/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/performance-new/test/browser/helpers.js", this ); const BackgroundJSM = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://devtools/client/performance-new/shared/background.jsm.js" ); registerCleanupFunction(() => { BackgroundJSM.revertRecordingSettings(); }); const RUNTIME_ID = "1337id"; const DEVICE_NAME = "Fancy Phone"; const RUNTIME_NAME = "Lorem ipsum"; /** * Test opening and closing the profiler dialog. */ add_task(async function test_opening_profiler_dialog() { const { mocks } = await connectToLocalFirefox(); const { document, tab, window } = await openAboutDebugging(); mocks.emitUSBUpdate(); await connectToRuntime(DEVICE_NAME, document); await selectRuntime(DEVICE_NAME, RUNTIME_NAME, document); info("Open the profiler dialog"); await openProfilerDialogWithRealClient(document); assertDialogVisible(document); info("Click on the close button and wait until the dialog disappears"); const closeDialogButton = document.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog-close"); closeDialogButton.click(); await waitUntil(() => !document.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog")); assertDialogHidden(document); info("Open the profiler dialog again"); await openProfilerDialogWithRealClient(document); assertDialogVisible(document); info("Click on the mask element and wait until the dialog disappears"); const mask = document.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog-mask"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(mask, 5, 5, {}, window); await waitUntil(() => !document.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog")); assertDialogHidden(document); info("Open the profiler dialog again"); await openProfilerDialogWithRealClient(document); assertDialogVisible(document); info("Navigate to this-firefox and wait until the dialog disappears"); document.location.hash = "#/runtime/this-firefox"; await waitUntil(() => !document.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog")); assertDialogHidden(document); info("Select the remote runtime again, check the dialog is still hidden"); await selectRuntime(DEVICE_NAME, RUNTIME_NAME, document); assertDialogHidden(document); await disconnectFromLocalFirefox({ mocks, doc: document }); await removeTab(tab); }); add_task(async function test_set_profiler_settings() { const { mocks } = await connectToLocalFirefox(); const { document, tab } = await openAboutDebugging(); mocks.emitUSBUpdate(); await connectToRuntime(DEVICE_NAME, document); await selectRuntime(DEVICE_NAME, RUNTIME_NAME, document); info("Open the profiler dialog"); await openProfilerDialogWithRealClient(document); assertDialogVisible(document); const profilerSettingsDocument = await openProfilerSettings(document); const radioButtonForCustomPreset = await getNearestInputFromText( profilerSettingsDocument, "Custom" ); ok( radioButtonForCustomPreset.checked, "The radio button for the preset 'custom' is checked." ); info("Change the preset to Graphics."); const radioButtonForGraphicsPreset = await getNearestInputFromText( profilerSettingsDocument, "Graphics" ); radioButtonForGraphicsPreset.click(); const profilerDocument = await saveSettingsAndGoBack(document); const perfPresetsSelect = await getNearestInputFromText( profilerDocument, "Settings" ); is( perfPresetsSelect.value, "graphics", "The preset has been changed in the devtools panel UI as well." ); await disconnectFromLocalFirefox({ mocks, doc: document }); await removeTab(tab); }); async function connectToLocalFirefox() { // This is a client to the current Firefox. const clientWrapper = await createLocalClientWrapper(); // enable USB devices mocks const mocks = new Mocks(); const usbClient = mocks.createUSBRuntime(RUNTIME_ID, { deviceName: DEVICE_NAME, name: RUNTIME_NAME, clientWrapper, }); return { mocks, usbClient }; } async function disconnectFromLocalFirefox({ doc, mocks }) { info("Remove USB runtime"); mocks.removeUSBRuntime(RUNTIME_ID); mocks.emitUSBUpdate(); await waitUntilUsbDeviceIsUnplugged(DEVICE_NAME, doc); } function assertDialogVisible(doc) { ok(doc.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog"), "Dialog is displayed"); ok(doc.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog-mask"), "Dialog mask is displayed"); } function assertDialogHidden(doc) { ok(!doc.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog"), "Dialog is removed"); ok(!doc.querySelector(".qa-profiler-dialog-mask"), "Dialog mask is removed"); } /** * Retrieve the iframe containing the profiler UIs. * Be careful as it's completely replaced when switching UIs. */ function getProfilerIframe(doc) { return doc.querySelector(".profiler-dialog__frame"); } /** * This waits for the full render of the UI inside the profiler iframe, and * returns the content document object. */ async function waitForProfilerUiRendering(doc, selector) { // The iframe is replaced completely, so we need to retrieve a new reference // each time. const profilerIframe = getProfilerIframe(doc); // Wait for the settings to render. await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => profilerIframe.contentDocument && profilerIframe.contentDocument.querySelector(selector) ); return profilerIframe.contentDocument; } /** * Open the performance profiler dialog with a real client. */ async function openProfilerDialogWithRealClient(doc) { info("Click on the Profile Runtime button"); const profileButton = doc.querySelector(".qa-profile-runtime-button"); profileButton.click(); info("Wait for the rendering of the profiler UI"); const contentDocument = await waitForProfilerUiRendering( doc, ".perf-presets" ); await getActiveButtonFromText(contentDocument, "Start recording"); info("The profiler UI is rendered!"); return contentDocument; } /** * Open the performance profiler settings. This assumes the profiler dialog is * already open by the previous function openProfilerDialog. */ async function openProfilerSettings(doc) { const profilerDocument = getProfilerIframe(doc).contentDocument; // Select the custom preset. const perfPresetsSelect = await getNearestInputFromText( profilerDocument, "Settings" ); setReactFriendlyInputValue(perfPresetsSelect, "custom"); // Click on "Edit Settings". const editSettingsLink = await getElementFromDocumentByText( profilerDocument, "Edit Settings" ); editSettingsLink.click(); info("Wait for the rendering of the profiler settings UI"); const contentDocument = await waitForProfilerUiRendering( doc, ".perf-aboutprofiling-remote" ); info("The profiler settings UI is rendered!"); return contentDocument; } async function saveSettingsAndGoBack(doc) { const profilerDocument = getProfilerIframe(doc).contentDocument; const saveSettingsAndGoBackButton = await getActiveButtonFromText( profilerDocument, "Save settings" ); saveSettingsAndGoBackButton.click(); info("Wait for the rendering of the profiler UI"); const contentDocument = await waitForProfilerUiRendering( doc, ".perf-presets" ); await getActiveButtonFromText(contentDocument, "Start recording"); info("The profiler UI is rendered!"); return contentDocument; }