/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
* http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
add_task(async function testTypingPrintableCharacters({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
info("Write 'h'");
await sendTextKey(Input, "h");
await checkInputContent("h", 1);
info("Write 'H'");
await sendTextKey(Input, "H");
await checkInputContent("hH", 2);
info("Send char type event for char [’]");
await Input.dispatchKeyEvent({
type: "char",
modifiers: 0,
key: "’",
await checkInputContent("hH’", 3);
add_task(async function testArrowKeys({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
await sendText(Input, "hH’");
info("Send Left");
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft");
await checkInputContent("hH’", 2);
info("Write 'a'");
await sendTextKey(Input, "a");
await checkInputContent("hHa’", 3);
info("Send Left");
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft");
await checkInputContent("hHa’", 2);
info("Send Left");
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft");
await checkInputContent("hHa’", 1);
info("Write 'a'");
await sendTextKey(Input, "a");
await checkInputContent("haHa’", 2);
info("Send ALT/CONTROL + Right");
const modCode = AppInfo.isMac ? alt : ctrl;
const modKey = AppInfo.isMac ? "Alt" : "Control";
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, modKey, "rawKeyDown", modCode);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "ArrowRight", "rawKeyDown", modCode);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "ArrowRight", "keyUp");
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, modKey, "keyUp");
await checkInputContent("haHa’", 5);
add_task(async function testBackspace({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
await sendText(Input, "haHa’");
info("Delete every character in the input");
await checkBackspace(Input, "haHa");
await checkBackspace(Input, "haH");
await checkBackspace(Input, "ha");
await checkBackspace(Input, "h");
await checkBackspace(Input, "");
add_task(async function testShiftSelect({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
await resetInput("word 2 word3");
info("Send Shift + Left (select one char to the left)");
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "rawKeyDown", shift);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", shift);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", shift);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", shift);
await checkBackspace(Input, "word 2 wo");
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "keyUp");
await resetInput("word 2 wo");
info("Send Shift + Left (select one char to the left)");
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "rawKeyDown", shift);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", shift);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", shift);
await sendTextKey(Input, "H");
await checkInputContent("word 2 H", 8);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "keyUp");
add_task(async function testSelectWord({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
await resetInput("word 2 word3");
info("Send Shift + Ctrl/Alt + Left (select one word to the left)");
const { primary, primaryKey } = keyForPlatform();
const combined = shift | primary;
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "rawKeyDown", shift);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, primaryKey, "rawKeyDown", combined);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", combined);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft", combined);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "keyUp", primary);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, primaryKey, "keyUp");
await checkBackspace(Input, "word ");
add_task(async function testSelectDelete({ client }) {
await setupForInput(toDataURL(""));
const { Input } = client;
await resetInput("word 2 word3");
info("Send Ctrl/Alt + Backspace (deleteWordBackward)");
const { primary, primaryKey } = keyForPlatform();
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, primaryKey, "rawKeyDown", primary);
await checkBackspace(Input, "word 2 ", primary);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, primaryKey, "keyUp");
await resetInput("word 2 ");
await sendText(Input, "word4");
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft");
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowLeft");
await checkInputContent("word 2 word4", 10);
if (AppInfo.isMac) {
info("Send Meta + Backspace (deleteSoftLineBackward)");
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Meta", "rawKeyDown", meta);
await sendRawKey(Input, "Backspace", meta);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Meta", "keyUp");
await checkInputContent("d4", 0);
add_task(async function testCtrlShiftArrows({ client }) {
await loadURL(
const { Input } = client;
await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () {
const select = content.document.querySelector("select");
select.selectedIndex = 0;
const combined = shift | ctrl;
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Control", "rawKeyDown", shift);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "rawKeyDown", combined);
await sendRawKey(Input, "ArrowDown", combined);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Control", "keyUp", shift);
await dispatchKeyEvent(Input, "Shift", "keyUp");
await SpecialPowers.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, [], function () {
const select = content.document.querySelector("select");
ok(select[0].selected, "First option should be selected");
ok(select[1].selected, "Second option should be selected");
ok(!select[2].selected, "Third option should not be selected");