/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a comprehensive, efficient content blocker Copyright (C) 2017-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import µb from './background.js'; import { hostnameFromURI } from './uri-utils.js'; /******************************************************************************/ (( ) => { // ***************************************************************************** // start of local namespace if ( vAPI.commands instanceof Object === false ) { return; } const relaxBlockingMode = (( ) => { const reloadTimers = new Map(); return function(tab) { if ( tab instanceof Object === false || tab.id <= 0 ) { return; } const normalURL = µb.normalizeTabURL(tab.id, tab.url); if ( µb.getNetFilteringSwitch(normalURL) === false ) { return; } const hn = hostnameFromURI(normalURL); const curProfileBits = µb.blockingModeFromHostname(hn); let newProfileBits; for ( const profile of µb.liveBlockingProfiles ) { if ( (curProfileBits & profile.bits & ~1) !== curProfileBits ) { newProfileBits = profile.bits; break; } } // TODO: Reset to original blocking profile? if ( newProfileBits === undefined ) { return; } const noReload = (newProfileBits & 0b00000001) === 0; if ( (curProfileBits & 0b00000010) !== 0 && (newProfileBits & 0b00000010) === 0 ) { µb.toggleHostnameSwitch({ name: 'no-scripting', hostname: hn, state: false, }); } if ( µb.userSettings.advancedUserEnabled ) { if ( (curProfileBits & 0b00000100) !== 0 && (newProfileBits & 0b00000100) === 0 ) { µb.toggleFirewallRule({ tabId: noReload ? tab.id : undefined, srcHostname: hn, desHostname: '*', requestType: '3p', action: 3, }); } if ( (curProfileBits & 0b00001000) !== 0 && (newProfileBits & 0b00001000) === 0 ) { µb.toggleFirewallRule({ srcHostname: hn, desHostname: '*', requestType: '3p-script', action: 3, }); } if ( (curProfileBits & 0b00010000) !== 0 && (newProfileBits & 0b00010000) === 0 ) { µb.toggleFirewallRule({ srcHostname: hn, desHostname: '*', requestType: '3p-frame', action: 3, }); } } // Reload the target tab? if ( noReload ) { return; } // Reload: use a timer to coalesce bursts of reload commands. const timer = reloadTimers.get(tab.id) || (( ) => { const t = vAPI.defer.create(tabId => { reloadTimers.delete(tabId); vAPI.tabs.reload(tabId); }); reloadTimers.set(tab.id, t); return t; })(); timer.offon(547, tab.id); }; })(); vAPI.commands.onCommand.addListener(async command => { // Generic commands if ( command === 'open-dashboard' ) { µb.openNewTab({ url: 'dashboard.html', select: true, index: -1, }); return; } // Tab-specific commands const tab = await vAPI.tabs.getCurrent(); if ( tab instanceof Object === false ) { return; } switch ( command ) { case 'launch-element-picker': case 'launch-element-zapper': { µb.epickerArgs.mouse = false; µb.elementPickerExec( tab.id, 0, undefined, command === 'launch-element-zapper' ); break; } case 'launch-logger': { const hash = tab.url.startsWith(vAPI.getURL('')) ? '' : `#_+${tab.id}`; µb.openNewTab({ url: `logger-ui.html${hash}`, select: true, index: -1, }); break; } case 'relax-blocking-mode': relaxBlockingMode(tab); break; case 'toggle-cosmetic-filtering': µb.toggleHostnameSwitch({ name: 'no-cosmetic-filtering', hostname: hostnameFromURI(µb.normalizeTabURL(tab.id, tab.url)), }); break; default: break; } }); // end of local namespace // ***************************************************************************** })(); /******************************************************************************/