/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bus-locator.h" #include "bus-wait-for-jobs.h" #include "fd-util.h" #include "path-util.h" #include "process-util.h" #include "random-util.h" #include "rm-rf.h" #include "signal-util.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "tests.h" #include "tmpfile-util.h" #include "unit-def.h" struct fake_pressure_context { int fifo_fd; int socket_fd; }; static void *fake_pressure_thread(void *p) { _cleanup_free_ struct fake_pressure_context *c = ASSERT_PTR(p); _cleanup_close_ int cfd = -EBADF; usleep_safe(150); assert_se(write(c->fifo_fd, &(const char) { 'x' }, 1) == 1); usleep_safe(150); cfd = accept4(c->socket_fd, NULL, NULL, SOCK_CLOEXEC); assert_se(cfd >= 0); char buf[STRLEN("hello")+1] = {}; assert_se(read(cfd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1) == sizeof(buf)-1); assert_se(streq(buf, "hello")); assert_se(write(cfd, &(const char) { 'z' }, 1) == 1); return 0; } static int fake_pressure_callback(sd_event_source *s, void *userdata) { int *value = userdata; const char *d; assert_se(s); assert_se(sd_event_source_get_description(s, &d) >= 0); *value *= d[0]; log_notice("memory pressure event: %s", d); if (*value == 7 * 'f' * 's') assert_se(sd_event_exit(sd_event_source_get_event(s), 0) >= 0); return 0; } TEST(fake_pressure) { _cleanup_(sd_event_source_unrefp) sd_event_source *es = NULL, *ef = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *e = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *j = NULL, *k = NULL; _cleanup_(rm_rf_physical_and_freep) char *tmp = NULL; _cleanup_close_ int fifo_fd = -EBADF, socket_fd = -EBADF; union sockaddr_union sa; pthread_t th; int value = 7; assert_se(sd_event_default(&e) >= 0); assert_se(mkdtemp_malloc(NULL, &tmp) >= 0); assert_se(j = path_join(tmp, "fifo")); assert_se(mkfifo(j, 0600) >= 0); fifo_fd = open(j, O_CLOEXEC|O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); assert_se(fifo_fd >= 0); assert_se(k = path_join(tmp, "sock")); socket_fd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM|SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0); assert_se(socket_fd >= 0); assert_se(sockaddr_un_set_path(&sa.un, k) >= 0); assert_se(bind(socket_fd, &sa.sa, SOCKADDR_UN_LEN(sa.un)) >= 0); assert_se(listen(socket_fd, 1) >= 0); /* Ideally we'd just allocate this on the stack, but AddressSanitizer doesn't like it if threads * access each other's stack */ struct fake_pressure_context *fp = new(struct fake_pressure_context, 1); assert_se(fp); *fp = (struct fake_pressure_context) { .fifo_fd = fifo_fd, .socket_fd = socket_fd, }; assert_se(pthread_create(&th, NULL, fake_pressure_thread, TAKE_PTR(fp)) == 0); assert_se(setenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WATCH", j, /* override= */ true) >= 0); assert_se(unsetenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WRITE") >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_memory_pressure(e, &es, fake_pressure_callback, &value) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_description(es, "fifo event source") >= 0); assert_se(setenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WATCH", k, /* override= */ true) >= 0); assert_se(setenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WRITE", "aGVsbG8K", /* override= */ true) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_memory_pressure(e, &ef, fake_pressure_callback, &value) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_description(ef, "socket event source") >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_loop(e) >= 0); assert_se(value == 7 * 'f' * 's'); assert_se(pthread_join(th, NULL) == 0); } struct real_pressure_context { sd_event_source *pid; }; static int real_pressure_callback(sd_event_source *s, void *userdata) { struct real_pressure_context *c = ASSERT_PTR(userdata); const char *d; assert_se(s); assert_se(sd_event_source_get_description(s, &d) >= 0); log_notice("real_memory pressure event: %s", d); sd_event_trim_memory(); assert_se(c->pid); assert_se(sd_event_source_send_child_signal(c->pid, SIGKILL, NULL, 0) >= 0); c->pid = NULL; return 0; } #define MMAP_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024) _noreturn_ static void real_pressure_eat_memory(int pipe_fd) { size_t ate = 0; /* Allocates and touches 10M at a time, until runs out of memory */ char x; assert_se(read(pipe_fd, &x, 1) == 1); /* Wait for the GO! */ for (;;) { void *p; p = mmap(NULL, MMAP_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0); assert_se(p != MAP_FAILED); log_info("Eating another %s.", FORMAT_BYTES(MMAP_SIZE)); memset(p, random_u32() & 0xFF, MMAP_SIZE); ate += MMAP_SIZE; log_info("Ate %s in total.", FORMAT_BYTES(ate)); usleep_safe(50 * USEC_PER_MSEC); } } static int real_pressure_child_callback(sd_event_source *s, const siginfo_t *si, void *userdata) { assert_se(s); assert_se(si); log_notice("child dead"); assert_se(si->si_signo == SIGCHLD); assert_se(si->si_status == SIGKILL); assert_se(si->si_code == CLD_KILLED); assert_se(sd_event_exit(sd_event_source_get_event(s), 31) >= 0); return 0; } TEST(real_pressure) { _cleanup_(sd_bus_message_unrefp) sd_bus_message *m = NULL, *reply = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_bus_error_free) sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; _cleanup_(sd_event_source_unrefp) sd_event_source *es = NULL, *cs = NULL; _cleanup_(bus_wait_for_jobs_freep) BusWaitForJobs *w = NULL; _cleanup_(sd_bus_flush_close_unrefp) sd_bus *bus = NULL; _cleanup_close_pair_ int pipe_fd[2] = EBADF_PAIR; _cleanup_(sd_event_unrefp) sd_event *e = NULL; _cleanup_free_ char *scope = NULL; const char *object; int r; pid_t pid; r = sd_bus_open_system(&bus); if (r < 0) { log_notice_errno(r, "Can't connect to system bus, skipping test: %m"); return; } assert_se(bus_wait_for_jobs_new(bus, &w) >= 0); assert_se(bus_message_new_method_call(bus, &m, bus_systemd_mgr, "StartTransientUnit") >= 0); assert_se(asprintf(&scope, "test-%" PRIu64 ".scope", random_u64()) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "ss", scope, "fail") >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_open_container(m, 'a', "(sv)") >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "(sv)", "PIDs", "au", 1, 0) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "(sv)", "MemoryAccounting", "b", true) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_close_container(m) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "a(sa(sv))", 0) >= 0); r = sd_bus_call(bus, m, 0, &error, &reply); if (r < 0) { log_notice_errno(r, "Can't issue transient unit call, skipping test: %m"); return; } assert_se(sd_bus_message_read(reply, "o", &object) >= 0); assert_se(bus_wait_for_jobs_one(w, object, /* quiet= */ false, /* extra_args= */ NULL) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_default(&e) >= 0); assert_se(pipe2(pipe_fd, O_CLOEXEC) >= 0); r = safe_fork("(eat-memory)", FORK_RESET_SIGNALS|FORK_DEATHSIG_SIGTERM, &pid); assert_se(r >= 0); if (r == 0) { real_pressure_eat_memory(pipe_fd[0]); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } assert_se(sigprocmask_many(SIG_BLOCK, NULL, SIGCHLD, -1) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_add_child(e, &cs, pid, WEXITED, real_pressure_child_callback, NULL) >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_child_process_own(cs, true) >= 0); assert_se(unsetenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WATCH") >= 0); assert_se(unsetenv("MEMORY_PRESSURE_WRITE") >= 0); struct real_pressure_context context = { .pid = cs, }; r = sd_event_add_memory_pressure(e, &es, real_pressure_callback, &context); if (r < 0) { log_notice_errno(r, "Can't allocate memory pressure fd, skipping test: %m"); return; } assert_se(sd_event_source_set_description(es, "real pressure event source") >= 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_type(es, "some") == 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_type(es, "full") > 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_type(es, "full") == 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_type(es, "some") > 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_type(es, "some") == 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_period(es, 70 * USEC_PER_MSEC, USEC_PER_SEC) > 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_memory_pressure_period(es, 70 * USEC_PER_MSEC, USEC_PER_SEC) == 0); assert_se(sd_event_source_set_enabled(es, SD_EVENT_ONESHOT) >= 0); _cleanup_free_ char *uo = NULL; assert_se(uo = unit_dbus_path_from_name(scope)); uint64_t mcurrent = UINT64_MAX; assert_se(sd_bus_get_property_trivial(bus, "org.freedesktop.systemd1", uo, "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Scope", "MemoryCurrent", &error, 't', &mcurrent) >= 0); printf("current: %" PRIu64 "\n", mcurrent); if (mcurrent == UINT64_MAX) { log_notice_errno(r, "Memory accounting not available, skipping test: %m"); return; } m = sd_bus_message_unref(m); assert_se(bus_message_new_method_call(bus, &m, bus_systemd_mgr, "SetUnitProperties") >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "sb", scope, true) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_open_container(m, 'a', "(sv)") >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "(sv)", "MemoryHigh", "t", mcurrent + (15 * 1024 * 1024)) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_append(m, "(sv)", "MemoryMax", "t", mcurrent + (50 * 1024 * 1024)) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_message_close_container(m) >= 0); assert_se(sd_bus_call(bus, m, 0, NULL, NULL) >= 0); /* Generate some memory allocations via mempool */ #define NN (1024) Hashmap **h = new(Hashmap*, NN); for (int i = 0; i < NN; i++) h[i] = hashmap_new(NULL); for (int i = 0; i < NN; i++) hashmap_free(h[i]); free(h); /* Now start eating memory */ assert_se(write(pipe_fd[1], &(const char) { 'x' }, 1) == 1); assert_se(sd_event_loop(e) >= 0); int ex = 0; assert_se(sd_event_get_exit_code(e, &ex) >= 0); assert_se(ex == 31); } static int outro(void) { hashmap_trim_pools(); return 0; } DEFINE_TEST_MAIN_FULL(LOG_DEBUG, NULL, outro);