Stylelint ========= `Stylelint`__ is a popular linter for CSS. Run Locally ----------- The mozlint integration of Stylelint can be run using mach: .. parsed-literal:: $ mach lint --linter stylelint Alternatively, omit the ``--linter stylelint`` and run all configured linters, which will include Stylelint. Stylelint also supports the ``--fix`` option to autofix most errors raised from most of the rules. See the `Usage guide`_ for more options. Understanding Rules and Errors ------------------------------ * Only some files are linted, see the :searchfox:`configuration ` for details. * By design we do not lint/format reftests not crashtests as these are specially crafted tests. * If you don't understand a rule, you can look it in `'s rule list`_ for more information about it. Common Issues and How To Solve Them ----------------------------------- This code should neither be linted nor formatted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * If it is a third-party piece of code, please add it to :searchfox:`ThirdPartyPaths.txt `. * If it is a generated file, please add it to :searchfox:`Generated.txt `. * If intentionally invalid, please add it to :searchfox:`.stylelintignore <.stylelintignore>`. Configuration ------------- The global configuration file lives in ``topsrcdir/.stylelintrc.js``. For an overview of the supported configuration, see `Stylelint's documentation`_. Please keep differences in rules across the tree to a minimum. We want to be consistent to make it easier for developers. Sources ------- * :searchfox:`Configuration (YAML) ` * :searchfox:`Source ` Builders -------- `Gijs Kruitbosch (gijs) `__ owns the builders. Questions can also be asked on on Matrix. Stylelint task ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a tier-1 task. For test failures the patch causing the issue should be backed out or the issue fixed. Some failures can be fixed with ``./mach lint -l stylelint --fix path/to/file``. For test harness issues, file bugs in Developer Infrastructure :: Lint and Formatting. .. __: .. _Usage guide: ../usage.html .. _Stylelint's documentation: ..'s rule list: