CPU op-mode(s):                  32-bit, 64-bit
CPU(s):                          2
On-line CPU(s) list:             0,1
Vendor ID:                       IBM/S390
Model name:                      -
Machine type:                    2964
Thread(s) per core:              1
Core(s) per socket:              1
Socket(s) per book:              1
Book(s) per drawer:              1
Drawer(s):                       2
CPU dynamic MHz:                 5000
CPU static MHz:                  5000
BogoMIPS:                        3033.00
Dispatching mode:                horizontal
Flags:                           esan3 zarch stfle msa ldisp eimm dfp edat etf3eh highgprs te vx
Hypervisor:                      KVM/Linux
Hypervisor vendor:               KVM
Virtualization type:             full
L1d cache:                       256 KiB (2 instances)
L1i cache:                       192 KiB (2 instances)
L2d cache:                       4 MiB (2 instances)
L2i cache:                       4 MiB (2 instances)
L3 cache:                        64 MiB
L4 cache:                        480 MiB
NUMA node(s):                    1
NUMA node0 CPU(s):               0,1
Vulnerability L1tf:              Not affected
Vulnerability Meltdown:          Not affected
Vulnerability Spec store bypass: Not affected
Vulnerability Spectre v1:        Mitigation; __user pointer sanitization
Vulnerability Spectre v2:        Mitigation; execute trampolines

# The following is the parsable format, which can be fed to other
# programs. Each different item in every column has an unique ID
# starting usually from zero.
# CPU,Core,Socket,Node,,L1d,L1i,L2d,L2i

# The following is the parsable format, which can be fed to other
# programs. Each different item in every column has an unique ID
# starting usually from zero.
# CPU,Core,Socket,Node,,L1d,L1i,L2d,L2i