#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later import os import sys try: import lxml.etree as tree except ImportError as e: print(str(e), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(77) _parser = tree.XMLParser(resolve_entities=False) tree.set_default_parser(_parser) def find_undocumented_functions(pages, ignorelist): undocumented = [] for page in pages: filename = os.path.basename(page) pagetree = tree.parse(page) assert pagetree.getroot().tag == "refentry" hist_section = pagetree.find("refsect1[title='History']") for func in pagetree.findall("//funcprototype/funcdef/function"): path = f"/refsynopsisdiv/funcsynopsis/funcprototype/funcdef/function[.='{func.text}']" assert pagetree.findall(path) == [func] if ( hist_section is None or hist_section.find(f"para/function[.='{func.text}()']") is None ): if func.text not in ignorelist: undocumented.append((filename, func.text)) return undocumented def construct_path(element): tag = element.tag if tag == "refentry": return "" predicate = "" if tag == "varlistentry": text = "".join(element.find("term").itertext()) predicate = f'[term="{text}"]' elif tag.startswith("refsect"): text = "".join(element.find("title").itertext()) predicate = f'[title="{text}"]' elif tag == "variablelist": varlists = element.getparent().findall(tag) if len(varlists) > 1: predicate = f"[{varlists.index(element)+1}]" return construct_path(element.getparent()) + "/" + tag + predicate def find_undocumented_commands(pages, ignorelist): undocumented = [] for page in pages: filename = os.path.basename(page) pagetree = tree.parse(page) if pagetree.getroot().tag != "refentry": continue for varlistentry in pagetree.findall("*//variablelist/varlistentry"): path = construct_path(varlistentry) assert pagetree.findall(path) == [varlistentry] listitem = varlistentry.find("listitem") parent = listitem if listitem is not None else varlistentry rev = parent.getchildren()[-1] if rev.get("href") != "version-info.xml": if (filename, path) not in ignorelist: undocumented.append((filename, path)) return undocumented def process_pages(pages): command_pages = [] function_pages = [] for page in pages: filename = os.path.basename(page) if filename.startswith("org.freedesktop."): # dbus continue if ( filename.startswith("sd_") or filename.startswith("sd-") or filename.startswith("udev_") ): function_pages.append(page) continue command_pages.append(page) undocumented_commands = find_undocumented_commands( command_pages, command_ignorelist ) undocumented_functions = find_undocumented_functions( function_pages, function_ignorelist ) return undocumented_commands, undocumented_functions if __name__ == "__main__": with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "command_ignorelist")) as f: command_ignorelist = [] for l in f.read().splitlines(): if l.startswith("#"): continue fname, path = l.split(" ", 1) path = path.replace("\\n", "\n") command_ignorelist.append((fname, path)) with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "function_ignorelist")) as f: function_ignorelist = f.read().splitlines() undocumented_commands, undocumented_functions = process_pages(sys.argv[1:]) if undocumented_commands or undocumented_functions: for filename, func in undocumented_functions: print( f"Function {func}() in {filename} isn't documented in the History section." ) for filename, path in undocumented_commands: print(filename, path, "is undocumented") if undocumented_commands: print( "Hint: if you reorganized this part of the documentation, " "please update tools/commands_ignorelist." ) sys.exit(1)