'\" t .\" Title: uuid_copy .\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR(S)" section] .\" Generator: Asciidoctor 2.0.20 .\" Date: 2024-05-01 .\" Manual: Programmer's Manual .\" Source: util-linux 2.40.1 .\" Language: English .\" .TH "UUID_COPY" "3" "2024-05-01" "util\-linux 2.40.1" "Programmer\*(Aqs Manual" .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .ss \n[.ss] 0 .nh .ad l .de URL \fI\\$2\fP <\\$1>\\$3 .. .als MTO URL .if \n[.g] \{\ . mso www.tmac . am URL . ad l . . . am MTO . ad l . . . LINKSTYLE blue R < > .\} .SH "NAME" uuid_copy \- copy a UUID value .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp \fB#include \fP .sp \fBvoid uuid_copy(uuid_t \fIdst\fP, const uuid_t \fIsrc\fP);\fP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp The \fBuuid_copy\fP() function copies the UUID variable \fIsrc\fP to \fIdst\fP. .SH "RETURN VALUE" .sp The copied UUID is returned in the location pointed to by \fIdst\fP. .SH "AUTHORS" .sp Theodore Y. Ts\(cqo .SH "SEE ALSO" .sp \fBuuid\fP(3), \fBuuid_clear\fP(3), \fBuuid_compare\fP(3), \fBuuid_generate\fP(3), \fBuuid_is_null\fP(3), \fBuuid_parse\fP(3), \fBuuid_unparse\fP(3) .SH "REPORTING BUGS" .sp For bug reports, use the issue tracker at \c .URL "https://github.com/util\-linux/util\-linux/issues" "" "." .SH "AVAILABILITY" .sp The \fBlibuuid\fP library is part of the util\-linux package since version 2.15.1. It can be downloaded from \c .URL "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util\-linux/" "Linux Kernel Archive" "."