp_path): + opts = ukify.parse_args([ + 'genkey', + f"--pcr-public-key={tmp_path / 'pcr1.pub.pem'}", + f"--pcr-private-key={tmp_path / 'pcr1.priv.pem'}", + '--phases=enter-initrd enter-initrd:leave-initrd', + f"--pcr-public-key={tmp_path / 'pcr2.pub.pem'}", + f"--pcr-private-key={tmp_path / 'pcr2.priv.pem'}", + '--phases=sysinit ready', + f"--secureboot-private-key={tmp_path / 'sb.priv.pem'}", + f"--secureboot-certificate={tmp_path / 'sb.cert.pem'}", + ]) + assert opts.verb == 'genkey' + ukify.check_cert_and_keys_nonexistent(opts) + + pytest.importorskip('cryptography') + + ukify.generate_keys(opts) + + if not shutil.which('openssl'): + return + + for key in (tmp_path / 'pcr1.priv.pem', + tmp_path / 'pcr2.priv.pem', + tmp_path / 'sb.priv.pem'): + out = subprocess.check_output([ + 'openssl', 'rsa', + '-in', key, + '-text', + '-noout', + ], text = True) + assert 'Private-Key' in out + assert '2048 bit' in out + + for pub in (tmp_path / 'pcr1.pub.pem', + tmp_path / 'pcr2.pub.pem'): + out = subprocess.check_output([ + 'openssl', 'rsa', + '-pubin', + '-in', pub, + '-text', + '-noout', + ], text = True) + assert 'Public-Key' in out + assert '2048 bit' in out + + out = subprocess.check_output([ + 'openssl', 'x509', + '-in', tmp_path / 'sb.cert.pem', + '-text', + '-noout', + ], text = True) + assert 'Certificate' in out + assert re.search(r'Issuer: CN\s?=\s?SecureBoot signing key on host', out) + +if __name__ == '__main__': + sys.exit(pytest.main(sys.argv)) diff --git a/src/ukify/ukify.py b/src/ukify/ukify.py new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6abf1b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ukify/ukify.py @@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 +# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later +# +# This file is part of systemd. +# +# systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# systemd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License +# along with systemd; If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. + +# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,consider-using-with,unused-argument +# pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment + +import argparse +import configparser +import contextlib +import collections +import dataclasses +import datetime +import fnmatch +import itertools +import json +import os +import pathlib +import pprint +import pydoc +import re +import shlex +import shutil +import socket +import subprocess +import sys +import tempfile +import textwrap +from hashlib import sha256 +from typing import (Any, + Callable, + IO, + Optional, + Sequence, + Union) + +import pefile # type: ignore + +__version__ = '{{PROJECT_VERSION}} ({{GIT_VERSION}})' + +EFI_ARCH_MAP = { + # host_arch glob : [efi_arch, 32_bit_efi_arch if mixed mode is supported] + 'x86_64' : ['x64', 'ia32'], + 'i[3456]86' : ['ia32'], + 'aarch64' : ['aa64'], + 'armv[45678]*l': ['arm'], + 'loongarch32' : ['loongarch32'], + 'loongarch64' : ['loongarch64'], + 'riscv32' : ['riscv32'], + 'riscv64' : ['riscv64'], +} +EFI_ARCHES: list[str] = sum(EFI_ARCH_MAP.values(), []) + +# Default configuration directories and file name. +# When the user does not specify one, the directories are searched in this order and the first file found is used. +DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIRS = ['/run/systemd', '/etc/systemd', '/usr/local/lib/systemd', '/usr/lib/systemd'] +DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = 'ukify.conf' + +class Style: + bold = "\033[0;1;39m" if sys.stderr.isatty() else "" + gray = "\033[0;38;5;245m" if sys.stderr.isatty() else "" + red = "\033[31;1m" if sys.stderr.isatty() else "" + yellow = "\033[33;1m" if sys.stderr.isatty() else "" + reset = "\033[0m" if sys.stderr.isatty() else "" + + +def guess_efi_arch(): + arch = os.uname().machine + + for glob, mapping in EFI_ARCH_MAP.items(): + if fnmatch.fnmatch(arch, glob): + efi_arch, *fallback = mapping + break + else: + raise ValueError(f'Unsupported architecture {arch}') + + # This makes sense only on some architectures, but it also probably doesn't + # hurt on others, so let's just apply the check everywhere. + if fallback: + fw_platform_size = pathlib.Path('/sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size') + try: + size = fw_platform_size.read_text().strip() + except FileNotFoundError: + pass + else: + if int(size) == 32: + efi_arch = fallback[0] + + # print(f'Host arch {arch!r}, EFI arch {efi_arch!r}') + return efi_arch + + +def page(text: str, enabled: Optional[bool]) -> None: + if enabled: + # Initialize less options from $SYSTEMD_LESS or provide a suitable fallback. + os.environ['LESS'] = os.getenv('SYSTEMD_LESS', 'FRSXMK') + pydoc.pager(text) + else: + print(text) + + +def shell_join(cmd): + # TODO: drop in favour of shlex.join once shlex.join supports pathlib.Path. + return ' '.join(shlex.quote(str(x)) for x in cmd) + + +def round_up(x, blocksize=4096): + return (x + blocksize - 1) // blocksize * blocksize + + +def try_import(modname, name=None): + try: + return __import__(modname) + except ImportError as e: + raise ValueError(f'Kernel is compressed with {name or modname}, but module unavailable') from e + + +def maybe_decompress(filename): + """Decompress file if compressed. Return contents.""" + f = open(filename, 'rb') + start = f.read(4) + f.seek(0) + + if start.startswith(b'\x7fELF'): + # not compressed + return f.read() + + if start.startswith(b'MZ'): + # not compressed aarch64 and riscv64 + return f.read() + + if start.startswith(b'\x1f\x8b'): + gzip = try_import('gzip') + return gzip.open(f).read() + + if start.startswith(b'\x28\xb5\x2f\xfd'): + zstd = try_import('zstd') + return zstd.uncompress(f.read()) + + if start.startswith(b'\x02\x21\x4c\x18'): + lz4 = try_import('lz4.frame', 'lz4') + return lz4.frame.decompress(f.read()) + + if start.startswith(b'\x04\x22\x4d\x18'): + print('Newer lz4 stream format detected! This may not boot!') + lz4 = try_import('lz4.frame', 'lz4') + return lz4.frame.decompress(f.read()) + + if start.startswith(b'\x89LZO'): + # python3-lzo is not packaged for Fedora + raise NotImplementedError('lzo decompression not implemented') + + if start.startswith(b'BZh'): + bz2 = try_import('bz2', 'bzip2') + return bz2.open(f).read() + + if start.startswith(b'\x5d\x00\x00'): + lzma = try_import('lzma') + return lzma.open(f).read() + + raise NotImplementedError(f'unknown file format (starts with {start})') + + +class Uname: + # This class is here purely as a namespace for the functions + + VERSION_PATTERN = r'(?P<version>[a-z0-9._-]+) \([^ )]+\) (?:#.*)' + + NOTES_PATTERN = r'^\s+Linux\s+0x[0-9a-f]+\s+OPEN\n\s+description data: (?P<version>[0-9a-f ]+)\s*$' + + # Linux version 6.0.8-300.fc37.ppc64le (mockbuild@buildvm-ppc64le-03.iad2.fedoraproject.org) + # (gcc (GCC) 12.2.1 20220819 (Red Hat 12.2.1-2), GNU ld version 2.38-24.fc37) + # #1 SMP Fri Nov 11 14:39:11 UTC 2022 + TEXT_PATTERN = rb'Linux version (?P<version>\d\.\S+) \(' + + @classmethod + def scrape_x86(cls, filename, opts=None): + # Based on https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/mkinitcpio/mkinitcpio/-/blob/master/functions#L136 + # and https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/x86/boot.html#the-real-mode-kernel-header + with open(filename, 'rb') as f: + f.seek(0x202) + magic = f.read(4) + if magic != b'HdrS': + raise ValueError('Real-Mode Kernel Header magic not found') + f.seek(0x20E) + offset = f.read(1)[0] + f.read(1)[0]*256 # Pointer to kernel version string + f.seek(0x200 + offset) + text = f.read(128) + text = text.split(b'\0', maxsplit=1)[0] + text = text.decode() + + if not (m := re.match(cls.VERSION_PATTERN, text)): + raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse version-host-release uname string: {text!r}') + return m.group('version') + + @classmethod + def scrape_elf(cls, filename, opts=None): + readelf = find_tool('readelf', opts=opts) + + cmd = [ + readelf, + '--notes', + filename, + ] + + print('+', shell_join(cmd)) + try: + notes = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) + except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: + raise ValueError(e.stderr.strip()) from e + + if not (m := re.search(cls.NOTES_PATTERN, notes, re.MULTILINE)): + raise ValueError('Cannot find Linux version note') + + text = ''.join(chr(int(c, 16)) for c in m.group('version').split()) + return text.rstrip('\0') + + @classmethod + def scrape_generic(cls, filename, opts=None): + # import libarchive + # libarchive-c fails with + # ArchiveError: Unrecognized archive format (errno=84, retcode=-30, archive_p=94705420454656) + + # Based on https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/mkinitcpio/mkinitcpio/-/blob/master/functions#L209 + + text = maybe_decompress(filename) + if not (m := re.search(cls.TEXT_PATTERN, text)): + raise ValueError(f'Cannot find {cls.TEXT_PATTERN!r} in {filename}') + + return m.group('version').decode() + + @classmethod + def scrape(cls, filename, opts=None): + for func in (cls.scrape_x86, cls.scrape_elf, cls.scrape_generic): + try: + version = func(filename, opts=opts) + print(f'Found uname version: {version}') + return version + except ValueError as e: + print(str(e)) + return None + +DEFAULT_SECTIONS_TO_SHOW = { + '.linux' : 'binary', + '.initrd' : 'binary', + '.splash' : 'binary', + '.dtb' : 'binary', + '.cmdline' : 'text', + '.osrel' : 'text', + '.uname' : 'text', + '.pcrpkey' : 'text', + '.pcrsig' : 'text', + '.sbat' : 'text', + '.sbom' : 'binary', +} + +@dataclasses.dataclass +class Section: + name: str + content: Optional[pathlib.Path] + tmpfile: Optional[IO] = None + measure: bool = False + output_mode: Optional[str] = None + + @classmethod + def create(cls, name, contents, **kwargs): + if isinstance(contents, (str, bytes)): + mode = 'wt' if isinstance(contents, str) else 'wb' + tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode=mode, prefix=f'tmp{name}') + tmp.write(contents) + tmp.flush() + contents = pathlib.Path(tmp.name) + else: + tmp = None + + return cls(name, contents, tmpfile=tmp, **kwargs) + + @classmethod + def parse_input(cls, s): + try: + name, contents, *rest = s.split(':') + except ValueError as e: + raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse section spec (name or contents missing): {s!r}') from e + if rest: + raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse section spec (extraneous parameters): {s!r}') + + if contents.startswith('@'): + contents = pathlib.Path(contents[1:]) + + sec = cls.create(name, contents) + sec.check_name() + return sec + + @classmethod + def parse_output(cls, s): + if not (m := re.match(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+):(text|binary)(?:@(.+))?', s)): + raise ValueError(f'Cannot parse section spec: {s!r}') + + name, ttype, out = m.groups() + out = pathlib.Path(out) if out else None + + return cls.create(name, out, output_mode=ttype) + + def size(self): + return self.content.stat().st_size + + def check_name(self): + # PE section names with more than 8 characters are legal, but our stub does + # not support them. + if not self.name.isascii() or not self.name.isprintable(): + raise ValueError(f'Bad section name: {self.name!r}') + if len(self.name) > 8: + raise ValueError(f'Section name too long: {self.name!r}') + + +@dataclasses.dataclass +class UKI: + executable: list[Union[pathlib.Path, str]] + sections: list[Section] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list, init=False) + + def add_section(self, section): + if section.name in [s.name for s in self.sections]: + raise ValueError(f'Duplicate section {section.name}') + + self.sections += [section] + + +def parse_banks(s): + banks = re.split(r',|\s+', s) + # TODO: do some sanity checking here + return banks + + +KNOWN_PHASES = ( + 'enter-initrd', + 'leave-initrd', + 'sysinit', + 'ready', + 'shutdown', + 'final', +) + +def parse_phase_paths(s): + # Split on commas or whitespace here. Commas might be hard to parse visually. + paths = re.split(r',|\s+', s) + + for path in paths: + for phase in path.split(':'): + if phase not in KNOWN_PHASES: + raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f'Unknown boot phase {phase!r} ({path=})') + + return paths + + +def check_splash(filename): + if filename is None: + return + + # import is delayed, to avoid import when the splash image is not used + try: + from PIL import Image + except ImportError: + return + + img = Image.open(filename, formats=['BMP']) + print(f'Splash image {filename} is {img.width}×{img.height} pixels') + + +def check_inputs(opts): + for name, value in vars(opts).items(): + if name in {'output', 'tools'}: + continue + + if isinstance(value, pathlib.Path): + # Open file to check that we can read it, or generate an exception + value.open().close() + elif isinstance(value, list): + for item in value: + if isinstance(item, pathlib.Path): + item.open().close() + + check_splash(opts.splash) + + +def check_cert_and_keys_nonexistent(opts): + # Raise if any of the keys and certs are found on disk + paths = itertools.chain( + (opts.sb_key, opts.sb_cert), + *((priv_key, pub_key) + for priv_key, pub_key, _ in key_path_groups(opts))) + for path in paths: + if path and path.exists(): + raise ValueError(f'{path} is present') + + +def find_tool(name, fallback=None, opts=None): + if opts and opts.tools: + for d in opts.tools: + tool = d / name + if tool.exists(): + return tool + + if shutil.which(name) is not None: + return name + + if fallback is None: + print(f"Tool {name} not installed!") + + return fallback + +def combine_signatures(pcrsigs): + combined = collections.defaultdict(list) + for pcrsig in pcrsigs: + for bank, sigs in pcrsig.items(): + for sig in sigs: + if sig not in combined[bank]: + combined[bank] += [sig] + return json.dumps(combined) + + +def key_path_groups(opts): + if not opts.pcr_private_keys: + return + + n_priv = len(opts.pcr_private_keys) + pub_keys = opts.pcr_public_keys or [None] * n_priv + pp_groups = opts.phase_path_groups or [None] * n_priv + + yield from zip(opts.pcr_private_keys, + pub_keys, + pp_groups) + + +def call_systemd_measure(uki, linux, opts): + measure_tool = find_tool('systemd-measure', + '/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-measure', + opts=opts) + + banks = opts.pcr_banks or () + + # PCR measurement + + if opts.measure: + pp_groups = opts.phase_path_groups or [] + + cmd = [ + measure_tool, + 'calculate', + f'--linux={linux}', + *(f"--{s.name.removeprefix('.')}={s.content}" + for s in uki.sections + if s.measure), + *(f'--bank={bank}' + for bank in banks), + # For measurement, the keys are not relevant, so we can lump all the phase paths + # into one call to systemd-measure calculate. + *(f'--phase={phase_path}' + for phase_path in itertools.chain.from_iterable(pp_groups)), + ] + + print('+', shell_join(cmd)) + subprocess.check_call(cmd) + + # PCR signing + + if opts.pcr_private_keys: + pcrsigs = [] + + cmd = [ + measure_tool, + 'sign', + f'--linux={linux}', + *(f"--{s.name.removeprefix('.')}={s.content}" + for s in uki.sections + if s.measure), + *(f'--bank={bank}' + for bank in banks), + ] + + for priv_key, pub_key, group in key_path_groups(opts): + extra = [f'--private-key={priv_key}'] + if pub_key: + extra += [f'--public-key={pub_key}'] + extra += [f'--phase={phase_path}' for phase_path in group or ()] + + print('+', shell_join(cmd + extra)) + pcrsig = subprocess.check_output(cmd + extra, text=True) + pcrsig = json.loads(pcrsig) + pcrsigs += [pcrsig] + + combined = combine_signatures(pcrsigs) + uki.add_section(Section.create('.pcrsig', combined)) + + +def join_initrds(initrds): + if not initrds: + return None + if len(initrds) == 1: + return initrds[0] + + seq = [] + for file in initrds: + initrd = file.read_bytes() + n = len(initrd) + padding = b'\0' * (round_up(n, 4) - n) # pad to 32 bit alignment + seq += [initrd, padding] + + return b''.join(seq) + + +def pairwise(iterable): + a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) + next(b, None) + return zip(a, b) + + +class PEError(Exception): + pass + + +def pe_add_sections(uki: UKI, output: str): + pe = pefile.PE(uki.executable, fast_load=True) + + # Old stubs do not have the symbol/string table stripped, even though image files should not have one. + if symbol_table := pe.FILE_HEADER.PointerToSymbolTable: + symbol_table_size = 18 * pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSymbols + if string_table_size := pe.get_dword_from_offset(symbol_table + symbol_table_size): + symbol_table_size += string_table_size + + # Let's be safe and only strip it if it's at the end of the file. + if symbol_table + symbol_table_size == len(pe.__data__): + pe.__data__ = pe.__data__[:symbol_table] + pe.FILE_HEADER.PointerToSymbolTable = 0 + pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSymbols = 0 + pe.FILE_HEADER.IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED = True + + # Old stubs might have been stripped, leading to unaligned raw data values, so let's fix them up here. + # pylint thinks that Structure doesn't have various members that it has… + # pylint: disable=no-member + + for i, section in enumerate(pe.sections): + oldp = section.PointerToRawData + oldsz = section.SizeOfRawData + section.PointerToRawData = round_up(oldp, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) + section.SizeOfRawData = round_up(oldsz, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) + padp = section.PointerToRawData - oldp + padsz = section.SizeOfRawData - oldsz + + for later_section in pe.sections[i+1:]: + later_section.PointerToRawData += padp + padsz + + pe.__data__ = pe.__data__[:oldp] + bytes(padp) + pe.__data__[oldp:oldp+oldsz] + bytes(padsz) + pe.__data__[oldp+oldsz:] + + # We might not have any space to add new sections. Let's try our best to make some space by padding the + # SizeOfHeaders to a multiple of the file alignment. This is safe because the first section's data starts + # at a multiple of the file alignment, so all space before that is unused. + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders = round_up(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders, pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) + pe = pefile.PE(data=pe.write(), fast_load=True) + + warnings = pe.get_warnings() + if warnings: + raise PEError(f'pefile warnings treated as errors: {warnings}') + + security = pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[pefile.DIRECTORY_ENTRY['IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY']] + if security.VirtualAddress != 0: + # We could strip the signatures, but why would anyone sign the stub? + raise PEError('Stub image is signed, refusing.') + + for section in uki.sections: + new_section = pefile.SectionStructure(pe.__IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER_format__, pe=pe) + new_section.__unpack__(b'\0' * new_section.sizeof()) + + offset = pe.sections[-1].get_file_offset() + new_section.sizeof() + if offset + new_section.sizeof() > pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfHeaders: + raise PEError(f'Not enough header space to add section {section.name}.') + + assert section.content + data = section.content.read_bytes() + + new_section.set_file_offset(offset) + new_section.Name = section.name.encode() + new_section.Misc_VirtualSize = len(data) + # Non-stripped stubs might still have an unaligned symbol table at the end, making their size + # unaligned, so we make sure to explicitly pad the pointer to new sections to an aligned offset. + new_section.PointerToRawData = round_up(len(pe.__data__), pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) + new_section.SizeOfRawData = round_up(len(data), pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) + new_section.VirtualAddress = round_up( + pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress + pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize, + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment, + ) + + new_section.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ = True + if section.name == '.linux': + # Old kernels that use EFI handover protocol will be executed inline. + new_section.IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE = True + else: + new_section.IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA = True + + # Special case, mostly for .sbat: the stub will already have a .sbat section, but we want to append + # the one from the kernel to it. It should be small enough to fit in the existing section, so just + # swap the data. + for i, s in enumerate(pe.sections): + if s.Name.rstrip(b"\x00").decode() == section.name: + if new_section.Misc_VirtualSize > s.SizeOfRawData: + raise PEError(f'Not enough space in existing section {section.name} to append new data.') + + padding = bytes(new_section.SizeOfRawData - new_section.Misc_VirtualSize) + pe.__data__ = pe.__data__[:s.PointerToRawData] + data + padding + pe.__data__[pe.sections[i+1].PointerToRawData:] + s.SizeOfRawData = new_section.SizeOfRawData + s.Misc_VirtualSize = new_section.Misc_VirtualSize + break + else: + pe.__data__ = pe.__data__[:] + bytes(new_section.PointerToRawData - len(pe.__data__)) + data + bytes(new_section.SizeOfRawData - len(data)) + + pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections += 1 + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfInitializedData += new_section.Misc_VirtualSize + pe.__structures__.append(new_section) + pe.sections.append(new_section) + + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.CheckSum = 0 + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage = round_up( + pe.sections[-1].VirtualAddress + pe.sections[-1].Misc_VirtualSize, + pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment, + ) + + pe.write(output) + +def merge_sbat(input_pe: [pathlib.Path], input_text: [str]) -> str: + sbat = [] + + for f in input_pe: + try: + pe = pefile.PE(f, fast_load=True) + except pefile.PEFormatError: + print(f"{f} is not a valid PE file, not extracting SBAT section.") + continue + + for section in pe.sections: + if section.Name.rstrip(b"\x00").decode() == ".sbat": + split = section.get_data().rstrip(b"\x00").decode().splitlines() + if not split[0].startswith('sbat,'): + print(f"{f} does not contain a valid SBAT section, skipping.") + continue + # Filter out the sbat line, we'll add it back later, there needs to be only one and it + # needs to be first. + sbat += split[1:] + + for t in input_text: + if t.startswith('@'): + t = pathlib.Path(t[1:]).read_text() + split = t.splitlines() + if not split[0].startswith('sbat,'): + print(f"{t} does not contain a valid SBAT section, skipping.") + continue + sbat += split[1:] + + return 'sbat,1,SBAT Version,sbat,1,https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md\n' + '\n'.join(sbat) + "\n\x00" + +def signer_sign(cmd): + print('+', shell_join(cmd)) + subprocess.check_call(cmd) + +def find_sbsign(opts=None): + return find_tool('sbsign', opts=opts) + +def sbsign_sign(sbsign_tool, input_f, output_f, opts=None): + sign_invocation = [ + sbsign_tool, + '--key', opts.sb_key, + '--cert', opts.sb_cert, + input_f, + '--output', output_f, + ] + if opts.signing_engine is not None: + sign_invocation += ['--engine', opts.signing_engine] + signer_sign(sign_invocation) + +def find_pesign(opts=None): + return find_tool('pesign', opts=opts) + +def pesign_sign(pesign_tool, input_f, output_f, opts=None): + sign_invocation = [ + pesign_tool, '-s', '--force', + '-n', opts.sb_certdir, + '-c', opts.sb_cert_name, + '-i', input_f, + '-o', output_f, + ] + signer_sign(sign_invocation) + +SBVERIFY = { + 'name': 'sbverify', + 'option': '--list', + 'output': 'No signature table present', +} + +PESIGCHECK = { + 'name': 'pesign', + 'option': '-i', + 'output': 'No signatures found.', + 'flags': '-S' +} + +def verify(tool, opts): + verify_tool = find_tool(tool['name'], opts=opts) + cmd = [ + verify_tool, + tool['option'], + opts.linux, + ] + if 'flags' in tool: + cmd.append(tool['flags']) + + print('+', shell_join(cmd)) + info = subprocess.check_output(cmd, text=True) + + return tool['output'] in info + +def make_uki(opts): + # kernel payload signing + + sign_tool = None + sign_args_present = opts.sb_key or opts.sb_cert_name + sign_kernel = opts.sign_kernel + sign = None + linux = opts.linux + + if sign_args_present: + if opts.signtool == 'sbsign': + sign_tool = find_sbsign(opts=opts) + sign = sbsign_sign + verify_tool = SBVERIFY + else: + sign_tool = find_pesign(opts=opts) + sign = pesign_sign + verify_tool = PESIGCHECK + + if sign_tool is None: + raise ValueError(f'{opts.signtool}, required for signing, is not installed') + + if sign_kernel is None and opts.linux is not None: + # figure out if we should sign the kernel + sign_kernel = verify(verify_tool, opts) + + if sign_kernel: + linux_signed = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='linux-signed') + linux = pathlib.Path(linux_signed.name) + sign(sign_tool, opts.linux, linux, opts=opts) + + if opts.uname is None and opts.linux is not None: + print('Kernel version not specified, starting autodetection 😖.') + opts.uname = Uname.scrape(opts.linux, opts=opts) + + uki = UKI(opts.stub) + initrd = join_initrds(opts.initrd) + + pcrpkey = opts.pcrpkey + if pcrpkey is None: + if opts.pcr_public_keys and len(opts.pcr_public_keys) == 1: + pcrpkey = opts.pcr_public_keys[0] + elif opts.pcr_private_keys and len(opts.pcr_private_keys) == 1: + import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization as serialization + privkey = serialization.load_pem_private_key(opts.pcr_private_keys[0].read_bytes(), password=None) + pcrpkey = privkey.public_key().public_bytes( + encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, + format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo, + ) + + sections = [ + # name, content, measure? + ('.osrel', opts.os_release, True ), + ('.cmdline', opts.cmdline, True ), + ('.dtb', opts.devicetree, True ), + ('.uname', opts.uname, True ), + ('.splash', opts.splash, True ), + ('.pcrpkey', pcrpkey, True ), + ('.initrd', initrd, True ), + + # linux shall be last to leave breathing room for decompression. + # We'll add it later. + ] + + for name, content, measure in sections: + if content: + uki.add_section(Section.create(name, content, measure=measure)) + + # systemd-measure doesn't know about those extra sections + for section in opts.sections: + uki.add_section(section) + + if linux is not None: + # Merge the .sbat sections from stub, kernel and parameter, so that revocation can be done on either. + uki.add_section(Section.create('.sbat', merge_sbat([opts.stub, linux], opts.sbat), measure=True)) + else: + # Addons don't use the stub so we add SBAT manually + if not opts.sbat: + opts.sbat = ["""sbat,1,SBAT Version,sbat,1,https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md +uki,1,UKI,uki,1,https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-stub.html +"""] + uki.add_section(Section.create('.sbat', merge_sbat([], opts.sbat), measure=False)) + + # PCR measurement and signing + + # We pass in the contents for .linux separately because we need them to do the measurement but can't add + # the section yet because we want .linux to be the last section. Make sure any other sections are added + # before this function is called. + call_systemd_measure(uki, linux, opts=opts) + + # UKI creation + + if linux is not None: + uki.add_section(Section.create('.linux', linux, measure=True)) + + if sign_args_present: + unsigned = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='uki') + unsigned_output = unsigned.name + else: + unsigned_output = opts.output + + pe_add_sections(uki, unsigned_output) + + # UKI signing + + if sign_args_present: + assert sign + sign(sign_tool, unsigned_output, opts.output, opts=opts) + + # We end up with no executable bits, let's reapply them + os.umask(umask := os.umask(0)) + os.chmod(opts.output, 0o777 & ~umask) + + print(f"Wrote {'signed' if sign_args_present else 'unsigned'} {opts.output}") + + + +@contextlib.contextmanager +def temporary_umask(mask: int): + # Drop <mask> bits from umask + old = os.umask(0) + os.umask(old | mask) + try: + yield + finally: + os.umask(old) + + +def generate_key_cert_pair( + common_name: str, + valid_days: int, + keylength: int = 2048, +) -> tuple[bytes]: + + from cryptography import x509 + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization, hashes + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa + + # We use a keylength of 2048 bits. That is what Microsoft documents as + # supported/expected: + # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/windows-secure-boot-key-creation-and-management-guidance?view=windows-11#12-public-key-cryptography + + now = datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) + + key = rsa.generate_private_key( + public_exponent=65537, + key_size=keylength, + ) + cert = x509.CertificateBuilder( + ).subject_name( + x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, common_name)]) + ).issuer_name( + x509.Name([x509.NameAttribute(x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME, common_name)]) + ).not_valid_before( + now, + ).not_valid_after( + now + datetime.timedelta(days=valid_days) + ).serial_number( + x509.random_serial_number() + ).public_key( + key.public_key() + ).add_extension( + x509.BasicConstraints(ca=False, path_length=None), + critical=True, + ).sign( + private_key=key, + algorithm=hashes.SHA256(), + ) + + cert_pem = cert.public_bytes( + encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, + ) + key_pem = key.private_bytes( + encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, + format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, + encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), + ) + + return key_pem, cert_pem + + +def generate_priv_pub_key_pair(keylength : int = 2048) -> tuple[bytes]: + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization + from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import rsa + + key = rsa.generate_private_key( + public_exponent=65537, + key_size=keylength, + ) + priv_key_pem = key.private_bytes( + encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, + format=serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL, + encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), + ) + pub_key_pem = key.public_key().public_bytes( + encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, + format=serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo, + ) + + return priv_key_pem, pub_key_pem + + +def generate_keys(opts): + work = False + + # This will generate keys and certificates and write them to the paths that + # are specified as input paths. + if opts.sb_key or opts.sb_cert: + fqdn = socket.getfqdn() + cn = f'SecureBoot signing key on host {fqdn}' + key_pem, cert_pem = generate_key_cert_pair( + common_name=cn, + valid_days=opts.sb_cert_validity, + ) + print(f'Writing SecureBoot private key to {opts.sb_key}') + with temporary_umask(0o077): + opts.sb_key.write_bytes(key_pem) + print(f'Writing SecureBoot certificate to {opts.sb_cert}') + opts.sb_cert.write_bytes(cert_pem) + + work = True + + for priv_key, pub_key, _ in key_path_groups(opts): + priv_key_pem, pub_key_pem = generate_priv_pub_key_pair() + + print(f'Writing private key for PCR signing to {priv_key}') + with temporary_umask(0o077): + priv_key.write_bytes(priv_key_pem) + if pub_key: + print(f'Writing public key for PCR signing to {pub_key}') + pub_key.write_bytes(pub_key_pem) + + work = True + + if not work: + raise ValueError('genkey: --secureboot-private-key=/--secureboot-certificate= or --pcr-private-key/--pcr-public-key must be specified') + + +def inspect_section(opts, section): + name = section.Name.rstrip(b"\x00").decode() + + # find the config for this section in opts and whether to show it + config = opts.sections_by_name.get(name, None) + show = (config or + opts.all or + (name in DEFAULT_SECTIONS_TO_SHOW and not opts.sections)) + if not show: + return name, None + + ttype = config.output_mode if config else DEFAULT_SECTIONS_TO_SHOW.get(name, 'binary') + + size = section.Misc_VirtualSize + # TODO: Use ignore_padding once we can depend on a newer version of pefile + data = section.get_data(length=size) + digest = sha256(data).hexdigest() + + struct = { + 'size' : size, + 'sha256' : digest, + } + + if ttype == 'text': + try: + struct['text'] = data.decode() + except UnicodeDecodeError as e: + print(f"Section {name!r} is not valid text: {e}") + struct['text'] = '(not valid UTF-8)' + + if config and config.content: + assert isinstance(config.content, pathlib.Path) + config.content.write_bytes(data) + + if opts.json == 'off': + print(f"{name}:\n size: {size} bytes\n sha256: {digest}") + if ttype == 'text': + text = textwrap.indent(struct['text'].rstrip(), ' ' * 4) + print(f" text:\n{text}") + + return name, struct + + +def inspect_sections(opts): + indent = 4 if opts.json == 'pretty' else None + + for file in opts.files: + pe = pefile.PE(file, fast_load=True) + gen = (inspect_section(opts, section) for section in pe.sections) + descs = {key:val for (key, val) in gen if val} + if opts.json != 'off': + json.dump(descs, sys.stdout, indent=indent) + + +@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) +class ConfigItem: + @staticmethod + def config_list_prepend( + namespace: argparse.Namespace, + group: Optional[str], + dest: str, + value: Any, + ) -> None: + "Prepend value to namespace.<dest>" + + assert not group + + old = getattr(namespace, dest, []) + if old is None: + old = [] + setattr(namespace, dest, value + old) + + @staticmethod + def config_set_if_unset( + namespace: argparse.Namespace, + group: Optional[str], + dest: str, + value: Any, + ) -> None: + "Set namespace.<dest> to value only if it was None" + + assert not group + + if getattr(namespace, dest) is None: + setattr(namespace, dest, value) + + @staticmethod + def config_set( + namespace: argparse.Namespace, + group: Optional[str], + dest: str, + value: Any, + ) -> None: + "Set namespace.<dest> to value only if it was None" + + assert not group + + setattr(namespace, dest, value) + + @staticmethod + def config_set_group( + namespace: argparse.Namespace, + group: Optional[str], + dest: str, + value: Any, + ) -> None: + "Set namespace.<dest>[idx] to value, with idx derived from group" + + # pylint: disable=protected-access + if group not in namespace._groups: + namespace._groups += [group] + idx = namespace._groups.index(group) + + old = getattr(namespace, dest, None) + if old is None: + old = [] + setattr(namespace, dest, + old + ([None] * (idx - len(old))) + [value]) + + @staticmethod + def parse_boolean(s: str) -> bool: + "Parse 1/true/yes/y/t/on as true and 0/false/no/n/f/off/None as false" + s_l = s.lower() + if s_l in {'1', 'true', 'yes', 'y', 't', 'on'}: + return True + if s_l in {'0', 'false', 'no', 'n', 'f', 'off'}: + return False + raise ValueError('f"Invalid boolean literal: {s!r}') + + # arguments for argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument() + name: Union[str, tuple[str, str]] + dest: Optional[str] = None + metavar: Optional[str] = None + type: Optional[Callable] = None + nargs: Optional[str] = None + action: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None + default: Any = None + version: Optional[str] = None + choices: Optional[tuple[str, ...]] = None + const: Optional[Any] = None + help: Optional[str] = None + + # metadata for config file parsing + config_key: Optional[str] = None + config_push: Callable[[argparse.Namespace, Optional[str], str, Any], None] = \ + config_set_if_unset + + def _names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: + return self.name if isinstance(self.name, tuple) else (self.name,) + + def argparse_dest(self) -> str: + # It'd be nice if argparse exported this, but I don't see that in the API + if self.dest: + return self.dest + return self._names()[0].lstrip('-').replace('-', '_') + + def add_to(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): + kwargs = { key:val + for key in dataclasses.asdict(self) + if (key not in ('name', 'config_key', 'config_push') and + (val := getattr(self, key)) is not None) } + args = self._names() + parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) + + def apply_config(self, namespace, section, group, key, value) -> None: + assert f'{section}/{key}' == self.config_key + dest = self.argparse_dest() + + conv: Callable[[str], Any] + if self.action == argparse.BooleanOptionalAction: + # We need to handle this case separately: the options are called + # --foo and --no-foo, and no argument is parsed. But in the config + # file, we have Foo=yes or Foo=no. + conv = self.parse_boolean + elif self.type: + conv = self.type + else: + conv = lambda s:s + + # This is a bit ugly, but --initrd is the only option which is specified + # with multiple args on the command line and a space-separated list in the + # config file. + if self.name == '--initrd': + value = [conv(v) for v in value.split()] + else: + value = conv(value) + + self.config_push(namespace, group, dest, value) + + def config_example(self) -> tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[str]]: + if not self.config_key: + return None, None, None + section_name, key = self.config_key.split('/', 1) + if section_name.endswith(':'): + section_name += 'NAME' + if self.choices: + value = '|'.join(self.choices) + else: + value = self.metavar or self.argparse_dest().upper() + return (section_name, key, value) + + +VERBS = ('build', 'genkey', 'inspect') + +CONFIG_ITEMS = [ + ConfigItem( + 'positional', + metavar = 'VERB', + nargs = '*', + help = argparse.SUPPRESS, + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--version', + action = 'version', + version = f'ukify {__version__}', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--summary', + help = 'print parsed config and exit', + action = 'store_true', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--linux', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'vmlinuz file [.linux section]', + config_key = 'UKI/Linux', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--initrd', + metavar = 'INITRD', + type = pathlib.Path, + action = 'append', + help = 'initrd file [part of .initrd section]', + config_key = 'UKI/Initrd', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_list_prepend, + ), + + ConfigItem( + ('--config', '-c'), + metavar = 'PATH', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'configuration file', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--cmdline', + metavar = 'TEXT|@PATH', + help = 'kernel command line [.cmdline section]', + config_key = 'UKI/Cmdline', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--os-release', + metavar = 'TEXT|@PATH', + help = 'path to os-release file [.osrel section]', + config_key = 'UKI/OSRelease', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--devicetree', + metavar = 'PATH', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'Device Tree file [.dtb section]', + config_key = 'UKI/DeviceTree', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--splash', + metavar = 'BMP', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'splash image bitmap file [.splash section]', + config_key = 'UKI/Splash', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--pcrpkey', + metavar = 'KEY', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'embedded public key to seal secrets to [.pcrpkey section]', + config_key = 'UKI/PCRPKey', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--uname', + metavar='VERSION', + help='"uname -r" information [.uname section]', + config_key = 'UKI/Uname', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--efi-arch', + metavar = 'ARCH', + choices = ('ia32', 'x64', 'arm', 'aa64', 'riscv64'), + help = 'target EFI architecture', + config_key = 'UKI/EFIArch', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--stub', + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'path to the sd-stub file [.text,.data,… sections]', + config_key = 'UKI/Stub', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--sbat', + metavar = 'TEXT|@PATH', + help = 'SBAT policy [.sbat section]', + default = [], + action = 'append', + config_key = 'UKI/SBAT', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--section', + dest = 'sections', + metavar = 'NAME:TEXT|@PATH', + action = 'append', + default = [], + help = 'section as name and contents [NAME section] or section to print', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--pcr-banks', + metavar = 'BANK…', + type = parse_banks, + config_key = 'UKI/PCRBanks', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--signing-engine', + metavar = 'ENGINE', + help = 'OpenSSL engine to use for signing', + config_key = 'UKI/SigningEngine', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--signtool', + choices = ('sbsign', 'pesign'), + dest = 'signtool', + help = 'whether to use sbsign or pesign. It will also be inferred by the other \ + parameters given: when using --secureboot-{private-key/certificate}, sbsign \ + will be used, otherwise pesign will be used', + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootSigningTool', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--secureboot-private-key', + dest = 'sb_key', + help = 'required by --signtool=sbsign. Path to key file or engine-specific designation for SB signing', + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootPrivateKey', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--secureboot-certificate', + dest = 'sb_cert', + help = 'required by --signtool=sbsign. sbsign needs a path to certificate file or engine-specific designation for SB signing', + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootCertificate', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--secureboot-certificate-dir', + dest = 'sb_certdir', + default = '/etc/pki/pesign', + help = 'required by --signtool=pesign. Path to nss certificate database directory for PE signing. Default is /etc/pki/pesign', + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootCertificateDir', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_set + ), + ConfigItem( + '--secureboot-certificate-name', + dest = 'sb_cert_name', + help = 'required by --signtool=pesign. pesign needs a certificate nickname of nss certificate database entry to use for PE signing', + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootCertificateName', + ), + ConfigItem( + '--secureboot-certificate-validity', + metavar = 'DAYS', + type = int, + dest = 'sb_cert_validity', + default = 365 * 10, + help = "period of validity (in days) for a certificate created by 'genkey'", + config_key = 'UKI/SecureBootCertificateValidity', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_set + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--sign-kernel', + action = argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, + help = 'Sign the embedded kernel', + config_key = 'UKI/SignKernel', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--pcr-private-key', + dest = 'pcr_private_keys', + metavar = 'PATH', + type = pathlib.Path, + action = 'append', + help = 'private part of the keypair for signing PCR signatures', + config_key = 'PCRSignature:/PCRPrivateKey', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_set_group, + ), + ConfigItem( + '--pcr-public-key', + dest = 'pcr_public_keys', + metavar = 'PATH', + type = pathlib.Path, + action = 'append', + help = 'public part of the keypair for signing PCR signatures', + config_key = 'PCRSignature:/PCRPublicKey', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_set_group, + ), + ConfigItem( + '--phases', + dest = 'phase_path_groups', + metavar = 'PHASE-PATH…', + type = parse_phase_paths, + action = 'append', + help = 'phase-paths to create signatures for', + config_key = 'PCRSignature:/Phases', + config_push = ConfigItem.config_set_group, + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--tools', + type = pathlib.Path, + action = 'append', + help = 'Directories to search for tools (systemd-measure, …)', + ), + + ConfigItem( + ('--output', '-o'), + type = pathlib.Path, + help = 'output file path', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--measure', + action = argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, + help = 'print systemd-measure output for the UKI', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--json', + choices = ('pretty', 'short', 'off'), + default = 'off', + help = 'generate JSON output', + ), + ConfigItem( + '-j', + dest='json', + action='store_const', + const='pretty', + help='equivalent to --json=pretty', + ), + + ConfigItem( + '--all', + help = 'print all sections', + action = 'store_true', + ), +] + +CONFIGFILE_ITEMS = { item.config_key:item + for item in CONFIG_ITEMS + if item.config_key } + + +def apply_config(namespace, filename=None): + if filename is None: + if namespace.config: + # Config set by the user, use that. + filename = namespace.config + print(f'Using config file: {filename}') + else: + # Try to look for a config file then use the first one found. + for config_dir in DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIRS: + filename = pathlib.Path(config_dir) / DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE + if filename.is_file(): + # Found a config file, use it. + print(f'Using found config file: {filename}') + break + else: + # No config file specified or found, nothing to do. + return + + # Fill in ._groups based on --pcr-public-key=, --pcr-private-key=, and --phases=. + assert '_groups' not in namespace + n_pcr_priv = len(namespace.pcr_private_keys or ()) + namespace._groups = list(range(n_pcr_priv)) # pylint: disable=protected-access + + cp = configparser.ConfigParser( + comment_prefixes='#', + inline_comment_prefixes='#', + delimiters='=', + empty_lines_in_values=False, + interpolation=None, + strict=False) + # Do not make keys lowercase + cp.optionxform = lambda option: option + + # The API is not great. + read = cp.read(filename) + if not read: + raise IOError(f'Failed to read {filename}') + + for section_name, section in cp.items(): + idx = section_name.find(':') + if idx >= 0: + section_name, group = section_name[:idx+1], section_name[idx+1:] + if not section_name or not group: + raise ValueError('Section name components cannot be empty') + if ':' in group: + raise ValueError('Section name cannot contain more than one ":"') + else: + group = None + for key, value in section.items(): + if item := CONFIGFILE_ITEMS.get(f'{section_name}/{key}'): + item.apply_config(namespace, section_name, group, key, value) + else: + print(f'Unknown config setting [{section_name}] {key}=') + + +def config_example(): + prev_section = None + for item in CONFIG_ITEMS: + section, key, value = item.config_example() + if section: + if prev_section != section: + if prev_section: + yield '' + yield f'[{section}]' + prev_section = section + yield f'{key} = {value}' + + +class PagerHelpAction(argparse._HelpAction): # pylint: disable=protected-access + def __call__( + self, + parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, + namespace: argparse.Namespace, + values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None] = None, + option_string: Optional[str] = None + ) -> None: + page(parser.format_help(), True) + parser.exit() + + +def create_parser(): + p = argparse.ArgumentParser( + description='Build and sign Unified Kernel Images', + usage='\n ' + textwrap.dedent('''\ + ukify {b}build{e} [--linux=LINUX] [--initrd=INITRD] [options…] + ukify {b}genkey{e} [options…] + ukify {b}inspect{e} FILE… [options…] + ''').format(b=Style.bold, e=Style.reset), + allow_abbrev=False, + add_help=False, + epilog='\n '.join(('config file:', *config_example())), + formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, + ) + + for item in CONFIG_ITEMS: + item.add_to(p) + + # Suppress printing of usage synopsis on errors + p.error = lambda message: p.exit(2, f'{p.prog}: error: {message}\n') + + # Make --help paged + p.add_argument( + '-h', '--help', + action=PagerHelpAction, + help='show this help message and exit', + ) + + return p + + +def finalize_options(opts): + # Figure out which syntax is being used, one of: + # ukify verb --arg --arg --arg + # ukify linux initrd… + if len(opts.positional) >= 1 and opts.positional[0] == 'inspect': + opts.verb = opts.positional[0] + opts.files = opts.positional[1:] + if not opts.files: + raise ValueError('file(s) to inspect must be specified') + if len(opts.files) > 1 and opts.json != 'off': + # We could allow this in the future, but we need to figure out the right structure + raise ValueError('JSON output is not allowed with multiple files') + elif len(opts.positional) == 1 and opts.positional[0] in VERBS: + opts.verb = opts.positional[0] + elif opts.linux or opts.initrd: + raise ValueError('--linux/--initrd options cannot be used with positional arguments') + else: + print("Assuming obsolete command line syntax with no verb. Please use 'build'.") + if opts.positional: + opts.linux = pathlib.Path(opts.positional[0]) + # If we have initrds from parsing config files, append our positional args at the end + opts.initrd = (opts.initrd or []) + [pathlib.Path(arg) for arg in opts.positional[1:]] + opts.verb = 'build' + + # Check that --pcr-public-key=, --pcr-private-key=, and --phases= + # have either the same number of arguments are are not specified at all. + n_pcr_pub = None if opts.pcr_public_keys is None else len(opts.pcr_public_keys) + n_pcr_priv = None if opts.pcr_private_keys is None else len(opts.pcr_private_keys) + n_phase_path_groups = None if opts.phase_path_groups is None else len(opts.phase_path_groups) + if n_pcr_pub is not None and n_pcr_pub != n_pcr_priv: + raise ValueError('--pcr-public-key= specifications must match --pcr-private-key=') + if n_phase_path_groups is not None and n_phase_path_groups != n_pcr_priv: + raise ValueError('--phases= specifications must match --pcr-private-key=') + + if opts.cmdline and opts.cmdline.startswith('@'): + opts.cmdline = pathlib.Path(opts.cmdline[1:]) + elif opts.cmdline: + # Drop whitespace from the command line. If we're reading from a file, + # we copy the contents verbatim. But configuration specified on the command line + # or in the config file may contain additional whitespace that has no meaning. + opts.cmdline = ' '.join(opts.cmdline.split()) + + if opts.os_release and opts.os_release.startswith('@'): + opts.os_release = pathlib.Path(opts.os_release[1:]) + elif not opts.os_release and opts.linux: + p = pathlib.Path('/etc/os-release') + if not p.exists(): + p = pathlib.Path('/usr/lib/os-release') + opts.os_release = p + + if opts.efi_arch is None: + opts.efi_arch = guess_efi_arch() + + if opts.stub is None: + if opts.linux is not None: + opts.stub = pathlib.Path(f'/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/linux{opts.efi_arch}.efi.stub') + else: + opts.stub = pathlib.Path(f'/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/addon{opts.efi_arch}.efi.stub') + + if opts.signing_engine is None: + if opts.sb_key: + opts.sb_key = pathlib.Path(opts.sb_key) + if opts.sb_cert: + opts.sb_cert = pathlib.Path(opts.sb_cert) + + if bool(opts.sb_key) ^ bool(opts.sb_cert): + # one param only given, sbsign needs both + raise ValueError('--secureboot-private-key= and --secureboot-certificate= must be specified together') + elif bool(opts.sb_key) and bool(opts.sb_cert): + # both param given, infer sbsign and in case it was given, ensure signtool=sbsign + if opts.signtool and opts.signtool != 'sbsign': + raise ValueError(f'Cannot provide --signtool={opts.signtool} with --secureboot-private-key= and --secureboot-certificate=') + opts.signtool = 'sbsign' + elif bool(opts.sb_cert_name): + # sb_cert_name given, infer pesign and in case it was given, ensure signtool=pesign + if opts.signtool and opts.signtool != 'pesign': + raise ValueError(f'Cannot provide --signtool={opts.signtool} with --secureboot-certificate-name=') + opts.signtool = 'pesign' + + if opts.sign_kernel and not opts.sb_key and not opts.sb_cert_name: + raise ValueError('--sign-kernel requires either --secureboot-private-key= and --secureboot-certificate= (for sbsign) or --secureboot-certificate-name= (for pesign) to be specified') + + if opts.verb == 'build' and opts.output is None: + if opts.linux is None: + raise ValueError('--output= must be specified when building a PE addon') + suffix = '.efi' if opts.sb_key or opts.sb_cert_name else '.unsigned.efi' + opts.output = opts.linux.name + suffix + + # Now that we know if we're inputting or outputting, really parse section config + f = Section.parse_output if opts.verb == 'inspect' else Section.parse_input + opts.sections = [f(s) for s in opts.sections] + # A convenience dictionary to make it easy to look up sections + opts.sections_by_name = {s.name:s for s in opts.sections} + + if opts.summary: + # TODO: replace pprint() with some fancy formatting. + pprint.pprint(vars(opts)) + sys.exit() + + +def parse_args(args=None): + opts = create_parser().parse_args(args) + apply_config(opts) + finalize_options(opts) + return opts + + +def main(): + opts = parse_args() + if opts.verb == 'build': + check_inputs(opts) + make_uki(opts) + elif opts.verb == 'genkey': + check_cert_and_keys_nonexistent(opts) + generate_keys(opts) + elif opts.verb == 'inspect': + inspect_sections(opts) + else: + assert False + + +if __name__ == '__main__': + main() |