//po4a: entry man manual //// Copyright 2023 Thorsten Kukuk (kukuk@suse.de) This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. //// = lastlog2(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User Commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: lastlog2 == NAME lastlog2 - display date of last login for all users or a specific one == SYNOPSIS *lastlog2* [options] == DESCRIPTION *lastlog2* displays the content of the last login database. The _login-name_, _last-login-time_, _tty_ and _remote-host_ will be printed. The default (no flags) causes all last login entries to be printed, sorted by the order as written the first time into the database. Compared to *lastlog* this command is Y2038 safe and uses sqlite3 to store the information and not a sparse file. == OPTIONS *-b*, *--before* _DAYS_:: Print only last login records older than _DAYS_. *-C*, *--clear*:: Clear last login record of a user. This option can be used only together with *-u' (*--user*). *-d*, *--database _FILE_:: Use _FILE_ as lastlog2 database. *-h*, *--help*:: Display help message and exit. *-i*, *--import* _FILE_:: Import data from old lastlog file _FILE_. Existing entries in the lastlog2 database will be overwritten. *-r*, *--rename* _NEWNAME_:: This option can only be used together with *-u* (*--user*). *-s*, *--servive* _num_:: Display PAM service used to login in the last column. *-S*, *--set*:: Set last login record of a user to the current time. This option can only be used together with *-u* (*--user*). *-t*, *--time* _DAYS_:: Print only last login records more recent than _DAYS_. *-u*, *--users* _LOGINS_:: Print only the last login record of the user _LOGIN_. *-v*, *--version*:: Print version number and exit. If the user has never logged in the message **Never logged in** will be displayed in the latest login time row. Only the entries for the current users of the system will be displayed. Other entries may exist for users that were deleted previously. == FILES */var/lib/lastlog/lastlog2.db*:: Lastlog2 logging database file == AUTHORS lastlog2 was written by Thorsten Kukuk for *liblastlog2*(3). == SEE ALSO *liblastlog2*(3) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]