'\" t .\" Title: exch .\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR(S)" section] .\" Generator: Asciidoctor 2.0.20 .\" Date: 2024-03-20 .\" Manual: User Commands .\" Source: util-linux 2.40 .\" Language: English .\" .TH "EXCH" "1" "2024-03-20" "util\-linux 2.40" "User Commands" .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .ss \n[.ss] 0 .nh .ad l .de URL \fI\\$2\fP <\\$1>\\$3 .. .als MTO URL .if \n[.g] \{\ . mso www.tmac . am URL . ad l . . . am MTO . ad l . . . LINKSTYLE blue R < > .\} .SH "NAME" exch \- atomically exchanges paths between two files .SH "SYNOPSIS" .sp \fBexch\fP \fIoldpath\fP \fInewpath\fP .SH "DESCRIPTION" .sp \fBexch\fP atomically exchanges oldpath and newpath. \fBexch\fP is a simple command wrapping \fBRENAME_EXCHANGE\fP of \fBrenameat2\fP system call. .SH "OPTIONS" .sp \fB\-h\fP, \fB\-\-help\fP .RS 4 Display help text and exit. .RE .sp \fB\-V\fP, \fB\-\-version\fP .RS 4 Print version and exit. .RE .SH "EXIT STATUS" .sp \fBexch\fP has the following exit status values: .sp \fB0\fP .RS 4 success .RE .sp \fB1\fP .RS 4 unspecified failure .RE .SH "AUTHORS" .sp .MTO "yamato\(atredhat.com" "Masatake YAMATO" "" .SH "SEE ALSO" .sp \fBrenameat2\fP(2) .SH "REPORTING BUGS" .sp For bug reports, use the issue tracker at \c .URL "https://github.com/util\-linux/util\-linux/issues" "" "." .SH "AVAILABILITY" .sp The \fBexch\fP command is part of the util\-linux package which can be downloaded from \c .URL "https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/util\-linux/" "Linux Kernel Archive" "."