#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # The tests can be called via pytest: # PATH=build/:$PATH pytest -v src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py # or directly: # PATH=build/:$PATH src/ukify/test/test_ukify.py # or via the meson test machinery output: # meson test -C build test-ukify -v # or without verbose output: # meson test -C build test-ukify # pylint: disable=unused-import,import-outside-toplevel,useless-else-on-loop # pylint: disable=consider-using-with,wrong-import-position,unspecified-encoding # pylint: disable=protected-access,redefined-outer-name import base64 import glob import json import os import pathlib import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import textwrap try: import pytest except ImportError as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(77) try: # pyflakes: noqa import pefile # noqa except ImportError as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(77) # We import ukify.py, which is a template file. But only __version__ is # substituted, which we don't care about here. Having the .py suffix makes it # easier to import the file. sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/..') import ukify # Skip if we're running on an architecture that does not use UEFI. try: ukify.guess_efi_arch() except ValueError as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(77) build_root = os.getenv('PROJECT_BUILD_ROOT') try: slow_tests = bool(int(os.getenv('SYSTEMD_SLOW_TESTS', '1'))) except ValueError: slow_tests = True arg_tools = ['--tools', build_root] if build_root else [] def systemd_measure(): opts = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(arg_tools) return ukify.find_tool('systemd-measure', opts=opts) def test_guess_efi_arch(): arch = ukify.guess_efi_arch() assert arch in ukify.EFI_ARCHES def test_shell_join(): assert ukify.shell_join(['a', 'b', ' ']) == "a b ' '" def test_round_up(): assert ukify.round_up(0) == 0 assert ukify.round_up(4095) == 4096 assert ukify.round_up(4096) == 4096 assert ukify.round_up(4097) == 8192 def test_namespace_creation(): ns = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(()) assert ns.linux is None assert ns.initrd is None def test_config_example(): ex = ukify.config_example() assert '[UKI]' in ex assert 'Splash = BMP' in ex def test_apply_config(tmp_path): config = tmp_path / 'config1.conf' config.write_text(textwrap.dedent( f''' [UKI] Linux = LINUX Initrd = initrd1 initrd2 initrd3 Cmdline = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OSRelease = @some/path1 DeviceTree = some/path2 Splash = some/path3 Uname = 1.2.3 EFIArch=arm Stub = some/path4 PCRBanks = sha512,sha1 SigningEngine = engine1 SecureBootPrivateKey = some/path5 SecureBootCertificate = some/path6 SignKernel = no [PCRSignature:NAME] PCRPrivateKey = some/path7 PCRPublicKey = some/path8 Phases = {':'.join(ukify.KNOWN_PHASES)} ''')) ns = ukify.create_parser().parse_args(['build']) ns.linux = None ns.initrd = [] ukify.apply_config(ns, config) assert ns.linux == pathlib.Path('LINUX') assert ns.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), pathlib.Path('initrd2'), pathlib.Path('initrd3')] assert ns.cmdline == '1 2 3 4 5\n6 7 8' assert ns.os_release == '@some/path1' assert ns.devicetree == pathlib.Path('some/path2') assert ns.splash == pathlib.Path('some/path3') assert ns.efi_arch == 'arm' assert ns.stub == pathlib.Path('some/path4') assert ns.pcr_banks == ['sha512', 'sha1'] assert ns.signing_engine == 'engine1' assert ns.sb_key == 'some/path5' assert ns.sb_cert == 'some/path6' assert ns.sign_kernel is False assert ns._groups == ['NAME'] assert ns.pcr_private_keys == ['some/path7'] assert ns.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path8')] assert ns.phase_path_groups == [['enter-initrd:leave-initrd:sysinit:ready:shutdown:final']] ukify.finalize_options(ns) assert ns.linux == pathlib.Path('LINUX') assert ns.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), pathlib.Path('initrd2'), pathlib.Path('initrd3')] assert ns.cmdline == '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' assert ns.os_release == pathlib.Path('some/path1') assert ns.devicetree == pathlib.Path('some/path2') assert ns.splash == pathlib.Path('some/path3') assert ns.efi_arch == 'arm' assert ns.stub == pathlib.Path('some/path4') assert ns.pcr_banks == ['sha512', 'sha1'] assert ns.signing_engine == 'engine1' assert ns.sb_key == 'some/path5' assert ns.sb_cert == 'some/path6' assert ns.sign_kernel is False assert ns._groups == ['NAME'] assert ns.pcr_private_keys == ['some/path7'] assert ns.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('some/path8')] assert ns.phase_path_groups == [['enter-initrd:leave-initrd:sysinit:ready:shutdown:final']] def test_parse_args_minimal(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): ukify.parse_args([]) opts = ukify.parse_args('arg1 arg2'.split()) assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('arg1') assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('arg2')] assert opts.os_release in (pathlib.Path('/etc/os-release'), pathlib.Path('/usr/lib/os-release')) def test_parse_args_many_deprecated(): opts = ukify.parse_args( ['/ARG1', '///ARG2', '/ARG3 WITH SPACE', '--cmdline=a b c', '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', '--splash=splash', '--pcrpkey=PATH', '--uname=1.2.3', '--stub=STUBPATH', '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', '--signing-engine=ENGINE', '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', '--sign-kernel', '--no-sign-kernel', '--tools=TOOLZ///', '--output=OUTPUT', '--measure', '--no-measure', ]) assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') assert opts.pcr_private_keys == ['PKEY1'] assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2')] assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' assert opts.sign_kernel is False assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') assert opts.measure is False def test_parse_args_many(): opts = ukify.parse_args( ['build', '--linux=/ARG1', '--initrd=///ARG2', '--initrd=/ARG3 WITH SPACE', '--cmdline=a b c', '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', '--splash=splash', '--pcrpkey=PATH', '--uname=1.2.3', '--stub=STUBPATH', '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', '--signing-engine=ENGINE', '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', '--sign-kernel', '--no-sign-kernel', '--tools=TOOLZ///', '--output=OUTPUT', '--measure', '--no-measure', ]) assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') assert opts.pcr_private_keys == ['PKEY1'] assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2')] assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' assert opts.sign_kernel is False assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') assert opts.measure is False def test_parse_sections(): opts = ukify.parse_args( ['build', '--linux=/ARG1', '--initrd=/ARG2', '--section=test:TESTTESTTEST', '--section=test2:@FILE', ]) assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('/ARG2')] assert len(opts.sections) == 2 assert opts.sections[0].name == 'test' assert isinstance(opts.sections[0].content, pathlib.Path) assert opts.sections[0].tmpfile assert opts.sections[0].measure is False assert opts.sections[1].name == 'test2' assert opts.sections[1].content == pathlib.Path('FILE') assert opts.sections[1].tmpfile is None assert opts.sections[1].measure is False def test_config_priority(tmp_path): config = tmp_path / 'config1.conf' # config: use pesign and give certdir + certname config.write_text(textwrap.dedent( f''' [UKI] Linux = LINUX Initrd = initrd1 initrd2 initrd3 Cmdline = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OSRelease = @some/path1 DeviceTree = some/path2 Splash = some/path3 Uname = 1.2.3 EFIArch = arm Stub = some/path4 PCRBanks = sha512,sha1 SigningEngine = engine1 SecureBootSigningTool = pesign SecureBootCertificateDir = some/path5 SecureBootCertificateName = some/name1 SignKernel = no [PCRSignature:NAME] PCRPrivateKey = some/path7 PCRPublicKey = some/path8 Phases = {':'.join(ukify.KNOWN_PHASES)} ''')) # args: use sbsign and give key + cert, should override pesign opts = ukify.parse_args( ['build', '--linux=/ARG1', '--initrd=///ARG2', '--initrd=/ARG3 WITH SPACE', '--cmdline= a b c ', '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2', '--devicetree=DDDDTTTT', '--splash=splash', '--pcrpkey=PATH', '--uname=1.2.3', '--stub=STUBPATH', '--pcr-private-key=PKEY1', '--pcr-public-key=PKEY2', '--pcr-banks=SHA1,SHA256', '--signing-engine=ENGINE', '--signtool=sbsign', '--secureboot-private-key=SBKEY', '--secureboot-certificate=SBCERT', '--sign-kernel', '--no-sign-kernel', '--tools=TOOLZ///', '--output=OUTPUT', '--measure', ]) ukify.apply_config(opts, config) ukify.finalize_options(opts) assert opts.linux == pathlib.Path('/ARG1') assert opts.initrd == [pathlib.Path('initrd1'), pathlib.Path('initrd2'), pathlib.Path('initrd3'), pathlib.Path('/ARG2'), pathlib.Path('/ARG3 WITH SPACE')] assert opts.cmdline == 'a b c' assert opts.os_release == 'K1=V1\nK2=V2' assert opts.devicetree == pathlib.Path('DDDDTTTT') assert opts.splash == pathlib.Path('splash') assert opts.pcrpkey == pathlib.Path('PATH') assert opts.uname == '1.2.3' assert opts.stub == pathlib.Path('STUBPATH') assert opts.pcr_private_keys == ['PKEY1', 'some/path7'] assert opts.pcr_public_keys == [pathlib.Path('PKEY2'), pathlib.Path('some/path8')] assert opts.pcr_banks == ['SHA1', 'SHA256'] assert opts.signing_engine == 'ENGINE' assert opts.signtool == 'sbsign' # from args assert opts.sb_key == 'SBKEY' # from args assert opts.sb_cert == 'SBCERT' # from args assert opts.sb_certdir == 'some/path5' # from config assert opts.sb_cert_name == 'some/name1' # from config assert opts.sign_kernel is False assert opts.tools == [pathlib.Path('TOOLZ/')] assert opts.output == pathlib.Path('OUTPUT') assert opts.measure is True def test_help(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): ukify.parse_args(['--help']) out = capsys.readouterr() assert '--section' in out.out assert not out.err def test_help_display(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): ukify.parse_args(['inspect', '--help']) out = capsys.readouterr() assert '--section' in out.out assert not out.err def test_help_error_deprecated(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): ukify.parse_args(['a', 'b', '--no-such-option']) out = capsys.readouterr() assert not out.out assert '--no-such-option' in out.err assert len(out.err.splitlines()) == 1 def test_help_error(capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit): ukify.parse_args(['build', '--no-such-option']) out = capsys.readouterr() assert not out.out assert '--no-such-option' in out.err assert len(out.err.splitlines()) == 1 @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def kernel_initrd(): items = sorted(glob.glob('/lib/modules/*/vmlinuz')) if not items: return None # This doesn't necessarilly give us the latest version, since we're just # using alphanumeric ordering. But this is fine, a predictable result is # enough. linux = items[-1] # We don't look _into_ the initrd. Any file is OK. return ['--linux', linux, '--initrd', ukify.__file__] def test_check_splash(): try: # pyflakes: noqa import PIL # noqa except ImportError: pytest.skip('PIL not available') with pytest.raises(OSError): ukify.check_splash(os.devnull) def test_basic_operation(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') output = f'{tmp_path}/basic.efi' opts = ukify.parse_args([ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--output={output}', ]) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output]) shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) def test_sections(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') output = f'{tmp_path}/basic.efi' opts = ukify.parse_args([ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--output={output}', '--uname=1.2.3', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', '--os-release=K1=V1\nK2=V2\n', '--section=.test:CONTENTZ', ]) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname test'.split(): assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) def test_addon(tmp_path): output = f'{tmp_path}/addon.efi' args = [ 'build', f'--output={output}', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', """--sbat=sbat,1,foo foo,1 bar,2 """, '--section=.test:CONTENTZ', """--sbat=sbat,1,foo baz,3 """ ] if stub := os.getenv('EFI_ADDON'): args += [f'--stub={stub}'] expected_exceptions = () else: expected_exceptions = (FileNotFoundError,) opts = ukify.parse_args(args) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except expected_exceptions as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) for sect in 'text cmdline test sbat'.split(): assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) pe = pefile.PE(output, fast_load=True) found = False for section in pe.sections: if section.Name.rstrip(b"\x00").decode() == ".sbat": assert found is False split = section.get_data().rstrip(b"\x00").decode().splitlines() assert split == ["sbat,1,SBAT Version,sbat,1,https://github.com/rhboot/shim/blob/main/SBAT.md", "foo,1", "bar,2", "baz,3"] found = True assert found is True def unbase64(filename): tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() base64.decode(filename.open('rb'), tmp) tmp.flush() return tmp def test_uname_scraping(kernel_initrd): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') assert kernel_initrd[0] == '--linux' uname = ukify.Uname.scrape(kernel_initrd[1]) assert re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+', uname) @pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') @pytest.mark.parametrize("days", [365*10, None]) def test_efi_signing_sbsign(days, kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') if not shutil.which('sbsign'): pytest.skip('sbsign not found') ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent cert = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.crt.base64') key = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.key.base64') output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' args = [ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--output={output}', '--uname=1.2.3', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', f'--secureboot-certificate={cert.name}', f'--secureboot-private-key={key.name}', ] if days is not None: args += [f'--secureboot-certificate-validity={days}'] opts = ukify.parse_args(args) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) if shutil.which('sbverify'): # let's check that sbverify likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output([ 'sbverify', '--cert', cert.name, output, ], text=True) assert 'Signature verification OK' in dump shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) @pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') def test_efi_signing_pesign(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') if not shutil.which('pesign'): pytest.skip('pesign not found') nss_db = f'{tmp_path}/nss_db' name = 'Test_Secureboot' author = 'systemd' subprocess.check_call(['mkdir', '-p', nss_db]) cmd = f'certutil -N --empty-password -d {nss_db}'.split(' ') subprocess.check_call(cmd) cmd = f'efikeygen -d {nss_db} -S -k -c CN={author} -n {name}'.split(' ') subprocess.check_call(cmd) output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' opts = ukify.parse_args([ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--output={output}', '--uname=1.2.3', '--signtool=pesign', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', f'--secureboot-certificate-name={name}', f'--secureboot-certificate-dir={nss_db}', ]) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that sbverify likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output([ 'pesign', '-S', '-i', output, ], text=True) assert f"The signer's common name is {author}" in dump shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) def test_inspect(kernel_initrd, tmp_path, capsys): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') if not shutil.which('sbsign'): pytest.skip('sbsign not found') ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent cert = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.crt.base64') key = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.signing.key.base64') output = f'{tmp_path}/signed2.efi' uname_arg='1.2.3' osrel_arg='Linux' cmdline_arg='ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' args = [ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--cmdline={cmdline_arg}', f'--os-release={osrel_arg}', f'--uname={uname_arg}', f'--output={output}', ] if slow_tests: args += [ f'--secureboot-certificate={cert.name}', f'--secureboot-private-key={key.name}', ] opts = ukify.parse_args(args) ukify.check_inputs(opts) ukify.make_uki(opts) opts = ukify.parse_args(['inspect', output]) ukify.inspect_sections(opts) text = capsys.readouterr().out expected_osrel = f'.osrel:\n size: {len(osrel_arg)}' assert expected_osrel in text expected_cmdline = f'.cmdline:\n size: {len(cmdline_arg)}' assert expected_cmdline in text expected_uname = f'.uname:\n size: {len(uname_arg)}' assert expected_uname in text expected_initrd = '.initrd:\n size:' assert expected_initrd in text expected_linux = '.linux:\n size:' assert expected_linux in text shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) @pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') def test_pcr_signing(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') if systemd_measure() is None: pytest.skip('systemd-measure not found') ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent pub = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64') priv = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64') output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' args = [ 'build', *kernel_initrd, f'--output={output}', '--uname=1.2.3', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', '--os-release=ID=foobar\n', '--pcr-banks=sha384', # sha1 might not be allowed, use something else f'--pcr-private-key={priv.name}', ] + arg_tools # If the public key is not explicitly specified, it is derived # automatically. Let's make sure everything works as expected both when the # public keys is specified explicitly and when it is derived from the # private key. for extra in ([f'--pcrpkey={pub.name}', f'--pcr-public-key={pub.name}'], []): opts = ukify.parse_args(args + extra) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname pcrsig'.split(): assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) # objcopy fails when called without an output argument (EPERM). # It also fails when called with /dev/null (file truncated). # It also fails when called with /dev/zero (because it reads the # output file, infinitely in this case.) # So let's just call it with a dummy output argument. subprocess.check_call([ 'objcopy', *(f'--dump-section=.{n}={tmp_path}/out.{n}' for n in ( 'pcrpkey', 'pcrsig', 'osrel', 'uname', 'cmdline')), output, tmp_path / 'dummy', ], text=True) assert open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrpkey').read() == open(pub.name).read() assert open(tmp_path / 'out.osrel').read() == 'ID=foobar\n' assert open(tmp_path / 'out.uname').read() == '1.2.3' assert open(tmp_path / 'out.cmdline').read() == 'ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' sig = open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrsig').read() sig = json.loads(sig) assert list(sig.keys()) == ['sha384'] assert len(sig['sha384']) == 4 # four items for four phases shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) @pytest.mark.skipif(not slow_tests, reason='slow') def test_pcr_signing2(kernel_initrd, tmp_path): if kernel_initrd is None: pytest.skip('linux+initrd not found') if systemd_measure() is None: pytest.skip('systemd-measure not found') ourdir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent pub = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public.pem.base64') priv = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private.pem.base64') pub2 = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-public2.pem.base64') priv2 = unbase64(ourdir / 'example.tpm2-pcr-private2.pem.base64') # simulate a microcode file with open(f'{tmp_path}/microcode', 'wb') as microcode: microcode.write(b'1234567890') output = f'{tmp_path}/signed.efi' assert kernel_initrd[0] == '--linux' opts = ukify.parse_args([ 'build', *kernel_initrd[:2], f'--initrd={microcode.name}', *kernel_initrd[2:], f'--output={output}', '--uname=1.2.3', '--cmdline=ARG1 ARG2 ARG3', '--os-release=ID=foobar\n', '--pcr-banks=sha384', f'--pcrpkey={pub2.name}', f'--pcr-public-key={pub.name}', f'--pcr-private-key={priv.name}', '--phases=enter-initrd enter-initrd:leave-initrd', f'--pcr-public-key={pub2.name}', f'--pcr-private-key={priv2.name}', '--phases=sysinit ready shutdown final', # yes, those phase paths are not reachable ] + arg_tools) try: ukify.check_inputs(opts) except OSError as e: pytest.skip(str(e)) ukify.make_uki(opts) # let's check that objdump likes the resulting file dump = subprocess.check_output(['objdump', '-h', output], text=True) for sect in 'text osrel cmdline linux initrd uname pcrsig'.split(): assert re.search(fr'^\s*\d+\s+\.{sect}\s+[0-9a-f]+', dump, re.MULTILINE) subprocess.check_call([ 'objcopy', *(f'--dump-section=.{n}={tmp_path}/out.{n}' for n in ( 'pcrpkey', 'pcrsig', 'osrel', 'uname', 'cmdline', 'initrd')), output, tmp_path / 'dummy', ], text=True) assert open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrpkey').read() == open(pub2.name).read() assert open(tmp_path / 'out.osrel').read() == 'ID=foobar\n' assert open(tmp_path / 'out.uname').read() == '1.2.3' assert open(tmp_path / 'out.cmdline').read() == 'ARG1 ARG2 ARG3' assert open(tmp_path / 'out.initrd', 'rb').read(10) == b'1234567890' sig = open(tmp_path / 'out.pcrsig').read() sig = json.loads(sig) assert list(sig.keys()) == ['sha384'] assert len(sig['sha384']) == 6 # six items for six phases paths shutil.rmtree(tmp_path) def test_key_cert_generation(tmp_path): opts = ukify.parse_args([ 'genkey', f"--pcr-public-key={tmp_path / 'pcr1.pub.pem'}", f"--pcr-private-key={tmp_path / 'pcr1.priv.pem'}", '--phases=enter-initrd enter-initrd:leave-initrd', f"--pcr-public-key={tmp_path / 'pcr2.pub.pem'}", f"--pcr-private-key={tmp_path / 'pcr2.priv.pem'}", '--phases=sysinit ready', f"--secureboot-private-key={tmp_path / 'sb.priv.pem'}", f"--secureboot-certificate={tmp_path / 'sb.cert.pem'}", ]) assert opts.verb == 'genkey' ukify.check_cert_and_keys_nonexistent(opts) pytest.importorskip('cryptography') ukify.generate_keys(opts) if not shutil.which('openssl'): return for key in (tmp_path / 'pcr1.priv.pem', tmp_path / 'pcr2.priv.pem', tmp_path / 'sb.priv.pem'): out = subprocess.check_output([ 'openssl', 'rsa', '-in', key, '-text', '-noout', ], text = True) assert 'Private-Key' in out assert '2048 bit' in out for pub in (tmp_path / 'pcr1.pub.pem', tmp_path / 'pcr2.pub.pem'): out = subprocess.check_output([ 'openssl', 'rsa', '-pubin', '-in', pub, '-text', '-noout', ], text = True) assert 'Public-Key' in out assert '2048 bit' in out out = subprocess.check_output([ 'openssl', 'x509', '-in', tmp_path / 'sb.cert.pem', '-text', '-noout', ], text = True) assert 'Certificate' in out assert re.search(r'Issuer: CN\s?=\s?SecureBoot signing key on host', out) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(pytest.main(sys.argv))