#!/bin/bash # This file is part of util-linux. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # TS_TOPDIR="${0%/*}/../.." TS_DESC="highlighting" FILES="$TS_TOPDIR/ts/hexdump/files" OPTS="--color=always" ADDRFMT='-e "%07.7_Ax\n"' #sample input consists of hexdump-ed results of the following py3script: #for i in range(256): # print(chr(i), end= ' ') . "$TS_TOPDIR"/functions.sh ts_init "$*" ts_check_test_command "$TS_CMD_HEXDUMP" ts_check_test_command "$TS_HELPER_SYSINFO" # on big endian systems some of the subtests have different expected output BYTE_ORDER=$($TS_HELPER_SYSINFO byte-order) BE_EXT=$(test "$BYTE_ORDER" = "BE" && echo ".BE") # # basic formats /w some highlighting tweaks # # highlight 'A' and 'a' ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-1" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:A,red:a] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight bytes with the value of 0x41 (A) and 0x61 (a) ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-2" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:0x41,red:0x61] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight the bytes at offsets 130 and 194 (decimal) ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-3" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red@130,red@194] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight the byte at offset 194 if it's value is 0x61 (a) # and the byte at offset 130 if it's value is A (0x41) ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-4" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:A@130,red:0x61@194] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight the byte at offset 194 if it's value is 0x61 (a) # and the byte at offset 130 if it's value is C (0x41) (false) ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-5" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:C@130,red:0x61@194] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight a range longer than the byte count of %o ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-6" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red@193-194] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight bytes with the value of 0101 (A) and 0141 (a) ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-7" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:0101,red:0141] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight bytes with the value of 0101 (A), 0x61 (a), or if the character is a caret ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-8" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:0101,blue:0x61,green:^] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # highlight bytes with the value of 0101 (A), 0x61 (a), or if the character at 196 is not 'c' ts_init_subtest "1b_octal-9" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%03o_L[red:0101,blue:0x61,!green:c@196] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest #color the addresses red and the characters in UTIL-LINUX green ts_init_subtest "1b_char-1" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax_L[red] " 16/1 "%3_c_L[green:-,green:I,green:L,green:N,green:T,green:U,green:X] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest #color the address 0xe0 red ts_init_subtest "1b_char-2" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax_L[red:0xe0] " 16/1 "%3_c " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest #highlight ':' and '@' ts_init_subtest "1b_char-3" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 16/1 "%3_c_L[red::@116,red:@@128] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color last address gray, the null byte blue, the spaces brown(-ish) and the text cyan ts_init_subtest "canon-1" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS \ -e '"%08.8_Ax_L[gray]\n"' \ -e '"%08.8_ax " 8/1 "%02x_L[blue:0x0,brown:0x20] " " " 8/1 "%02x_L[brown:0x20] " ' \ -e '" |" 16/1 "%_p_L[cyan]" "|\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color last address gray - if it's 0x280 or blue if it's 0x380 # color A/a hex dumps blue and A/a in text green ts_init_subtest "canon-2" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS \ -e '"%08.8_Ax_L[blue:0x380,red:0x280]\n"' \ -e '"%08.8_ax " 8/1 "%02x_L[blue:A,blue:a] " " " 8/1 "%02x_L[blue:A,blue:a] " ' \ -e '" |" 16/1 "%_p_L[green:A,green:a]" "|\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if one of the bytes it prints is at offset 100 (0x64) ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-1" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red@100] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if of the bytes it prints are at offsets 98 and 99 ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-2" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red@98-99] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if some or all of the bytes it prints are at offsets 98 and 99 ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-3" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red@97-99] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if it prints "A " at 130-131 ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-4" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red:A @130-131] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if it doesn't print "B " at 130-131 ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-5" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[!red:B @130-131] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # specify a string shorter than the range - error ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-6" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red:A@130-131] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # specify a negative-length range ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-7" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red:A@131-130] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if of the bytes it prints are at offsets 98-102 (multiple print units) ts_init_subtest "2b_dec-8" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/2 " %05u_L[red@98-102] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if some or all of the bytes it prints are at offsets 97 and 99 (true) ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-1" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red@97-99] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # color the current print unit if some or all of the bytes it prints are at offsets 96-99 ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-2" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red@96-99] " "\n"' \ $FILES/ascii.in &> $TS_OUTPUT ts_finalize_subtest # look for @@@@ ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-3" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red:@@@@] " "\n"' \ &> $TS_OUTPUT <<< "@@@@" ts_finalize_subtest # look for @@@@ at 0-3 ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-4" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red:@@@@@0-3] " "\n"' \ &> $TS_OUTPUT <<< "@@@@" ts_finalize_subtest # look for @@@ at 0-3 (wrong byte count error) ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-5" $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red:@@@@0-3] " "\n"' \ &> $TS_OUTPUT <<< "@@@@" ts_finalize_subtest # look for @@@ at 1-3 - in the format boundaries - correct ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-6" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red:@@@@1-3] " "\n"' \ &> $TS_OUTPUT <<< "@@@@" ts_finalize_subtest # look for @@@ at 2-4 - correct range length, however steps over 2 print units - no colors ts_init_subtest "4b_dec-7" TS_EXPECTED+=$BE_EXT $TS_CMD_HEXDUMP $OPTS $ADDRFMT \ -e '"%07.7_ax " 8/4 " %05u_L[red:@@@@2-4] " "\n"' \ &> $TS_OUTPUT <<< "@@@@" ts_finalize_subtest ts_finalize