path: root/runtime/syntax/typst.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'runtime/syntax/typst.vim')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/runtime/syntax/typst.vim b/runtime/syntax/typst.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82fdadb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/typst.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Typst
+" Maintainer: Gregory Anders <>
+" Last Change: 2024-07-14
+" Based on:
+if exists('b:current_syntax')
+ finish
+syntax sync fromstart
+syntax spell toplevel
+" Common {{{1
+syntax cluster typstCommon
+ \ contains=@typstComment
+" Common > Comment {{{2
+syntax cluster typstComment
+ \ contains=typstCommentBlock,typstCommentLine
+syntax match typstCommentBlock
+ \ #/\*\%(\_.\{-}\)\*/#
+ \ contains=typstCommentTodo,@Spell
+syntax match typstCommentLine
+ \ #//.*#
+ \ contains=typstCommentTodo,@Spell
+syntax keyword typstCommentTodo
+ \ contained
+" Code {{{1
+syntax cluster typstCode
+ \ contains=@typstCommon
+ \ ,@typstCodeKeywords
+ \ ,@typstCodeConstants
+ \ ,@typstCodeIdentifiers
+ \ ,@typstCodeFunctions
+ \ ,@typstCodeParens
+" Code > Keywords {{{2
+syntax cluster typstCodeKeywords
+ \ contains=typstCodeConditional
+ \ ,typstCodeRepeat
+ \ ,typstCodeKeyword
+ \ ,typstCodeStatement
+syntax keyword typstCodeConditional
+ \ contained
+ \ if else
+syntax keyword typstCodeRepeat
+ \ contained
+ \ while for
+syntax keyword typstCodeKeyword
+ \ contained
+ \ not in and or return
+syntax region typstCodeStatement
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=typstCodeStatementWord start=/\v(let|set|import|include)>/
+ \ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(;|$)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstCodeStatement
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=typstCodeStatementWord start=/show/
+ \ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(:|$)/ keepend
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+ \ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode,typstCodeShowRocket
+syntax match typstCodeShowRocket
+ \ contained
+ \ /.*=>/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+ \ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode
+" Code > Identifiers {{{2
+syntax cluster typstCodeIdentifiers
+ \ contains=typstCodeIdentifier
+ \ ,typstCodeFieldAccess
+syntax match typstCodeIdentifier
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\.\[\(]@!/
+syntax match typstCodeFieldAccess
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<!\.[\[\(]@!/
+ \ nextgroup=typstCodeFieldAccess,typstCodeFunction
+" Code > Functions {{{2
+syntax cluster typstCodeFunctions
+ \ contains=typstCodeFunction
+syntax match typstCodeFunction
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\(\[]@=/
+ \ nextgroup=typstCodeFunctionArgument
+syntax match typstCodeFunctionArgument
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v%(%(\(.{-}\)|\[.{-}\]|\{.{-}\}))*/ transparent
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+" Code > Constants {{{2
+syntax cluster typstCodeConstants
+ \ contains=typstCodeConstant
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberInteger
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberFloat
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberLength
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberAngle
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberRatio
+ \ ,typstCodeNumberFraction
+ \ ,typstCodeString
+ \ ,typstCodeLabel
+syntax match typstCodeConstant
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<%(none|auto|true|false)-@!>/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberInteger
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+>/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberFloat
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+\.\d*>/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberLength
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?(pt|mm|cm|in|em)>/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberAngle
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?(deg|rad)>/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberRatio
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?\%/
+syntax match typstCodeNumberFraction
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v<\d+(\.\d*)?fr>/
+syntax region typstCodeString
+ \ contained
+ \ start=/"/ skip=/\v\\\\|\\"/ end=/"/
+ \ contains=@Spell
+syntax match typstCodeLabel
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v\<\K%(\k*-*)*\>/
+" Code > Parens {{{2
+syntax cluster typstCodeParens
+ \ contains=typstCodeParen
+ \ ,typstCodeBrace
+ \ ,typstCodeBracket
+ \ ,typstCodeDollar
+ \ ,typstMarkupRawInline
+ \ ,typstMarkupRawBlock
+syntax region typstCodeParen
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstCodeBrace
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstCodeBracket
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=@typstMarkup
+syntax region typstCodeDollar
+ \ contained
+ \ matchgroup=Number start=/\\\@<!\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
+ \ contains=@typstMath
+" Hashtag {{{1
+syntax cluster typstHashtag
+ \ contains=@typstHashtagKeywords
+ \ ,@typstHashtagConstants
+ \ ,@typstHashtagIdentifiers
+ \ ,@typstHashtagFunctions
+ \ ,@typstHashtagParens
+" Hashtag > Keywords {{{2
+syntax cluster typstHashtagKeywords
+ \ contains=typstHashtagConditional
+ \ ,typstHashtagRepeat
+ \ ,typstHashtagKeywords
+ \ ,typstHashtagStatement
+" syntax match typstHashtagControlFlowError
+" \ /\v#%(if|while|for)>-@!.{-}$\_.{-}%(\{|\[|\()/
+syntax match typstHashtagControlFlow
+ \ /\v#%(if|while|for)>.{-}\ze%(\{|\[|\()/
+ \ contains=typstHashtagConditional,typstHashtagRepeat
+ \ nextgroup=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagConditional
+ \ contained
+ \ start=/\v#if>/ end=/\v\ze(\{|\[)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagRepeat
+ \ contained
+ \ start=/\v#(while|for)>/ end=/\v\ze(\{|\[)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax match typstHashtagKeyword
+ \ /\v#(return)>/
+ \ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagStatement
+ \ matchgroup=typstHashtagStatementWord start=/\v#(let|set|import|include)>/
+ \ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(;|$)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagStatement
+ \ matchgroup=typstHashtagStatementWord start=/#show/
+ \ matchgroup=Noise end=/\v%(:|$)/ keepend
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+ \ skipwhite nextgroup=@typstCode,typstCodeShowRocket
+" Hashtag > Constants {{{2
+syntax cluster typstHashtagConstants
+ \ contains=typstHashtagConstant
+syntax match typstHashtagConstant
+ \ /\v#(none|auto|true|false)>/
+" Hashtag > Identifiers {{{2
+syntax cluster typstHashtagIdentifiers
+ \ contains=typstHashtagIdentifier
+ \ ,typstHashtagFieldAccess
+syntax match typstHashtagIdentifier
+ \ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\.\[\(]@!/
+syntax match typstHashtagFieldAccess
+ \ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<!\.[\[\(]@!/
+ \ nextgroup=typstCodeFieldAccess,typstCodeFunction
+" Hashtag > Functions {{{2
+syntax cluster typstHashtagFunctions
+ \ contains=typstHashtagFunction
+syntax match typstHashtagFunction
+ \ /\v#\w\k*>(<%(let|set|show|import|include))@<![\(\[]@=/
+ \ nextgroup=typstCodeFunctionArgument
+" Hashtag > Parens {{{2
+syntax cluster typstHashtagParens
+ \ contains=typstHashtagParen
+ \ ,typstHashtagBrace
+ \ ,typstHashtagBracket
+ \ ,typstHashtagDollar
+syntax region typstHashtagParen
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/#(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagBrace
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/#{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typstCode
+syntax region typstHashtagBracket
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/#\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=@typstMarkup
+syntax region typstHashtagDollar
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/#\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
+ \ contains=@typstMath
+" Markup {{{1
+syntax cluster typstMarkup
+ \ contains=@typstCommon
+ \ ,@Spell
+ \ ,@typstHashtag
+ \ ,@typstMarkupText
+ \ ,@typstMarkupParens
+" Markup > Text {{{2
+syntax cluster typstMarkupText
+ \ contains=typstMarkupRawInline
+ \ ,typstMarkupRawBlock
+ \ ,typstMarkupLabel
+ \ ,typstMarkupReference
+ \ ,typstMarkupUrl
+ \ ,typstMarkupHeading
+ \ ,typstMarkupBulletList
+ \ ,typstMarkupEnumList
+ \ ,typstMarkupTermList
+ \ ,typstMarkupBold
+ \ ,typstMarkupItalic
+ \ ,typstMarkupLinebreak
+ \ ,typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace
+ \ ,typstMarkupShy
+ \ ,typstMarkupDash
+ \ ,typstMarkupEllipsis
+" Raw Text
+syntax match typstMarkupRawInline
+ \ /`.\{-}`/
+syntax region typstMarkupRawBlock
+ \ matchgroup=Macro start=/```\w*/
+ \ matchgroup=Macro end=/```/ keepend
+syntax region typstMarkupCodeBlockTypst
+ \ matchgroup=Macro start=/```typst/
+ \ matchgroup=Macro end=/```/ contains=@typstCode keepend
+ \ concealends
+for s:name in get(g:, 'typst_embedded_languages', [])
+ let s:include = ['syntax include'
+ \ ,'@typstEmbedded_'..s:name
+ \ ,'syntax/'..s:name..'.vim']
+ let s:rule = ['syn region'
+ \,s:name
+ \,'matchgroup=Macro'
+ \,'start=/```'..s:name..'\>/ end=/```/'
+ \,'contains=@typstEmbedded_'..s:name
+ \,'keepend'
+ \,'concealends']
+ execute 'silent! ' .. join(s:include, ' ')
+ unlet! b:current_syntax
+ execute join(s:rule, ' ')
+" Label & Reference
+syntax match typstMarkupLabel
+ \ /\v\<\K%(\k*-*)*\>/
+syntax match typstMarkupReference
+ \ /\v\@\K%(\k*-*)*/
+" URL
+syntax match typstMarkupUrl
+ \ #\v\w+://\S*#
+" Heading
+syntax match typstMarkupHeading
+ \ /^\s*\zs=\{1,6}\s.*$/
+ \ contains=typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
+" Lists
+syntax match typstMarkupBulletList
+ \ /\v^\s*-\s+/
+syntax match typstMarkupEnumList
+ \ /\v^\s*(\+|\d+\.)\s+/
+syntax region typstMarkupTermList
+ \ oneline start=/\v^\s*\/\s/ end=/:/
+ \ contains=@typstMarkup
+" Bold & Italic
+syntax match typstMarkupBold
+ \ /\v(\w|\\)@1<!\*\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!\*/
+ \ contains=typstMarkupBoldRegion
+syntax match typstMarkupItalic
+ \ /\v(\w|\\)@1<!_\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!_/
+ \ contains=typstMarkupItalicRegion
+syntax match typstMarkupBoldItalic
+ \ contained
+ \ /\v(\w|\\)@1<![_\*]\S@=.{-}(\n.{-1,})*\S@1<=\\@1<!\2/
+ \ contains=typstMarkupBoldRegion,typstMarkupItalicRegion
+syntax region typstMarkupBoldRegion
+ \ contained
+ \ transparent matchgroup=typstMarkupBold
+ \ start=/\(^\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@<=\*/ end=/\*\($\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@=/
+ \ concealends contains=typstMarkupBoldItalic,typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
+syntax region typstMarkupItalicRegion
+ \ contained
+ \ transparent matchgroup=typstMarkupItalic
+ \ start=/\(^\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@<=_/ end=/_\($\|[^0-9a-zA-Z]\)\@=/
+ \ concealends contains=typstMarkupBoldItalic,typstMarkupLabel,@Spell
+" Linebreak & Special Whitespace
+syntax match typstMarkupLinebreak
+ \ /\\\\/
+syntax match typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace
+ \ /\~/
+syntax match typstMarkupShy
+ \ /-?/
+" Special Symbols
+syntax match typstMarkupDash
+ \ /-\{2,3}/
+syntax match typstMarkupEllipsis
+ \ /\.\.\./
+" Markup > Parens {{{2
+syntax cluster typstMarkupParens
+ \ contains=typstMarkupBracket
+ \ ,typstMarkupDollar
+syntax region typstMarkupBracket
+ \ matchgroup=Noise start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=@typstMarkup
+syntax region typstMarkupDollar
+ \ matchgroup=Special start=/\\\@<!\$/ end=/\\\@<!\$/
+ \ contains=@typstMath
+" Math {{{1
+syntax cluster typstMath
+ \ contains=@typstCommon
+ \ ,@typstHashtag
+ \ ,typstMathIdentifier
+ \ ,typstMathFunction
+ \ ,typstMathNumber
+ \ ,typstMathSymbol
+ \ ,typstMathBold
+ \ ,typstMathScripts
+ \ ,typstMathQuote
+syntax match typstMathIdentifier
+ \ /\a\a\+/
+ \ contained
+syntax match typstMathFunction
+ \ /\a\a\+\ze(/
+ \ contained
+syntax match typstMathNumber
+ \ /\<\d\+\>/
+ \ contained
+syntax region typstMathQuote
+ \ matchgroup=String start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
+ \ contained
+" Math > Linked groups {{{2
+highlight default link typstMathIdentifier Identifier
+highlight default link typstMathFunction Statement
+highlight default link typstMathNumber Number
+highlight default link typstMathSymbol Statement
+" Highlighting {{{1
+" Highlighting > Linked groups {{{2
+highlight default link typstCommentBlock Comment
+highlight default link typstCommentLine Comment
+highlight default link typstCommentTodo Todo
+highlight default link typstCodeConditional Conditional
+highlight default link typstCodeRepeat Repeat
+highlight default link typstCodeKeyword Keyword
+highlight default link typstCodeConstant Constant
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberInteger Number
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberFloat Number
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberLength Number
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberAngle Number
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberRatio Number
+highlight default link typstCodeNumberFraction Number
+highlight default link typstCodeString String
+highlight default link typstCodeLabel Structure
+highlight default link typstCodeStatementWord Statement
+highlight default link typstCodeIdentifier Identifier
+highlight default link typstCodeFieldAccess Identifier
+highlight default link typstCodeFunction Function
+highlight default link typstCodeParen Noise
+highlight default link typstCodeBrace Noise
+highlight default link typstCodeBracket Noise
+highlight default link typstCodeDollar Noise
+" highlight default link typstHashtagControlFlowError Error
+highlight default link typstHashtagConditional Conditional
+highlight default link typstHashtagRepeat Repeat
+highlight default link typstHashtagKeyword Keyword
+highlight default link typstHashtagConstant Constant
+highlight default link typstHashtagStatementWord Statement
+highlight default link typstHashtagIdentifier Identifier
+highlight default link typstHashtagFieldAccess Identifier
+highlight default link typstHashtagFunction Function
+highlight default link typstHashtagParen Noise
+highlight default link typstHashtagBrace Noise
+highlight default link typstHashtagBracket Noise
+highlight default link typstHashtagDollar Noise
+highlight default link typstMarkupRawInline Macro
+highlight default link typstMarkupRawBlock Macro
+highlight default link typstMarkupLabel Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupReference Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupBulletList Structure
+" highlight default link typstMarkupItalicError Error
+" highlight default link typstMarkupBoldError Error
+highlight default link typstMarkupEnumList Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupLinebreak Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupNonbreakingSpace Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupShy Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupDash Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupEllipsis Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupTermList Structure
+highlight default link typstMarkupDollar Noise
+" Highlighting > Custom Styling {{{2
+highlight! Conceal ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
+highlight default typstMarkupHeading term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold
+highlight default typstMarkupUrl term=underline cterm=underline gui=underline
+highlight default typstMarkupBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+highlight default typstMarkupItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
+highlight default typstMarkupBoldItalic term=bold,italic cterm=bold,italic gui=bold,italic
+let b:current_syntax = 'typst'
+" }}}1