1 2023-08-10 12:23:59.828062 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1498, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 72) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x3986 (correct), seq 96201:96233, ack 83737, win 2990, length 32 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 28 Notification Message (0x0001), length: 18, Message ID: 0xfffffff9, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Status TLV (0x0300), length: 10, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Status: 0x0a, Flags: [Fatal error and don't forward] 2 2023-08-10 12:23:59.828114 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1499, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [F.], cksum 0x7d76 (correct), seq 32, ack 1, win 2990, length 0 3 2023-08-10 12:24:00.018513 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000038, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 4 2023-08-10 12:24:05.058942 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000038, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 5 2023-08-10 12:24:08.049677 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000000, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 6 2023-08-10 12:24:10.017949 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000038, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 7 2023-08-10 12:24:11.046122 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 255, id 1505, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 48) > Flags [S], cksum 0x6df9 (correct), seq 110236, win 65535, options [mss 1420,nop,wscale 5], length 0 8 2023-08-10 12:24:11.046149 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1506, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 81) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x68c1 (correct), seq 110237:110278, ack 87765, win 3025, length 41 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 37 Initialization Message (0x0200), length: 27, Message ID: 0x00000001, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Session Parameters TLV (0x0500), length: 14, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Version: 1, Keepalive: 30s, Flags: [Downstream Unsolicited, Loop Detection Enabled] Path Vector Limit 32, Max-PDU length: 0, Receiver Label-Space-ID Unknown TLV (0x050b), length: 1, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 80 9 2023-08-10 12:24:11.052281 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1507, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 58) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x73a6 (correct), seq 41:59, ack 60, win 3023, length 18 10 2023-08-10 12:24:11.103231 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1508, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 387) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x46c6 (correct), seq 59:406, ack 60, win 3023, length 347 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 56 Address Message (0x0300), length: 46, Message ID: 0x00000003, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Address List TLV (0x0101), length: 38, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Address Family: IPv4, addresses LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 68 Address Message (0x0300), length: 58, Message ID: 0x00000004, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Address List TLV (0x0101), length: 50, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Address Family: IPv6, addresses fe80::7850:c6ff:fec0:0 fe80::7850:c6ff:fec0:1 fe80::7850:c6ff:fec0:3 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 211 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000005, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 3 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 01 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000006, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 3 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 01 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000007, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 3 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 01 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000008, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 3 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 01 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000009, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 3 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 01 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 11 2023-08-10 12:24:11.929655 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1509, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [.], cksum 0x34ab (correct), ack 168, win 3020, length 0 12 2023-08-10 12:24:11.929679 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1510, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 300) > Flags [P.], cksum 0xbffe (correct), seq 406:666, ack 813, win 3000, length 260 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 48 Label Release Message (0x0403), length: 38, Message ID: 0x0000000a, Flags: [ignore if unknown] 0x0000: 0100 0008 0200 0120 c0a8 0002 0200 0004 0x0010: 0000 4e62 0300 000a 0000 000b 0000 000f 0x0020: 0400 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 48 Label Release Message (0x0403), length: 38, Message ID: 0x0000000b, Flags: [ignore if unknown] 0x0000: 0100 0008 0200 0120 c0a8 0102 0200 0004 0x0010: 0000 4e62 0300 000a 0000 000b 0000 0010 0x0020: 0400 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 48 Label Release Message (0x0403), length: 38, Message ID: 0x0000000c, Flags: [ignore if unknown] 0x0000: 0100 0008 0200 0120 c0a8 0202 0200 0004 0x0010: 0000 4e62 0300 000a 0000 000b 0000 0011 0x0020: 0400 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 48 Label Release Message (0x0403), length: 38, Message ID: 0x0000000d, Flags: [ignore if unknown] 0x0000: 0100 0008 0200 0120 c0a8 0302 0200 0004 0x0010: 0000 4e62 0300 000a 0000 000b 0000 0012 0x0020: 0400 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 48 Label Release Message (0x0403), length: 38, Message ID: 0x0000000e, Flags: [ignore if unknown] 0x0000: 0100 0008 0200 0120 c0a8 0402 0200 0004 0x0010: 0000 4e62 0300 000a 0000 000b 0000 0013 0x0020: 0400 13 2023-08-10 12:24:12.831754 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1520, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 415) > Flags [P.], cksum 0xef2a (correct), seq 666:1041, ack 813, win 3000, length 375 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 371 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 41, Message ID: 0x0000000f, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20065 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 02 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0001 c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 41, Message ID: 0x00000010, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20065 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 02 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0001 c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 41, Message ID: 0x00000011, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20065 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 02 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0001 c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 41, Message ID: 0x00000012, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20065 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 02 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0001 c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 41, Message ID: 0x00000013, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20065 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 02 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0001 c0a8 0002 Label Withdraw Message (0x0402), length: 24, Message ID: 0x00000014, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Label Withdraw Message (0x0402), length: 24, Message ID: 0x00000015, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Label Withdraw Message (0x0402), length: 24, Message ID: 0x00000016, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Label Withdraw Message (0x0402), length: 24, Message ID: 0x00000017, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Label Withdraw Message (0x0402), length: 24, Message ID: 0x00000018, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 14 2023-08-10 12:24:13.028465 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000000, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 15 2023-08-10 12:24:13.058561 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1524, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [.], cksum 0x2e0b (correct), ack 1263, win 2986, length 0 16 2023-08-10 12:24:13.833287 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1530, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 255) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x7e4f (correct), seq 1041:1256, ack 1263, win 2986, length 215 LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 211 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x00000019, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 00 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x0000001a, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 00 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x0000001b, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 00 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x0000001c, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 00 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 Label Mapping Message (0x0400), length: 37, Message ID: 0x0000001d, Flags: [ignore if unknown] FEC TLV (0x0100), length: 8, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Prefix FEC (0x02): IPv4 prefix Generic Label TLV (0x0200), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Label: 20066 Hop Count TLV (0x0103), length: 1, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 00 Path Vector TLV (0x0104), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: c0a8 0002 17 2023-08-10 12:24:15.036359 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000038, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 18 2023-08-10 12:24:18.042950 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000000, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 19 2023-08-10 12:24:20.052540 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000038, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000 20 2023-08-10 12:24:21.030795 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1534, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 58) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x6a3d (correct), seq 1256:1274, ack 1263, win 2986, length 18 21 2023-08-10 12:24:21.087477 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 255, id 1535, offset 0, flags [none], proto TCP (6), length 40) > Flags [.], cksum 0x2d11 (correct), ack 1281, win 2985, length 0 22 2023-08-10 12:24:23.011577 IP (tos 0xc0, ttl 1, id 0, offset 0, flags [none], proto UDP (17), length 70) > LDP, Label-Space-ID:, pdu-length: 38 Hello Message (0x0100), length: 28, Message ID: 0x00000000, Flags: [ignore if unknown] Common Hello Parameters TLV (0x0400), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] Hold Time: 15s, Flags: [Link Hello] IPv4 Transport Address TLV (0x0401), length: 4, Flags: [ignore and don't forward if unknown] IPv4 Transport Address: Unknown TLV (0x0701), length: 4, Flags: [continue processing and don't forward if unknown] 0x0000: 4000 0000