// // No copyright is claimed. This code is in the public domain; do with // it what you wish. // //po4a: entry man manual // Daan De Meyer // In the public domain. = setpgid(1) :doctype: manpage :man manual: User Commands :man source: util-linux {release-version} :page-layout: base :command: setpgid == NAME setpgid - run a program in a new process group == SYNOPSIS *setpgid* [options] _program_ [_arguments_] == DESCRIPTION *setpgid* runs a program in a new process group. == OPTIONS *-f*, *--foreground*:: Make the new process group the foreground process group of the controlling terminal if there is a controlling terminal. include::man-common/help-version.adoc[] == AUTHORS mailto:daan.j.demeyer@gmail.com[Daan De Meyer] == SEE ALSO *setpgid*(2) include::man-common/bugreports.adoc[] include::man-common/footer.adoc[] ifdef::translation[] include::man-common/translation.adoc[] endif::[]