path: root/runtime/syntax/a65.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/a65.vim')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/a65.vim b/runtime/syntax/a65.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6445b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/a65.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: xa 6502 cross assembler
+" Maintainer: Clemens Kirchgatterer <>
+" Last Change: 2016 Aug 31
+" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+syn case ignore
+" Opcodes
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PHP\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PLA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PLX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PLY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<SEC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CLD\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<SED\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CLI\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BVC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BVS\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BCS\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BCC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<DEY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<DEC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CMP\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CPX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BIT\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<ROL\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<ROR\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<ASL\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TXA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TYA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TSX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TXS\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<LDA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<LDX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<LDY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<STA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PLP\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BRK\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<RTI\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<NOP\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<SEI\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CLV\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PHA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PHX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BRA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<JMP\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<JSR\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<RTS\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CPY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BNE\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BEQ\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BMI\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<LSR\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<INX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<INY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<INC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<ADC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<SBC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<AND\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<ORA\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<STX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<STY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<STZ\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<EOR\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<DEX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BPL\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<CLC\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<PHY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TRB\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BBR\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<BBS\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<RMB\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<SMB\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TAY\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+syn match a65Opcode "\<TAX\($\|\s\)" nextgroup=a65Address
+" Addresses
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{2}\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{4}\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{2},X\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{4},X\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{2},Y\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*!\=$[0-9A-F]\{4},Y\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*($[0-9A-F]\{2})\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*($[0-9A-F]\{4})\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*($[0-9A-F]\{2},X)\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Address "\s*($[0-9A-F]\{2}),Y\($\|\s\)"
+" Numbers
+syn match a65Number "#\=[0-9]*\>"
+syn match a65Number "#\=$[0-9A-F]*\>"
+syn match a65Number "#\=&[0-7]*\>"
+syn match a65Number "#\=%[01]*\>"
+syn case match
+" Types
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.byt\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.word\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.asc\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.dsb\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.fopt\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.text\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.data\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.bss\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.zero\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Type "\(^\|\s\)\.align\($\|\s\)"
+" Blocks
+syn match a65Section "\(^\|\s\)\.(\($\|\s\)"
+syn match a65Section "\(^\|\s\)\.)\($\|\s\)"
+" Strings
+syn match a65String "\".*\""
+" Program Counter
+syn region a65PC start="\*=" end="\>" keepend
+" HI/LO Byte
+syn region a65HiLo start="#[<>]" end="$\|\s" contains=a65Comment keepend
+" Comments
+syn keyword a65Todo TODO XXX FIXME BUG contained
+syn match a65Comment ";.*"hs=s+1 contains=a65Todo
+syn region a65Comment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=a65Todo,a65Comment
+" Preprocessor
+syn region a65PreProc start="^#" end="$" contains=a65Comment,a65Continue
+syn match a65End excludenl /end$/ contained
+syn match a65Continue "\\$" contained
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+hi def link a65Section Special
+hi def link a65Address Special
+hi def link a65Comment Comment
+hi def link a65PreProc PreProc
+hi def link a65Number Number
+hi def link a65String String
+hi def link a65Type Statement
+hi def link a65Opcode Type
+hi def link a65PC Error
+hi def link a65Todo Todo
+hi def link a65HiLo Number
+let b:current_syntax = "a65"