path: root/runtime/doc/channel.txt
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+*channel.txt* For Vim version 9.1. Last change: 2023 Aug 15
+ VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Bram Moolenaar
+ Inter-process communication *channel*
+Vim uses channels to communicate with other processes.
+A channel uses a socket or pipes. *socket-interface*
+Jobs can be used to start processes and communicate with them.
+The Netbeans interface also uses a channel. |netbeans|
+1. Overview |job-channel-overview|
+2. Channel demo |channel-demo|
+3. Opening a channel |channel-open|
+4. Using a JSON or JS channel |channel-use|
+5. Channel commands |channel-commands|
+6. Using a RAW or NL channel |channel-raw|
+7. More channel functions |channel-more|
+8. Channel functions details |channel-functions-details|
+9. Starting a job with a channel |job-start|
+10. Starting a job without a channel |job-start-nochannel|
+11. Job functions |job-functions-details|
+12. Job options |job-options|
+13. Controlling a job |job-control|
+14. Using a prompt buffer |prompt-buffer|
+15. Language Server Protocol |language-server-protocol|
+ *E1277*
+{only when compiled with the |+channel| feature for channel stuff}
+ You can check this with: `has('channel')`
+{only when compiled with the |+job| feature for job stuff}
+ You can check this with: `has('job')`
+1. Overview *job-channel-overview*
+There are four main types of jobs:
+1. A daemon, serving several Vim instances.
+ Vim connects to it with a socket.
+2. One job working with one Vim instance, asynchronously.
+ Uses a socket or pipes.
+3. A job performing some work for a short time, asynchronously.
+ Uses a socket or pipes.
+4. Running a filter, synchronously.
+ Uses pipes.
+For when using sockets See |job-start|, |job-start-nochannel| and
+|channel-open|. For 2 and 3, one or more jobs using pipes, see |job-start|.
+For 4 use the ":{range}!cmd" command, see |filter|.
+Over the socket and pipes these protocols are available:
+RAW nothing known, Vim cannot tell where a message ends
+NL every message ends in a NL (newline) character
+JSON JSON encoding |json_encode()|
+JS JavaScript style JSON-like encoding |js_encode()|
+LSP Language Server Protocol encoding |language-server-protocol|
+Common combination are:
+- Using a job connected through pipes in NL mode. E.g., to run a style
+ checker and receive errors and warnings.
+- Using a daemon, connecting over a socket in JSON mode. E.g. to lookup
+ cross-references in a database.
+2. Channel demo *channel-demo* **
+This requires Python. The demo program can be found in
+Run it in one terminal. We will call this T1.
+Run Vim in another terminal. Connect to the demo server with: >
+ let channel = ch_open('localhost:8765')
+In T1 you should see:
+ === socket opened === ~
+You can now send a message to the server: >
+ echo ch_evalexpr(channel, 'hello!')
+The message is received in T1 and a response is sent back to Vim.
+You can see the raw messages in T1. What Vim sends is:
+ [1,"hello!"] ~
+And the response is:
+ [1,"got it"] ~
+The number will increase every time you send a message.
+The server can send a command to Vim. Type this on T1 (literally, including
+the quotes):
+ ["ex","echo 'hi there'"] ~
+And you should see the message in Vim. You can move the cursor a word forward:
+ ["normal","w"] ~
+To handle asynchronous communication a callback needs to be used: >
+ func MyHandler(channel, msg)
+ echo "from the handler: " .. a:msg
+ endfunc
+ call ch_sendexpr(channel, 'hello!', {'callback': "MyHandler"})
+Vim will not wait for a response. Now the server can send the response later
+and MyHandler will be invoked.
+Instead of giving a callback with every send call, it can also be specified
+when opening the channel: >
+ call ch_close(channel)
+ let channel = ch_open('localhost:8765', {'callback': "MyHandler"})
+ call ch_sendexpr(channel, 'hello channel!')
+When trying out channels it's useful to see what is going on. You can tell
+Vim to write lines in log file: >
+ call ch_logfile('channellog', 'w')
+See |ch_logfile()|.
+3. Opening a channel *channel-open*
+To open a channel: >
+ let channel = ch_open({address} [, {options}])
+ if ch_status(channel) == "open"
+ " use the channel
+Use |ch_status()| to see if the channel could be opened.
+ *channel-address*
+{address} can be a domain name or an IP address, followed by a port number, or
+a Unix-domain socket path prefixed by "unix:". E.g. >
+ " domain + port
+ " IPv4 + port
+ [2001:db8::1]:8765 " IPv6 + port
+ unix:/tmp/my-socket " Unix-domain socket path
+{options} is a dictionary with optional entries: *channel-open-options*
+"mode" can be: *channel-mode*
+ "json" - Use JSON, see below; most convenient way. Default.
+ "js" - Use JS (JavaScript) encoding, more efficient than JSON.
+ "nl" - Use messages that end in a NL character
+ "raw" - Use raw messages
+ "lsp" - Use language server protocol encoding
+ *channel-callback* *E921*
+"callback" A function that is called when a message is received that is
+ not handled otherwise (e.g. a JSON message with ID zero). It
+ gets two arguments: the channel and the received message.
+ Example: >
+ func Handle(channel, msg)
+ echo 'Received: ' .. a:msg
+ endfunc
+ let channel = ch_open("localhost:8765", {"callback": "Handle"})
+ When "mode" is "json" or "js" or "lsp" the "msg" argument is
+ the body of the received message, converted to Vim types.
+ When "mode" is "nl" the "msg" argument is one message,
+ excluding the NL.
+ When "mode" is "raw" the "msg" argument is the whole message
+ as a string.
+ For all callbacks: Use |function()| to bind it to arguments
+ and/or a Dictionary. Or use the form "dict.function" to bind
+ the Dictionary.
+ Callbacks are only called at a "safe" moment, usually when Vim
+ is waiting for the user to type a character. Vim does not use
+ multi-threading.
+ *close_cb*
+"close_cb" A function that is called when the channel gets closed, other
+ than by calling ch_close(). It should be defined like this: >
+ func MyCloseHandler(channel)
+< Vim will invoke callbacks that handle data before invoking
+ close_cb, thus when this function is called no more data will
+ be passed to the callbacks. However, if a callback causes Vim
+ to check for messages, the close_cb may be invoked while still
+ in the callback. The plugin must handle this somehow, it can
+ be useful to know that no more data is coming.
+ If it is not known if there is a message to be read, use a
+ try/catch block: >
+ try
+ let msg = ch_readraw(a:channel)
+ catch
+ let msg = 'no message'
+ endtry
+ try
+ let err = ch_readraw(a:channel, #{part: 'err'})
+ catch
+ let err = 'no error'
+ endtry
+< *channel-drop*
+"drop" Specifies when to drop messages:
+ "auto" When there is no callback to handle a message.
+ The "close_cb" is also considered for this.
+ "never" All messages will be kept.
+ *channel-noblock*
+"noblock" Same effect as |job-noblock|. Only matters for writing.
+ *waittime*
+"waittime" The time to wait for the connection to be made in
+ milliseconds. A negative number waits forever.
+ The default is zero, don't wait, which is useful if a local
+ server is supposed to be running already. On Unix Vim
+ actually uses a 1 msec timeout, that is required on many
+ systems. Use a larger value for a remote server, e.g. 10
+ msec at least.
+ *channel-timeout*
+"timeout" The time to wait for a request when blocking, E.g. when using
+ ch_evalexpr(). In milliseconds. The default is 2000 (2
+ seconds).
+When "mode" is "json" or "js" the "callback" is optional. When omitted it is
+only possible to receive a message after sending one.
+To change the channel options after opening it use |ch_setoptions()|. The
+arguments are similar to what is passed to |ch_open()|, but "waittime" cannot
+be given, since that only applies to opening the channel.
+For example, the handler can be added or changed: >
+ call ch_setoptions(channel, {'callback': callback})
+When "callback" is empty (zero or an empty string) the handler is removed.
+After a callback has been invoked Vim will update the screen and put the
+cursor back where it belongs. Thus the callback should not need to do
+The timeout can be changed: >
+ call ch_setoptions(channel, {'timeout': msec})
+ *channel-close* *E906*
+Once done with the channel, disconnect it like this: >
+ call ch_close(channel)
+When a socket is used this will close the socket for both directions. When
+pipes are used (stdin/stdout/stderr) they are all closed. This might not be
+what you want! Stopping the job with job_stop() might be better.
+All readahead is discarded, callbacks will no longer be invoked.
+Note that a channel is closed in three stages:
+ - The I/O ends, log message: "Closing channel". There can still be queued
+ messages to read or callbacks to invoke.
+ - The readahead is cleared, log message: "Clearing channel". Some variables
+ may still reference the channel.
+ - The channel is freed, log message: "Freeing channel".
+When the channel can't be opened you will get an error message. There is a
+difference between MS-Windows and Unix: On Unix when the port doesn't exist
+ch_open() fails quickly. On MS-Windows "waittime" applies.
+*E898* *E901* *E902*
+If there is an error reading or writing a channel it will be closed.
+*E630* *E631*
+4. Using a JSON or JS channel *channel-use*
+If mode is JSON then a message can be sent synchronously like this: >
+ let response = ch_evalexpr(channel, {expr})
+This awaits a response from the other side.
+When mode is JS this works the same, except that the messages use
+JavaScript encoding. See |js_encode()| for the difference.
+To send a message, without handling a response or letting the channel callback
+handle the response: >
+ call ch_sendexpr(channel, {expr})
+To send a message and letting the response handled by a specific function,
+asynchronously: >
+ call ch_sendexpr(channel, {expr}, {'callback': Handler})
+Vim will match the response with the request using the message ID. Once the
+response is received the callback will be invoked. Further responses with the
+same ID will be ignored. If your server sends back multiple responses you
+need to send them with ID zero, they will be passed to the channel callback.
+The {expr} is converted to JSON and wrapped in an array. An example of the
+message that the receiver will get when {expr} is the string "hello":
+ [12,"hello"] ~
+The format of the JSON sent is:
+ [{number},{expr}]
+In which {number} is different every time. It must be used in the response
+(if any):
+ [{number},{response}]
+This way Vim knows which sent message matches with which received message and
+can call the right handler. Also when the messages arrive out of order.
+A newline character is terminating the JSON text. This can be used to
+separate the read text. For example, in Python:
+ splitidx = read_text.find('\n')
+ message = read_text[:splitidx]
+ rest = read_text[splitidx + 1:]
+The sender must always send valid JSON to Vim. Vim can check for the end of
+the message by parsing the JSON. It will only accept the message if the end
+was received. A newline after the message is optional.
+When the process wants to send a message to Vim without first receiving a
+message, it must use the number zero:
+ [0,{response}]
+Then channel handler will then get {response} converted to Vim types. If the
+channel does not have a handler the message is dropped.
+It is also possible to use ch_sendraw() and ch_evalraw() on a JSON or JS
+channel. The caller is then completely responsible for correct encoding and
+5. Channel commands *channel-commands*
+With a JSON channel the process can send commands to Vim that will be
+handled by Vim internally, it does not require a handler for the channel.
+Possible commands are: *E903* *E904* *E905*
+ ["redraw", {forced}]
+ ["ex", {Ex command}]
+ ["normal", {Normal mode command}]
+ ["expr", {expression}, {number}]
+ ["expr", {expression}]
+ ["call", {func name}, {argument list}, {number}]
+ ["call", {func name}, {argument list}]
+With all of these: Be careful what these commands do! You can easily
+interfere with what the user is doing. To avoid trouble use |mode()| to check
+that the editor is in the expected state. E.g., to send keys that must be
+inserted as text, not executed as a command:
+ ["ex","if mode() == 'i' | call feedkeys('ClassName') | endif"] ~
+Errors in these commands are normally not reported to avoid them messing up
+the display. If you do want to see them, set the 'verbose' option to 3 or
+Command "redraw" ~
+The other commands do not explicitly update the screen, so that you can send a
+sequence of commands without the cursor moving around. A redraw can happen as
+a side effect of some commands. You must end with the "redraw" command to
+show any changed text and show the cursor where it belongs.
+The argument is normally an empty string:
+ ["redraw", ""] ~
+To first clear the screen pass "force":
+ ["redraw", "force"] ~
+Command "ex" ~
+The "ex" command is executed as any Ex command. There is no response for
+completion or error. You could use functions in an |autoload| script:
+ ["ex","call myscript#MyFunc(arg)"]
+You can also use "call |feedkeys()|" to insert any key sequence.
+When there is an error a message is written to the channel log, if it exists,
+and v:errmsg is set to the error.
+Command "normal" ~
+The "normal" command is executed like with ":normal!", commands are not
+mapped. Example to open the folds under the cursor:
+ ["normal" "zO"]
+Command "expr" with response ~
+The "expr" command can be used to get the result of an expression. For
+example, to get the number of lines in the current buffer:
+ ["expr","line('$')", -2] ~
+It will send back the result of the expression:
+ [-2, "last line"] ~
+The format is:
+ [{number}, {result}]
+Here {number} is the same as what was in the request. Use a negative number
+to avoid confusion with message that Vim sends. Use a different number on
+every request to be able to match the request with the response.
+{result} is the result of the evaluation and is JSON encoded. If the
+evaluation fails or the result can't be encoded in JSON it is the string
+Command "expr" without a response ~
+This command is similar to "expr" above, but does not send back any response.
+ ["expr","setline('$', ['one', 'two', 'three'])"] ~
+There is no third argument in the request.
+Command "call" ~
+This is similar to "expr", but instead of passing the whole expression as a
+string this passes the name of a function and a list of arguments. This
+avoids the conversion of the arguments to a string and escaping and
+concatenating them. Example:
+ ["call", "line", ["$"], -2] ~
+Leave out the fourth argument if no response is to be sent:
+ ["call", "setline", ["$", ["one", "two", "three"]]] ~
+6. Using a RAW or NL channel *channel-raw*
+If mode is RAW or NL then a message can be sent like this: >
+ let response = ch_evalraw(channel, {string})
+The {string} is sent as-is. The response will be what can be read from the
+channel right away. Since Vim doesn't know how to recognize the end of the
+message you need to take care of it yourself. The timeout applies for reading
+the first byte, after that it will not wait for anything more.
+If mode is "nl" you can send a message in a similar way. You are expected
+to put in the NL after each message. Thus you can also send several messages
+ending in a NL at once. The response will be the text up to and including the
+first NL. This can also be just the NL for an empty response.
+If no NL was read before the channel timeout an empty string is returned.
+To send a message, without expecting a response: >
+ call ch_sendraw(channel, {string})
+The process can send back a response, the channel handler will be called with
+ *channel-onetime-callback*
+To send a message and letting the response handled by a specific function,
+asynchronously: >
+ call ch_sendraw(channel, {string}, {'callback': 'MyHandler'})
+This {string} can also be JSON, use |json_encode()| to create it and
+|json_decode()| to handle a received JSON message.
+It is not possible to use |ch_evalexpr()| or |ch_sendexpr()| on a raw channel.
+A String in Vim cannot contain NUL bytes. To send or receive NUL bytes read
+or write from a buffer. See |in_io-buffer| and |out_io-buffer|.
+7. More channel functions *channel-more*
+To obtain the status of a channel: ch_status(channel). The possible results
+ "fail" Failed to open the channel.
+ "open" The channel can be used.
+ "buffered" The channel was closed but there is data to read.
+ "closed" The channel was closed.
+To obtain the job associated with a channel: ch_getjob(channel)
+To read one message from a channel: >
+ let output = ch_read(channel)
+This uses the channel timeout. To read without a timeout, just get any
+message that is available: >
+ let output = ch_read(channel, {'timeout': 0})
+When no message was available then the result is v:none for a JSON or JS mode
+channels, an empty string for a RAW or NL channel. You can use |ch_canread()|
+to check if there is something to read.
+Note that when there is no callback, messages are dropped. To avoid that add
+a close callback to the channel.
+To read all normal output from a RAW channel that is available: >
+ let output = ch_readraw(channel)
+To read all error output from a RAW channel that is available: >
+ let output = ch_readraw(channel, {"part": "err"})
+Note that if the channel is in NL mode, ch_readraw() will only return one line
+for each call.
+ch_read() and ch_readraw() use the channel timeout. When there is nothing to
+read within that time an empty string is returned. To specify a different
+timeout in msec use the "timeout" option:
+ {"timeout": 123} ~
+To read from the error output use the "part" option:
+ {"part": "err"} ~
+To read a message with a specific ID, on a JS or JSON channel:
+ {"id": 99} ~
+When no ID is specified or the ID is -1, the first message is returned. This
+overrules any callback waiting for this message.
+For a RAW channel this returns whatever is available, since Vim does not know
+where a message ends.
+For a NL channel this returns one message.
+For a JS or JSON channel this returns one decoded message.
+This includes any sequence number.
+8. Channel functions details *channel-functions-details*
+ch_canread({handle}) *ch_canread()*
+ Return non-zero when there is something to read from {handle}.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ This is useful to read from a channel at a convenient time,
+ e.g. from a timer.
+ Note that messages are dropped when the channel does not have
+ a callback. Add a close callback to avoid that.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_canread()
+ch_close({handle}) *ch_close()*
+ Close {handle}. See |channel-close|.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ A close callback is not invoked.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_close()
+ch_close_in({handle}) *ch_close_in()*
+ Close the "in" part of {handle}. See |channel-close-in|.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ A close callback is not invoked.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_close_in()
+ch_evalexpr({handle}, {expr} [, {options}]) *ch_evalexpr()*
+ Send {expr} over {handle}. The {expr} is encoded
+ according to the type of channel. The function cannot be used
+ with a raw channel. See |channel-use|.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ When using the "lsp" channel mode, {expr} must be a |Dict|.
+ *E917*
+ {options} must be a Dictionary. It must not have a "callback"
+ entry. It can have a "timeout" entry to specify the timeout
+ for this specific request.
+ ch_evalexpr() waits for a response and returns the decoded
+ expression. When there is an error or timeout it returns an
+ empty |String| or, when using the "lsp" channel mode, returns an
+ empty |Dict|.
+ Note that while waiting for the response, Vim handles other
+ messages. You need to make sure this doesn't cause trouble.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_evalexpr(expr)
+ch_evalraw({handle}, {string} [, {options}]) *ch_evalraw()*
+ Send {string} over {handle}.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ Works like |ch_evalexpr()|, but does not encode the request or
+ decode the response. The caller is responsible for the
+ correct contents. Also does not add a newline for a channel
+ in NL mode, the caller must do that. The NL in the response
+ is removed.
+ Note that Vim does not know when the text received on a raw
+ channel is complete, it may only return the first part and you
+ need to use |ch_readraw()| to fetch the rest.
+ See |channel-use|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_evalraw(rawstring)
+ch_getbufnr({handle}, {what}) *ch_getbufnr()*
+ Get the buffer number that {handle} is using for String {what}.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ {what} can be "err" for stderr, "out" for stdout or empty for
+ socket output.
+ Returns -1 when there is no buffer.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_getbufnr(what)
+ch_getjob({channel}) *ch_getjob()*
+ Get the Job associated with {channel}.
+ If there is no job calling |job_status()| on the returned Job
+ will result in "fail".
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_getjob()
+ch_info({handle}) *ch_info()*
+ Returns a Dictionary with information about {handle}. The
+ items are:
+ "id" number of the channel
+ "status" "open", "buffered" or "closed", like
+ ch_status()
+ When opened with ch_open():
+ "hostname" the hostname of the address
+ "port" the port of the address
+ "path" the path of the Unix-domain socket
+ "sock_status" "open" or "closed"
+ "sock_mode" "NL", "RAW", "JSON" or "JS"
+ "sock_io" "socket"
+ "sock_timeout" timeout in msec
+ Note that "path" is only present for Unix-domain sockets, for
+ regular ones "hostname" and "port" are present instead.
+ When opened with job_start():
+ "out_status" "open", "buffered" or "closed"
+ "out_mode" "NL", "RAW", "JSON" or "JS"
+ "out_io" "null", "pipe", "file" or "buffer"
+ "out_timeout" timeout in msec
+ "err_status" "open", "buffered" or "closed"
+ "err_mode" "NL", "RAW", "JSON" or "JS"
+ "err_io" "out", "null", "pipe", "file" or "buffer"
+ "err_timeout" timeout in msec
+ "in_status" "open" or "closed"
+ "in_mode" "NL", "RAW", "JSON", "JS" or "LSP"
+ "in_io" "null", "pipe", "file" or "buffer"
+ "in_timeout" timeout in msec
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_info()
+ch_log({msg} [, {handle}]) *ch_log()*
+ Write String {msg} in the channel log file, if it was opened
+ with |ch_logfile()|.
+ The text "ch_log():" is prepended to the message to make clear
+ it came from this function call and make it easier to find in
+ the log file.
+ When {handle} is passed the channel number is used for the
+ message.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel. The
+ Channel must be open for the channel number to be used.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ 'did something'->ch_log()
+ch_logfile({fname} [, {mode}]) *ch_logfile()*
+ Start logging channel activity to {fname}.
+ When {fname} is an empty string: stop logging.
+ When {mode} is omitted or contains "a" or is "o" then append
+ to the file.
+ When {mode} contains "w" and not "a" start with an empty file.
+ When {mode} contains "o" then log all terminal output.
+ Otherwise only some interesting terminal output is logged.
+ Use |ch_log()| to write log messages. The file is flushed
+ after every message, on Unix you can use "tail -f" to see what
+ is going on in real time.
+ To enable the log very early, to see what is received from a
+ terminal during startup, use |--log| (this uses mode "ao"): >
+ vim --log logfile
+ This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
+ NOTE: the channel communication is stored in the file, be
+ aware that this may contain confidential and privacy sensitive
+ information, e.g. a password you type in a terminal window.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ 'logfile'->ch_logfile('w')
+ch_open({address} [, {options}]) *ch_open()*
+ Open a channel to {address}. See |channel|.
+ Returns a Channel. Use |ch_status()| to check for failure.
+ {address} is a String, see |channel-address| for the possible
+ accepted forms.
+ If {options} is given it must be a |Dictionary|.
+ See |channel-open-options|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetAddress()->ch_open()
+ch_read({handle} [, {options}]) *ch_read()*
+ Read from {handle} and return the received message.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ For a NL channel this waits for a NL to arrive, except when
+ there is nothing more to read (channel was closed).
+ See |channel-more|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_read()
+ch_readblob({handle} [, {options}]) *ch_readblob()*
+ Like ch_read() but reads binary data and returns a |Blob|.
+ See |channel-more|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_readblob()
+ch_readraw({handle} [, {options}]) *ch_readraw()*
+ Like ch_read() but for a JS and JSON channel does not decode
+ the message. For a NL channel it does not block waiting for
+ the NL to arrive, but otherwise works like ch_read().
+ See |channel-more|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_readraw()
+ch_sendexpr({handle}, {expr} [, {options}]) *ch_sendexpr()*
+ Send {expr} over {handle}. The {expr} is encoded
+ according to the type of channel. The function cannot be used
+ with a raw channel.
+ See |channel-use|. *E912*
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ When using the "lsp" channel mode, {expr} must be a |Dict|.
+ If the channel mode is "lsp", then returns a Dict. Otherwise
+ returns an empty String. If the "callback" item is present in
+ {options}, then the returned Dict contains the ID of the
+ request message. The ID can be used to send a cancellation
+ request to the LSP server (if needed). Returns an empty Dict
+ on error.
+ If a response message is not expected for {expr}, then don't
+ specify the "callback" item in {options}.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_sendexpr(expr)
+ch_sendraw({handle}, {expr} [, {options}]) *ch_sendraw()*
+ Send |String| or |Blob| {expr} over {handle}.
+ Works like |ch_sendexpr()|, but does not encode the request or
+ decode the response. The caller is responsible for the
+ correct contents. Also does not add a newline for a channel
+ in NL mode, the caller must do that. The NL in the response
+ is removed.
+ See |channel-use|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_sendraw(rawexpr)
+ch_setoptions({handle}, {options}) *ch_setoptions()*
+ Set options on {handle}:
+ "callback" the channel callback
+ "timeout" default read timeout in msec
+ "mode" mode for the whole channel
+ See |ch_open()| for more explanation.
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ Note that changing the mode may cause queued messages to be
+ lost.
+ These options cannot be changed:
+ "waittime" only applies to |ch_open()|
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_setoptions(options)
+ch_status({handle} [, {options}]) *ch_status()*
+ Return the status of {handle}:
+ "fail" failed to open the channel
+ "open" channel can be used
+ "buffered" channel can be read, not written to
+ "closed" channel can not be used
+ {handle} can be a Channel or a Job that has a Channel.
+ "buffered" is used when the channel was closed but there is
+ still data that can be obtained with |ch_read()|.
+ If {options} is given it can contain a "part" entry to specify
+ the part of the channel to return the status for: "out" or
+ "err". For example, to get the error status: >
+ ch_status(job, {"part": "err"})
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetChannel()->ch_status()
+9. Starting a job with a channel *job-start* *job*
+To start a job and open a channel for stdin/stdout/stderr: >
+ let job = job_start(command, {options})
+You can get the channel with: >
+ let channel = job_getchannel(job)
+The channel will use NL mode. If you want another mode it's best to specify
+this in {options}. When changing the mode later some text may have already
+been received and not parsed correctly.
+If the command produces a line of output that you want to deal with, specify
+a handler for stdout: >
+ let job = job_start(command, {"out_cb": "MyHandler"})
+The function will be called with the channel and a message. You would define
+it like this: >
+ func MyHandler(channel, msg)
+Without the handler you need to read the output with |ch_read()| or
+|ch_readraw()|. You can do this in the close callback, see |read-in-close-cb|.
+Note that if the job exits before you read the output, the output may be lost.
+This depends on the system (on Unix this happens because closing the write end
+of a pipe causes the read end to get EOF). To avoid this make the job sleep
+for a short while before it exits.
+The handler defined for "out_cb" will not receive stderr. If you want to
+handle that separately, add an "err_cb" handler: >
+ let job = job_start(command, {"out_cb": "MyHandler",
+ \ "err_cb": "ErrHandler"})
+If you want to handle both stderr and stdout with one handler use the
+"callback" option: >
+ let job = job_start(command, {"callback": "MyHandler"})
+Depending on the system, starting a job can put Vim in the background, the
+started job gets the focus. To avoid that, use the `foreground()` function.
+This might not always work when called early, put in the callback handler or
+use a timer to call it after the job has started.
+You can send a message to the command with ch_evalraw(). If the channel is in
+JSON or JS mode you can use ch_evalexpr().
+There are several options you can use, see |job-options|.
+For example, to start a job and write its output in buffer "dummy": >
+ let logjob = job_start("tail -f /tmp/log",
+ \ {'out_io': 'buffer', 'out_name': 'dummy'})
+ sbuf dummy
+Job input from a buffer ~
+ *in_io-buffer*
+To run a job that reads from a buffer: >
+ let job = job_start({command},
+ \ {'in_io': 'buffer', 'in_name': 'mybuffer'})
+ *E915* *E918*
+The buffer is found by name, similar to |bufnr()|. The buffer must exist and
+be loaded when job_start() is called.
+By default this reads the whole buffer. This can be changed with the "in_top"
+and "in_bot" options.
+A special mode is when "in_top" is set to zero and "in_bot" is not set: Every
+time a line is added to the buffer, the last-but-one line will be sent to the
+job stdin. This allows for editing the last line and sending it when pressing
+ *channel-close-in*
+When not using the special mode the pipe or socket will be closed after the
+last line has been written. This signals the reading end that the input
+finished. You can also use |ch_close_in()| to close it sooner.
+NUL bytes in the text will be passed to the job (internally Vim stores these
+as NL bytes).
+Reading job output in the close callback ~
+ *read-in-close-cb*
+If the job can take some time and you don't need intermediate results, you can
+add a close callback and read the output there: >
+ func! CloseHandler(channel)
+ while ch_status(a:channel, {'part': 'out'}) == 'buffered'
+ echomsg ch_read(a:channel)
+ endwhile
+ endfunc
+ let job = job_start(command, {'close_cb': 'CloseHandler'})
+You will want to do something more useful than "echomsg".
+10. Starting a job without a channel *job-start-nochannel*
+To start another process without creating a channel: >
+ let job = job_start(command,
+ \ {"in_io": "null", "out_io": "null", "err_io": "null"})
+This starts {command} in the background, Vim does not wait for it to finish.
+When Vim sees that neither stdin, stdout or stderr are connected, no channel
+will be created. Often you will want to include redirection in the command to
+avoid it getting stuck.
+There are several options you can use, see |job-options|.
+ *job-start-if-needed*
+To start a job only when connecting to an address does not work, do something
+like this: >
+ let channel = ch_open(address, {"waittime": 0})
+ if ch_status(channel) == "fail"
+ let job = job_start(command)
+ let channel = ch_open(address, {"waittime": 1000})
+ endif
+Note that the waittime for ch_open() gives the job one second to make the port
+11. Job functions *job-functions-details*
+job_getchannel({job}) *job_getchannel()*
+ Get the channel handle that {job} is using.
+ To check if the job has no channel: >
+ if string(job_getchannel(job)) == 'channel fail'
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetJob()->job_getchannel()
+job_info([{job}]) *job_info()*
+ Returns a Dictionary with information about {job}:
+ "status" what |job_status()| returns
+ "channel" what |job_getchannel()| returns
+ "cmd" List of command arguments used to start the job
+ "process" process ID
+ "tty_in" terminal input name, empty when none
+ "tty_out" terminal output name, empty when none
+ "exitval" only valid when "status" is "dead"
+ "exit_cb" function to be called on exit
+ "stoponexit" |job-stoponexit|
+ Only in Unix:
+ "termsig" the signal which terminated the process
+ (See |job_stop()| for the values)
+ only valid when "status" is "dead"
+ Only in MS-Windows:
+ "tty_type" Type of virtual console in use.
+ Values are "winpty" or "conpty".
+ See 'termwintype'.
+ Without any arguments, returns a List with all Job objects.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetJob()->job_info()
+job_setoptions({job}, {options}) *job_setoptions()*
+ Change options for {job}. Supported are:
+ "stoponexit" |job-stoponexit|
+ "exit_cb" |job-exit_cb|
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetJob()->job_setoptions(options)
+job_start({command} [, {options}]) *job_start()*
+ Start a job and return a Job object. Unlike |system()| and
+ |:!cmd| this does not wait for the job to finish.
+ To start a job in a terminal window see |term_start()|.
+ If the job fails to start then |job_status()| on the returned
+ Job object results in "fail" and none of the callbacks will be
+ invoked.
+ {command} can be a String. This works best on MS-Windows. On
+ Unix it is split up in white-separated parts to be passed to
+ execvp(). Arguments in double quotes can contain white space.
+ {command} can be a List, where the first item is the executable
+ and further items are the arguments. All items are converted
+ to String. This works best on Unix.
+ On MS-Windows, job_start() makes a GUI application hidden. If
+ you want to show it, use |:!start| instead.
+ The command is executed directly, not through a shell, the
+ 'shell' option is not used. To use the shell: >
+ let job = job_start(["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo hello"])
+< Or: >
+ let job = job_start('/bin/sh -c "echo hello"')
+< Note that this will start two processes, the shell and the
+ command it executes. If you don't want this use the "exec"
+ shell command.
+ On Unix $PATH is used to search for the executable only when
+ the command does not contain a slash.
+ The job will use the same terminal as Vim. If it reads from
+ stdin the job and Vim will be fighting over input, that
+ doesn't work. Redirect stdin and stdout to avoid problems: >
+ let job = job_start(['sh', '-c', "myserver </dev/null >/dev/null"])
+ The returned Job object can be used to get the status with
+ |job_status()| and stop the job with |job_stop()|.
+ Note that the job object will be deleted if there are no
+ references to it. This closes the stdin and stderr, which may
+ cause the job to fail with an error. To avoid this keep a
+ reference to the job. Thus instead of: >
+ call job_start('my-command')
+< use: >
+ let myjob = job_start('my-command')
+< and unlet "myjob" once the job is not needed or is past the
+ point where it would fail (e.g. when it prints a message on
+ startup). Keep in mind that variables local to a function
+ will cease to exist if the function returns. Use a
+ script-local variable if needed: >
+ let s:myjob = job_start('my-command')
+ {options} must be a Dictionary. It can contain many optional
+ items, see |job-options|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ BuildCommand()->job_start()
+job_status({job}) *job_status()* *E916*
+ Returns a String with the status of {job}:
+ "run" job is running
+ "fail" job failed to start
+ "dead" job died or was stopped after running
+ On Unix a non-existing command results in "dead" instead of
+ "fail", because a fork happens before the failure can be
+ detected.
+ If in Vim9 script a variable is declared with type "job" but
+ never assigned to, passing that variable to job_status()
+ returns "fail".
+ If an exit callback was set with the "exit_cb" option and the
+ job is now detected to be "dead" the callback will be invoked.
+ For more information see |job_info()|.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetJob()->job_status()
+job_stop({job} [, {how}]) *job_stop()*
+ Stop the {job}. This can also be used to signal the job.
+ When {how} is omitted or is "term" the job will be terminated.
+ For Unix SIGTERM is sent. On MS-Windows the job will be
+ terminated forcedly (there is no "gentle" way).
+ This goes to the process group, thus children may also be
+ affected.
+ Effect for Unix:
+ "term" SIGTERM (default)
+ "hup" SIGHUP
+ "quit" SIGQUIT
+ "int" SIGINT
+ "kill" SIGKILL (strongest way to stop)
+ number signal with that number
+ Effect for MS-Windows:
+ "term" terminate process forcedly (default)
+ "hup" CTRL_BREAK
+ "quit" CTRL_BREAK
+ "int" CTRL_C
+ "kill" terminate process forcedly
+ On Unix the signal is sent to the process group. This means
+ that when the job is "sh -c command" it affects both the shell
+ and the command.
+ The result is a Number: 1 if the operation could be executed,
+ 0 if "how" is not supported on the system.
+ Note that even when the operation was executed, whether the
+ job was actually stopped needs to be checked with
+ |job_status()|.
+ If the status of the job is "dead", the signal will not be
+ sent. This is to avoid to stop the wrong job (esp. on Unix,
+ where process numbers are recycled).
+ When using "kill" Vim will assume the job will die and close
+ the channel.
+ Can also be used as a |method|: >
+ GetJob()->job_stop()
+12. Job options *job-options*
+The {options} argument in job_start() is a dictionary. All entries are
+optional. Some options can be used after the job has started, using
+job_setoptions(job, {options}). Many options can be used with the channel
+related to the job, using ch_setoptions(channel, {options}).
+See |job_setoptions()| and |ch_setoptions()|.
+ *in_mode* *out_mode* *err_mode*
+"in_mode" mode specifically for stdin, only when using pipes
+"out_mode" mode specifically for stdout, only when using pipes
+"err_mode" mode specifically for stderr, only when using pipes
+ See |channel-mode| for the values.
+ Note: when setting "mode" the part specific mode is
+ overwritten. Therefore set "mode" first and the part
+ specific mode later.
+ Note: when writing to a file or buffer and when
+ reading from a buffer NL mode is used by default.
+ *job-noblock*
+"noblock": 1 When writing use a non-blocking write call. This
+ avoids getting stuck if Vim should handle other
+ messages in between, e.g. when a job sends back data
+ to Vim. It implies that when `ch_sendraw()` returns
+ not all data may have been written yet.
+ This option was added in patch 8.1.0350, test with: >
+ if has("patch-8.1.350")
+ let options['noblock'] = 1
+ endif
+ *job-callback*
+"callback": handler Callback for something to read on any part of the
+ channel.
+ *job-out_cb* *out_cb*
+"out_cb": handler Callback for when there is something to read on
+ stdout. Only for when the channel uses pipes. When
+ "out_cb" wasn't set the channel callback is used.
+ The two arguments are the channel and the message.
+ *job-err_cb* *err_cb*
+"err_cb": handler Callback for when there is something to read on
+ stderr. Only for when the channel uses pipes. When
+ "err_cb" wasn't set the channel callback is used.
+ The two arguments are the channel and the message.
+ *job-close_cb*
+"close_cb": handler Callback for when the channel is closed. Same as
+ "close_cb" on |ch_open()|, see |close_cb|.
+ *job-drop*
+"drop": when Specifies when to drop messages. Same as "drop" on
+ |ch_open()|, see |channel-drop|. For "auto" the
+ exit_cb is not considered.
+ *job-exit_cb*
+"exit_cb": handler Callback for when the job ends. The arguments are the
+ job and the exit status.
+ Vim checks up to 10 times per second for jobs that
+ ended. The check can also be triggered by calling
+ |job_status()|, which may then invoke the exit_cb
+ handler.
+ Note that data can be buffered, callbacks may still be
+ called after the process ends.
+ *job-timeout*
+"timeout": time The time to wait for a request when blocking, E.g.
+ when using ch_evalexpr(). In milliseconds. The
+ default is 2000 (2 seconds).
+ *out_timeout* *err_timeout*
+"out_timeout": time Timeout for stdout. Only when using pipes.
+"err_timeout": time Timeout for stderr. Only when using pipes.
+ Note: when setting "timeout" the part specific mode is
+ overwritten. Therefore set "timeout" first and the
+ part specific mode later.
+ *job-stoponexit*
+"stoponexit": {signal} Send {signal} to the job when Vim exits. See
+ |job_stop()| for possible values.
+"stoponexit": "" Do not stop the job when Vim exits.
+ The default is "term".
+ *job-term*
+"term": "open" Start a terminal in a new window and connect the job
+ stdin/stdout/stderr to it. Similar to using
+ `:terminal`.
+ NOTE: Not implemented yet!
+"channel": {channel} Use an existing channel instead of creating a new one.
+ The parts of the channel that get used for the new job
+ will be disconnected from what they were used before.
+ If the channel was still used by another job this may
+ cause I/O errors.
+ Existing callbacks and other settings remain.
+"pty": 1 Use a pty (pseudo-tty) instead of a pipe when
+ possible. This is most useful in combination with a
+ terminal window, see |terminal|.
+ {only on Unix and Unix-like systems}
+ *job-in_io* *in_top* *in_bot* *in_name* *in_buf*
+"in_io": "null" disconnect stdin (read from /dev/null)
+"in_io": "pipe" stdin is connected to the channel (default)
+"in_io": "file" stdin reads from a file
+"in_io": "buffer" stdin reads from a buffer
+"in_top": number when using "buffer": first line to send (default: 1)
+"in_bot": number when using "buffer": last line to send (default: last)
+"in_name": "/path/file" the name of the file or buffer to read from
+"in_buf": number the number of the buffer to read from
+ *job-out_io* *out_name* *out_buf*
+"out_io": "null" disconnect stdout (goes to /dev/null)
+"out_io": "pipe" stdout is connected to the channel (default)
+"out_io": "file" stdout writes to a file
+"out_io": "buffer" stdout appends to a buffer (see below)
+"out_name": "/path/file" the name of the file or buffer to write to
+"out_buf": number the number of the buffer to write to
+"out_modifiable": 0 when writing to a buffer, 'modifiable' will be off
+ (see below)
+"out_msg": 0 when writing to a new buffer, the first line will be
+ set to "Reading from channel output..."
+ *job-err_io* *err_name* *err_buf*
+"err_io": "out" stderr messages to go to stdout
+"err_io": "null" disconnect stderr (goes to /dev/null)
+"err_io": "pipe" stderr is connected to the channel (default)
+"err_io": "file" stderr writes to a file
+"err_io": "buffer" stderr appends to a buffer (see below)
+"err_name": "/path/file" the name of the file or buffer to write to
+"err_buf": number the number of the buffer to write to
+"err_modifiable": 0 when writing to a buffer, 'modifiable' will be off
+ (see below)
+"err_msg": 0 when writing to a new buffer, the first line will be
+ set to "Reading from channel error..."
+"block_write": number only for testing: pretend every other write to stdin
+ will block
+"env": dict environment variables for the new process
+"cwd": "/path/to/dir" current working directory for the new process;
+ if the directory does not exist an error is given
+Writing to a buffer ~
+ *out_io-buffer*
+When the out_io or err_io mode is "buffer" and there is a callback, the text
+is appended to the buffer before invoking the callback.
+When a buffer is used both for input and output, the output lines are put
+above the last line, since the last line is what is written to the channel
+input. Otherwise lines are appended below the last line.
+When using JS or JSON mode with "buffer", only messages with zero or negative
+ID will be added to the buffer, after decoding + encoding. Messages with a
+positive number will be handled by a callback, commands are handled as usual.
+The name of the buffer from "out_name" or "err_name" is compared the full name
+of existing buffers, also after expanding the name for the current directory.
+E.g., when a buffer was created with ":edit somename" and the buffer name is
+"somename" it will use that buffer.
+If there is no matching buffer a new buffer is created. Use an empty name to
+always create a new buffer. |ch_getbufnr()| can then be used to get the
+buffer number.
+For a new buffer 'buftype' is set to "nofile" and 'bufhidden' to "hide". If
+you prefer other settings, create the buffer first and pass the buffer number.
+ *out_modifiable* *err_modifiable*
+The "out_modifiable" and "err_modifiable" options can be used to set the
+'modifiable' option off, or write to a buffer that has 'modifiable' off. That
+means that lines will be appended to the buffer, but the user can't easily
+change the buffer.
+ *out_msg* *err_msg*
+The "out_msg" option can be used to specify whether a new buffer will have the
+first line set to "Reading from channel output...". The default is to add the
+message. "err_msg" does the same for channel error.
+When an existing buffer is to be written where 'modifiable' is off and the
+"out_modifiable" or "err_modifiable" options is not zero, an error is given
+and the buffer will not be written to.
+When the buffer written to is displayed in a window and the cursor is in the
+first column of the last line, the cursor will be moved to the newly added
+line and the window is scrolled up to show the cursor if needed.
+Undo is synced for every added line. NUL bytes are accepted (internally Vim
+stores these as NL bytes).
+Writing to a file ~
+ *E920*
+The file is created with permissions 600 (read-write for the user, not
+accessible for others). Use |setfperm()| to change this.
+If the file already exists it is truncated.
+13. Controlling a job *job-control*
+To get the status of a job: >
+ echo job_status(job)
+To make a job stop running: >
+ job_stop(job)
+This is the normal way to end a job. On Unix it sends a SIGTERM to the job.
+It is possible to use other ways to stop the job, or even send arbitrary
+signals. E.g. to force a job to stop, "kill it": >
+ job_stop(job, "kill")
+For more options see |job_stop()|.
+14. Using a prompt buffer *prompt-buffer*
+If you want to type input for the job in a Vim window you have a few options:
+- Use a normal buffer and handle all possible commands yourself.
+ This will be complicated, since there are so many possible commands.
+- Use a terminal window. This works well if what you type goes directly to
+ the job and the job output is directly displayed in the window.
+ See |terminal-window|.
+- Use a window with a prompt buffer. This works well when entering a line for
+ the job in Vim while displaying (possibly filtered) output from the job.
+A prompt buffer is created by setting 'buftype' to "prompt". You would
+normally only do that in a newly created buffer.
+The user can edit and enter one line of text at the very last line of the
+buffer. When pressing Enter in the prompt line the callback set with
+|prompt_setcallback()| is invoked. It would normally send the line to a job.
+Another callback would receive the output from the job and display it in the
+buffer, below the prompt (and above the next prompt).
+Only the text in the last line, after the prompt, is editable. The rest of the
+buffer is not modifiable with Normal mode commands. It can be modified by
+calling functions, such as |append()|. Using other commands may mess up the
+After setting 'buftype' to "prompt" Vim does not automatically start Insert
+mode, use `:startinsert` if you want to enter Insert mode, so that the user
+can start typing a line.
+The text of the prompt can be set with the |prompt_setprompt()| function. If
+no prompt is set with |prompt_setprompt()|, "% " is used. You can get the
+effective prompt text for a buffer, with |prompt_getprompt()|.
+The user can go to Normal mode and navigate through the buffer. This can be
+useful to see older output or copy text.
+The CTRL-W key can be used to start a window command, such as CTRL-W w to
+switch to the next window. This also works in Insert mode (use Shift-CTRL-W
+to delete a word). When leaving the window Insert mode will be stopped. When
+coming back to the prompt window Insert mode will be restored.
+Any command that starts Insert mode, such as "a", "i", "A" and "I", will move
+the cursor to the last line. "A" will move to the end of the line, "I" to the
+start of the line.
+Here is an example for Unix. It starts a shell in the background and prompts
+for the next shell command. Output from the shell is displayed above the
+prompt. >
+ " Create a channel log so we can see what happens.
+ call ch_logfile('logfile', 'w')
+ " Function handling a line of text that has been typed.
+ func TextEntered(text)
+ " Send the text to a shell with Enter appended.
+ call ch_sendraw(g:shell_job, a:text .. "\n")
+ endfunc
+ " Function handling output from the shell: Add it above the prompt.
+ func GotOutput(channel, msg)
+ call append(line("$") - 1, "- " .. a:msg)
+ endfunc
+ " Function handling the shell exits: close the window.
+ func JobExit(job, status)
+ quit!
+ endfunc
+ " Start a shell in the background.
+ let shell_job = job_start(["/bin/sh"], #{
+ \ out_cb: function('GotOutput'),
+ \ err_cb: function('GotOutput'),
+ \ exit_cb: function('JobExit'),
+ \ })
+ new
+ set buftype=prompt
+ let buf = bufnr('')
+ call prompt_setcallback(buf, function("TextEntered"))
+ eval prompt_setprompt(buf, "shell command: ")
+ " start accepting shell commands
+ startinsert
+The same in |Vim9| script: >
+ vim9script
+ # Create a channel log so we can see what happens.
+ ch_logfile('logfile', 'w')
+ var shell_job: job
+ # Function handling a line of text that has been typed.
+ def TextEntered(text: string)
+ # Send the text to a shell with Enter appended.
+ ch_sendraw(shell_job, text .. "\n")
+ enddef
+ # Function handling output from the shell: Add it above the prompt.
+ def GotOutput(channel: channel, msg: string)
+ append(line("$") - 1, "- " .. msg)
+ enddef
+ # Function handling the shell exits: close the window.
+ def JobExit(job: job, status: number)
+ quit!
+ enddef
+ # Start a shell in the background.
+ shell_job = job_start(["/bin/sh"], {
+ out_cb: GotOutput,
+ err_cb: GotOutput,
+ exit_cb: JobExit,
+ })
+ new
+ set buftype=prompt
+ var buf = bufnr('')
+ prompt_setcallback(buf, TextEntered)
+ prompt_setprompt(buf, "shell command: ")
+ # start accepting shell commands
+ startinsert
+15. Language Server Protocol *language-server-protocol*
+The language server protocol specification is available at:
+Each LSP protocol message starts with a simple HTTP header followed by the
+payload encoded in JSON-RPC format. This is described in:
+To encode and send a LSP request/notification message in a Vim |Dict| into a
+LSP JSON-RPC message and to receive and decode a LSP JSON-RPC
+response/notification message into a Vim |Dict|, connect to the LSP server
+with the |channel-mode| set to "lsp".
+For messages received on a channel with |channel-mode| set to "lsp", Vim will
+process the HTTP header and decode the JSON-RPC payload into a Vim |Dict| type
+and call the |channel-callback| function or the specified
+|channel-onetime-callback| function. When sending messages on a channel using
+the |ch_evalexpr()| or |ch_sendexpr()| functions, Vim will add the HTTP header
+and encode the Vim expression into JSON. Refer to |json_encode()| and
+|json_decode()| for more information about how Vim encodes and decodes the
+builtin types into JSON.
+To open a channel using the 'lsp' mode, set the 'mode' item in the |ch_open()|
+{options} argument to 'lsp'. Example: >
+ let ch = ch_open(..., #{mode: 'lsp'})
+To open a channel using the 'lsp' mode with a job, set the 'in_mode' and
+'out_mode' items in the |job_start()| {options} argument to 'lsp'. Example: >
+ let cmd = ['clangd', '--background-index', '--clang-tidy']
+ let opts = {}
+ let opts.in_mode = 'lsp'
+ let opts.out_mode = 'lsp'
+ let opts.err_mode = 'nl'
+ let opts.out_cb = function('LspOutCallback')
+ let opts.err_cb = function('LspErrCallback')
+ let opts.exit_cb = function('LspExitCallback')
+ let job = job_start(cmd, opts)
+Note that if a job outputs LSP messages on stdout and non-LSP messages on
+stderr, then the channel-callback function should handle both the message
+formats appropriately or you should use a separate callback function for
+"out_cb" and "err_cb" to handle them as shown above.
+To synchronously send a JSON-RPC request to the server, use the
+|ch_evalexpr()| function. This function will wait and return the decoded
+response message from the server. You can use either the |channel-timeout| or
+the 'timeout' field in the {options} argument to control the response wait
+time. If the request times out, then an empty |Dict| is returned. Example: >
+ let req = {}
+ let req.method = 'textDocument/definition'
+ let req.params = {}
+ let req.params.textDocument = #{uri: 'a.c'}
+ let req.params.position = #{line: 10, character: 3}
+ let defs = ch_evalexpr(ch, req, #{timeout: 100})
+ if defs->empty()
+ ... <handle failure>
+ endif
+Note that in the request message the 'id' field should not be specified. If it
+is specified, then Vim will overwrite the value with an internally generated
+identifier. Vim currently supports only a number type for the 'id' field.
+The callback function will be invoked for both a successful and a failed RPC
+To send a JSON-RPC request to the server and asynchronously process the
+response, use the |ch_sendexpr()| function and supply a callback function. If
+the "id" field is present in the request message, then Vim will overwrite it
+with an internally generated number. This function returns a Dict with the
+identifier used for the message. This can be used to send cancellation
+request to the LSP server (if needed). Example: >
+ let req = {}
+ let req.method = 'textDocument/hover'
+ let = 200
+ let req.params = {}
+ let req.params.textDocument = #{uri: 'a.c'}
+ let req.params.position = #{line: 10, character: 3}
+ let resp = ch_sendexpr(ch, req, #{callback: 'HoverFunc'})
+To cancel an outstanding asynchronous LSP request sent to the server using the
+|ch_sendexpr()| function, send a cancellation message to the server using the
+|ch_sendexpr()| function with the ID returned by the |ch_sendexpr()| function
+for the request. Example: >
+ " send a completion request
+ let req = {}
+ let req.method = 'textDocument/completion'
+ let req.params = {}
+ let req.params.textDocument = #{uri: 'a.c'}
+ let req.params.position = #{line: 10, character: 3}
+ let reqstatus = ch_sendexpr(ch, req, #{callback: 'LspComplete'})
+ " send a cancellation notification
+ let notif = {}
+ let notif.method = '$/cancelRequest'
+ let =
+ call ch_sendexpr(ch, notif)
+To send a JSON-RPC notification message to the server, use the |ch_sendexpr()|
+function. As the server will not send a response message to the notification,
+don't specify the "callback" item. Example: >
+ call ch_sendexpr(ch, #{method: 'initialized'})
+To respond to a JSON-RPC request message from the server, use the
+|ch_sendexpr()| function. In the response message, copy the 'id' field value
+from the server request message. Example: >
+ let resp = {}
+ let =
+ let resp.result = 1
+ call ch_sendexpr(ch, resp)
+The JSON-RPC notification messages from the server are delivered through the
+|channel-callback| function.
+Depending on the use case, you can use the ch_evalexpr(), ch_sendexpr() and
+ch_sendraw() functions on the same channel.
+A LSP request message has the following format (expressed as a Vim Dict). The
+"params" field is optional: >
+ {
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": <number>,
+ "method": <string>,
+ "params": <list|dict>
+ }
+A LSP response message has the following format (expressed as a Vim Dict). The
+"result" and "error" fields are optional: >
+ {
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "id": <number>,
+ "result": <vim type>
+ "error": <dict>
+ }
+A LSP notification message has the following format (expressed as a Vim Dict).
+The "params" field is optional: >
+ {
+ "jsonrpc": "2.0",
+ "method": <string>,
+ "params": <list|dict>
+ }
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: