//po4a: entry man manual = pam_lastlog2(8) :doctype: manpage :man manual: System Administration :man source: util-linux {release-version} :lib: pam_lastlog2 :firstversion: 2.40 :page-layout: base == NAME pam_lastlog2 - PAM module to display date of last login == SYNOPSIS *pam_lastlog2.so* [debug] [silent] [silent_if=] [database=] == DESCRIPTION pam_lastlog2 is a PAM module to display a line of information about the last login of the user. The module uses the /var/lib/lastlog/lastlog2.db database file to store all informations. Compared to pam_lastlog this PAM module is Y2038 safe and uses sqlite3 to store the information. == OPTIONS *debug*:: Print debug information. *silent*:: Avoid all messages except errors and don't inform the user about any previous login, only update the /var/lib/lastlog/lastlog2.db database. *silent_if=*:: The argument *services* is a comma separated list of PAM services. If a service is listed here, the last login message will not be shown. *database=*:: Use *file* instead of /var/lib/lastlog/lastlog2.db. == MODULE TYPES PROVIDED The *session* module type is provided for displaying the information about the last login and updating the lastlog file. == RETURN VALUES *PAM_SUCCESS*:: Everything was successful. *PAM_SERVICE_ERR*:: Internal service module error. This includes error reading from or writing to the database. *PAM_USER_UNKNOWN*:: User not known. *PAM_IGNORE*:: Returned by service types which do nothing. == EXAMPLES Add the following line to e.g. /etc/pam.d/login to display the last login time of a user: session optional pam_lastlog2.so silent_if=gdm,gdm-password It is up to the administrator to decide if the user can login (optional/required) when pam_lastlog2 has returned an error. == AUTHOR pam_lastlog2 was written by Thorsten Kukuk . == SEE ALSO *liblastlog2*(3), *pam.conf*(5), *pam.d*(5), *pam*(8) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer-lib.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]