/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include "alloc-util.h" #include "ether-addr-util.h" #include "hashmap.h" #include "networkd-dhcp-server-static-lease.h" #include "networkd-network.h" #include "networkd-util.h" DEFINE_SECTION_CLEANUP_FUNCTIONS(DHCPStaticLease, dhcp_static_lease_free); DHCPStaticLease *dhcp_static_lease_free(DHCPStaticLease *static_lease) { if (!static_lease) return NULL; if (static_lease->network && static_lease->section) hashmap_remove(static_lease->network->dhcp_static_leases_by_section, static_lease->section); config_section_free(static_lease->section); free(static_lease->client_id); return mfree(static_lease); } static int dhcp_static_lease_new(DHCPStaticLease **ret) { DHCPStaticLease *p; assert(ret); p = new0(DHCPStaticLease, 1); if (!p) return -ENOMEM; *ret = TAKE_PTR(p); return 0; } static int lease_new_static(Network *network, const char *filename, unsigned section_line, DHCPStaticLease **ret) { _cleanup_(config_section_freep) ConfigSection *n = NULL; _cleanup_(dhcp_static_lease_freep) DHCPStaticLease *static_lease = NULL; int r; assert(network); assert(filename); assert(section_line > 0); assert(ret); r = config_section_new(filename, section_line, &n); if (r < 0) return r; static_lease = hashmap_get(network->dhcp_static_leases_by_section, n); if (static_lease) { *ret = TAKE_PTR(static_lease); return 0; } r = dhcp_static_lease_new(&static_lease); if (r < 0) return r; static_lease->network = network; static_lease->section = TAKE_PTR(n); r = hashmap_ensure_put(&network->dhcp_static_leases_by_section, &config_section_hash_ops, static_lease->section, static_lease); if (r < 0) return r; *ret = TAKE_PTR(static_lease); return 0; } static int static_lease_verify(DHCPStaticLease *static_lease) { if (section_is_invalid(static_lease->section)) return -EINVAL; if (in4_addr_is_null(&static_lease->address)) return log_warning_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "%s: DHCP static lease without Address= field configured. " "Ignoring [DHCPServerStaticLease] section from line %u.", static_lease->section->filename, static_lease->section->line); /* TODO: check that the address is in the pool. */ if (static_lease->client_id_size == 0 || !static_lease->client_id) return log_warning_errno(SYNTHETIC_ERRNO(EINVAL), "%s: DHCP static lease without MACAddress= field configured. " "Ignoring [DHCPServerStaticLease] section from line %u.", static_lease->section->filename, static_lease->section->line); assert(static_lease->client_id_size == ETH_ALEN + 1); return 0; } void network_drop_invalid_static_leases(Network *network) { DHCPStaticLease *static_lease; assert(network); HASHMAP_FOREACH(static_lease, network->dhcp_static_leases_by_section) if (static_lease_verify(static_lease) < 0) dhcp_static_lease_free(static_lease); } int config_parse_dhcp_static_lease_address( const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata) { _cleanup_(dhcp_static_lease_free_or_set_invalidp) DHCPStaticLease *lease = NULL; Network *network = ASSERT_PTR(userdata); union in_addr_union addr; int r; assert(filename); assert(lvalue); assert(rvalue); r = lease_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &lease); if (r < 0) return log_oom(); if (isempty(rvalue)) { lease->address.s_addr = 0; TAKE_PTR(lease); return 0; } r = in_addr_from_string(AF_INET, rvalue, &addr); if (r < 0) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse IPv4 address for DHCPv4 static lease, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue); return 0; } if (in4_addr_is_null(&addr.in)) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0, "IPv4 address for DHCPv4 static lease cannot be the ANY address, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue); return 0; } lease->address = addr.in; TAKE_PTR(lease); return 0; } int config_parse_dhcp_static_lease_hwaddr( const char *unit, const char *filename, unsigned line, const char *section, unsigned section_line, const char *lvalue, int ltype, const char *rvalue, void *data, void *userdata) { _cleanup_(dhcp_static_lease_free_or_set_invalidp) DHCPStaticLease *lease = NULL; Network *network = ASSERT_PTR(userdata); struct ether_addr hwaddr; uint8_t *c; int r; assert(filename); assert(lvalue); assert(rvalue); r = lease_new_static(network, filename, section_line, &lease); if (r < 0) return log_oom(); if (isempty(rvalue)) { lease->client_id = mfree(lease->client_id); lease->client_id_size = 0; return 0; } r = parse_ether_addr(rvalue, &hwaddr); if (r < 0) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, r, "Failed to parse MAC address for DHCPv4 static lease, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue); return 0; } if (ether_addr_is_null(&hwaddr) || (hwaddr.ether_addr_octet[0] & 0x01)) { log_syntax(unit, LOG_WARNING, filename, line, 0, "MAC address for DHCPv4 static lease cannot be null or multicast, ignoring assignment: %s", rvalue); return 0; } c = new(uint8_t, ETH_ALEN + 1); if (!c) return log_oom(); /* set client id type to 1: Ethernet Link-Layer (RFC 2132) */ c[0] = 0x01; memcpy(c + 1, &hwaddr, ETH_ALEN); free_and_replace(lease->client_id, c); lease->client_id_size = ETH_ALEN + 1; TAKE_PTR(lease); return 0; }