/******************************************************************************* uBlock Origin - a browser extension to block requests. Copyright (C) 2022-present Raymond Hill This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see {http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}. Home: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock */ // jshint node:true, esversion:8, laxbreak:true 'use strict'; /******************************************************************************/ import fs from 'fs/promises'; import https from 'https'; import path from 'path'; import process from 'process'; import { StaticFilteringParser } from './uBlock/src/js/static-filtering-parser.js'; import { LineIterator } from './uBlock/src/js/text-utils.js'; import config from './config.js'; /******************************************************************************/ const commandLineArgs = (( ) => { const args = new Map(); let name, value; for ( const arg of process.argv.slice(2) ) { const pos = arg.indexOf('='); if ( pos === -1 ) { name = arg; value = ''; } else { name = arg.slice(0, pos); value = arg.slice(pos+1).trim(); } args.set(name, value); } return args; })(); /******************************************************************************/ const stdOutput = []; const log = (text, silent = false) => { stdOutput.push(text); if ( silent === false ) { console.log(text); } }; /******************************************************************************/ const jsonSetMapReplacer = (k, v) => { if ( v instanceof Set || v instanceof Map ) { if ( v.size === 0 ) { return; } return Array.from(v); } return v; }; /******************************************************************************/ const writeFile = async (fname, data) => { const dir = path.dirname(fname); await fs.mkdir(dir, { recursive: true }); const promise = fs.writeFile(fname, data); writeOps.push(promise); return promise; }; const writeOps = []; /******************************************************************************/ function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(( ) => { resolve(); }, ms); }); } /******************************************************************************/ // https://developers.cloudflare.com/ async function validateHostnameWithQuery(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const options = { headers: { accept: 'application/dns-json', } }; https.get(url, options, response => { const data = []; response.on('data', chunk => { data.push(chunk.toString()); }); response.on('end', ( ) => { let result; try { result = JSON.parse(data.join('')); } catch(ex) { } resolve(result); }); }).on('error', error => { resolve(); }); }); } async function validateHostname(hn) { await sleep(config.throttle); for ( const dnsQuery of config.dnsQueries ) { const url = dnsQuery.replace('${hn}', hn); const result = await validateHostnameWithQuery(url); if ( result !== undefined && result.Status !== 2 ) { return result; } } } /******************************************************************************/ function parseHostnameList(parser, s, hostnames) { let beg = 0; let slen = s.length; while ( beg < slen ) { let end = s.indexOf('|', beg); if ( end === -1 ) { end = slen; } const hn = parser.normalizeHostnameValue(s.slice(beg, end)); beg = end + 1; if ( hn === undefined ) { continue; } if ( hn.includes('*') ) { continue; } hostnames.push(hn); } return hostnames; } /******************************************************************************/ function processNet(parser) { const hostnames = []; if ( parser.patternIsPlainHostname() ) { hostnames.push(parser.getPattern()); } else if ( parser.patternIsLeftHostnameAnchored() ) { const match = /^([^/?]+)/.exec(parser.getPattern()); if ( match !== null && match[1].includes('*') === false && match[1].startsWith('.') === false && match[1].endsWith('.') === false ) { hostnames.push(match[0]); } } if ( parser.hasOptions() === false ) { return hostnames; } for ( const { id, val } of parser.netOptions() ) { if ( id !== parser.OPTTokenDomain ) { continue; } parseHostnameList(parser, val, hostnames); } return hostnames; } /******************************************************************************/ function processExt(parser) { const hostnames = []; if ( parser.hasOptions() === false ) { return hostnames; } for ( const { hn } of parser.extOptions() ) { if ( hn.includes('*') ) { continue; } hostnames.push(hn); } return hostnames; } /******************************************************************************/ // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1035.html function checkHostname(hn, result) { if ( result instanceof Object === false ) { return; } if ( result.Status === 1 ) { return `${hn} format error`; } if ( result.Status === 2 ) { return `${hn} dns server failure`; } if ( result.Status === 3 ) { return `${hn} name error`; } if ( result.Status === 4 ) { return `${hn} not implemented`; } if ( result.Status === 5 ) { return `${hn} refused`; } if ( result.Answer === undefined ) { return; } for ( const entry of result.Answer ) { if ( entry.data === undefined ) { continue; } for ( const re of parkedDomainAuthorities ) { if ( re.test(entry.data) === false ) { continue; } return `${hn} parked`; } } } const parkedDomainAuthorities = [ /^traff-\d+\.hugedomains\.com\.?$/, /^\d+\.parkingcrew\.net\.?$/, /^ns\d\.centralnic\.net\.?(\s|$)/, /^ns\d\.pananames\.com\.?(\s|$)/, ]; /******************************************************************************/ function toProgressString(lineno, hn) { const parts = []; if ( lineno > 0 ) { parts.push(`${lineno}`); } if ( hn ) { parts.push(hn); } const s = parts.join(' '); process.stdout.write(`\r${s.padEnd(lastProgressStr.length)}\r`); lastProgressStr = s; } let lastProgressStr = ''; /******************************************************************************/ // TODO: resume from partial results async function processList(parser, text, lineto, fpath) { const lineIter = new LineIterator(text); const lines = []; while ( lineIter.eot() === false ) { lines.push(lineIter.next()); } if ( lineto === undefined ) { lineto = lines.length; } for ( let i = lines.length; i > 0; i-- ) { if ( i > lineto ) { continue; } toProgressString(i); let line = lines[i-1]; parser.analyze(line); if ( parser.shouldIgnore() ) { continue; } let hostnames; if ( parser.category !== parser.CATStaticNetFilter ) { hostnames = processExt(parser); } else if ( parser.patternHasUnicode() === false || parser.toASCII() ) { hostnames = processNet(parser); } const badHostnames = []; for ( const hn of hostnames ) { if ( hn.endsWith('.onion') ) { continue; } if ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(hn) ) { continue; } let result = validatedHostnames.get(hn); if ( result === undefined ) { toProgressString(i, hn); result = await validateHostname(hn); validatedHostnames.set(hn, result); } const diagnostic = checkHostname(hn, result); if ( diagnostic === undefined ) { continue; } badHostnames.push(diagnostic); } if ( badHostnames.length !== 0 ) { toProgressString(0); const lineno = i; badHostnames.forEach(v => { log(`${lineno} ${v}`); }); writeFile(fpath, stdOutput.join('\n')); } } toProgressString(0); } const validatedHostnames = new Map(); /******************************************************************************/ async function main() { const infile = commandLineArgs.get('in'); if ( infile === undefined || infile === '' ) { return; } const outdir = commandLineArgs.get('out'); if ( outdir === undefined || outdir === '' ) { return; } const infileParts = path.parse(infile); const lineto = commandLineArgs.get('line') !== undefined ? parseInt(commandLineArgs.get('line'), 10) : undefined; const partialResultPath = `${outdir}/${infileParts.name}.results.partial.txt`; const parser = new StaticFilteringParser(); const text = await fs.readFile(infile, { encoding: 'utf8' }); await processList(parser, text, lineto, partialResultPath); writeFile(`${outdir}/${infileParts.name}.results.txt`, stdOutput.join('\n')); writeFile(`${outdir}/${infileParts.name}.dns.results.txt`, JSON.stringify(validatedHostnames, jsonSetMapReplacer, 1)); fs.rm(partialResultPath); await Promise.all(writeOps); } main(); /******************************************************************************/