//po4a: entry man manual //// Copyright 2010 Jason Borden This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU General Public License. //// = swaplabel(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: swaplabel == NAME swaplabel - print or change the label or UUID of a swap area == SYNOPSIS *swaplabel* [*-L* _label_] [*-U* _UUID_] _device_ == DESCRIPTION *swaplabel* will display or change the label or UUID of a swap partition located on _device_ (or regular file). If the optional arguments *-L* and *-U* are not given, *swaplabel* will simply display the current swap-area label and UUID of _device_. If an optional argument is present, then *swaplabel* will change the appropriate value on _device_. These values can also be set during swap creation using *mkswap*(8). The *swaplabel* utility allows changing the label or UUID on an actively used swap device. == OPTIONS include::man-common/help-version.adoc[] *-L*, *--label* _label_:: Specify a new _label_ for the device. Swap partition labels can be at most 16 characters long. If _label_ is longer than 16 characters, *swaplabel* will truncate it and print a warning message. *-U*, *--uuid* _UUID_:: Specify a new _UUID_ for the device. The _UUID_ must be in the standard 8-4-4-4-12 character format, such as is output by *uuidgen*(1). == ENVIRONMENT LIBBLKID_DEBUG=all:: enables libblkid debug output. == AUTHORS *swaplabel* was written by mailto:jborden@bluehost.com[Jason Borden] and mailto:kzak@redhat.com[Karel Zak]. == SEE ALSO *uuidgen*(1), *mkswap*(8), *swapon*(8) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]