#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later set -e . mkosi.functions if [[ ! -f "pkg/$PKG_SUBDIR/systemd.spec" ]]; then echo "spec not found at pkg/$PKG_SUBDIR/systemd.spec, run mkosi once with -ff to make sure the spec is cloned" >&2 exit 1 fi TS="${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH:-$(date +%s)}" if [[ "$(rpm --eval "%{lua:print(rpm.vercmp('$(rpm --version | cut -d ' ' -f3)', '4.19.91'))}")" == "-1" ]]; then # Fix the %install override so debuginfo packages are generated even when --build-in-place is used. # See https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/3042. tee --append /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/macros <<'EOF' %install %{?_enable_debug_packages:%{debug_package}}\ %%install\ %{nil} EOF fi VERSION="$(cat meson.version)" RELEASE="$(date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S" --date "@$TS")" COMMON_MACRO_OVERRIDES=( --define "toolchain $( ((LLVM)) && echo clang || echo gcc)" --define "_fortify_level 0" --undefine _lto_cflags # TODO: Remove once redhat-rpm-config 292 is available everywhere. --define "_hardening_clang_cflags --config=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-clang.cfg" --define "_hardening_clang_ldflags --config=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-clang-ld.cfg" ) # TODO: Drop -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE when we switch to CentOS Stream 10. MKOSI_CFLAGS="-O0 -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE" if ((WITH_DEBUG)); then MKOSI_CFLAGS="$MKOSI_CFLAGS -fdebug-prefix-map=../src=/usr/src/debug/systemd" fi if ((LLVM)); then # TODO: Remove -fno-sanitize-function when https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/29972 is fixed. MKOSI_CFLAGS="$MKOSI_CFLAGS -shared-libasan -fno-sanitize=function" fi MKOSI_LDFLAGS="" if ((LLVM)) && [[ -n "$SANITIZERS" ]]; then MKOSI_LDFLAGS="$MKOSI_LDFLAGS -Wl,-rpath=$(realpath "$(clang --print-runtime-dir)")" fi MKOSI_MESON_OPTIONS="-D mode=developer -D b_sanitize=${SANITIZERS:-none}" if ((WIPE)) && [[ -d "$BUILDDIR/meson-private" ]]; then MKOSI_MESON_OPTIONS="$MKOSI_MESON_OPTIONS --wipe" fi # Hack to work around https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/issues/3216. # TODO: Remove when rpm 4.20 gets into Rawhide. mkdir -p "/var/tmp/BUILD/systemd-${VERSION/\~/_}-build" mkdir -p "/var/tmp/BUILD/systemd-${VERSION/\~/_}-build/SPECPARTS" ln -s /work/src "/var/tmp/BUILD/systemd-${VERSION/\~/_}-build/systemd-$VERSION" IFS= # TODO: Replace meson_build and meson_install overrides with "--undefine __meson_verbose" once # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/12835 is available. # shellcheck disable=SC2046 env \ --unset=CFLAGS \ --unset=CXXFLAGS \ --unset=LDFLAGS \ ANNOBIN="no-active-checks" \ CC_LD="$( ((LLVM)) && echo lld)" \ CXX_LD="$( ((LLVM)) && echo lld)" \ rpmbuild \ -bb \ --noprep \ --build-in-place \ --with upstream \ $( ((WITH_TESTS)) || echo "--nocheck") \ $( ((WITH_DOCS)) || echo "--without=docs") \ --define "_topdir /var/tmp" \ --define "_sourcedir $PWD/pkg/$PKG_SUBDIR" \ --define "_rpmdir $OUTPUTDIR" \ ${BUILDDIR:+"--define=_vpath_builddir $BUILDDIR"} \ --define "_build_name_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" \ --define "_binary_payload w.ufdio" \ $( ((WITH_DEBUG)) || echo "--define=debug_package %{nil}") \ --define "version_override $VERSION" \ --define "release_override $RELEASE" \ "${COMMON_MACRO_OVERRIDES[@]}" \ --define "build_cflags $(rpm "${COMMON_MACRO_OVERRIDES[@]}" --eval "%{?build_cflags}") $MKOSI_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" \ --define "build_cxxflags $(rpm "${COMMON_MACRO_OVERRIDES[@]}" --eval "%{?build_cxxflags}") $MKOSI_CFLAGS $CFLAGS" \ --define "build_ldflags $(rpm "${COMMON_MACRO_OVERRIDES[@]}" --eval "%{?build_ldflags}") $MKOSI_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS" \ --define "meson_build %{shrink:%{__meson} compile -C %{_vpath_builddir} -j %{_smp_build_ncpus} $( ((MESON_VERBOSE)) && echo --verbose) %{nil}}" \ --define "meson_install %{shrink:DESTDIR=%{buildroot} %{__meson} install -C %{_vpath_builddir} --no-rebuild --quiet %{nil}}" \ --define "meson_extra_configure_options $MKOSI_MESON_OPTIONS $MESON_OPTIONS" \ $( ((WITH_DEBUG)) || echo "--define=__brp_strip %{nil}") \ --define "__brp_compress %{nil}" \ --define "__brp_mangle_shebangs %{nil}" \ --define "__brp_strip_comment_note %{nil}" \ --define "__brp_strip_static_archive %{nil}" \ --define "__brp_check_rpaths %{nil}" \ --define "__elf_exclude_path ^/usr/lib/systemd/tests/unit-tests/.*$" \ --define "__script_requires %{nil}" \ --define "_find_debuginfo_opts --unique-debug-src-base \"%{name}\"" \ --define "_find_debuginfo_dwz_opts %{nil}" \ --undefine _package_note_flags \ --noclean \ "pkg/$PKG_SUBDIR/systemd.spec" ( shopt -s nullglob rm -f "$BUILDDIR"/*.rpm ) cp "$OUTPUTDIR"/*.rpm "$PACKAGEDIR" cp "$OUTPUTDIR"/*.rpm "$BUILDDIR" make_sysext_unsigned /var/tmp/BUILD/*/BUILDROOT