{ "description": [ "Test states to be tested for css state machine in css-autocompleter.js file.", "Test cases are of the following format:", "[", " [", " line, # The line location of the cursor", " ch # The column location of the cursor", " ],", " suggestions # Array of expected results", "]" ], "tests": [ [[0, 10], []], [ [4, 7], [".devtools-menulist", ".devtools-toolbarbutton"] ], [ [5, 8], [ "-moz-animation", "-moz-animation-delay", "-moz-animation-direction", "-moz-animation-duration", "-moz-animation-fill-mode", "-moz-animation-iteration-count", "-moz-animation-name", "-moz-animation-play-state", "-moz-animation-timing-function", "-moz-appearance" ] ], [ [12, 20], ["none", "number-input"] ], [[12, 22], ["none"]], [ [17, 22], ["hsl", "hsla"] ], [ [19, 10], [ "background", "background-attachment", "background-blend-mode", "background-clip", "background-color", "background-image", "background-origin", "background-position", "background-position-x", "background-position-y", "background-repeat", "background-size" ] ], [ [21, 9], ["auto", "inherit", "initial", "revert", "revert-layer", "unset"] ], [ [25, 26], [ ".devtools-toolbarbutton > tab", ".devtools-toolbarbutton > hbox", ".devtools-toolbarbutton > .toolbarbutton-menubutton-button" ] ], [ [25, 31], [".devtools-toolbarbutton > hbox.toolbarbutton-menubutton-button"] ], [ [29, 20], [".devtools-menulist:after", ".devtools-menulist:active"] ], [ [30, 10], [ "#devtools-anotherone", "#devtools-itjustgoeson", "#devtools-menu", "#devtools-okstopitnow", "#devtools-toolbarbutton", "#devtools-yetagain" ] ], [[39, 39], [".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([label]) > tab"]], [ [43, 51], [ ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([checked=true]):hover:after", ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([checked=true]):hover:active" ] ], [[58, 36], ["!important;"]], [ [73, 42], [":lang(", ":last-of-type", ":link", ":last-child"] ], [[77, 25], [".visible"]] ] }