#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later set -e is_valid_target() { local target="${1:?}" local t for t in all setup run clean clean-again; do [[ "$target" == "$t" ]] && return 0 done return 1 } pass_deny_list() { local test="${1:?}" local marker for marker in $DENY_LIST_MARKERS $BLACKLIST_MARKERS; do if [[ -f "$test/$marker" ]]; then echo "========== DENY-LISTED: $test ($marker) ==========" return 1 fi done return 0 } test_run() { local test_name="${1:?}" shift if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo >&2 "test_run: missing arguments" exit 1 fi # Note: let's be very explicit in reporting the return code of the test command here, i.e don't rely on # `set -e` or the return code of the last statement in the function, since reporting false positive # would be very bad in this case. if [[ "${SPLIT_TEST_LOGS:-0}" -ne 0 && -n "${ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY:-}" ]]; then (set -x; "$@") &>>"$ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY/$test_name.log" || return $? else (set -x; "$@") || return $? fi } ARGS=(setup run clean-again) CLEAN=0 CLEAN_AGAIN=0 COUNT=0 FAILURES=0 declare -A RESULTS declare -A TIMES if [[ "${NO_BUILD:-0}" =~ ^(1|yes|true)$ ]]; then BUILD_DIR="" elif BUILD_DIR="$("$(dirname "$0")/../tools/find-build-dir.sh")"; then ninja -C "$BUILD_DIR" else echo >&2 "No build found, please set BUILD_DIR or NO_BUILD" exit 1 fi if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then ARGS=("$@") fi # Reject invalid make targets for arg in "${ARGS[@]}"; do if ! is_valid_target "$arg"; then echo >&2 "Invalid target: $arg" exit 1 fi done # Separate 'clean' and 'clean-again' operations args_filtered=() for arg in "${ARGS[@]}"; do if [[ "$arg" == "clean-again" ]]; then CLEAN_AGAIN=1 elif [[ "$arg" == "clean" ]]; then CLEAN=1 else args_filtered+=("$arg") fi done ARGS=("${args_filtered[@]}") cd "$(dirname "$0")" SELECTED_TESTS="${SELECTED_TESTS:-TEST-??-*}" # Let's always do the cleaning operation first, because it destroys the image # cache. if [[ $CLEAN -eq 1 ]]; then for test in $SELECTED_TESTS; do test_run "$test" make -C "$test" clean done fi # Run actual tests (if requested) if [[ ${#ARGS[@]} -ne 0 ]]; then for test in $SELECTED_TESTS; do COUNT=$((COUNT + 1)) pass_deny_list "$test" || continue SECONDS=0 echo -e "\n[$(date +%R:%S)] --x-- Running $test --x--" set +e test_run "$test" make -C "$test" "${ARGS[@]}" result=$? set -e echo "[$(date +%R:%S)] --x-- Result of $test: $result --x--" RESULTS["$test"]="$result" TIMES["$test"]="$SECONDS" # Run clean-again here to free up space, if requested, and if the test succeeded if [[ "$result" -ne 0 ]]; then FAILURES=$((FAILURES + 1)) elif [[ $CLEAN_AGAIN -eq 1 ]]; then test_run "$test" make -C "$test" clean-again fi done fi echo "" for test in "${!RESULTS[@]}"; do result="${RESULTS[$test]}" time="${TIMES[$test]}" [[ "$result" -eq 0 ]] && string="SUCCESS" || string="FAIL" printf "%-35s %-8s (%3s s)\n" "$test:" "$string" "$time" done | sort if [[ "$FAILURES" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "\nALL $COUNT TESTS PASSED" else echo -e "\nTOTAL FAILURES: $FAILURES OF $COUNT" fi # If we have coverage files, merge them into a single report for upload if [[ -n "$ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY" ]]; then lcov_args=() while read -r info_file; do lcov_args+=(--add-tracefile "$info_file") done < <(find "$ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.coverage-info") if [[ ${#lcov_args[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then lcov "${lcov_args[@]}" --output-file "$ARTIFACT_DIRECTORY/merged.coverage-info" fi fi exit "$FAILURES"