/* * No copyright is claimed. This code is in the public domain; do with * it what you wish. * * Written by Karel Zak */ #include "buffer.h" #include "mbsalign.h" #include "strutils.h" void ul_buffer_reset_data(struct ul_buffer *buf) { if (buf->begin) buf->begin[0] = '\0'; buf->end = buf->begin; if (buf->ptrs && buf->nptrs) memset(buf->ptrs, 0, buf->nptrs * sizeof(char *)); } void ul_buffer_free_data(struct ul_buffer *buf) { assert(buf); free(buf->begin); buf->begin = NULL; buf->end = NULL; buf->sz = 0; free(buf->ptrs); buf->ptrs = NULL; buf->nptrs = 0; free(buf->encoded); buf->encoded = NULL; buf->encoded_sz = 0; } void ul_buffer_set_chunksize(struct ul_buffer *buf, size_t sz) { buf->chunksize = sz; } int ul_buffer_is_empty(struct ul_buffer *buf) { return buf->begin == buf->end; } int ul_buffer_save_pointer(struct ul_buffer *buf, unsigned short ptr_idx) { if (ptr_idx >= buf->nptrs) { char **tmp = realloc(buf->ptrs, (ptr_idx + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (!tmp) return -EINVAL; buf->ptrs = tmp; buf->nptrs = ptr_idx + 1; } buf->ptrs[ptr_idx] = buf->end; return 0; } char *ul_buffer_get_pointer(struct ul_buffer *buf, unsigned short ptr_idx) { if (ptr_idx < buf->nptrs) return buf->ptrs[ptr_idx]; return NULL; } /* returns length from begin to the pointer */ size_t ul_buffer_get_pointer_length(struct ul_buffer *buf, unsigned short ptr_idx) { char *ptr = ul_buffer_get_pointer(buf, ptr_idx); if (ptr && ptr > buf->begin) return ptr - buf->begin; return 0; } /* returns width of data in safe encoding (from the begin to the pointer) */ size_t ul_buffer_get_safe_pointer_width(struct ul_buffer *buf, unsigned short ptr_idx) { size_t len = ul_buffer_get_pointer_length(buf, ptr_idx); if (!len) return 0; return mbs_safe_nwidth(buf->begin, len, NULL); } void ul_buffer_refer_string(struct ul_buffer *buf, char *str) { if (buf->sz) ul_buffer_free_data(buf); buf->begin = str; buf->sz = str ? strlen(str) : 0; buf->end = buf->begin ? buf->begin + buf->sz : buf->begin; } int ul_buffer_alloc_data(struct ul_buffer *buf, size_t sz) { char *tmp; size_t len = 0; assert(buf); if (sz <= buf->sz) return 0; if (buf->end && buf->begin) len = buf->end - buf->begin; if (buf->chunksize) sz = ((sz + buf->chunksize) / buf->chunksize) * buf->chunksize + 1; tmp = realloc(buf->begin, sz); if (!tmp) return -ENOMEM; buf->begin = tmp; buf->end = buf->begin + len; buf->sz = sz; memset(buf->end, '\0', sz - len); return 0; } int ul_buffer_append_data(struct ul_buffer *buf, const char *data, size_t sz) { size_t maxsz = 0; if (!buf) return -EINVAL; if (!data || !*data) return 0; if (buf->begin && buf->end) maxsz = buf->sz - (buf->end - buf->begin); if (maxsz <= sz + 1) { int rc = ul_buffer_alloc_data(buf, buf->sz + sz + 1); if (rc) return rc; } if (!buf->end) return -EINVAL; /* make static analyzers happy */ buf->end = mempcpy(buf->end, data, sz); *buf->end = '\0'; /* make sure it's terminated */ return 0; } int ul_buffer_append_string(struct ul_buffer *buf, const char *str) { if (!str) return 0; return ul_buffer_append_data(buf, str, strlen(str)); } int ul_buffer_append_ntimes(struct ul_buffer *buf, size_t n, const char *str) { size_t i; size_t len = strlen(str); for (i = 0; len && i < n; i++) { int rc = ul_buffer_append_data(buf, str, len); if (rc) return rc; } return 0; } int ul_buffer_set_data(struct ul_buffer *buf, const char *data, size_t sz) { ul_buffer_reset_data(buf); return ul_buffer_append_data(buf, data, sz); } char *ul_buffer_get_data(struct ul_buffer *buf, size_t *sz, size_t *width) { if (sz) *sz = buf->end - buf->begin; if (width) *width = buf->begin && *buf->begin ? mbs_width(buf->begin) : 0; return buf->begin; } /* size of allocated area (!= size of stored data */ size_t ul_buffer_get_bufsiz(struct ul_buffer *buf) { return buf->sz; } /* encode data by mbs_safe_encode() to avoid control and non-printable chars */ char *ul_buffer_get_safe_data(struct ul_buffer *buf, size_t *sz, size_t *width, const char *safechars) { char *data = ul_buffer_get_data(buf, NULL, NULL); size_t encsz, wsz = 0; char *res = NULL; if (!data) goto nothing; encsz = mbs_safe_encode_size(buf->sz) + 1; if (encsz > buf->encoded_sz) { char *tmp = realloc(buf->encoded, encsz); if (!tmp) goto nothing; buf->encoded = tmp; buf->encoded_sz = encsz; } res = mbs_safe_encode_to_buffer(data, &wsz, buf->encoded, safechars); if (!res || !wsz || wsz == (size_t) -1) goto nothing; if (width) *width = wsz; if (sz) *sz = strlen(res); return res; nothing: if (width) *width = 0; if (sz) *sz = 0; return NULL; } #ifdef TEST_PROGRAM_BUFFER enum { PTR_AAA = 0, PTR_BBB, }; int main(void) { struct ul_buffer buf = UL_INIT_BUFFER; char *str; size_t sz = 0; ul_buffer_set_chunksize(&buf, 16); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "AAA"); ul_buffer_append_data(&buf, "=", 1); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "aaa"); ul_buffer_save_pointer(&buf, PTR_AAA); ul_buffer_append_data(&buf, ",", 1); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "BBB"); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "="); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "bbb"); ul_buffer_save_pointer(&buf, PTR_BBB); str = ul_buffer_get_data(&buf, &sz, NULL); printf("data [%zu] '%s'\n", sz, str); printf(" pointer data len: AAA=%zu, BBB=%zu\n", ul_buffer_get_pointer_length(&buf, PTR_AAA), ul_buffer_get_pointer_length(&buf, PTR_BBB)); printf(" pointer data width: AAA=%zu, BBB=%zu\n", ul_buffer_get_safe_pointer_width(&buf, PTR_AAA), ul_buffer_get_safe_pointer_width(&buf, PTR_BBB)); ul_buffer_reset_data(&buf); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "This is really long string to test the buffer function."); ul_buffer_save_pointer(&buf, PTR_AAA); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, " YES!"); str = ul_buffer_get_data(&buf, &sz, NULL); printf("data [%zu] '%s'\n", sz, str); printf(" pointer data len: AAA=%zu\n", ul_buffer_get_pointer_length(&buf, PTR_AAA)); ul_buffer_free_data(&buf); str = strdup("foo"); ul_buffer_refer_string(&buf, str); ul_buffer_append_data(&buf, ",", 1); ul_buffer_append_string(&buf, "bar"); str = ul_buffer_get_data(&buf, &sz, NULL); printf("data [%zu] '%s'\n", sz, str); ul_buffer_free_data(&buf); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif /* TEST_PROGRAM_BUFFER */